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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

karup girlsDear reddit, This series of events took place a number of years ago but still puts a grin on my face (and a bulge in my pants) now whenever I think on it. I was 23 and had returned to college to do a one year postgraduate degree. Lots of hard study and little luck with meeting willing women on my course meant I was deep into a dry spell. Oh well, I thought, just keep your head down, finish the degree and jerk off as required. The dry spell was to end abruptly when Sophie entered my life. Sophie was a sexy, slim, petite 42 year old friend of one our female professors. Shed tagged along to one of the college departments evening mixers-cum-informal talks. I fell into conversation with her and she pretty much immediately started flirting with me. Touching my arm, standing a bit too close to me and finding my jokes about the bad wine (OK free wine, but thats not the point) being served much funnier than they really were, etc. I was rather taken by surprise by this unexpected attention but not so much that I did not start flirting back. I was realising that I kinda preferred older women at that point in my life and she had a great smile and dirty laugh. I was, as the kids say, down. We were all due to go into an adjoining lecture theatre to hear the second of two talks that evening (something to do with ice sheets – I dont recall exactly). As we went she asked if she could sit with me as her friend, the prof, had seemingly left her on her own. "No problem" I said and soon we were sat near the back of the darkened room. The theatre had old style wooden bench seats – this being a venerable old University building – and despite there being plenty of room along the bench she sat right next to me, her thigh against mine. She had on a simple black skirt and white blouse and I remember she smelt terrific. Whatever that perfume cost it was worth it. As soon as she sat down so close to me Id felt my cock stiffen a bit. However when she first leant into me and whispered in my ear, some comment about the guy delivering the talk I think, her lips actually made brushing contact with my earlobe. This happens to be a thing for me (ladies kissing, stroking or otherwise touching my ears). That was it – full, teak hard, erection alert! Im not going to win any awards for length but I am very thick and with the suit trousers I was wearing that night and, even in the darkened theatre, it was going to be difficult to not notice that Id just pitched a tent. I looked around nervously but there was noone behind us or really close enough to see my shame. I risked a glance at Sophie and she was looking right at my crotch. Fuck! I thought. Not cool man, not cool. You just got the karupsha galleries mother of all stiffies in front of this nice lady who is probably only flirting because shes had a few glasses of cheap red wine on an empty stomach. I look at her again and this time shes looking me in the eyes and grinning quite wickedly. My head snaps back to the front and I focus very hard on what the speaker is telling us all about the geology of Svalbard, or whatever the fuck, hoping things will calm down in the trouser department. Sophie had other ideas though. About 30 long seconds go by and she leans in again to whisper in karup tgp my ear, you seem to be really enjoying this lecture. This makes me stifle a laugh which is followed sharp intake of breath as Sophie puts her hand on my thigh. As my karups 150 shlong is pointing towards her she is able to use two fingers to just brush the tip of my cock though the fabric. This she does and proceeds to slowly massage me right where Im most sensitive, just below the head. "Fantastic!" I hear you cry – "lucky fella!", you exclaim! Well yes, I admit, this felt great but a) it wasnt doing anything to make the erection subside and b) actually it would make my erection subside but only because Id jizzed in my pants. In a crowded theatre. Surrounded by my academic peers and professors. Smashing. Would I have really cum there and then? I think so yes – I was getting pretty close. In my defence I was rather pent up at the time and had been neglecting my mastrubation duties so she caught me when I was most vulnerable! As things went I was spared the awkwardness of shooting my muck in public. Sophie stopped stroking me after a few minutes and just left her hand resting on the end of my cock for the remainder of the talk applying just a gentle pressure. This had the effect of keeping me hard of course and, as the speaker wrapped things free amateur pictures up and began to take questions, I started to worry how Id be able to walk out of there when the lights came back on without everyone seeing my state of arousal. I had no coat with me to hold in front, no bag or even a notepad to hide my shame. The lights came on. Sophie removed her hand, I awkwardly crossed my legs in an effort to conceal things from people filing out of the room. Sophie then waves to her friend, my professor, and she comes over to us. Oh great. We chat about the talk bit and Sophie declares that she found the the topic very stimulating. This comment gets a funny look from the prof and I start to get the impression that she knows her friend Sophie has been up to something. It becomes apparent that the prof is Sophies ride home and Im rapidly running out of reasons to still be sat down. Thankfully the prof tells Sophie that amateur pics galleries she just needs to grab something from her office and shell meet her out front and departs. Sophie stands up and Im starting to stand, accepting my fate, when she hands me her coat asking if Id hold it for her while she looks for something in her handbag. Bless her kind soul – now I have a shield and can safely accompany her out into the night. Once out front she takes her coat from me looking meaningfully down at what is still a sizable bulge. It was nice to meet you she says and hands me a bit of paper. Its a business card and I hurriedly take it. She apologises but says she needs to get an early night but all her contact details are on the card and to drop her a line soon if I wanted to hear more about glaciers/ice shelves or whatever we had just sat through. ‘Glaciers’. Right. Gottcha. I scuttled off into the night and had a furious wank as soon as I got behind the front door. Literally, right in the entranceway and all over the junk mail on the mat! So, now that I had this intriguing womans details held in my grubby, horney, student hands did I contact her? You’re damn tooting I did. Thats it for part 1. If all you lovely people want more do let me know and Ill start on part 2. spoiler alert Fucking ensues. tl;dr – In college, MILF I just met 30 mins before nearly makes my cum in my pants in public then gives me her number. Edit – added tl;dr. sexydaysthrowaway [2 comments]

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