Porn Naked Girls - Ruthless Sexy Naked Girls Pictures Strategies Exploited

by ElisabethJanssen9840 posted Oct 17, 2015


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butt sex picsSharing stories on here has been a great outlet for reliving some of my crazier memories, but of late I was worried my pool of story-worthy wild nights was growing dry. What I did not expect however was to see one of those chapters reopen nearly a month ago, providing ample inspiration. You could nearly say it was wish fulfillment – having recollected my two taboo encounters with my friend Victoria, the topic was on my mind so often it must have sparked itself back to life. As such it only seemed fair to share it here as soon as I was able to take in what actually happened and do it some narrative justice. To begin I want to note that the transitional period between university and the rest of one’s life can be a bit frustrating. For myself, this consisted of moving back to my small town in order to save some money and have an excessive amount of free time to wonder what path I would begin down next. Though people constantly cite "college" as a catch-all excuse for extreme promiscuity – I can say with confidence that if I were still surrounded with as many beautiful, young, open-minded women that the "extreme promiscuity" would never reach its end. That’s what they don’t tell you about life after college: you don’t change, your setting changes. And more often than not, it’s a change for the worse. To remedy my building insanity, I got in touch with my three closest friends from school: Howie, Chris, and Victoria. We all live pretty far separated, and Skype chats to catch up could only do so sexy naked girls pictures much. As such, we made plans to all get time off from our measly part-time jobs and get together for New Year’s. A couple days was as much as any of us could manage to free up, but it didn’t matter, we couldn’t have been more excited. We all settled on flying to Victoria’s place in California – partially because her roommate would be out of town for the week, but mostly because for the rest of us, it was still the dead of winter in our areas. I swear, my bag was packed a month before the trip as the days persisted on taking their time to pass by. When the day finally arrived I found my thoughts competing on the airplane: I had my childlike excitement of getting to see my friends again that has made every day of the last month more bearable, but out of the back of my mind creeps another thought. My mind wanders to the past few months. The past few months of sexual deprivation. The past few months of utter boredom. The past few months where I recounted Victoria and I’s "mistakes" with each others’ bodies on the Internet for many to enjoy. I wonder how Victoria would feel if she knew I had shared our absolute and dirty secrets with the world. I wonder how she would feel to know I changed her name to "Victoria." I wonder how she would feel about the picture of her I painted in the stories – how I illustrated her naked girls free porn curves and encapsulated her sexuality. Then I remember how explicitly the book was closed on those dealings, how we were "just supposed to forget about our fucked-up college sex," how we were supposed to just "be friends" and look back at those nights and blame it on babe pics the extreme promiscuity of college that I was supposed to have grown out of. I pushed the thoughts from my mind and allowed it to once again be conquered by the purity of seeing my friends. It wasn’t as though I hadn’t thought of those nights with Victoria often, it was just that I had never thought of them in regards to Victoria herself. On many lonely nights I had thought about the sex we had, the euphoria it brought me, or the way her body looked framed in that tight leather dress – after all I would never have shared the stories here had I not – but being on a plane headed straight to Victoria to see her in person put it all in context. This was a closed book – one that I may have spent too much time re-reading. I was the first of the guys to arrive at the airport, but before long I found Howie and then Chris; the three of us sticking out like sore thumbs, our winter jade swept across our faces. To see such important people from my life after so many months of separation made them appear like celebrities – more frequently seen in my memories or on my computer screen than in the flesh. As we waited for our bags and subsequent taxi, our stories and jokes tangled together – cramming months of everyday catch-up across a humble hour or so. My physique quickly became a launching point for jokes: having had little else to fill my days I decided to get in as good shape as I had ever been in my life. Howie proceeded to refer to me as a different Wrestler’s name each time he addressed me, and I couldn’t help but chuckle as they became more obscure. In what felt like seconds, the lot of us arrived at Victoria’s address, as we clamored up the stairs with our bags awkwardly in tow we all couldn’t help but remark about how well-made Victoria seems to have it. Perhaps recognizing our voices from any distance, Victoria swung the door to her apartment open and greeted us excitedly. Like Howie and Chris, seeing Victoria in person felt surreal; however this time the memories I had been remembering Victoria in often involved her lips wrapped around my cock or her bent over in a certain dress. Had I really thought of our two nights of fucking more than our five years of friendship? Considering my small-town isolation it didn’t sound far off. These thoughts are broken up by a bout hugs and secret handshakes, as Victoria reaches me she exclaims sarcastically, "Oh, look at Mr. Zac Efron over here." Howie and Chris break into laughter before Howie weighs in, "I thought it was more Macho Man Randy Savage." I roll my eyes at both of them. I had only put on the slightest bit of muscle, but given that I had lived with these friends for a few years in the past, I suppose the smallest details were bound to stand out. Victoria invites us in and shows us around: it’s a small place, with a living room and two bedrooms. Victoria lets us know that two of us can have her roommate’s bedroom and the last one of us can crash on the couch. With that, our reunion goes off without a hitch. To spare you all the less exciting bits, we big ass naked had a great first day and night together. We went out for some drinks, played some Super Nintendo, and generally relived all of our favorite activities. My physique remained a constant joke for the night, one now championed by Victoria instead of Howie. That night I crashed in the roommate’s room with Howie while Chris took the couch. We kept at it in the morning, going out for Breakfast and stocking up on supplies for the night’s festivities. The strange thoughts I had on the plane remained checked as I was able to enjoy this rare time with my friends without so much as thinking of those vivid memories that occasionally overwhelmed my thoughts back home. However, the sweet and simple fun came to an abrupt halt when Victoria noted she was going to change before we went out for New Year’s. Thinking nothing of it initially, I continued watching some terrible TV movie with Howie and Chris. I remember being dead in the middle of some rant about how bad a one-liner from the movie was when Victoria stepped out of her room and her body commanded my attention. Perhaps it was due to my dry spell, or the fact that no one was showing skin during the winter back home, or maybe even because I had spent so much time recently describing her in my stories, but Victoria appeared as carnal poetry before me. She wore short high-heeled black combat boots that set her bare legs up for perfection with a loose and extraordinarily low-cut sweater on top. Her black hair, lustrous and straight, fell across her shoulders and face which itself was painted black with immaculate mascara and other sensual detail. The epicenter of my downfall however clung tight to her thighs. Skin-tight and black like her notorious dress, Victoria wore a high-waisted leather skirt. Just short enough to maintain the glory of her sinful thighs, but long enough to cause any man’s imagination to implode, her skirt acted as a painted-on holster to contain the deadly weapon that was Victoria’s hips. My mind flooded with depravity: thoughts lodged deep of all the things I wish I said to her, did with her, perfectgirls.ney or did to her on either of those fabled two nights. One thought stood above them all however, and that was my body’s demand to get a third night with her. "You punks ready to go?" Victoria proposed to which I nodded obediently. "Yeah, I guess, given that Louis over here seems to have abandoned his thought mid-sentence," Chris pointed out. I panicked, but thought of a quick save, "Well, I mean. I’m at a loss from words, this movie is just terrible." Howie and Chris laughed and agreed, but Victoria shot me a look. I couldn’t make any sense of it. It could have been disappointed, it could have been intrigue, it could have been smug, it honestly could have just been that she wasn’t a part of the original conversation and was confused – and I would be damned if I didn’t believe there was a chance that she knew exactly what was going through my head. The four of us made the plan to hit up some of the nearby bars and clubs for the night just as a change of pace. None of us were big into that scene, but we all assumed we could use something new after the monotony of our respective homes. In the very first place we hit, I was surprised at the amount of attention I received. While we had made jokes about how Victoria thought I was on "‘roids," actually seeing the newfound attention I got was incredible. A woman introduced herself to me as Cindy, and she was hard to ignore. Cindy had soft dark skin and wore a shimmering light silver dress that knew all the right places to hug. Most of all, I remember how captivated I was by her blue-gray eye shadow as she asked if I wanted to hang out for a while. As if we were all in college again, I could feel my friends egging me on, amazed at what appeared to be a new record for me – both in how quickly she came over and how desirable she was. Before responding, I looked over to Howie and Chris as I swear I could hear them laughing. Instead, I saw both of them wide-eyed, nodding that I should go for it. ssbbw sex Victoria meanwhile had an amused look on her face, as I made eye contact with her, she crossed her legs slowly, one voluptuous thigh caressing the other while the sound of her leather skirt’s creasing tickled the back of my mind. A feeling only describable as sexual adrenaline shot through my body causing my heart to pound. My mind was made up as I quickly turned to Cindy and rushed some words out, "Hey, I’m flattered, but us friends haven’t hung out in a while and you probably wouldn’t want to hear us catching up all night." Crassly, I shrugged, and Cindy shook her head, scoffed to herself and walked back to her friends. As I watched her walk away, I saw Victoria smirk confidently out of the corner of my eye before being distracted by a hard punch on the arm. It was Chris, "Are you crazy, man? She was like a 10! Are you so rusty after Amber? Are you so rusty after college?" I shrugged again noncommittally. Howie and Chris would likely view it as me being truly committed to the friend group tonight, but in reality my agenda was much more perverse. If I was going to get with anyone tonight, it would be Victoria. A lethal combination of being sexually deprived and obsessing over Victoria and I’s previous encounters on this subreddit and beyond broke down all the walls of resisting her I had in the past. Fuck her once, shame on us – fuck her twice, and things are definitely a bit more complex. The only question I had left was whether my chemically imbalanced mind was just imagining she had worn that nefarious skirt to control me or if she really was playing me toward the same goal for the night I had. As I mulled over the thoughts in my head, I had my answer, as Victoria called out smugly, "I’m gonna go get us a round of tequila, be right back." Chris and Howie continued to banter back and forth about my handling of the Cindy situation, as I lustfully watch Victoria get our drinks. I watch her hips bounce in the skirt as she takes each precise step in her boots. I wonder to myself how I ever managed to ignore how perfectly uneven her hips are so that her every step is severely sensual. My small town eyes feast on her body, frantically racing up and down, admiring every element of it. My gaze lingers back on her ass – its shape like a work of art displayed beautifully in a tight leather frame. As I wonder in the moment if there’s truly anything better in the world than that ass, I look up to notice that Victoria has been staring back at me, clearly watching me fiend over her body for the last few seconds. Startled, I just look at her for a moment before a smirk comes across her faces and she shakes her head. Embracing being caught, my eyes trace her figure as she seductively returns to the table with four shots of tequila grasped tightly by her slender fingers. Excitedly, she places the shots down on our table, only to be interrupted by what seemed to be an admirer from across the bar. He cut in next to Victoria and rattled off some cliche about how he was wondering if those drinks were for him. Howie stretched his arms to simulate boredom and loudly announced, "Oh yeah, this is why we don’t go to clubs." We all chuckled before the stranger tried to play it off cockily, noting something along the lines of "Don’t worry guys, I only need to borrow your friend here for the rest of the year." I answered back confidently, "We’re not really in the borrowing market," before Howie added his own sarcastic touch, "But we’re down to barter." Attempting to have the last laugh the stranger looked Victoria up and down, "Hmm… Well for an ass like that, I would have to-" Victoria cuts him off with a facetious, "Oh please, friends. Do sell me to this creep for some magic beans." We all laugh and realizing he’s fighting a losing battle, the stranger returns to across the bar to admire. Victoria lifts her shot glass and proposes a toast, "To never going to shitty clubs again!" We all voice our approval and take down the shots. The night continues on without incident. Seemingly every time Victoria gets up for something, my pants get tighter and someone sends her a drink from across the club. In turn, Victoria would give the drinks to Chris and Howie every time to spite her admirers. Just a few minutes shy of the new year, Victoria and I wonder if Chris and Howie will even make it given how loaded they had become from the gifts. "Do you want to babysit them while I go to the bathroom real quick?" I ask half sarcastically to nude chick pics Victoria. She rolls her eyes playfully and gestures toward the bathroom. As I wash my hands I check my phone to see that we’re in countdown territory and that I should rush back to our table. Part way back, I see Victoria headed my way alone, she asks, "Hey Lou, do they have any of those nasty vending machine mints in the bathroom?" Taken aback I laugh, "No. Don’t think so at least. Like the ones at movie theaters? Is Howie getting crazy about his breath?" "Bingo." I laugh, "Did he find some guy to kiss for the new year?" "Don’t think so… But speak of the devil," Victoria refers to the drunken masses counting down from 30. Victoria responds, "I’m glad you guys could make it out here, it wouldn’t be New Years without you." 24! She smiles sincerely and I enjoy the sweet moment. 22! She follows it up, "Out of all the guys leering at me in the club, you’re still my favorite," 19! I swallow hard, and wonder if all my fantasies about what I wanted to do with Victoria tonight were ill-founded. 14! Self-conscious and buzzed from the drinks, I respond, "Hey, that’s in the past, right?" 10! Victoria nods casually. 9! She returns, "But hey, ‘roided Lou doesn’t look too bad himself." 7! I reluctantly look down and catch a larger glance of her irresistible cleavage than I would have preferred. 6! I sober myself and state, "closed book." 4! Victoria chuckles and agrees solemnly, "closed book." 3! 2! 1! As choruses of "Happy New Year" and some terrible version of Auld Lang Syne begins to play, I grab Victoria by the shoulders and slam her hard against the wall, her mouth quickly meeting mine in transit. We attack each other as everyone else exchanges simple new year kisses. My hand wraps its way around her side and pulls her in tight. Her tongue strikes my lips and demands entry as my hand pounces to her ass and thighs. Victoria’s body is an assault on my senses, like a drug that only gets better the more you do it. The pent up lust of months without her and hours of staring at her take form as I batter her hips with my desire. Far from resistant herself, I feel her hand navigate up my shirt and begin to claw at my chest. Our lips continue to try to engulf each other before I reach a hand up the front of her shirt only to have it pulled away. Coming to our senses, I pull off of her and realize everyone else in the club seems to have finished their comparably tame kisses. Victoria leans over to my ear and whispers, "You can’t just go around getting built like that and not letting your friend have a taste." I slap her ass hard in response and the hard sound of snapping leather ricochets off the walls of the club. This brings Victoria back down to earth, "Well, we shouldn’t get too carried away. I have other guests after all," she points over to Howie and Chris in the distance, clearly oblivious to the world at their table. Realizing how Chris and Howie were too drunk to function much longer, we all decided to head back to Victoria’s place so they could crash. As we reached her apartment, Victoria ushered the two drunkards up the stairs while I followed behind her. Intentionally, she pulled her skirt up a bit so that my view as I followed up behind her was nothing short of perfection. My thoughts cycled back to the unanswerable question of whether there was anything on this earth comparable to Victoria’s ass. I got a glimpse of her mostly transparent black panties that curved perfectly to each cheek and it took everything within me to not help myself. In short order, we quickly cycled our heavily intoxicated friends into the roommate’s room after we deemed them perfect for each other. Drunken banter between the two of them commenced, but I flipped the light switch off and loudly proclaimed that they should get some rest. For a moment, I had a bit of clarity, thinking of how nice it was to be back with my friends. I could feel myself sobering up quickly before I heard a long sultry call of my name, "Louuu," Victoria’s voice calmly called over from the kitchen, "You shouldn’t have to sleep on the couch tonight because of those two." I bite, "Where else is there for me to go?" Victoria grabs my hand and begins to guide me, "Let’s see if we can find some space in my room." As soon as the door to Victoria’s bedroom closes, it’s vicious. She pushes me up against the newly closed door and starts unbuttoning my shirt in a frenzy. As soon as my shirt is open, she grabs the back of my head with one hand while the other claws at my chest. Our lips meet again, like enemies trying to conquer one another. Given our newfound privacy, my hand again races up her sweater this time imprisoning one of her breasts within it. I nearly hear Victoria growl as I command her breast to my grip, instead she fights back by continuing to claw into my chest and head while our tongues draw a storm of passion. I reach within her bra and pinch her nipple with my thumb and forefinger, creating a mix of pleasured noises. With that move, Victoria pulls off of me and yanks my shirt off the rest of the way, before making a beeline for my belt. As she negotiates with the buckle, I pull up the side of her sweater, and force it over her head before dismissing it to a pile in the corner. I look down at her and immediately reach for the back of her bra, fully exposing the top of her beautiful hourglass shape. After finally pulling my belt through its buckle, she hurriedly undoes the rest of my pants and throws them to the ground. Immediately, her hand clutches for the front of my boxer briefs. Upon discovering my hardness she remarks, "Mmm, I missed this." She grabs my cock tighter and pulls my face close for a long sensual kiss. She continues to tease, "I didn’t even have to get you drunk this time," before pulling in for another long kiss. While the liquor had all but filtered through my body, Victoria’s body was a mind-altering substance all on its own. All the same, I looked down at her bare chest, her perky chest erect with excitement and pressed close to mine. I gave her the answer I thought she already knew, "Your body in that leather skirt is enough." She snapped in close for another kiss and responded, "You’re so easy," before grabbing my cock hard again. She kept going, "But let’s make this easier for next time: when I ask you to fuck me, you fuck me." I was so turned on, I grabbed her ass hard. She smiled, "Good boy. No more protesting like last time." I traced my hand along her curves and the leather skirt that clung to them. "You just keep wearing shit like this and you won’t even have to ask." "Mm… Leather dress, leather skirt… I think I know what to add to my wardrobe." With those words I plunged my hand under her skirt and yanked down her underwear. She smiled and stepped out of them when they hit the floor, making me realize she still had her boots on. She looked back up to me with her thick black makeup making her look like some sort of goddess before whispering, "my turn," and tearing down my boxer briefs. I pulled her in close to continue to make out, but she slid through my grasp, kissing down my chest and abs. Her eyes honed in on my cock, her eyes lighting up like she had just found some ancient treasure. She kissed up and down my shaft, the tension in my body nearly overwhelming me while I waited to feel her warm mouth’s embrace on my dick. I looked across the room to see she had a full length mirror in the corner of the room. I squinted in the low light only to see the reflection of Victoria on her knees adoring my cock. Her body was truly flawless to my mostly sober mind – every inch of skin smooth and voluptuous. I looked closer at the reflection to see her still wearing the skirt – her ass still amply bound in the confines of the tight leather. As soon as I begin to admire the sight again, I hear an intake of breath as she slowly slides my cock in her mouth. A long drawn out moan involuntarily escapes my gloryhole pics lips capped by curses of disbelief. Just as slowly as it entered, Victoria pulled it out and whispered up to me, "Feels good enough you don’t mind our friends finding out?" Before waiting for a response, she slide my cock back into her mouth as my body cries for mercy again. "Fuck," I growl from clenched teeth. Howie and Chris were too drunk and too passed out to wake up, but I was so caught up in the moment, I just followed Victoria’s instructions. She began to suck my cock tightly from the base to the head in long drawn out strokes. She pulled off my cock to further rub her power in my face, "This is so much more fun sober, now I know how to make you do whatever I want." She continue to slowly stroke and suck on my dick. Unable to think straight enough to respond, I just let out, "You give the best fucking head." "Damn straight," she flattered herself with sultry confidence, "Now fuck me." I waited to feel her lips around my cock, but instead I heard the sound of her heels rising from the floor. Angrily, she grabbed me by the hair and announced, "You know the rules, when I tell you to fuck me, you fuck me." Feeding off of her anger, I hoisted her off the ground and tossed her on the bed. sex girls free Our tongues minced words as I got on top, forcing her skirt up, and sliding my dick into her from above. A cacophony of pleasure and curses came from us both as we fucked hard and rough. I looked up again to the mirror, so see our two bodies colliding between cries. The sensual focus on my face as her body bucked and her head tossed around in bliss. Motivated to go harder, I kept pumping into her as she screamed my name in bated breaths and edged closer to cumming. She reached for the back of my head, but instead scratched my face as my gaze was still fixed on the mirror in the corner. Quickly, she pushed me to the side and rolled on top of me, my head now facing away from the mirror. Victoria straddled me and awkwardly tried to pull the skirt off, but instead just pushing it closer to her breasts and stomach. Wasting no time, she pushed her hands against my chest and raised herself onto my cock. Out of breath she whispered down to me, "You like watching us fuck in my mirror?" I nod and moan as she uses her lethal hips to control how we fuck. She begins to speed up her pace and push me harder into herself, "Mmm.. I like it too, spent a lot of time hoping that might happen," she says as she looks straight ahead to the mirror and twists her body in evermore seductive ways. She pulls her body in close to my head and whispers, "let’s both enjoy it." Victoria launches herself off my cock and assumes the position in front of the mirror, I follow behind closely, adapting the small space and hooking my cock deep inside of her from the back. We begin immediately at a fast pace as our hips collide violently. "I can’t believe we’re fucking again," I let out as I make eye contact with her in the mirror. "Just keep fucking your friend," Victoria cried out as she sounded close to cumming, always managing to make dirty sex dirtier. As soon as I heard her peak, I gave the last of my energy into pumping into her. "Oh fuck!" she cried out. I rammed harder into her, and in a few pumps I joined her, cumming deep and hard into her. The warmth of it stirring some more moans from her. We let out our final sighs, moans, and curses, before both rolling onto the floor to catch our breath. "I miss you," Victoria whispered to me before wrapping her arms around me. I embraced her back as we caught our breath. Before we knew it, we woke up at 4:50 AM, having fallen asleep on the floor. Without a word exchanged, I threw most of my clothes back on and rushed out to the couch. Luckily Chris and Howie were still out cold. I couldn’t find my way back to sleep on the couch, so I just replayed the night before in my head, thinking of its implications and embarrassingly enough, thinking of how I was going to convey it in this piece. My eyes closed as the images continued to replay themselves on my eyelids. The next thing I remember was opening my eyes to a very pale Chris and Howie, knocking on Victoria’s door to ask if she had any Gatorade or Tylenol. We all left later that day to return to our individual hibernations. I found that I wasn’t as sad about returning as I originally thought given that I had a great time with my friends, had some mind-blowing sex, and now had another story to keep me warm through the winter. My only regret: not getting a later flight and seeing if I could stick around for another day. Wilson48
