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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제
This is a long story, but this was one of the most glorious moments of my life, and by God I’m gonna do it justice.
I was raised on a piece of land way out in the country, and hunting is a tradition that runs way back in my family. Every fall I look forward to enjoying cool days in the woods; sitting in a deer stand is a kind of hillbilly meditation for me, and a much-needed break from city where I’m currently going to school.
My best friend, let’s call her Kate, has been begging me for the past two or three seasons to take her hunting. In principle, I didn’t mind the idea of introducing someone to the sporting tradition, but hunting with another person means hunting the only 2-man stand on the property, which isn’t in a great spot for deer. Most mornings in that stand pass without seeing a single animal, and since I only have a limited amount of time in the woods, I didn’t want to waste a day in such a poor spot. Finally, however, Kate pestered me so severely that I broke down and promised her I’d take her hunting the next saturday afternoon when I was home from school. She was so excited about it that it almost made up for wasting a good morning on the sub-par deerstand.
When Saturday afternoon rolled around, I met up with Kate at the start of the old logging trail that led to the stand. I had told her to dress in the warmest clothes she had, since a cool front was moving in towards sundown, but I immediately saw that she was only wearing jeans and a fleece pullover. I pulled off the down jacket I was wearing and gave it to her, feeling annoyed at her unpreparedness until I saw how excited she was. She was grinning ear to ear and basically skipped over to my truck to hug me, and I forgot my annoyance pretty quickly as we caught up while walking down the trail to the stand.
We got to the stand and settled into the two old office chairs sitting side by side in the tiny box. She was hilariously excited, and I had to tell her half a dozen times to use her whisper voice before she finally calmed down enough to actually hunt. Any time a leaf fell or a tree branch creaked, she would grab my arm. It took all I had in me not to crack up.
After sitting still for a few hours, my circulation began to leave my fingers and toes, and I started missing that jacket pretty hard. She was shivering, and it judging by her red cheeks, it looked to be caused more by the cold than by excitement. She saw me looking at her and finally broke the silence.
"Matt, I’m cold."
I smiled a little bit. "Welcome to the club."
"I don’t want to go back yet though, this is so much fun!"
I watched her shiver and considered our options briefly. Finally, without saying a word, I began to pull off the wool sweater I had worn under the down jacket.
Her eyes grew wide with concern. "I’m not taking your sweater, Matt, you’ll be even colder than I am!"
"Nah, it’s fine, I’m plenty warm enough", I lied.
She called my bluff. "Keep your sweater on, if you give it to me we’ll still have to go in early or you’ll freeze."
I couldn’t argue with that logic. And I may have been raised with chivalrous southern ideals, but everything has a limit.
She sat in silence for a few seconds then turned to me again. "Slide over in your chair, I’ll sit next to you so we can keep each other warm."
The chairs obviously aren’t made for two people, even when one of the two is as small as she is, but I slid over anyway and tried to make room. She hopped up and wedged herself in next to me, but the chair was so narrow that she had to leave her right leg on top of my left thigh, sitting half-on and half-off my lap. The metal arm of the chair dug into my side, and she was tilted at a precarious angle. We sat awkwardly for a few seconds then both of us burst out giggling at the ridiculous situation.
"This sucks worse," she whispered.
"No it doesn’t, I already feel warmer." I tried to ignore the arm of the chair digging into my ribs.
She giggled again. "We can’t sit like this for three more hours, Matt!"
"That’s probably true", I laughed.
"Can I just sit in your lap? I’m about to fall out of this chair."
Without waiting for an answer, she slid over and sat fully on my lap.
"This is okay, right?", she turned turned back to ask.
Now Kate and I have known each other since early on in middle school, when she was a skinny kid with braces and a bad haircut and I was an awkward, chubby country boy. In the interim, she lost the braces and became considerably more attractive, and I got longer and leaner and marginally smoother with the ladies. Apparently girls consider the country boy look as something exotic on my college campus, and I’ve used that fact to my advantage over the past few years in school.
Kate never seemed to be affected by my charms, though, and I saw her as basically a sister. She dated people, I dated people, but we were always perfectly happy to be just friends. So her sitting on my lap wasn’t anything super weird.
But shit, her hair sure smelled good. And her ass sure was nice and pillowy.
"Jesus, wtf is wrong with me", I thought. I snapped back to scanning the woods for movement, trying not to pay attention to the intrusive thoughts.
Then she moved a little bit, squirming to find a more comfortable position. Her ass moved on my lap, and I felt my dick twitch a little bit. Thoughts from my little head started to enter my stream of consciousness.
"She sure has gotten hot over the last few years, what’s up with that bro? All that zumba shit or whatever it is that she’s so into these days must be paying off. You know you’ve always thought she was cute, don’t deny it. Hey, smell her hair a little bit."
Little by little I felt my dick start to stiffen up. I knew all the layers of clothing I was wearing would keep it subtle for a little while, but it was just a matter of time before she felt something. I struggled to concentrate on the woods.
She turned back towards me. "Hey, can you hand me the thermos?" She had brought a thermos full of hot tea to drink; I had entirely forgotten about it. I leaned over to grab it, and when I did, her round ass cheek slid directly onto my already fairly hard dick. We both froze for an instant. Her head was turned slightly back towards me, her eyes open in surprise.
Her hand brushed mine when I handed her the thermos.
"Oh my god Matt your hands are freezing!" she whispered. "Put them in my jacket before you lose some fingers!"
I honestly think she just said the first thing that came to her mind to avoid the awkwardness of her feeling my dick. Blushing, I obeyed and slid my hands up her sides slightly under the jacket. It shouldn’t have been anything sexual, but at this point the excitement and tension had my dick in overdrive. She hadn’t moved her ass, and one cheek was still planted solidly on my cock. I felt my dick twitch, and I know she felt it too.
She fumbled with the lid to her thermos, each tiny movement of her body sending another throb to my cock. She took a quick drink of the tea before screwing the lid back on.
"Here, you can put it back over there."
Again I leaned over to put it back on the tiny shelf, and again my dick shifted under her soft ass. I was at 110% at this point, and thinking absolutely filthy things about my best friend for the first time in my life.
As I leaned back straight, I could have sworn I felt her grind on me slightly. Her breathing was getting rougher at this point, and her cheeks were more red than could be explained just by the cold. We both sat still for a moment, my dick throbbing underneath her.
My hands were still on her waist, and she moved as if to get to a more comfortable position, shifting her ass to perfectly straddle my dick. I was about to lose my mind, knowing that her pussy was nestled directly on my hard cock. I felt her begin to move, so slightly that I could barely notice with anything except my ultra-sensitive member.
Slowly, imperceptibly, she began to grind on me. Neither of us were paying the slightest attention to the woods at this point, a trophy buck could have waltzed right past us without a worry. Kate moved so softly that she could have played it off as nothing, but her rough breathing gave her away. Involuntarily, I began to grab her waist more firmly with my hands.
Slowly, her grinding become more and more urgent. I was seriously about to lose my goddamn mind at this point, I was so fucking hard. Finally it was completely obvious that she was wantonly grinding her pussy on my dick. Without really even intending to, I shoved her body down on my cock, and she gasped.
She leaned back against me, pressing down with all her weight. I slid a hand up her body, underneath her shirt. She was tense, and I felt the muscles of her side tighten with her breathing. She turned towards me slightly, her eyes closed and her soft lips slightly open. One hand reached back and grabbed my arm, and I saw the other reach forward to rub her pussy through her jeans.
I reached under her bra with one hand. She’s a small girl, and her tits are perfect handfuls, exactly how I love them. Her nipple was hard, and she gasped when I pinched it. Her hand left my arm, and I saw her fumbling with the button and zipper on her pants. She frantically crammed her hand down her pants and into her underwear, rubbing her bare pussy. From my angle, I could barely see into her panties enough to tell that she was totally shaved.
This was a side of Kate that I had never even considered, and the context of the situation and the fact that my best friend was desperately grinding on me had me absurdly turned on.
She began to moan as she rubbed her clit, and I felt her breathing getting faster and faster. I grabbed a handful of hair with my free hand and pulled her head back against my shoulder, kissing her exposed neck. As I did, she inhaled sharply. Her legs straightened quickly and her back bowed, and her whole body tensed. I felt her shudder and shake as she came on top of me.
She collapsed against me, trying to catch her breath. Her hand never left her pussy, and she continued to rub it slowly as she recovered. I continued to kiss her neck, and gradually I felt her hand begin to move more quickly again on her clit.
Neither of us said a word to each other, we were totally acting on raw lust. Our relationship as friends was incidental to what we both wanted right then. She leaned forward and stood up in the cramped deerstand. Turning around, she unbuttoned my pants, reaching in to pull out my cock. She didn’t even look at me, she was totally fixated on my cock as she pulled it out.
With little hesitation, she turned back forwards, her round ass framed in her tight jeans. She bent over and quickly shimmied her pants down, exposing her perfect ass and pussy. Oh my god were they perfect. The cold made goosebumps stand up on her butt, and to this day it is one of the all-time sexiest things I’ve ever seen. Her pussy was still soaked from her orgasm. She pulled her pants down about halfway to her knees; it was too cold to go much further.
I could tell this wasn’t about her giving me a show (although she definitely did that). It was about getting hard cock inside her, right now. Still facing forwards, she stood bent over with an arched back between my legs, her pussy perfectly framed by her ass. I reached forwards and rubbed her between her legs. She was absolutely soaked. She moaned, and reached down to grab my cock.
I gave a quick thought to the lack of a condom, but there was no way either of us were stopping this now, consequences be damned. Not my proudest moment, but hey, what can you do.
She gave my dick a few squeezes then lowered herself towards it, shoving my hand away from between her legs. She rubbed the head against her soaked pussy, and I felt her legs buckle slightly from the pleasure. She reached forward with one hand to brace herself against the walls of the deer stand, and used the other to guide my dick between her lips. Finally she began to slowly lower herself down around my cock.
It felt so good I nearly passed out. Her legs were together pretty tightly since her jeans were only part way down, so her pussy was impossibly tight. I still don’t know how she managed to take it all; It probably took her 30 seconds to slide all of me inside her. She lowered herself down slowly in one continuous movement, and I heard her breathing getting hoarse as she sank lower. I felt her legs trembling inside mine as she sank down, and I felt her rubbing her clit frenziedly.
When she finally bottomed out, her pussy clamped down on my cock like a vice. She gasped "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" and leaned back against me, her leg spasming. Her back arched and she ground down on me for dear life as she came for the second time. Her hands were still on her pussy, pressing against her clit and my dick.
I have seriously never felt like such a pornstar. I also don’t know how I managed it, but It’s one of my proudest moments that I didn’t cum right then.
As she recovered she began to slide up and down on my dick. It quickly progressed to hard fucking, and I knew exploited teens I wasn’t gonna last long. Most of my previous lays involved condoms, so the sensation of her velvety pussy on my bare cock felt so good it was almost unbearable. She slammed her ass against me, trying to shove every last bit of my length into herself.
She supported herself with both hands against on the arms of the chair, pulling on the down stroke to fuck me as hard as she possibly could. I grabbed her ass and squeezed with my hands. Kate was panting loudly as fucked herself with my dick.
I normally manage to last a decent length of time in the sack, but the extreme hotness of the whole thing had me in a bind. My cock began to swell up, and I knew I was getting close. I grabbed her by the waist and began to thrust up harder into her.
"Kate, I’m about to cum." I finally spoke to her for the first time since it started.
She didn’t respond, but her fucking reached a crescendo. I thought she might want me to pull out, but she showed no sign of slowing.
"Oh fuck Kate, I’m cumming!" I groaned.
She yelled out "Ohhhhh myyyy Goddd!!!" and slammed herself down one final time, her pussy spasming around my dick as I pumped rope after rope of cum deep into her vagina. I came buckets, filling her up while her pussy squeezed my cock. Her cunt milked my dick until I was totally dry, we both fell back into the chair exhausted.
She left me inside her as we caught our breath. I could still feel her pussy spasming occasionally from the aftershock of her orgasm. Her breath was condensing into fog in the cold, and as the breeze hit the sweat on her exposed legs, I saw goosebumps begin to form. Finally she stood up, my softening cock sliding out of her. My cum was dripping from her pussy lips, but she pulled up her panties and jeans anyway, almost like she wanted the mess.
I zipped up my pants, in shock over what just happened. She turned around to face me, looking down to button her pants. Then she just looked up at me and grinned.
"Well that was fun. Do you want to keep hunting?" I’m sure the look on my face was absolutely hilarious, but finally I broke down laughing, nodding yes.
She sat right back down on my lap.


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