Free Amateurs Nude - The Hidden Mystery Behind Hometown Porn

by YettaProffitt475368 posted Oct 17, 2015


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karups galleryLong amateur galleries time reader, sexy naked amateurs first time contributor. Feedback is appreciated. There’s a lot of background to set the stage, free amateur nude galleries but if you want to skip straight to the action, start reading at "The Bathroom" Background: This happened about three years ago, and involves my then-girlfriend. I was 21, and she was 20. Let’s call her Emily. She’s 5"7, with the classic hourglass figure, long brown hair, small tits, gorgeous legs, and a spectacular ass. At the time, we’d been dating about 7 months, and were still very much in the honeymoon phase. We were completely head over heels, all over each other, and having incredible sex basically every day. That’s probably why she invited me to her cousin’s wedding in Mexico, despite the relatively short time that we’d been dating. It’s definitely why I said yes, despite the fact that I’d be travelling with her family, and staying at her grandparents’ place for 6 days. While we were both excited for the trip and the wedding, the prospect of going almost a week without jumping each other was somewhat distressing. Her grandparents live in a beautiful, large apartment in Mexico City, but its still an apartment, with nowhere we could sneak off too. We’d be sleeping in separate rooms (Emily shared a room with her sister), and I knew that if we got caught trying anything, her dad would probably sell me to the nearest human traffickers. On the plus side, that meant that we fucked as much as possible in the days before we left, trying to get it all out our systems before a week of family-imposed celibacy. The Build-Up: The first bit of the trip was fine, but by the third day, we were both getting pretty horny. It didn’t help that we were teasing each other every chance we got, right from the start of the trip. Whenever we had a moment alone, Emily would grab me for an intense make out, or start grinding her body up against mine, slipping her hand down my pants and moaning into my ear (which she knows drives me crazy). Whenever she heard anyone coming, she’d quickly disentangle, and would have the perfect innocent smile on her face by the time her family walked in. I started fighting back, nibbling on her neck when we had a second alone, or leaning over in the middle of a family dinner and whispering into her ear exactly what I wanted to do to her, then watching her try to keep a straight face. By the time the wedding rolled around on the night of the 4th day, we were both ready to explode. We were both dressed to kill, and Emily looked absolutely spectacular in a long, backless purple dress. During the pre-wedding pictures, we could barely keep our hands off of each other. A word about Mexican weddings: they are fucking insane. The ceremony was at 10pm, dinner was served at midnight, and the party went all night. This one had about 600 guests, which was considered only a little above average. It was held in the giant social hall of this sprawling community centre. At the party, Em and I were having a great time dancing and hanging out with her cousins, and actually getting some time away from her parents, as they caught up with family. But, as the night wore on and we kept drinking, we were less and less able to keep our hands off of each other. At one point, mid-dance, Em grabs my hand, and pulling me behind her, practically runs out of the room. She turns the corner, pulls me into a little alcove off of the hall, and fucking attacks me, pushing me up against the wall, shoving her tongue down my throat, and grinding up against me. She breaks the kiss, leans in, whispers "we need karup db to fuck. Now." Needless to say, I am rock hard at this point, and we start frantically wandering through the halls of this building looking for somewhere we can be alone. The problem with a 600 person wedding is that such a place does not exist. There are people fucking everywhere. After about 15 minutes of looking, Em is ready to give up, and we sit down on a bench down the hall from the main party room. There’s no one around us, so we’re making out, but can’t really do anything else since we’re out in the open. Desperately looking around for any sort of option, I see a door at the end at the end of the hallway marked "private." I tell Em to wait, and walk over to investigate. Turns out that it’s the door to a special bridal suite, where the bride and groom can change, hang out, fuck, etc. between the reception and the party. It has a bed, a bathroom and shower, and oh yeah, the bride and groom are busy at the party. Bingo. I hurry back and tell Em what I’ve found, but she’s worried we’ll get caught, and points out that we can’t exactly just go fuck on the bed in the bridal sweet. "But there’s a bathroom," I reply. This almost does it, but after a couple of seconds, she shakes her head " I really, really want to, I’m just too nervous." At this point, I just go for it. I grab the back of her head, kissing her as passionately as I can. I pull out every trick I’ve learned with her, kissing down her neck, nibbling her ears, and sliding my hand up her leg, before kissing her again. Hard. She pulls back, gives me a look that could have melted fucking steel, and says the magic words: "fuck it, lets go." The Bathroom: We basically run into the suite, shut the door behind us, then go into the bathroom, and shut and lock the door. She’s too afraid to even turn on the lights, so the only light is coming from small window at the top of the wall. We make out hard against the wall for maybe 20 seconds, before she says "we’re going to have karup stars to be quick about this." With that, Emily drops to her knees, unbuckling my belt as she does, and practically ripping my suit pants as she tries to get them off as fast as she can. I’m already rock hard at this point, and Emily dives straight in, moaning around my cock as she tries to take me as deep as she can. Em always was an enthusiastic fellatrix, but that night she was like a woman possessed, licking and sucking intensely, while looking up at me with gorgeous submissive brown eyes. As much as I was enjoying her skills, I was determined to get more out of the evening, and after a couple of minutes I pulled her up, kissed her hard, then spun her around and bent her over against the wall. Em moaned her approval as I hiked up her long dress, pulled down her thong, and reached around to rub her clit. Sliding a finger into her, I found her absolutely soaking wet. After maybe 10 seconds of rubbing her clit, she turned her head, and in a desperate voice moaned "just fuck me hard." I didn’t need to be told twice, and plunged to the hilt into her tight, wet pussy, then proceeded to fuck the shit out of her, slamming into her from behind while she steadied herself on the wall. I’m only a couple of inches taller than Em, so standing doggie is one of our favourites. Emily isn’t normally a screamer, but the situation was so intense that while I was rubbing her clit with my right hand, she was biting down on my left to keep from moaning too loudly. We were both so horny and on edge that after maybe 3 minutes, I felt Em’s pussy tighten up, her knees buckled, and she bit down onto my hand as she came hard. Without giving her time to recover, I lifted her back up by her waist, and continued to pump into her hard. After maybe another minute, we could both feel that I was about to cum, and Em looked over her shoulder and said "just cum in my mouth". I didn’t need to be told twice, and quickly pulled out as she spun around, dropped to her knees, and took my cock back in her mouth. She plunged up and down a couple of times before I unloaded 7 or 8 huge ropes into her mouth, while she continued to bob up and down. When I was finished she moaned, looked me in the eye, and swallowed. We quickly cleaned up, and decided to return to the party separately so as not to arouse suspicion. As soon as I entered the room, I ran into Emily’s mom, who was looking for her. I told her "Emily was just grabbing a drink" TL/DR: Went to the my girlfriend’s cousin’s wedding, snuck off with the gf and fucked her in the bathroom of the bridal suite. LegoPutin
