Karups Amateurs - The Ultimate Guide To Karups Galleries

by AlexandraMcGavin8113 posted Oct 17, 2015


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karupspc galleriesMy wife and I have been married for 5 years and dated on and off for about 2 years before that. Since having our children our sex life has changed a great deal. Even when we first moved in together we were still having sex weekly, but kids changed that. My wife stays at home with our children and I am just beginning to understand how hard it is for her to switch out of "mom mode" and into "I want to sex my husband up mode". As a result, I take every advantage I can when she has a girl’s night out. According to her, "she feels like a woman when she is out drinking and having fun with her friends and not like a boring mom." We still find time to have sex on other occasions, but most of the time it happens after she gets home from a night out. Lately, I have started our foreplay while she is out with her friends via texting. At first, she was taken aback and kind of stunned with my forwardness. Fast forward 5 months and it has become a little bit of a thing. This is the first time it happened.
"Are you sure you can take care of dinner tonight," she asked as she was fixing her strap on her high-heel.
"What kind of degenerate father do you think I am, I know how to feed them," I replied while getting the hamburger meat out of the refrigerator.
"I know, I know, you know how I am. I could have had something prepped if I would have known earlier that we were still meeting for drinks," she said as she was switching from a little purse to a much smaller purse that matched her outfit. She was wearing a pair of jeans that squeezed her ass pretty tight and a loose fitting blouse with an open neck. Before having the kids she had some amazing double Ds, but now they were more of a C. She misses her old breasts and I get that, but I have no problem with the Ds or the Cs.
She walked over gave me a kiss and told me she should be home before 10PM. I told her to take her time and to have fun and not to worry about us. I knew the routine and could take care of the kids.
"Try not to fall asleep before I get home," she said with a smile standing by the open door.
"Oh yeah," I questioned smiling at the bowl of raw meat in front of me without looking at her. "What happens when you get home," I said while glancing at her out of the corner of my eye with a smirk.
Smiling she replied, "Don’t fall asleep and you will find out," as she walked out and closed the door.
My night was pretty hectic, but no one died and I got all the kids in bed by their bedtimes. I had been drinking while manning the grill and continued with a couple of drinks over dinner. I stopped for bath time and bed time, but after the kids went down I decided to have a couple more. 8:28 was the time lit up on the microwave and I could feel my buzz kicking in. I sat down to play video games, but really wasn’t feeling it so I jumped on reddit and started reading the new gonewildstories of the day. After a couple stories, I was a little turned on and my thoughts were pretty lucid. The thought of masturbating crossed my mind, but I decided to grab another beer instead. I looked back at the microwave; the wife wasn’t due home for another hour. I poured my beer in a glass, headed upstairs and got undressed for bed. I was going to jump back on reddit, but decided to text the wife instead.
"I can’t stop thinking about how hot you looked when you left. What are the chances I get to taste you tonight," I typed and hit send. I laid back in bed laughing to myself trying to picture her reaction while sitting next to her friends drinking wine. A couple minutes had past and my phone buzzed.
"Um, that was nice to say and I guess that depends on you," she replied.
"I’m laying here thinking about licking you between your legs and listening to the noises you make. It is making me hard."
She responded immediately, "OMG, what are you doing!!!???"
"Nothing, just telling my wife that I want to feel my tongue inside of her while she has me in her mouth," I responded while putting my hands inside my boxer briefs.
"O.MG. Stop! You’re making me wet," she responded adding a little smiley face at the end.
"Wet? That is a good thing, right? Besides, no one your with knows that if you are a good girl when you get home I’m going to fuck you," I typed while subtly stroking myself.
There was a delay in her response and I figured she probably shared my texts with karups com her friends or stopped enjoying them. After a couple minutes I started to think she was done with our conversation and for a split second I felt a little embarrassed. I removed my hands from my boxer briefs and lifted my glass to finish my beer. I got up, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I lay back down, turned the light off and noticed the little green light on my phone blinking. A grin formed across my face.
"What do I need to do to be a good girl," she asked.
I immediately felt myself get hard again and my mind was rushed with all kinds of dirty thoughts. I sat there for a second before I responded.
"A good girl will be on time. She will strip naked as she enters the room and will take me in her mouth as she puts her pussy over mine; without saying a word," I replied while starting to stroke myself again.
"Will you be awake?"
"Don’t worry about that. If you are a good girl it won’t matter."
That was the last of our text exchanges. I looked at the clock and I had 20 more minutes to wait. I was really turned on, but the problem was I was also a little drunk and tired. The thought of her reading those texts in that group had me laughing, but was also turning me on more. I wonder what her face looked like. I took off my boxer briefs and lay naked in the bed feeling my stomach and cock. I must have dozed off for a little bit because the next thing I noticed was hearing the front door open and close. I reached down and I was no longer hard, but as I heard her come up the steps that quickly changed.
I amateurs galleries lay motionless in the bed as I watched her open the bedroom door, close it and begin to undress. Her face was partially illuminated and I could see her smiling. She walked around to her side of the bed and paused to look at me. She got up on the bed and put her knees on each side of my head. She ran her hand down my stomach to my cock and put me in her mouth just as I grabbed her hips and ran my tongue up the inside of her thigh.
I was partially hard and she forced me all the way in her mouth, which doesn’t happen often. She sucked up me slowly as I got harder and then took me out of her mouth and ran her tongue down my cock and started sucking my balls. She got to my balls right as my tongue ran up the outside of her pussy. She was wet and with my hands on her hips I forced her back on my mouth. I continued to run my tongue around her pussy as she started to moan with my cock now back in her mouth. She was working me slowly with her hand and mouth, but her pace began to quicken. free amateur porn galleries I moved my tongue from the outside of her pussy and licked up between her lips until I found her clit. I slowly began to lightly suck on her clit as I moved my hands down her waist to her breasts. I found her nipples and began to squeeze them with the same type intensity I was applying to her clit. After a couple of minutes she removed me from her mouth and began to stroke me as she laid her head on my inner thigh.
"Oh God, Fuck," she moaned trying not to be too loud.
With her words I moved my tongue a little faster and began to suck and pinch her harder. She stopped stroking me and grabbed each one of my thighs with force and squeezed them tight as she arched her back and came on my face. She was doing everything to keep quiet and after she was finished she collapsed on my legs and let out a little laugh. I continued to suck on her legs and run my hands up and down her sides and back until she recovered. She moved her legs across my chest and turned around to face me as she straddled my hips.
"Wow. That was a big one, honey," she said as she placed my cock on the outside of her pussy and sat down. She rolled her head back and squeezed my chest as she started to take all on me inside her.
"Ahhhh, Fuck," she whispered as she took all of me inside her and slowly began to move her hips.
She rode me for a couple of minutes but her pace wasn’t fast enough for me. I reached up and grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her towards me. I filled her mouth with my tongue as her hips raised up from mine. With both hands on the side of her face I began to kiss her hard as I started to raise my hips to hers and thrusting my cock deep inside of her. As I continued kissing and fucking her, I quickened my pace and she dropped her head to my shoulder.
"Fuck me from behind," she said in an exasperated tone.
I grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head back. "Beg me," I said with my lips close to her ear.
"Please fuck me from me behind, baby; I want you to fill me from behind."
I continued to thrust her with her hair still in my hand and I ran my tongue up her neck. "I’m going to fuck you hard," I said making her feel my breath on her face. "And when I am done I want to come on your tits," I said as I moved from underneath her, positioned myself behind her and grabbed her hips.
Without hesitation I found her pussy and slowly moved myself inside her as she buried her face in her pillow. I gently brought my hand across her ass with a smack and I squeezed her hips and began to thrust hard. Through the muffled sounds in the pillow and the way she arched her back I could tell she was close to cumming. I reached down and pulled her head back by her hair and told her to cum on my cock. Without the muzzle of the pillow she clenched her jaw and began to whimper and breath heavy as I fucked her. She arched her back again and reached back and squeezed my hip as she began to cum. I released her head and she quickly moved it back to the pillow and began to moan and scream. Her noises were too much and I began to fuck her very hard and when I pulled out she immediately rolled over and pressed her breasts together. I tried not to be too loud, but with all the buildup I began to moan pretty loud as I felt my balls tighten.
"Give me your cum, cum all over my tits," she said as I stroked myself. I let out a deep moan, leaned forward a little and exploded all over her tits. "Yes, give it to me," she said as she reached up and started stroking me. I put my hands on the headboard as she finished me off and I shot three or four more streams of cum across her chest. She pulled me to her mouth and gave me a quick suck to clean amateur coed pics off the head of my cock. I sat there for a few minutes feeling overly relaxed and rolled off of her. I stared at the ceiling as she was running her fingers up her tits to her mouth and back.
"That was pretty fucking hot," I said watching her lick cum from her fingers.
She rolled her head and looked at me, "I fucking love you," she replied as she leaned up to kiss me.

