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mpl amelie

The days passed and so did the weeks. I did not hear from Kylie. It seemed she could even deny me the humiliation of begging her to play with me. Until today.

"Dan, honey, could you set the table please?" my mother asked. It was more of an instruction than a request. "Sure. How many will be eating?" I replied. "Didn't I tell you about today?" She stared at me in confusion. Thinking it was a rhetorical question, I waited for her to explain. But no explanation followed. "What? What about today?" I asked frustrated. "Well, your sister is visiting from college over the weekend. She's coming today." "So we're three then?" "Oh, and your aunt is coming as well." My heart started racing. She was coming. Why hadn't she told me? I stood still, looking like a fool, filling my head with fantasies. Luckily I realized this before mom did. "Oh, so it's the four of us then?" I asked her. She nodded in response. I took out four plates, four glasses and four sets of cutlery. In the livingroom I cleared the table and set the plates down, then the glasses and finally the cutlary. After the table was set I placed a napkin on each plate. Mom was cooking chicken in the kitchen, one of her favorite dishes. The smell filled the small apartment and teased my appetite. "Can you get the door please?" Mom shouted from the kitchen. Apparently someone had knocked on the door without me hearing it. I rushed out to the hall and pressed myself against the door. It opened with a loud squeak. Outside the door stood my sister. A tall, blonde, beautiful girl. Since she had been away to college, I hardly ever saw her. So for everytime I did see her I was always amazed by how she had changed from the last time I had seen her. She was no longer the nerdy girl I used to play with when I was a kid. I couldn't help but to check her out, it was instinct. My eyes followed her long blonde hair down her chest, over her big breasts, down her stomach to her jeansshort that hardly covered her lean, shaved legs. This is my sister! I snapped out of it. "Hey Emma." I pretended as if nothing had happened, looked up at her and smiled. "Hey Dan!" She smiled wide and embraced me with open arms. We hugged briefly before she entered the apartment and closed the door behind her. "Is mom cooking the same old chicken dinner?" Emma said with a grin. "You bet." I replied. We sat down by the table, in wait for out food, and talked about all kinds of things. She told me about college and I told her about how uneventful my life was. It felt like we could talk about anything. Well. Not anything. Not Kylie.

Mom entered the room with a big frying pan filled with chicken strips. She put it down on the table and looked at her wristwatch. "Hmm, Kylie should be here by now." she exclaimed, as if to herself. "Should we wait for her?" Emma asked. "No, she's probably caught up in her job as usual." mom replied. I wanted to weight in on the decision but I was to afraid to reveal my true intentions. I didn't want to seem to eager for Kylie to come, but at the same time I wanted to wait until she got here. "Let's just eat." mom finally decided. That was that then. I had so high hopes. It's silly really, that she had so much power of him without even being present. We started eating. There was chicken, mashed potate and a wonderful sallad. Hungry as ever I filled my plate with food. But before I had taken my first bite the door opened. I could hear footsteps in the hall. As I looked up, I saw her. There she was. Once more my heart started racing. I felt as if the world around me shrunk and all that mattered was that she was here. Unable to bring myself to eat, I just watched as Kylie sat down at the table, opposite me.

"Sorry I'm late." She said with a soft, gentle voice that was completely different from last time. "I got caught up in work." "Well it's nice that you're here." mom replied. "Hey aunt Kylie." Emma exclaimed. "Oh hey Emma!" Kylie shouted as if she hadn't noticed her before "It's so good to see you!" "You too Kylie." "Wow! You look so different from last time I saw you." Kylie started checking her out. "Look at your beautiful hair and your skin looks so good. I bet the boys are all over you, huh?" "Haha, you'd think so." Emma replied. The two of them laughed as if that was their inside joke. As if they knew more than the rest of us. Maybe Emma didn't want to reveal to much infront of mom. Kylie sat down, made herself comfortable and put some food on her plate. I raised my fork to my mouth and tried to eat. It was so hard. My entire body was focused on something entirely different. I felt a soft touch running up my right foot, then up my lower mpl masha leg and all the way to my crotch. Discretly, I glanced down and saw Kylies foot resting on my crotch, pressed against layers of fabric and ultimately my dick. She started moving her foot in small circles. "Hey Dan." she said. Her tone of voice threw me off. It didn't match her actions at all. Where I was afraid of revealing my true intensions, she was indifferent, masterful. She was able to do one thing and keep up the appearance of another, simultaneously. This surprised my and I had to swallow hard. "Hey K-Kylie." Damn it! Stop stuttering or they will notice. But they hadn't. "How is my favorite nephew?" Kylie continued. She started pressing harder and harder onto my dick. In return, it grew bigger and bigger, harder and harder, pressing back on its own. "I'm great." I replied, trying to keep it short and concise.

This continued throughout the dinner. Mom, my sister and my aunt talked about everything under the sky. Every now and then Kylie would ask for my input and just as I was about to speak she would start playing with her foot. It never left my crotch. After what seemed like a lifetime, dinner was over. Kylie was the first to get up. She offered to take everyones plate and start the washing up. Mom and Emma happily let her and I had no say in the matter. After Kylie had left the room, mom gave me a stern look. 'Fuck! She knows!' I though to myself. "Go help her Dan!" she finally say. Maybe she didn't know after all. I got up, took a few things with me and headed to the kitchen. On the way to the kitchen I passed through the hall and glanced to my right. By the door was a large bag. Much larger than a handbag. I didn't remember if it was something that Emma had brought or if it belonged to Kylie. Then I decided it didn't matter and continued to the kitchen.

I dropped off the frying pan and the glasses on the counter. Kylie had already started washing the plates. Her hands were wet. Her forearms were wet. A few drop had even made their way up to her chest and were sliding down her cleavage. "Can you turn the heat up?" Kylie asked and nodded toward the tap infront of her. I stood to her right and tried to reach it, but she was blocking me. So I stood behind her and reached around her. With my arms on either side of her I reached for the tap. Unable to do so I had to press myself against her. My jeans rubbed against her soft skirt. I could feel my dick pushing against the ass. I finally reached the tap and turned it slightly to the left, making the water warmer. Kylie turned her head and whispered in my ear. This time there wasn't even a shred of innocence in her voice. "You do not let go of the tap until I say so!" I felt my heart skip a beat. What if mom or Emma came into the kitchen and found me like this, rubbing up against my aunt. Kylie continued to wash the plates. She cleaned them by moving her hand in a circular motion around the rim of the plate and then around the center. As she was doing this, she started moving her hips the same way. Her ass rubbed against my waist and my legs, and then in a smaller circle focusing on my crotch. Finally she turned around, with some effort, and looked me deep in the eyes. "Good boy." I spent most of my day in my room, trying to avoid anyone. I had waited so long to see Kylie again. But not like this. Not when my whole family was around. It was still only seven o'clock in the evening. I would have to wait atleast a few hours before me and Kylie could play alone. Or maybe we could go somewhere. Maybe I could convince her to take me to her place. Excited and hopeful I left my room. The livingroom was empty save for a note on the table. "Gone shopping -Mom" it said. This fairly common. But where were Emma and Kylie? Maybe they had gone with her. I looked in the hall, in the kitchen and even the bathroom, but found no one. Then I heard something. A faint panting. Like someone who was trying to hide after running. I gently pushed open the door to the guestroom and quietly stepped inside. On all four on the floor was Kylie, wearing a tank top and pyjamashorts. But under her, under her was my sister, naked and exposed. Naked except for a black silk blindfold. She was the source of the panting. She held one hand on Kylies back and the other was furiously working away between her legs. Her blonde hair formed a glowing sea under her head. Kylie leaned down and kissed her on the lips, then on the cheek, then on her neck. She worked her way down to her right nipple and started playing with it in her mouth. I was transfixed. I couldn't move, and I didn't want to. Suddenly, Kylie raised her head and looked straight at me. My heart stopped and I felt my whole body turn to ice. In an instant I realized the implications of what was going on. But Kylie simply smiled wide. She smiled at me. My aunt was fucking my sister and she just smiled at me? My dick instantly got rock hard and started throbbing in its confinement. Kylie raised her hand and put her inderfinger in front of her mouth, gesturing for me to be quiet. I gently backed away, trying my best not to make any noise. What was going on? What mpl studio this really happening? I walked to my room, trying to make sense of the situation. Should I be worried? Should I tell someone? This is wrong. Or is it? It is! It is wrong! But somehow, all I want is to join them. I started the computer and put some music on. Music always had a way of distracting me. Song after song was played. The minutes passed. Then the hours passed.

By midnight it was pitch black outside. The apartment was quiet. Mom was sleeping, Emma was probably sleeping, Kylie would probably be sleeping as well. But I was not sleeping. I couldn't. What I had witnessed would simply not be ignored. What did I really feel about it? The raging boner in my pants answered the question for me. I loved it. The music didn't help much. I played it at full volume with my headphones on. Suddenly I felt a hand on my should. It made me jump. I took my headphones off and turned around. "It's your turn." Kylie said in her demanding, powerful tone of voice. I said nothing, I just followed her. After leading me out to the livingroom, she sat down in the couch and looked up at me. "Ready to be a good boy?" she asked. I felt a kamilla 18 nude wave of pleasure wash over me as she uttered those words. "Yes ma'am." I replied. "Go on then. Strip for me." "But…" I started. She looked at me displeased. With her eyes alone she could quiet me. "Strip!" I unbuttoned by jeans and pulled them down my legs, over my kness and let them fall to the floor. I took my tshirt off as I stepped out of the jeans. Both my hands grabbed my boxers and pulled them down in a fell swoop. I was now standing naked in front of Kylie. "Come here." she demanded. I walked over to her. She pointed to the floor and I kneeled. As she spread her legs I could see her pussy under her shirt. She wasn't wearing any panties. "Go on. Feel it." I extended my right hand. It travelled along her right thigh, gently caressing it. I felt a warm, wet juice as I reached her pussy. With my hand by her pussy, I extended my index finger and let it slide inside her. Kylie decided that was enough and pulled by hand away. But my finger was already soaking wet. She held me by the wrist, raised my hand to her face and sucked my finger dry. "Would you like to fuck that?" she asked and grabbed my dick. I nodded. "What's that?" "Yes Kylie I would love to." "Good boy." She smiled as she felt my dick throb in her hand when she spoke those words. "Get up." I stood up. "Turn around. I obeyed. The room went black as my eyes were covered by a red fabric. It was a silk blindfold. But clearly not the same one I had seen before. Kylie took my hand and lead me somewhere. I followed blindly, litteraly. We passed through a doorway and into another room. "Get up." I heard her whisper. I raised my knee and found a soft surface to rest it against. My other knee followed and I was soon kneeling on a matress. This must be my bed. I felt Kylies warmth next to my face and her breath against my cheek. "Are you ready to fuck my pussy?" Was this really going to happen? Just the thought of her pussy drove me crazy. I could climax just by thinking about it. I nodded in response to her question. Kylie adjusted my knees, moving me into position. She grabbed my dick, gave it a few strokes and then guided it into place. I could feel the same warm, wet sensation as before, but this time it was ten times more intense. The warmth embraced the head of by dick as I slid further and further. Soon it had embraced my entire member. At first I felt lost, uncertain. But the Kylie said softly: "Fuck me!" It drove me crazy. I started thrusting in and out, in and out faster and harder. My thrusts were met with moans and panting. She sounded different when she was moaning and it made me ever more excited. I soon find it all to much to handle. Subconsciously, I bit my lower lip as I felt the waves of pleasure intensifying. Kylie noticed this. "Stop! Pull out." I obeyed, frustrated but obedient. "You didn't think you would be allowed to cum in my pussy did you?" I shook my head. "Lucky for you, I want you to do it somewhere even better." Her mouth? On her tits? I wasn't sure what she was taking about. I could hear her spit and soon I felt a cold, sticky hand around my dick. She lubed it up with her saliva. Then she guided it into place once more, but this time lower. A pair of legs landed against my shoulders and I grabbed onto them. My dick reached its destination, but this time it was only warm and not wet. It was also a lot tighter. Could it be? It must be. I was pushing my dick into her ass. Kylies saliva helped, but not much. I heard moaning and panting as I pressed myself into her. My entire dick was burried in her ass. Once again I started thrusting into her. She was really loud this time. Half screaming, half moaning, she kept in sync with my thrusts. I was so close. "Are you going to cum in me?" Kylie asked. Her encouragement drove me mad. I was seeing red, and not only because of the blindfold. "Are you going to be a good boy?" I took a firmer grip of her legs and used my entire weight to push my dick into her ass. "I'm gonna cum!" I shouted. Kylie ripped the blindfold off of my eyes. At first I could only see blinding white light. But then, as my eyes got used to the light, I saw the room, I saw Kylie. She was kneeling on the opposite end of the bed, playing with herself. But she was quiet. I looked down. Before me was my sister. Her blonde hair was spread all over the bed. Her tits were swaying in sync with my thrusts. She had a big ballgag in her mouth but was still able to moan and pant louder than anything I had ever heard. I was holder her legs against my chest and fucking her in the ass. "Go on! Be a good boy for me." I looked down at my sister and she looked back at me. She was nodding. I looked her in the eyes as I let myself explode inside her. My dick took on a life of its own. String after string of hot cum started shooting out of it and into her ass. My sisters eyes rolled back as she felt me cum inside her. She was cumming with me. Her body started shaking violently and her anus cramped around my dick. It was as if it was trying to squeeze every last bit of cum out of me.

When Kylie thought I had server my purpose she took me by the hand and dragged me away. She lead me to my room told me to remain their until I was needed again. Just before she closed my door, she turned around and looked at me and said: "Now it's my turn."

submitted by MrGurken [link] [1 comment]

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