Amateur Picture Galleries - Little Known Facts About Karupsgirls - And Why They Matter

by HaydenIfe2479651 posted Oct 17, 2015


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naked amateur galleriesI lived with my boyfriend in a trailer behind the church. We used to go to my best friends’ house to play cards a lot. One day my best friend told me she had something to ask me, and she didn’t want it to change our friendship, so it was ok to say no. I told her nothing would change us and that I wanted to hear what she had to say. She said she wanted to come to my house to talk about it. My boyfriend was working outside that day, so I told her to come over. I remember the details like it was yesterday. She showed up about an hour later. My boyfriend was outside cutting the grass and I was in the house cleaning up a bit and doing laundry. It was a beautiful day. It’s odd that I remember that so clearly. I had all the windows open and was enjoying the spring day. My friend came in the front door smiling – as a rule we never knocked – just came in. She helped me finish up what I was doing, and then we sat down with a beer to talk. She proceeded to tell me that her boyfriend (who I thought was the hottest man alive) wanted to see her with another woman and that she wanted to make sure it was with someone she trusted. She wanted to choose someone who she had a strong enough friendship with that it wouldn’t cause a problem. She asked me to be that woman. This was a big risk, because she had no idea that I was curious about women at all. She wanted to give him that surprise on his birthday and asked me if I would be willing to be that woman, and if I thought our friendship could withstand it. I had never been with a woman, but had wanted to try it for a long time. I thought about it a minute. She was attractive with long dark blond hair (almost brown), thin and with a very feminine build. She had long legs and blue eyes. I wondered that this was the first time I think I ever really looked at her. I told her I would be willing, and our friendship was most definitely strong enough, but that I had never done anything like that before. I didn’t know what to do or how this worked. She explained that her and her boyfriend had been talking about this for some time, specifically with me, and that part of the turn on for him was that he knew I had never done it before. He said it was like being a part of me losing my virginity. (I was 21 years old at the time). She explained that they had two rules. I couldn’t touch him, and he couldn’t touch me. To be honest I wanted to see this man with her so bad, I would have agreed to just about anything. I didn’t tell her this. The deal would have been off, and I wasn’t going to give up the opportunity to know what it was like to be with a woman. I told her I was worried that it would be disappointing for her. She said she had only done it once before, so not to worry about that. We talked for a while, and my boyfriend came in. He said he was going to dig a trench for something, so he would be busy for a while. He apologized to my friend that he couldn’t sit and have a beer with us, then took his beer outside to work. She and I began talking some more, and she said she would like to add one other condition. I was curious, so I asked what the new condition was. She told me that she wanted to be with me just the two of us first so I wouldn’t be so nervous. I agreed. We talked about sex for a little while longer, then she grabbed my hand and started walking to my bedroom. When we got into the room she didn’t say a word, and I was so nervous I couldn’t talk either. She closed the door, and walked over to me. She put her arm around my waist, and her right hand around the back of my neck lifting my hair. When she looked into my eyes I was shaking uncontrollably. I was so scared. I had been taught my whole life that this was wrong, but I wanted it so much! Without saying a word, she leaned in and kissed me gently, slowly at first. I felt heat rush through me immediately. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her back. As our kiss became deeper karup pics and more passionate (this was probably the most passionate kiss of free nude amateur pictures my entire life – even now), I moved my hands up her back and pulled her closer to me. She reached under my shirt and unsnapped my bra. This stunned me amateur nude girls pictures and I took in a quick breath. She pulled back a bit and looked at me questioningly. I nodded and she began to kiss me again. Almost feverish. Her hands slid around my waist, up my back, then around my ribs to my breast. Very softly she began to caress my breasts and nipples. God her touch was so gentle and soft! I’d never felt anything so sensual in my life. She was kissing my neck and caressing me, then slowly moved her hands to unbutton my shirt. As she did this, she kissed behind each button to the top of my shorts. As she stood, she slid my shirt off my shoulders, and I let my bra fall to the floor. She began kissing across my collar bone, and down to take my nipple into her mouth. The sensation was incredible. I was dripping wet and wanted this to last forever. I had my hands in her hair and my head back, breathing hard. Her hands were everywhere it seemed, and her mouth was so warm. She lightly bit my nipples – and then kissed them gently. I pulled her up to me, and removed her shirt. She helped me with her bra as I kissed her. I slowly moved my hands down over her breasts and began rolling her nipples between my fingers. This was the first time I had touched any woman and her skin was incredible. The way her nipples began to harden in my hands was pushing me to a level of desire more intense than I’d ever felt. I wanted her. I wanted to taste every inch of her, I wanted her touching all of me and tasting me. She had a gentle way of sucking when she would kiss my body. It was intense. She reached down and unbuttoned my shorts, and I let them fall to the floor. I did the same with hers. We stood near the bed kissing and touching each other everywhere but where I wanted it most. Slowly I felt her hand move down my abdomen and reach that oh so sensitive spot. I was at the edge already and couldn’t stand the anticipation any more. I began to move my hand to do the same. I followed her lead completely. Her first touch and mine were perfectly in sync. I felt her wetness at exactly the same moment she felt mine. Our kiss deepened instantly and we both let out a soft moan. We rubbed each other gently for a few minutes, and then moved toward the bed. All without speaking a word. She turned and laid me on my back on the bed. I wanted her, but was hesitant to take this all the way. She put her hands between my knees and lightly urged me to open my legs while looking me square in the eyes. Her eyes didn’t leave mine as I allowed her entry between my legs, but she smiled the sweetest smile I think I’ve ever seen. She leaned forward and started kissing at my belly button while her hands massaged the inside of my thighs. I was shaking. I couldn’t control it. I wanted her mouth on me right that second. I couldn’t wait anymore. I started raising my hips toward her. She moved down and immediately sucked my clit into her mouth, and put one finger inside me. I rocked into her – I couldn’t help it. She put her other hand under my ass and pulled me even harder into her mouth. The sensation of her hair on the inside of my thighs was driving me crazy. I looked down to see her eyes closed and she was softly moaning. It was too much. I came with the most incredible orgasm and she was almost ravenous at it when she felt my abdomen tighten. She sucked and fingered me until my orgasm slowed. She slowly moved up my body and kissed me again. For the first time, I tasted myself on someone elses lips. She kissed me deeply then moved her legs so that she was straddling my face. I hesitantly began to do to her the exact same things she had done to me. She dropped herself lower, and began to grind into me. I looked up to see her playing with her own nipples and her head thrown back. She was moaning very loudly. I pulled her down onto me harder and bit her clit gently. She came instantly. I tasted it and felt it and wanted more of it. I loved the way she moved, the way she tasted, and the way she made me want her. When her orgasm slowed, she slid back down my body and lay beside me. We brushed our hair away from our faces, and kissed lightly for several minutes just looking at each other. She eventually looked at me and said two words: "good girl" and smiled. We laughed, dressed and finished our beer in the living room. No one ever found out that this had happened. This is the first time I’ve ever spoken free amateur women pics of it. We went to her to her house the following day for her boyfriends’ birthday, but that is another, very interesting story… I never did follow rules well… SandwichesAreFun69 [2 comments]


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