Ftv G - How To Teach Ftv Huge Dildo Better Than Anyone Else

by ErwinTapia2712127527 posted Oct 17, 2015


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ftv girl anneFirst let me say that Im not sure if this is where this post should go so Im sorry if this offends anyone. Im by no means new to the world of sex but also by no means have I ever done anything that I thought was story worthy until last night. Im a mtf transitioning ts and Ive had a few boyfriends and even a few girlfriends (I dont discriminate) but its always been pretty vanilla I guess. I dont really have any fetishes although I get that some people would consider my life a fetish too. Anyhoo….my boyfriend, were going to call him Phil, likes to lets say, watch me flirt or turn other people on sometimes. I think he just enjoys the yeah shes going with me aspect of it I dont know. Im sure some of you understand it more than me. Anyway, I enjoy it because it turns him on. I guess thats my fetish – turning people on. So, sometimes well go to a club or a bar, Ill dance with a few guys, have a few drinks and then go home with him. Last night was different though. We were at a local dance club last night and I was coming back from the bathroom when, were going to call him George, stepped in front of me. The Oops, excuse me dance ensued but then his ftv girl squirt hands were on both of my hips and I realized that he was, well, pretty fucking hot. I guess I should say at this point because some of you will care that Im white, Phil is white, George is black. ftv girls mobile I sort of flirted a, which side do you want me on comment meaning how does he want to pass and he said, How about paula ftv the top? We laughed and agreed to meet at the bar instead. I was standing, facing the bar, next to Phil when I felt George push up against me and ftv fiona order a beer. I turned around, laughing and introduced him to Phil, specifically telling him that Phil is my boyfriend and George shook his hand with one hand while sliding his other hand down onto my ass cheek. Phil seemed cool with it and I already knew this was going to be interesting. At this point I already could have literally cum in my panties. I pulled a stool up and sat unto the bar in between the two of them. Georges hand fell onto my thigh under the bar overhang and I spread my legs to let him know that I was okay with that. By the time my drink was in my hand, he had already forced his way up my dress and into my crotch, holding my tuck and I guess making it clear that he was okay with who I am. George has his right hand deep in my panties and his left hand reached up, grabbing the back of my neck, forcing me toward him as he looked up at Phil and then kissed me hard. Again, I could have fucking cum right here and now. Once he broke the kiss with me he looked at Phil again asked where we could go. At this point it gets a little fuzzy because Im drunk and the only thing on my mind if Georges cock. Theres some kind of discussion between them and then Im being led into the back of a car with George. I guess Phil is driving but I dont know this car. George is looking at me and I just bend over, fishing at his pants to undo the button and zipper. Before I even get it out I can already tell that he has a huge cock. I suppose its not porn huge but at probably nine or ten inches and about as thick as a red bull can this is by far the biggest dick Ive ever seen in real life. I slide his boxers down and wrap my lips around his cock….he moans and then starts in with some really dirty talk like, Oh yeah Phil, this bitch is sucking my cock good….shes a whore you got here, etc. It was really demeaning but kinda hot! while on the way to my place he managed to slide my dress up, slide my panties aside and start fingering my ass. Soon were at my place, Phil is unlocking the door and George has his tongue down my throat and his finger in my ass, my ass for all to see while we wait. Phil opens the door, leading us up to the bedroom and George drops himself on the bed while I strip for him….I toss my dress and bra and panties but leave on my nylons and heels as I kneel before George and help him off with his pants. Now that I can see his cock in the light….fuck me. Im scared but want it in me at the same time. Im sucking, stroking, licking and have no idea what comes next. George lets me know….he reaches down and pulls me up on the bed…laying me out in front of him, his large hand grips my throat as I feel his tongue on my nipple, then he next and he bites…..fuck…..his legs are forcing mine apart and his weight pushing me down. He stops for a moment and then sits up, handing me a condom with the obvious purpose of telling me to put it in for him….I do….and grab a lube bottle, being VERY generous…..The gentle moment passes and he pushes me back down….his weight upon me and I can feel the head of his dick on my asshole…..The only thing I can really do is spread my legs wider and wrap my heels around his back as he pushes into me. Amazing….Ive never been fucked like this in my life. George really pounded me but also knows how to, touch, feel, screw, kiss. It was fucking amazing. I looked over and Phil was buck naked, jerking his cock like theres no tomorrow while standing next to the bed and watching us. Geez I think that actually made it hotter for me…. George and I fucked every way you would imagine and finally, while I was riding him, he tossed me off, pushed me to the floor, pulled off his condom and came on my face. Phil came over and came on my face a moment later. I havent even cum yet but Phil had my massager in his hand a moment later and pushing it to the head of my cock as I screamed and came all over myself. Ridiculous right? So much cum. We all collapsed on my bed and feel asleep, me sort of passed out I think because I was so fucking drunk but I had George on one side and Phil on the other and….AWESOME! I have no idea what time we feel asleep or what time George woke up but at some point I felt hands on my ass, spreading my legs and cheeks apart and then understood it was George as his forced his thick cock into me. I think I struggled a little but while waking up and figuring out what was going on but, Im laying face down, his weight fully upon me and him spreading me wide….his left arm pulls both of my arms up high, gripping my wrists and his right squeezes my throat while he fucking pounds me like a machine gun and then I suddenly realize that hes not wearing a condom as his cum shoots into my ass. I am literally moaning and Im sure making a giant fucking wet spot as Georges cock slides out of my ass, his cum behind it and I feel my hands being grabbed by Phil….he slides some fuzzy handcuffs on my hands across the head board and then feel his cock slide into me. He fucked me and then also came in my ass and, my first and second time having sex without a condom….. George left while Phil and I were having sex and Phil is going to help me with my car in a few hours. Now Im just sitting here, still feeling cum dripping from my bottom, a little unsure about the world but thinking that last night was fun! durtygurl4you
