Ftv Girl - High Definition Sex May Not Exist!

by JFEMarcella70459 posted Oct 17, 2015


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So I posted a question on /r/sex about something that happened to me the other day. I mentioned that if people wanted to hear the story, I would gladly post the story. This is that story. Hope you guys enjoy.
So I'm at the store, heading in to buy new socks. Cause new socks are the shit. And there in the sock isle is one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen! Probably 5'7", semi thick, but very fit (later while talking to her I came to find out she was a gymnast). Awesome tits. And a pregnant belly that made me assume she was about ready to pop (I later learn that she's about 8 1/2 months along). She was wearing yoga pants that showed of her amazing ass, and a tight little blue tank top that barely kept her boobs in. Of course my thoughts immediately turn to "penis go in that", but are quickly turned away, as per usual when I see a sexy preggo. Thoughts turned instead to "penis does not go in that because that more than likely has a penis to go home to". Trying my best to not stare at any of those amazing curves too long, I approach the shelf to grab some socks and skedaddle. But as I get closer I realize, this woman is right on front of the socks I need. I can't buy any others. I need quality, and this woman's giant boobs are pretty much sitting on the socks of most pure quality. I can't leave without those socks. I'm gonna have to say something. Side note, I have social anxiety, so talking to people I don't know in person is a difficult thing for me. When its a gorgeous preggo that my penis is pointing to like a compass, its that much harder. So I walk up and in an attempt to be polite simply said "excuse me miss" to which she replied, "oh my god, do I seriously take up the whole isle?" thinking I meant to pass by behind her, not grab the socks in front of her. I quickly correct her assuring her I could get passed her, I just wanted some socks. She laughed it off and off handedly mentioned "well with how fat I'm getting I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't get passed me". I was maybe a little too quick to tell her that I didn't think she was fat, but really stunning. Don't know why I did that. Cause normally I can't even words with people I don't know. So she looks at me a little surprised. I'm thinking 'shit I'm about to be reported for sexual harassment or something'. Cause that's how the anxiety makes me think. But then she says "well thanks, but you don't have to lie. I know I'm not very attractive right now." Now at this point I normally would have been peacing the fuck out, what with my nerves, but for some reason I kept letting noises come out of my mouth and somehow they formed complete sentences. The next of those noises went like this, "Nonsense. Pregnant women are beautiful. Especially you. Your man should be telling you that every day." I see a little discomfort in her as I say that and immediately think 'What the shit, self? I thought we agreed to never go full retard?' She takes a moment and looks down at the floor and says "I actually don't have a man at the moment." I fucking freeze. I just stare for a moment at her and think 'See self? See what you've done? You are a serious ass. For real.' Not knowing what else to say I resort to the obvious "I'm so sorry to hear that." Feeling quite uncomfortable at this point I follow it up with "I didn't mean to bring up an uncomfortable topic." she responds quickly with "No, its fine. I guess I'm more embarrassed because i don't want you to think I'm just a slut. I mean, I did get pregnant at a party. And i truthfully don't even know who the father is. Pretty much sworn off alcohol, especially during pregnancy of course. But the point is, I promise I'm not just some slut. Jesus, why am i telling you this?" At this point I'm thinking, 'How did i get here? I just wanted some damn socks...' after a moment of silence I mention that if it bothers her that she's single and pregnant that she could easily find a man, what with her being so beautiful. And immediately I regret letting more words come out of my mouth. But it doesn't seem to bother her anymore. She laughs a little and says "Seriously, who would want to get with this?" as she gestures to her body. "Tons of guys!" I answer, again too quickly. "There are so many dudes out there that find pregnant women incredibly attractive." My heart is pounding and my brain is telling me 'Run out of this store. You don't deserve socks anymore.' but Captain One-Eye is saying 'I want to be in that'. Of course, for some unfathomable reason, I stick around to keep chatting. "Are you one of them?" she asks after a pause. Fuck. What to say. I could say no, and potentially make her feel bad. Or I could say yes, and maybe get pepper sprayed. The next thing that came out of my mouth i will never believe that i actually said. Hands down the ballsiest thing ever to come from me. Like, I'm pretty sure my wiener grew like an inch of girth just from how hardcore ballsy this was. By my standards, anyway. I said "Yes." No but seriously that's all i said and she kinda cocked an eyebrow at me and I felt like I had to say more. Cause that pause was literally going to kill me. "I just find pregnant women to be the epitome of womanhood. There is nothing more elegant and attractive than a soon-to-be mother. Especially one as beautiful as yourself". 'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY??? PROTECT YOUR BALLS, SHE'S PROBABLY ABOUT TO KICK THEM!' She smiles. Wat? No nut shot? No pepper spray? I'm not gonna be charged with harassment? "You really think so?" she says, visibly more comfortable with me and our conversation. "Absolutely. I think if you wanted a man, you could get one in a heartbeat. And to prove it to you, I could take you out to lunch? Show you a nice time and get your feet in the dating water again?" Am i really saying this? Did my balls drop the rest of the way recently? What is going on? "I'd love that!" she says with a huge smile. I make some arrangements with her and after she finishes her shopping, i take her to a sandwich place in town, nothing too fancy, just a place to chat and het to know each other. And now that I've got a new pair of socks on, my confidence is even better. This is going way better than i had planned. So fast forward a bit, we're both done with our sandwiches, just talking. We've learned some things about each other, and out of nowhere she says "I'm sorry if this is to forward, but I'm really curious. When you said you're attracted to me, did you mean like, you'd have sex with me? I mean, I just can't fathom somebody wanting to have sex with this..." I looked her dead in the eye (very hard with those boobs so close in my peripherals) and I said "If I was given the chance to have sex with someone as hot as you, I would be beyond stupid to turn it down." She smiles a little and we resume normal small talk like nothing happened. I ask if she'd like to head to my place and watch a movie, sense neither of us had any plans for the night. She agreed and we end up at my flat. I don't think either of us ever really expected to watch a movie. As we walk in I show her to my couch and ask her to sit down and I take a seat next to her. I can't help but notice her nipples picking through her tight sports bra and tiny tank top. "Is it cold in here?" I ask. "No I'm kinda warm actually". That left me to thinking 'hard nipps. Not cold. Definitely horny.' Now I know that's not always true, but that's what my penis told me. I start to get more and more confident. Again out of nowhere she asks one of those questions, "So what do you find so attractive about pregnant women? Is it cause their boobs get huge?" Taken slightly aback at the mention of huge boobs I pause for a second and actually take a look at her boobs for a little too long. She just laughs, "so yes?" I collect myself and try to formulate a coherent sentence. "Well that's definitely part of it. I guess I just love the way they develop and how their body changes. I do love how big their boobs get, but I absolutely love the belly. And for some reason I find it incredibly erotic looking at a pregnant woman and knowing that they let somebody cum inside them. Also all those raging hormones. I hear they make pregnant women amazing in bed!" Shit was that too far? She just smiles and basically agrees with me. "Yeah I guess that makes sense. And the hormones are crazy! You would not even believe!" Holy shit how is this going so well?? "Oh yeah? So the horny preggo thing isn't just myth?" "Hell no." we both just laugh it off. "That's one of the reasons its so frustrating not having a man. I really need a way to release, and doing it myself just doesn't get the job done." did she really just bring up masturbation? "Like I said, amy guy would love to help you out!" I casually mention. We go back to a little small talk and eventually end up back on the subject of pregnancy. "So what about pregnancy do you like, and what do you hate?" I ask. "Well I hated the morning sickness, but other than that I don't really hate any of it. I love how big my boobs got. They were little before." we both laugh, "They were only 32B before I got knocked up. Now they're 34 DD!" Jesus! They grow that much??? "And my nipples got huge and ridiculously sensitive!... Was that to much info?" She nervously laughs. "No, I love hearing about it! Honestly this is a much more interesting conversation than small talk!" "Well I'm glad you're enjoying it, cause I basically haven't been able to talk to anybody about any of these feeling and its been driving me crazy!" "Well I'm the guy to talk to! I love hearing about this stuff! Just be careful, you might accidentally turn me on!" I joke. "What if that's exactly what I wanted?" She asks with one of those sneaky smiles that says 'I am gonna bone you in a minute'. I just stare for a moment and she keeps that seductive smile on her face. "Would you like to see my big sensitive nipples?" she whispers. "Uhhh, yes please." She stands up and start slowly pulling her tank top up over her perfectly round belly, seductively swaying her hips. Slowly the shirt pulls up higher and higher till it slips over her tits and finally over her head. One more smile tells me that I'm about to get a lapdance from the most gorgeous preggo I have ever seen. She slowly pulls one side of her bra down, slowly revealing her very hard light brown nipple. I feel my cock immediately start getting hard. Down comes the other side and another nipple is revealed. This whole time she is starting me in the eyes, smiling and swaying her hips. She walks closer to me and leans over me with those huge tits right in my face. "Want a little present?" she asks with a wink as she pinches both nipples and sprays a little milk on me. Holy shit, I am getting so fucking hard by this point. Is this seriously happening??
Well that's all I have time to write right now, I'll have to make a part to tonight and post it. Hopefully you have enjoyed so far!

