Kim Kardashian -$150,000 For A Wedding Prep?

by GradyClemens56774245 posted Oct 17, 2015


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I just read an article online on US magazines website saying that Kim Kardashian's wedding prep was worth $150,000. Apparently, she didn't pay anything which explains why the trainer told us it absolutely was "worth $150k" in contrast to "she spent $150k".

Which gets me thinking, just how can a marriage prep cost $150,000? Isn't there only so much makeup you can put on? Isn't somebody only so excellent at gaining makeup?

I'm sure there is a bunch of Kardashian haters which might be foaming in the mouths to publish some nasty comment on how that's excessive with out you need to ever spend that much on a married relationship prep and much more on a marriage. My handle it really is if you possess money have you thought to? Even more so if it didn't cost her anything to offer the wedding prep done.

I remember a conversation I had having a woman once a couple of years back. Something had turn out about how precisely much a high profile spent on makeup. She was commenting about how it turned out a waste to spend a whole lot of money on makeup. It form of got me wondering what would happen should you took just how much the celebrity invested in makeup being a percentage of their overall income? Would it be a lower percentage as opposed to woman's percentage who was talking down in regards to the celebrities?

Obviously, I didn't have access to either the celebrities or the woman's financials, so this is just purely conjecture now. However, it wouldn't surprise me in the event the woman spent more on cosmetics and makeup as being a amount of her income as opposed to celebrity.

So often it seems people hate on rich people whenever they buy really nice/expensive things. They post nasty comments on what expensive a specific thing the celebrity bought. Whenever, I hear these comments my thoughts always turn back to the question of "I wonder what these people's finances resemble?" I know a great deal of couples after they got married actually enter into debt. This is a stark contrast to Kim Kardashian who could actually generate income off her wedding. From a business and fiscal perspective I think Kim Kardashian can be a lot wiser than people offer her credit for, or at best she gets hired the right people.

Another comment I hear often about celebrities is "Oh they should've used those funds to accomplish good and help out people in need of assistance..." To which I always ask "How much maybe you have donated to charities this coming year?" Celebrities might spend a lot of money on things, they also do a lot of good and donate much to charities.

I say just leave celebrities alone. Instead of spewing hate and venom, focus on being happy for the children and improving your life.

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