Hometown Girls Naked - 10 Ways Amateur Sex Gallery Can Make You Invincible

by ErinMountgarrett posted Oct 17, 2015


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Moving halfway across country for my first job out of college was scary to say the least. I never really realized how much I took for granted having friends and family close by to help me out until the week after I settled in and my car started acting funny. It was a beat up old Infiniti and I didn’t want to part with it because moving expenses were ridiculous and my company hadn’t reimbursed me for my relocation costs at the time since they didn’t opt to pay me a lump sum, rather having me itemize and tabulate my expenses. I wasn’t happy that I was going to have more costs on my plate in the form of repairs, but there just wasn't really anything I could do.
I got in contact with a shop that was recommended to me by several of my new co-workers and arranged to bring my car in, but that meant I wasn’t going to have a vehicle for however long it took to fix it. Trying to be frugal, mostly because I was broke and I was fresh off my parents insurance company and my new company was giving me a hard time because my driving record isn’t the greatest, I decided I didn’t need a rental car and I would just ride my bike to work.
It may sound ridiculous, but my new place was only eleven miles away from work and I had a free gym membership through the company to a place within walking distance from my office where I could shower and get ready in the locker rooms. I was actually surprised at how well it worked out and I still ride to work when it’s nice out, which is often considering the climate. Even if I do miss seasons it’s a nice change compared to living back east where it seems like there’s only 80 days of sun a year and hill climbs can be a bitch.
So after I drove home from work the day I was scheduled to take my car in (I knew I had to ride my bike back from the shop which was quite far so I elected to go forgo biking to work that day), I went home, changed out of my work clothes, hooked up my bike to the trunk rack of my car, and drove over to the shop. It was still open so I went in to drop my keys off rather than put them in the key drop.
The guy behind the counter had his back to me but he was wearing coveralls, sleeves tied around his waist to keep them up, and a dirty white wife beater. When he turned around I was immediately self-conscious about the comfortable workout clothes I’d changed into for the bike ride back home.
He was really attractive in a dirty, rugged, and rough looking kind of way and I’ve never considered myself stunning so I was a bit intimidated. At just under 5’2’’ I’m ridiculously short, I have smallish breasts, and considering I’ve been called tiny my whole life I never thought I had any mentionable curves. This guy had more than a foot on me and all in all I felt out of my league.
Even so, I’m not blind and I could tell he was giving me a once over though I couldn’t tell exactly what he was thinking and had no reason to believe it was anything particularly good. He asked how he could help me and I told him I’d talked to someone to arrange to drop my car off and that I was a new customer. Of course I then tried embarrassingly to describe the weird noises my car was making by attempting to recreate them audibly.
Pathetic I know, but I can’t help but get nervous in front of new guys that I find attractive, and nothing really helps me get over it unless I manage to get pissed off, at which point I’ll turn sarcastic and snarky in no time flat. That didn’t happen this time however.
Luckily he just seemed to think I was amusing. He smirked a little and laughed at my noise recreation attempt, saying he’d have to hear the car for himself and then asked for my address to put into the computer. When I gave it to him he recognized it, mentioned it was a nice complex and asked if I ever went to the bar down the block. I told him I hadn’t and that I just moved there and he told me I should go there some time, that him and his friends frequented the place.
I was confused because it kind of seemed like an invitation, but I didn’t want to read too much into it and look overeager so I just nodded it off as a suggestion and left to go unhook my bike. I guess he was watching me leave because as soon as he noticed me unhooking my bike he came to ask me if I had someone coming to pick me up. When I told him no, that I just planned to ride my bike, he looked at me funny said it was a long way and asked if I wanted to wait around until he closed and he could give me a lift home.
Part of me wanted to say yes because he didn’t seem like a creep but my gut was telling me it probably wasn't the smartest idea. I ended up politely declining and just riding all the way home.
I really don’t know what exactly compelled me to do it, but I ended up walking to the bar he’d mentioned a couple nights later. The place was a blue-collar dive type bar that was a little awkward to stumble into as an unfamiliar and nicely dressed new face, but still the type of place that looked like the bars back home and somewhere I’d like to become a regular at.
I looked around, made my way to the counter, got carded because no one ever believes I’m 21 let alone 24 like I was at the time, ordered my typical drink, and lit up a cigarette because I’m trying to help nature kill me off faster. Only after I settled in did I notice the room went further back than I thought on the one side and there was a group of guys congregated around pool tables in the back. I peeked back there and was disappointed I didn’t see the mechanic among them so I resigned myself to enjoy a couple drinks before heading home.
I was almost ready to call it a night when he actually did walk in, unfortunately not outfitted in his coveralls. I don’t know why but I liked him better kind of dirty and looking like he’d just crawled out from underneath a car, though I did understand it was kind of ridiculous to expect him to wear his work shit out to go drinking. He noticed me after a minute and sort of did a double take before smirking and changing directions, heading my way.
He was very forward about getting in my personal space and dragging a stool quite close, and his first comment was to laughingly say that he didn’t see my bike chained up outside. When I rolled my eyes in response he just told me if I needed a ride home he brought his along though it wasn’t leg powered. I shook my head no thanks and chuckled, saying I’d walked considering my complex was down the block like he had pointed out when we met amateur women galleries at the garage.
We chatted for awhile, he continued to playfully give me shit about my bike, telling me it didn’t help to make me look any more my age, and in general he was surprisingly easy and fun to talk to. Pretty soon though some of his friends came out from the pool table area heading outside and waved for him to follow and he excused himself saying he’d be right back.
He was gone for quite awhile and it was getting late and I had to work the next day, so I paid for my tab and decided it was time to head home. I probably made it five steps out the door when I heard a car door slam and his familiar voice yell my name.
I stopped and turned and watched as he approached asking me where I thought I was running off to. I told him I had to work and was going home, and he once again offered to give me a ride, this time pointing to his motorcycle. I laughed and told him the last time I got onto something with two wheels and a motor it was my brother’s dirt bike when I was 16 and I whiskey throttled straight into a fence and that I wasn’t nearly drunk enough to get on his now.
Though he laughed at my explanation he said that if that was the case he’d have to walk me home and didn’t really give me much time to respond, just started off in the direction of my apartment and asked if I was coming.
I caught up to him and we started meandering back towards my place slowly, drawing out the short walk as we continued to have good conversation. When I asked him if the weed he smoked was any good, he looked at me in surprise and I told him four dudes sitting in a car outside a bar, baking it out, was really kind of obvious, plus I could smell it on him. When he asked if I smoked I told him I couldn’t anymore because of my job though I would if I could, and we ended up swapping stories and comparing the things we’d tried and what we liked. It was super comfortable and when things turned sexual it seemed only natural.
I remember that right as we got to the entrance to my apartment complex he asked me how tall I was with and without the heels and asked me to take them off so he could really compare. When I did I stepped real close to him and asked if he was happy to see how much of a midget I was. I was honestly just kind of trying to feel him up a bit and I planted myself snugly between his feet and brushed up against him as best I could before looking up to see him smirking, clearly onto me.
When he told me he could see that I would definitely need help to reach his height, he assisted and grabbed two handfuls of my ass over my skirt to lift me off the ground. I squealed a bit in surprise but didn’t really have time to think as he guided my legs around his waist, telling me smugly that that was much better and we were on the same level now.
When I scowled and told him to let go of my legs and let me down, he made a show of sighing, ran his hands up from where he had a grip on the backs of my knees towards my ass and karups com then under my skirt and made sure to feel as much of me as he could. He managed to move his fingers as dangerously close to my pussy as possible, just under my ass cheeks, then moved up and dug in and spreading me a bit as he made a self-satisfied face while letting me down and in the process flipping up my skirt so that any of the cars passing by got a good view of him grabbing my ass.
I can honestly say it turned me on ridiculously, making me unbelievably wet, and that I wasn’t exactly any less of a pervert than him considering once I was back on my feet I let my hands run over his chest and down his stomach before finally pausing teasingly over his belt buckle then running a finger just under his shirt and along his skin above his jeans. Just to be aggravating I curled my finger into his pants and pulled his groin closer to me, smiling and telling him it was time for me to get home before pushing him away, bending down, grabbing my pumps, and continuing towards my building and up the stairs leading up to my apartment with him in tow. chemE_bitch
