Girls Shaving Their Pussies - Choosing Good Solo Pussy Pics

by TravisMennell741 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This girl was irresistible. Insatiable. She wanted me. Just this morning, her smirk had reduced my fumbling attempts to relate to her as a father into a breathless wreckage of embarrassment. Those same lips were now wrapped around my dick, and despite my bewildered silence, they were drawing the shame of that morning out of me. I was pinned, helpless beneath her eagerness, paralyzed by her willingness. My hands fluttered at my sides, brushing against my hips, clasping behind my back. I wove my fingers through her hair, luxuriating in the heat that radiated from her whole body. Her head bobbed enthusiastically between my legs, and another wave of shame welled up in the pit of my stomach as I remembered patting her on the head in patronizing approval only three days ago. It was quickly replaced with the annihilating heat that always happened before I came. I let the fire fill my body, and her tongue rolled against the base of my cock. Her eyes met mine with the same impishness she'd unleashed on me that morning. Half of the muscles in my arms refused to cooperate as I pushed Kayleigh's head away from me. She strained against my grasp, pushing her head towards me, straining to once again wrap her lips around me. "I've been wanting this too." The words came out of me unbidden, more unstoppable than even the orgasm I had denied myself. The tip of her tongue slipped from her mouth like a soft pink welcome mat, and fingers still knotted against her scalp, I pulled her face up to meet mine. We kissed. We shouldn't have. Her body was sweet, melting dirty pussy pics into mine. Her lips, like velvet, brushed my own. Her breath, hot and wet and mysterious like jungle mist, pulled my mouth to hers. My hands caressed her body as my eyes had done so many times before. I ran my fingers down her spine, and the callouses on my fingers whispered against the satin skin of her back. I looked away miley cyrus pussy pic for a moment, but when I turned back to her I cracked my chin on the top of her head and the idyllic moment was shattered. I shoved her to the bed and taking her third smirk of the day as a challenge, let the full weight of my body push my cock straight up her puckered asshole. My weight drove her body into the mattress, and I mashed her face into the pillow as I took my adult frustrations out on her tender teenaged ass. Heeled footsteps clacked tenuously up the hardwood stairs that led to my stepdaughter's room. Kayleigh's passionate porcine grunts might not have made it through the floor, but the repetitive thump of her headboard against the wall certainly had. Her mother was coming. I pulled her head out of her bedding and wrenched her around to face the door, my shit-spotted cock still pulverizing her from behind. Just in time. The shock on her mother's face gave way to fury as she realized what was going on. She trotted over to me in the heels I always hated, her face blotched with anger, but before she could protest anything my hand was clenched tight around her throat. Her fists fluttered like light-drunk moths against my face, but she was unable to regain her balance on those street-walker heels she always wears, so I pushed her head down to struggle against her daughter's back. Her eyes bugged out of her head, but I couldn't tell if it was because of the lack of air or her inability to tear her gaze away from my still pumping passion-rod ravaging her daughter's backup cock-socket. Kayleigh shuddered beneath me and her asshole clenched as she succumbed unwillingly to an orgasm. Her humiliated blush spread down the back of her neck as her legs jerked and she came again. Her mother opened her mouth in protest but I immediately crammed it full of my butt-tainted beefstick. I turned the back of that bitch's throat into my own personal slop sock until her puke washed her daughter's turd tracks off my cock. It squelched when I pulled it out of her mouth, and I let go of her daughter's hair for long enough to punch Theresa in the face for making a mess. Her nose was bloody when I slammed my clam-spattering battering ram back down her neck. Her eyes finally rolled back into her head as she succumbed to unconsciousness. My cum was thunderous. It filled Theresa's cheeks and spilled from her lips like babyfood out of the mouth of a particularly picky infant. More footsteps tromped up the stairs, this time more than could be explained by the presence of just one person. Theresa's cellphone clattered against the floorboards as it slipped from her limp fingers, the numbers 9-1-1 blinking on the call ended screen. Two men in blue uniforms burst into the room, guns drawn. A yellow tide welled up within me, gathering in my groin. I groaned with release as I let it flow from me, soaking my nubile young stepdaughter with piss. Her mother started to softly weep, and I directed the stream of urine her way, drenching her face. It mixed with the blood from her nose and pooled, orange, in Kayleigh's white bedsheets. "What the FUCK?! Freeze!" The cop shouted, but I payed him no mind. Kayleigh began to squirm beneath the weight of her mother's body, and I jammed my fist up her little cunt to keep her quiet. "Relax officer, we're just practicing." Kayleigh was grinding up against my hand, pushing her juvenile juicebox up past my wrist, moaning with unbridled pleasure. The police officers stood motionless, at a loss, and were forced to look to me for answers. "Practicing?!", one finally exclaimed, his skepticism introducing his eyebrows to his hairline. "This isn't just an act. People are hurt!" I smiled. Finally somebody agreed with me. "No sir, it isn't just an act. I call this..." I paused, and licked my lips. Specks of blood and piss tripped on my tongue like flecks of salt on a pretzel. "I call this... The Aristocrats" SQU1DFACE [1 comment]
