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*For those of you already unbuckled and ready for action, you may want to either stow things away if you're in for the long haul, or skip ahead to the "Sexy Times Here" part.
Let me preface this story by saying that I'm no golden-haired Adonis with a head full of lines to woo women or a ponderously low-hanging slong of slaying. I'm actually somewhat overweight, to tell the truth. Not "gasp-and-wheeze-at-the-thought-of-exercise overweight", but heavy. Also, despite this retelling of my experiences, I'm not what you'd call lucky with women. But this story is truth, for what it's worth, and proof that even a chunky squirrel might find a nut every now and again.
That being said, however, I'm not without my good qualities. I stand at just shy of six feet tall, have broad shoulders from a childhood of hard work, a head of thick sandy-blond hair, and dark blue eyes that some have described as "striking." I'm easy going, reasonably intelligent, and while not chiseled from marble, my face is considered to be attractive.
But enough about me. You'd probably like to know about her. She, I met in grade school. I honestly don't remember much about her from back then, aside from a memory of a girl with a riot of curly brown hair turned backwards in her seat, listening as I read lorena g model aloud to the class, and a vague sense that her family was firmly religious. I lost contact with her after that, and didn't meet her again for many years. In fact, our meeting was purely coincidence.
I walked into the coffee shop, tired from a night's work, ready to down half of a sugary-sweet coffee confection and pass out at home.
"Hi, and welcome to (corporation name redacted), what would you like today?" I barely spared the barista a glance, blearily mumbling "Uh, a medium (sugary-sweet coffee confection), please."
"Sure, we'll get right on that, would you like to..." she trailed off, squinting at my face. "Excuse me, but is your name (Astrapi75)?"
I blinked, suddenly more awake, and answered clearly "Uhm, yeah, why?"
"Did you go to go to (somewhat private school) and take (deeply specific class)???"
Now fully awake, I looked closely viv thomas forum at her, wondering how she knew me. She DID look somewhat familiar.
"Yeah, I took that class. Who are...?" I asked, still trying to place her name.
"I'm Amy!" She said, her face alight with a smile. "You were the best writer I'd ever heard back then. I used to love it when you brought stories in to read. How have you been?!"
Not used to having my ego stroked so early in the morning, and still slightly dazed from being recognized by someone I hadn't seen in a dozen or so years, I gave her a once-over before answering.
The curly brown hair had straightened by some miracle of either time or a stylist's. Her pretty blue eyes peered at me excitedly from behind some business-casual glasses, and her smile was radiant, her face made beautiful since I'd last seen her. She stands at about 5' 9", and her body was...well, from what I could tell at the time, just what I liked. Curvy, with breasts in the range of a D-cup straining at the modest work uniform, and hips that flared out from her firm-looking core. She lives in some sort of delightful twilight between voluptuous and athletic, softness yielding to muscle in ways that draw the eye and keep it, captured by her form.
I managed to tear my eyes from her body and meet her eyes sheepishly. She didn't seem to notice, and we exchanged small talk for awhile as a line amassed behind me. When I finally left, she'd promised to find me on Facebook (I know.) I eagerly awaited her friend request and was only deeply disappointed when I read her profile. "Relationship status-In a relationship" After that we exchanged messages every now and again, me inviting her and her boyfriend to a couple events. Nothing ever panned out, and we eventually lost touch again.
Another year later, I got a text out of the blue from her. Exciting right? We chatted for awhile, and eventually set up a day for us to hang out. I cleaned my house, just in case. I showered, shaved, and generally tried to look my best. (Side note: Boys and girls, if you think there's a chance you'll be dipping your fingers in her honeypot, cut your damn fingernails. She doesn't use teeth when she sucks your dick, you cut your nails. For the same reason.)
We met up at my house, and I took her to a local state park for a walk. It was early summer, and late afternoon, lazy clouds chasing each other across the sky. We talked of small things, exchanging furtive smiles and accidental brushes that lasted just slightly longer than was absolutely necessary. We stopped at a small cove and slipped our shoes off, still talking as we buried our feet in the warm sand. She had cut her hair shorter since the last time I'd seen her, and added a streak of blue that complemented her look perfectly. She'd lost a bit of weight, and was lamenting that she might go down a cup size. I'm not great with women, but the vibe was palpable, an uncertain heat growing between us. I probably should have kissed her then, but my courage failed me.
We made our way back to the car, holding our shoes, the "accidental" brushes more frequent now. We drove back to my apartment for dinner and a movie. I threw together some chicken and asparagus, pouring her a glass of white wine. After we ate, I loaded a movie into the player, sparing glances back at her as the disc slid home. Mel Brooks' pivotal classic, "Young Frankenstein." She hadn't seen it, but from the way she giggled as Doctor Fraaahhnkensteen slugged the older patient in the family jewels, I'd say she enjoyed it. As the castle scenes began, I began sliding closer to her.
She leaned into me, and I slid my arm around her, her warm softness causing my member to twitch appreciatively. Her head nestled into my shoulder, and I shot a glance to the vast expanse of cleavage her top revealed. "Well," I thought to my self, " it's now or never."
I said her name softly, and she turned to look at me, her mouth still curved into a smile from the movie. We looked at each other for a moment, and I brought my hand under her chin, gently drawing her mouth to mine. Her kisses were yielding at first. Demure, even. We just enjoyed each other, the movie droning on in the background. Soon, though, her mouth grew hungrier on mine. I matched her intensity and she made small sounds of pleasure as I bit her lip. My hand slid to her ribs, and when she made no resistance, moved to cup her ample chest. Her sounds became more insistent, and she began to squirm as my hand danced across her breasts, squeezing their fullness and rubbing the nipples that managed to poke through her heavy bra.
She made a sound somewhere between a groan and frustration, and pushed my hand away, grasping my opposite shoulder and pulling herself up to straddle my lap. She grinned wickedly and bent to kiss me, pulling one hand to her breasts and the other to the curve of her ass.
"For some reason, whenever my ass is squeezed it's extra" She shivered slightly. "Stimulating."
I obediently groped the round curve of her ass and she moaned aloud, all but diving back into my mouth tongue-first. My hand began it's ascent beneath her shirt, pushing up the bra, cupping her bare breast in my palm. Her moans grew louder, and she began grinding herself against my denim-clad erection. I groaned into her mouth and pushed her back, pulling her shirt up. I took a moment to admire her tits, her pale skin gleaming in the dim light. They were as close to perfect as I'd seen in person, heavy and full with rosy pink nipples begging for attention. I captured one in my mouth and smiled slightly as she threw her head back at the sensation. My tongue flicked the tip of her nipple insistently, then circling her areola to leave a thin film of wetness. I pulled back and blew lightly on the moistened flesh, watching in fascination as the nipple puckered at the sudden temperature change. At her moan, I quietly asked
She nodded quickly, sliding lithely off me and disappearing into the bathroom to do...whatever it is women do in the bathroom prior to sex.
I pulled an old Sinatra record from my collection and loaded it into my player, then lit a few candles I'd purchased forever ago for just this sort of occasion. I was torn between stripping and leaving my clothes on when she exited the bathroom. She stood in the doorway, the blue streak in her hair slightly askew, and smiled hungrily at me. I pulled her into an embrace, holding her from behind as we swayed to the soft music. I pulled her clothes off, piece by piece, marveling at what they revealed.
Her shirt hit the floor first, and she made a small squeak of surprise when I popped the hooks of her lacy blue bra in one easy motion.
"That was fast." She whispered.
"Trick is in the left hand." I replied.
She murmured in understanding, leaning into me. I nibbled at her ears and neck as my hands squeezed and teased her breasts. She ground her full ass against my straining cock, shimmying out of her jeans as my fingers unbuttoned them, revealing a thong that matched her bra nicely.
She pulled away from me, climbing onto the bed to stare at me, biting her lip. I obliged her hungry eyes, shucking my clothes and nearly falling in my haste. She giggled until my lips captured hers, the laughter dying at the touch of my hands on her body. I traced her ribs, teasing her, drawing my nails roughly across her sensitive skin. She sighed appreciatively, then her breath caught in her throat when my fingers wandered to her inner thigh.
I lightly traced her inner thighs. She responded by moving her hips to try to bring my hand in contact with her drenched pussy. I teased her for a few minutes, then brushed gently along her hot sex. She shivered, and I began rubbing her through the panties, causing her to moan and squirm. I upped my pace, then slid my hand under the elastic, touching her bare pussy for the first time. I explored her, dipping deep into her wetness before circling her swollen clit. She moaned in appreciation, then gasped as I began circling the opening to the source of her pulsing heat. Her nails dug into my arm, and her teeth found my earlobe, nibbling and biting.
"What do you want?" I whispered.
"Hmmm?" she asked, lost in sensation.
"What. Do. You. Want?" I repeated, punctuating each word with a quick circuit of her opening.
She gasped, and barely managed to groan "Please...put...them...in......"
I grinned wickedly and plunged two fingers inside of her roughly. She arched her back, letting loose a cry I'm sure woke my roommate. I bit down hungrily on her nipple as I pounded my fingers in and out of her, her voice repeating a gentle mantra of
"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god..."
The slight blasphemy flipped some switch in me. The girl, who was only a few hours ago telling me of her intense commitment to her church, was calling out as pleasure arced through her body. I pulled my fingers free, hooking my thumbs under the waistband and pulling her thong down. She lifted her hips, frantically working to get the damned underwear off. The moment they passed her feet, I hurled them to the floor, then settled with my face between her legs.
I tried an experimental lick, found her to be sweet and clean; I had to have more. I began spelling the alphabet with my tongue across her wetness. First, upper-case, then lower, then the vowels. Her breathing became strained, her hands gripping the bedsheets in sweet agony. By the time I got to the third "e", her legs had begun to shake. I slowed my licking, letting her ride out the orgasm as the last "Oh god" faded into exhausted panting.
I climbed up next to her, kissing her gently as she recovered. By the time she was ready for more, my hardon had waned somewhat. She looked down and wordlessly slid to take me in her mouth, working the shaft with her hand while she sucked gently on the head. I sighed and reveled in the sensation of an AMAZING blowjob.
Once I had returned to full mast, I pushed her back, lying her down and positioning myself between her legs. I eased myself into her, the head sliding easily into her opening. I pulled out further, then slammed my length into her in one smooth motion. She cried out and I slammed in and out of her. I alternated strokes, deep and slow, then short jackhammers. She rose to meet me, matching my pace. Her fingers clawed my back and her mantra returned, filling the air with her cries. We changed positions, her climbing atop me. The sight of her rising and falling above me, her hands squeezing her breasts, and eyes closed in beautiful agony is a memory I hope never leaves me. We switched to my favorite, doggy style, her bent over at the edge of the bed. I slid inside her, the warm softness greeting me like an old friend. I renewed my pace, hand occacionally slapping her ass, my slaps followed by sharp gasps from in front of me. I looked down at her, and a thought formed in my head. 'How dirty IS this church girl?" I wondered. My one hand slid down between us, my thumb gliding between her crack to rest against her asshole. I gently circled her back door, and her cries intensified. I grinned and pounded her harder, syncing my strokes with my thumbs movements.
She came, loudly, a panting groan that started low and ended high, her teeth clenching. "Ohhhhhh godddddddddddd!!!!"
I felt myself begin to slip over the edge, the tightness behind my navel traveling down to my balls, washing over me. This was going to be a big one. I frantically increased my tempo, riding the waves upward as I peaked. Warm spurt after spurt of cum shot out of me, coating her insides. I collapsed forward, breathing heavily, spent. I tried to catch my breath, head on the pillow, and she climbed up next to me, her head on my sweaty chest uncomfortably warm, yet somehow so right.
'Damn.' I thought.
Part 2?

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