Free Porn Ftv - The Meaning Of Rilee Sara

by ErwinTapia2712127527 posted Oct 17, 2015


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It was the first week of university so naturally we have a freshers, Im unsure if this is done elsewhere, just incase its basically a week before actual class where everyone goes out every night, gets drunk, meet new people and find out who your classmates/dorm mates are. This night were on a pub crawl and sensibly decide to do a loop so the final bar is just outside our students accommodation and in classic student style we dont want to go without at least getting with one girl so desperation is slowly increasing while standards are lowering. One by one my group breaks apart some being successful in their attempts others giving up and going for a smoke, or for some the drink is too much, myself included. I finally settle into a chair at the far side of the bar. You look like you could do with some water. I had no idea anyone was near me or where the voice came from at first only to realise I landed right beside this girl and presumably almost spilled her drink. These were high chairs so even though she was sitting I could tell she was tall, hell she was at least 6 foot and those legs made up the most of it. I distinctly remember taking a while to look up at her (im a leg guy), but when I do I see she has the shiniest red hair Ive ever seen and like those magazines you see her lips were such a dark red it was hard not to stare. Y-yea. was all I think I managed, to her amusement. She smiled at me and said something along the lines of You poor thing. and my god the way she stood up! She didnt hesitate to walk to the bar fixing her dress as she went. It was tight, beautifully tight and must have been around finger length. I was in heaven watching her walk, mesmerized by the way her rear wagged and her hair bounced. I thought she must be doing that on purpose and Ill play leslie ftv along. When she came back with the water I made it pretty obvious I was watching her legs, either she didnt notice or remained silent she just sat back down and crossed her legs towards me in that way girls do that makes your heart thump. The details of the conversation are a blur but the key point was that she lived in student accommodation too, and lost her friends somewhere on another pubcrawl and was grabbing a drink here as it was so close to where she lived. Being the gentleman that I am I walk her the 10 or so minutes back to where she lived, about 30 seconds away from me im reality. We should order food. She shouts halfway there and squeezes my arm, she seemed clumsier than most in high heels and it was a strange feeling holding someone up that was as tall as me. I ftc girls take out my phone but its quickly tucked away and in one of the most sly and seductive voices Ive ever heard she says At mine. Guys will know what Im talking about when a penis goes to full erect in less than a second. We finally arrive and Im practically sprinting to get her into her room at this stage, but the way the accommodation works is you insert a keycard at the front door then each floor needs another card, then so does each room for security. We get through the first door and she pins me against the side of the steps. The kiss great, I kept trying to pull her close, press us together but she resisted and held back a few inches awkwardly and making soft protests during the kiss. I ask if everythings alright? Yea..its nevermind its silly. She takes my hand and guides me up the stairs, through the locked door and we stop outside her room. Again she seems anxious and gives me a concerned look. If you dont want to I understand. I say to her, giving her hair a light stroke she smiles and opens her mouth to say something but then closes and puts a hand on my chest. You go order food in the kitchen, then come in, Ill leave it unlocked. Fuck I dont even care about food at this stage, she didnt even tell me what she wanted so I ordered a large pepperoni to share, compose myself and get ready to head to her room. As Im walking down the hall Im trying to work out what was off about her, what she wasnt saying, why she was keeping a distance? Did she have a boyfriend? I personally didnt care I was far too horny and desperate at this stage to turn back. Sure enough the door was unlocked, a pair of panties on the knob. Oh fuck yes Ive got a real nymph or something here I thought. I opened the door and saw a dimly lit paula ftv room with that brilliant red hair on the bed, one leg flat, one down with the dress still on. I climb onto the bottom of the bed and place a hand on her knee. She tenses and closes her legs a little. You left your pants on the door but are too shy to let me see? I ask. No, take off your jeans. she says. Well thats one way to get me away from going up her dress. No sooner had I undone the belt and she pounced on me, clawing away my boxers and letting my erection slide out. I was now standing off the end of the bed and she was on all fours, she took my cock in one hand, the warm soft touch was enough to make me gasp. A subtle smile and she flipped her dress at the bottom revealing her perfect ass. It was a delicious shape, perfectly round and big! The kind that you know going at it doggy style is gonna be irresistible. She knew exactly what she was doing. She sucked, she slurped, she pumped she did it better than Ive ever experienced. The bit that got me the most, she let it slide out and looked up at me and a link of spit from my tip to her lip, I shoved it back in. I started to fuck her mouth, she guided herself too, going deeper and deeper. Id never experienced deepthroat before and if you havent my god you have to! Like right now! miyu ftv I groaned, I never groan... I came so hard that when I pulled out from her mouth it was still throbbing out, she eagerly rubbed her cheeks and chin around it. I was shaking and she was grinning from ear to ear. Shit I said. I wasnt supposed to cum! I wasnt gonna get to fuck her now? Would I have to wait for an hour?! Let me do you! I said. I was so embarrassed I was almost begging to let me do her. I dont think you want to.. What? Why wouldnt she? I shit I bet shes on her period or something fuck fuck... I couldnt have been more wrong... She was blushing unlike anytime that night as she leaned back and spread her legs while she pulled her dress up....she....was a he....she I mean he had a cock.... I looked to her then to his cock then back to her. It all made sense, why she wouldnt press close, or show me and acted strange. But the strangest part was.. I liked what I saw. Like the rest of her it was so feminine. Not a hair or vein in sight. It was small in a cute way and her balls were the same, though an equally cute shade pinker than the rest of her skin. I knew it was a guy but something so feminine about him made me see a beautiful woman with a penis I... I went hard in an instant. He. She opened a drawer and took out a condom and a little bottle of lube, citrus scented, so now if I ever smell that fruit I have a difficult time keeping calm. The slid the condom on me and pushed me onto my back. Lubing herself with one hand and me with another. My mind was racing! I just got blown by a guy and now Im going to fuck him?? Why am I not stopping this? Im not resisting in the slightest. Time was irrelevant from the blowjob, everything was a mess of lust, confusion and adrenaline. My thoughts were interrupted by a gasp. Mine. Hers. We both gasped at the same time. My head had just pressed into her. She was ontop of me, sitting upright and moving ever so slightly, letting me slip deeper as if millimeter by millimeter. It was so tight and hot! Id never done anal with anyone so this was an unbelievable sensation. I must have been halfway in, I reached up to grab her, pull her down or rock her, I didnt know, what am I supposed to do? That was answered by my hands being pressed back to the bed. That grin on her face again, she was so smug that she got me. She pulled her dress over her head, for the briefest moment all I saw was his erect cock and mine buried in there somewhere. His chest was flat, he was skinny, slim like a woman with that feminine frame. She was completely flat, I must have been too distracted by her legs, his gorgeous legs. His legs than were now either side of me and her balls resting on my pelvis, resting until they lifted, and dropped and lifted. This is fucking happening? Im fucking him. His ass was pumping me unlike a pussy had ever done, it was sucking and squeezing me with every thrust, the feel of her balls landing on me and the short gasps of pleasure, this was surreal! Im moaning? I never do that! Is it that good? Now I apologize if I dont get into much more detail but the euphoria and everything was too much that I cant remember anything specific but the bed was rocking uncontrollably, it and us probably woke everyone up in that building but I didnt even care. For the first time in my life I had someone elses semen on my stomach and chest the next morning and a beautiful girl next to me. Thats when I knew this year was going to be a good one. Oh and neither of us must have heard the pizza guy at the door! Rmethadonep
