Met Art Update - The Key To Successful Best Nude Gallery

by ChangClendinnen8126 posted Oct 17, 2015


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so Ive been a long time lurker on another account and decided to give back to one of my favourite subreddits.. Ive never posted a text post before so I apologise for bad formatting. this is an absolutely true story to the best of my memory, ill try and keep it short but i dont know how much i can leave out with it still making sense, this story actually stretches over a few days so im going to break it down in two parts. I will be more than happy to explain/give more details in comments if anyone wants.. i also have some pictures to post in part 2
so about me, Male, just turned 21, aussie, short dirty blonde hair, pretty built, around 6 ft, hazel eyes, tanned
so im not really sure why your 21st birthday is so special in Australia when youre legally an adult at 18 and can go out drinking at that age but I wont say no to an excuse for a big night out! so the night started out with my two mates (Jase, whos Irish.. important for later) and wez (short for Wesley). just knocking back the rum and getting prepped at my house, i had received some new outfits/ cologne/ deodorant for my birthday so i was looking and feeling good. we hit the town around 11.. went to my favourite club to kick it off.. within 5 minutes we had our first black sambuca shot (a liquorice tasting liquor) it was my first time taking it and I loved it! a couple of rum and cokes followed that.. before heading outside to the smokers section. now my birthday sex count is far less than would like.. and the ladies were looking damn fine as always, i was feeling good and i was on the prowl. i was soon sitting down talking to a blonde who was gorgeous, she semed interested but when i asked for a dance she gave me the "let me just finish this drink" ive had enough experience to know she was thinking of an excuse to disappear so i left her too it, the night was still young. i found my mates at the bar talking to some ladies, as soon as I reached them Jase tells them its my 21st, before i could say anything this fairly attractive bird grabs the back of my neck and starts to make out with me, I was thinking Brilliant! i'll see where this goes so i grab her hand and walk her 10 metres away from her friends and the bar where I resume making out with her, but not even a minute later her friend dragged her away from me and disappeared. I was fairly confused but i couldnt really make any sense of it so I just shrugged and headed back to the bar to find my mates. an hour passed and the drinks flowed, I was making rounds around the tables outside looking for some girls alone instead of on the dancefloor where its so fucking loud you can hardly hear yourself think let alone flirt. I was getting conversations but nothing exciting. We hit some more clubs but again the same thing, the only thing that I could get was birthday kisses on my cheek when i told them it was my 21st. we ended up meeting some girls but again one had a man at home and one was engaged.. it was getting close to 3:30 by this time, which was the time we agreed to head home. I decided to have one more throw of the dice at the first club we visited, I have only ever picked up from this one club so obvously I consider it my lucky charm. while walking to the club though i engaged a beautiful young lady in conversation but i was slightly behind Jase and Wez so they didnt notice I had stopped. this girl was pretty wasted though and soon enough her friends had called her a taxi. so I continue to head to the club. A few minutes later I find Jase and Wez in the smokers section again. Jase was standing up talking to this gorgeous girl named Tay who was sitting down. i walk up and squeeze on the seat beside Tay.. she was pretty intrigued by Jase's accent and as soon as I arrive he introduces me and tells her it was my birthday and asked if she would give me a kiss for it and she agrees. She was fucking brilliant at it, we had an amazing make out sesson for a few minutes before taking her hand and leading her to the more private seating were we continued to really get into it. Now Tay is about 5'6, gorgeous long blonde hair down to her waist, the sexiest legs and ass ive ever had (she rides horses for a living) thin little waist with a nice C cup set of tits. she wasnt wearing heels and a dress but boots with fishnet stockings and these tight little shorts with an low cut belly shirt, she has the most amazing blue/green eyes ive ever seen. we started out just sitting side by side but i soon dragged her onto my lap, my hands wandering up and down those amazing thighs, she broke off after a few minutes and told me to slow down because she promised she would go home with her friend. i was obviously crushed but oh well.. it was better than nothing and it was too late to go on the prowl again. i rubbed my hand up her back and kissed her again. she had the softest lips, she used the perfect amount of tongue.. it was the perfect tempo, not too fast, i had a raging boner and I know she could feel it digging into her ass. five minutes later her friend comes up to us dragging another guy with her, she informs us that she will be going home with him and would she like a key for her house (so she didnt have to take me back to her parents house) holy shit really? my heart fucking raced, i couldnt believe my luck. we immediately decided to leave the club, i didnt even look back for my mates, I had one thing on my mind and it didnt involve them. it was about 3:50 by the time we arrived at the train station, we were both too broke for a taxi. We found out that the train we needed wasnt coming till 5:30, fucking devastating.. oh well I take her hand and tell her we'll just go somewhere quiet and wait. we find a dark alleyway and i drag her down it. I push Tay up against the wall and give her the most passionate kiss of the nght, finally I had her to myself in relative peace. i unbutton her shorts and reach down inside them to her warm moist cunt, her shorts were so tight though i could hardly move my hand. I managed to slip a finger inside her though and she melted, i was trying to focus on keeping the kisses tight and not let them get too sloppy but i couldnt finger her affectively here, so i gave in and just flicked her clit as we continued to kiss.. i didnt want to end this moment too soon as it was the first time i actually got any further than just making out. i was getting frustated at how little access i was getting though so I finally gave up. we continued our seach for somewhere quieter. we ended up finding a carpark around the back of a building completely out of view of the street, again i lead her down it and we find some stairs leading up to a back door into the building. i lie her down and undo her shorts again, i kiss down her neck onto her chest pulling her low cut top down to reveal amazing perky tits, i take them into my mouth and roll my tongue around them. i have Tay laying on her back which made it a little easier to move my hand around in her shorts, i still didnt have as much movement as i would like but i could move my fingers half in and out, she seemed to love it so i was cool to just go with it. Tays a loud on though so she had her own hand over her mouth trying to stifle her moans. I didnt think that was very fair though! a girl shouldnt have to keep herself quiet, so i took my left hand which was holding her shirt down and told her to keep it down while I placed my hand over her mouth. two minutes later though a fucking car pulled in, I was really getting frustrated at this point. we quickly buttoned up shorts and straightened our clothes and left. we found a park bench where we waited out the last 40 minutes, she straddled me and played with my hair as i rubbed my hands over her amazing body, we continued those fucking sexy kisses, and we were getting quiet abit of attention from drunk pricks who hadnt managed to pick up. i was getting really uneasy at this.. there were always atleast 3 or more guys and i had left my mates behind, so if shit went down I wouldve been pretty fucked, luckily nobody did more than wolf whistle or all out. 5:30 FINALLY dragged around and we found ourselves boarding the train. it had taken us some time to walk back to the station and get onto the platform so the passion we shared before had died down for the moment. we sat on the train and she cuddled into me, one of the few things i remember was heading over the river watching the sun rise behind the skyline. by this time we were both pretty wrecked, Tay actually fell asleep on me a few times. we finally arrived at our station around 20 past 6, I was absolutely fucked at this stage and the thought of having sex was seeming pretty impossible at this stage, so i Walked Tay up the road and waited with her while she called a cab, i couldve gone with her but I didnt have the money for a cab home and i didnt know the area so i couldnt walk back. we both agreed that we would meet up in a few days she messaged me on facebook so I could contact her. sooner than i wanted her taxi had arrived and I kissed her goodbye and left with a smile on my face.
about to write part 2, (gets really hot)

