Viv Thomas Girls - Confidential Information On Lesbian Viv Thomas That Only The Experts Know Exist

by JuliennePolanco122 posted Oct 17, 2015


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vivthomas passwordI dont have time for this shit. I said, rolling out of bed and turning off my alarm clock. But a jobs a job, and I sure need the money. I woke up late and barely have enough time to get ready. I guess Ill have to leave the beard on for today. And I better not forget to wear the long-sleeve work polo, or the boss will get on my ass for the tattoos showing. Hes such an ass. My truck started today, so maybe my luck has changed? I got the gym at 5:59 and held the door open for the regulars. It was a slow day of cleaning up towels and the other messes of the people who can afford this place. It seemed like it was going to be just another long, slow day. Then she walked in. I first saw her as she locked and honked her car. She turned her head around toward the gym and her blonde hair flipped and she strutted right toward me. She was young and hot as hell. She wore a tight pink athletic tank top that barely held her massive, juicy tits. But the kicker is, she was wearing little black yoga shorts that clung to her hips like a bear trap. I couldnt stop staring and never wanted to turn away. She came in the front door and looked around, then spotted me and walked my way. I gulped and my heart raced for this young vixen. Hi, she said. I have this guest pass coupon. Do I just give it to you or how does that work? Sssure, I said. You can give it to me. You dumbass, that was lame But she had a little laugh and smiled. OK, she said. Ill get started. Ill let you know if I need anything. Please do, miss. With that she walked away, putting on her headphones. It gave me a view of her big bubbly ass and the blood rushed to my cock. She set up on a stair master and I couldnt believe my luck. She was very fit, but her curves were unfair. She had a good pace going, and I couldnt take my eyes off her. Then my boss tapped me on the shoulder and said, The corner rack is empty, put the fresh towels out there. For once I sprang into action, working in that part of the gym Id be right behind her. That was the slowest I ever placed towels in my life. Every step of hers on the machine had her ass rise and fall, and rise and fall, while my cock was only rising. I had to hunch over to cover it up. I could see her big tits from behind even, Viv Thomas Dvds as they rounded out her figure. I couldnt take it anymore. It was a slow day and those yoga shorts were making my mouth water. I sat on a weight bench, put the towel cart in front of me, and made it look like I was folding towels. But I was really stroking my cock under my shorts. Her ass looked so good. Going up and down in those black yoga shorts. Her sexy legs, those hips. I thought of how soft her skin must be and pulling back on that blonde hair, kissing her neck. She increased her pace on the machine, and I did too. I had to stifle moans as she was just working it. I was getting so close, my heart beating out of my chest. I peaches viv thomas the art of sex thomas dont know why, but I looked past her to the mirror at the front and saw that she was looking at me with a smile while she worked out. I panicked and tried to cover myself with towels or look busy. But I ended up leaning too far back and fell over with a crash, and towels went everywhere. Everyone looked at me and I could see she was holding back laughter. Fucking idiot, I thought. I worked to collect everything. When I bent down to pick some up, I saw some pink gym shoes next to me. I stopped and followed them. They led me up her sexy legs, past her sexy shorts, right up past her tits and to a pretty smile framed by sexy blonde hair. Hey, she said. Hey. I need help finding a locker in the back; can you help me? Absolutely. I led her to the back and had the feeling she was checking me out now. Next to the locker room is a storage room, with towels and supplies. I said, I just need to put a few things away here first. I opened the door and flicked on the light. Then I felt her push me in the room and shut and lock the door behind her. What are you doing? I said. I saw you staring. Why dont you show me what you were thinking about. She walked right up to me with her hand on my chest, our lips inches away. My heart raced and I leaned in close and kissed her. She bit her lip and I went in again harder. I put my hands up and ran my fingers through her hair pulling her in, sliding my tongue into her wanting mouth. I felt her body all over as I kept her close to me. I reached down and grabbed a handful of her ass and my cock was raging. She felt down through my gym shorts and said, Looks like youre ready. But why dont you viv thomas clips thomas office girls work on me. We released and took our clothes off. I watched closely as she took her top off and let loose what must have been DDs. Wow. She smiled and looked at me. She ran her hands over my body and traced her fingers on my tattoos. Yum, she said. But why dont you go down and have a taste yourself. She pushed my shoulders down and I got on my knees. She lifted a leg up and put it on a shelf behind my head. I put my fat lesbian porn pictures hand on her hips and brought her toward me. I kissed her soft skin on her inner thigh. Tracing kisses right toward her pussy. I licked all around the Viv thomas dvds outside and planted a kiss right on her lips. I licked from the bottom right up to her clit and she let out a moan. I put my hands on her bubble butt and licked her hard, plunging my tongue deep in her pussy. Lets put that cock to use now, bad boy she said. I kissed her tits on my way up and licked around her big nipples. She smiled and spun around, bending over a shelf and grabbing her ass from behind. I had to mount that ass, and I pushed my cock right in. I slide all the way down to my balls and felt her ass pressed against me. I let out a moan as I in the family viv thomas felt her against me and rocked my cock in and out. I ran my hands all over her body and pumped her pussy. Her skin was as soft as I imagined, it was driving me wild. She moaned into the towels and I felt her pussy twitch all over my cock. I reached up and grabbed a handful of her sexy blonde hair and pulled her onto me, pounding her ass furiously as I felt an orgasm coming on. As I rocked my hips it was sensory overload. Her ass pressed against me, her big DDs swaying, soft skin, sexy hair... I grabbed two handfuls of that ass and plunged my cock deep, felt my balls tighten and release a river of cum. We both moaned and shook with orgasms. I pulled out and nearly fell to the floor, exhausted but so satisfied. She used the employee bathroom and came back out to me getting dressed. She handed me a slip with her number and gave me a peck on the cheek. That was fun, she said. With that, she had to go. But I got to watch her leave in those sexy, skin tight yoga shorts. My lip quivered, and I knew I had to see that ass and those tits again. yo11
