Hottest Ftv Girl - Omg! The Best Free Ftv Pics Ever!

by ArtCatalano273943084 posted Oct 17, 2015


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ftv girls 2009He had no idea I had been tracking his movements. It wasn’t difficult; I just triangulated his location based on the cell towers being accessed by his phone. From there, it was all about knowing where he might be looking for trouble. I stepped into the small bar, taking care to walk softly and prevent the loud click of my stiletto heels. His sandy, curly locks gave him away instantly. He was alone at the bar, facing away from me. I stealthily glided up behind him and paused. I let the scent of my perfume settle around him and, before be could turn to find the source of the aroma, my hands covered his eyes. He tensed, then relaxed when my lips grazed his ear. "Guess who," I whispered, lingering there. He remained silent but swiveled on the bar stool to face me. "What are you doing here?" He looked confused and laughed nervously. "I’m here for you, of course." I smiled and winked at him and he couldn’t help bit bite his lip. He looked around, presumably for my husband. "It's just me." I shook my head, laughing. "Relax." I stepped to the bar and ordered two Royal Fucks. In no time, the two small shot glasses were in front of me. "Finish your beer," I encouraged him. I downed one shot and then the other, reaching my hand between his legs and squeezing while he gulped down the last of his drink. I laid a twenty dollar bill on the bar and mouthed a "thanks" to the bartender. I grabbed his hand and led him toward the door. He tried to grab my ass as we exited, and I spun around and pinned him to the brick building, my hand gripping his shirt collar and my knee dangerously close to his crotch. He threw up his hands and stood still. "Whoa, okay! Sorry!" He laughed, but soon learned it wasn’t a joke when my knee began to press against his balls, nearly pinning them to the wall as well. He winced. "Okay," he gulped. I eased off and turned to walk toward my car. When I noticed he wasn’t following, I waved him over, annoyed. "Come on, I’m not gonna bite," I teased. "I don’t believe that," he laughed, finally approaching my car. He slid into the passenger seat, and as I slid into the driver’s seat and put the key in the ignition, I turned sweet, like pure sugar. "Seatbelts, " I said, a kind smile on my face. I patted his leg when he had his seatbelt fastened. "Good boy." He didn’t dare try to touch me on the drive, but I did notice when he’d steal a glance at my chest every now and again or let his eyes wander to my lap. We made small talk, chatting about what we’d been doing over the past few months and how our jobs were going. Finally, he broke through the chitchat. "Really, how did you know where I was?" I scoffed. "My husband is a computer technician and I work in IT. Ever seen the show Scandal? No one is that difficult to find. I want you, so I’ve come to take what I want." "That’s pretty daring, Sugar Tits," he laughed. Those stupid nicknames he liked to give me wouldn’t go over well this time around. He’d pay for that one later. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and focused my eyes on the road. "So…" he tried to steer the conversation. "Where are we headed?" "The first good place I can find to fuck you." I kept my eyes on the road. I sensed his surprise at my bold statement; ftv zeba he was used to my sweet side. I looked over now, because he was adjusting himself through his jeans. I knew it wouldn't take much to get him hard for me. I smiled with satisfaction. I finally slowed the car and signaled for a left turn. I pulled onto a dirt road and continued until we came across a thick grove of trees—not always easy to find where we’re from—and then turned onto a rough trail. After winding around the trees, a small clearing next to a crumbled foundation became visible. We shouldn’t be bothered here. I put the car in park, unfastened my seatbelt and turned off the engine. "Stay," I commanded with a wink. I popped the trunk and opened a small wooden chest I used as a toy box. I pulled out two industrial zip ties and walked around to the front of the car. Through the windshield, I motioned with a finger for him to come to me. I saw him take a deep breath before unfastening his seatbelt and sliding out of his seat. He approached me cautiously. "Pants off," I demanded. He didn’t break eye contact while he unbuttoned, unzipped, and finally slid his jeans down to his ankles. "All the way." He carefully took off his shoes one by one, pulling his jeans off each leg and trying not to step on the gravel in his socks. He handed the pile of denim to me and I tossed it through the window of the car. "Now the shirt." He crossed his arms and lifted the shirt over his head and handed it to me. I tossed it into the car. I grabbed his shoulders and softly guided him to face the hood of the car, then I kicked his feet apart and pushed his upper half down, pinning his face to the warm, dirty metal. I pulled his arms back and quickly zip tied his hands together. I stepped to the nearest tree and pulled a flexible branch from a low limb, stripping it of its leaves as I walked back to him. I ran the end across his bare skin and watched as goosebumps raised on his arms. Then, I drew back and in the blink of an eye, whipped a fast-developing welt onto the back of his thighs. He sucked in air and twitched. Next, I made my mark on his back. "Fuck!" he exclaimed in pain. I drew back and before the branch touched his cheek, I stopped, just centimeters from his skin. "Watch your language." I slid my hand up his back and neck to his hair and grabbed a fistful ftv girls list to pull him back to his feet. I turned him and pushed him backward onto the hood once more, this time so I had access to what I really wanted. "Why don’t you suck me dry?" He thought he still had some power. I laughed and grabbed his dick through his boxers. "No. I’m going to suck your cock until you’re right there on the edge, ready to fill my mouth. Then, I’m going to stop. I’m going to make your balls ache so badly that you beg me to let you cum." I walked back to the trunk and pulled a small knife from the chest. I flipped it open as I approached him once more, and ran it down his ribs, lightly enough to only leave a scratch. He seemed genuinely frightened now, but he didn’t say a word. With a quick motion, I split the waistband of his boxers and then cut through the rest of the fabric on both sides, pulling it away and leaving him totally exposed. I tossed them into the trees. I stood back, just admiring the thick cock I had been craving. He wasn’t fully erect, but that wouldn’t last long. I tossed the knife aside and held onto either side of the hood and leaned in, using only my mouth to touch and tease him. His soft sighs were enough to let me know he was holding back. I kept teasing, determined not to lose my resolve. Finally, he spoke up. "God, would you just fuck me already?" I grabbed his balls with one hand, rate ftv girls squeezing just a bit too tightly, and grabbed his neck with the other. "Is that what you want? Beg me for my pussy." I bit my lip. He looked a little embarrassed; I don’t think he ever expected me to dominate him this way. "Do it, bitch!" I stood on his feet, my stilettos digging into his shoes. "I want you! I want that pretty little cunt. Please?" He begged, in obvious pain. I stepped down, pulled the other zip tie from my pocket and in a smooth motion, fashioned a quick cock ring around the base of his swollen shaft. He winced, but also laughed. I wrapped ftv my hand around his cock and urged him to lean up off the car. I found the knife and split the tie from his wrists. He wrung them, examining the red marks, but then grabbed my waist and turned me, quickly, pushing me back on the car. He soon found I had no panties under my silky black skirt, and immediately knelt for a taste. He came up with a mouthful of my juices and pressed his tongue into my mouth, kissing me with a ferocity I’d never seen as he shoved his cock deep inside my dripping pussy. A scream escaped my lips and my nails were immediately raking across his muscular back. "Fuck me harder! Make me cum!" I demanded. He pumped harder and I lifted my legs to wrap them around him. He was rough with me. Fierce. Deliberate. And I was about to cum. I dug my nails deeper into his skin and pulled him as close to me as possible. Soon I was screaming, laughing hysterically while my whole body convulsed. His hands squeezed my bouncing tits and he concentrated hard on experiencing every bit of my body. "Give me your cum. Now!" I ordered, still not coming down from the high. He didn’t hesitate. He had been holding back for sometime, so when I said the word, he finally released. He half-collapsed on me as he shot an excessive amount of hot sticky cum as deep inside me as he could manage. He grunted and continued to pump through a very long orgasm, my own pleasure still coming in waves. When both of us caught enough breath to move, he stepped back, pulling his still swollen cock out of me, pulling strings of cum with it. "Soften up and I’ll take that zip tie off." I winked at him. "Now lick me clean and we’ll go get another drink to wash it down." NotSoSecretly comment
