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by SherrillMerrell8 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Second Encounter

Everything is prepared. I kneel, naked, on the floor of the bedroom, my back rigid and my hands on my knees. The toys are laid out on the end table, and the bed itself is turned down. Patiently, I await her arrival.

The front door clicks. She walks in, locking the door behind her. A moment's pause, then she enters the room. She looks at me, satisfied that I have everything ready for her arrival as ordered. She then tosses an object on the bed beside me.

"Put it in" she says, curtly, then leaves the room to get ready.

The buttplug is small, and pink, with a head just wide enough to make me feel stretched while wearing it. A moment to apply lube and it is nestled deep inside of me – a warm-up for something else later. She returns to the room and finds me kneeling in the same position as before. She does not ask to see evidence of what I've done: she knows that I will be obedient. She stands before me looking magnificent: her street clothes have been shed, replaced by boots, and corsetry, and lacy underwear. She catches my roving eye and scowls slightly; I immediately look downwards and wait patiently. She moves over to the bed, and sits.

A boot is proffered. I undo the zipper, and remove it. Then, with my hands at my sides, I lean forward and remove her ankle stockings with my teeth. I look up at her, seeking permission, which she grants with a short nod. Taking the bare foot in my hands by the ankle, I plant slow, firm kisses on her feet: starting from the balls of her heels free amatuer galleries and moving upwards to the pads of her toes. The tops of her feet are next, then back down to the arches, and to the heels again. I hold a steady gaze into her eyes as I do this, and am gratified that she seems pleased with me. I continue in this fashion for a few minutes, then switch to licking: my tongue held flat to her soles as I make sure to taste every inch of their surface. I pop her toes into my mouth, sucking each in turn, then running my tongue between them. Briefly, she grabs me by my hair, takes her foot out of my mouth, and tilts my head back, motioning for me to keep my mouth open. She leans over me, and spits directly onto my tongue, then wordlessly leans back: the reward for my obedient swallow being her toes in my mouth again. I continue on in this manner: kiss, lick, suck, kiss, lick suck, karup tgp and eventually she decides that I have done a good enough job. The other boot is proffered, and I repeat the process with no less enthusiasm than the first time. As I am kissing her feet her hand snakes down into the front of her panties and begins to work away. It emerges from her panties, glistening with her juices, which she wipes on her free foot: taking extra care to get it between her toes.

"Clean me" she orders. I do.

She moves up onto the bed, and motions for me to follow. A blindfold goes over my eyes. My hands are bound above my head with a velvet cloth. I hear her moving about the room, but have no idea what is in store. Something presses against my mouth and I open it. A nipple swells on my tongue as I suck it greedily. It is removed, then replaced by the other. She then wraps her arms around my head, smothering me with her breasts until, struggling for air, I am released with a gasp. A toe is dipped into my mouth, replete with a familiar taste and stickyness. Then I feel something cold brushing past my cock: the rubber thongs of a flail that I have brought brush past my cock and balls, down my thigh, and up the other as she teases me. Every so often a loud whack is produced as she strikes the inside of my thigh: enough to sting, but not to punish. Then her cunt is upon my mouth, and she is bearing down on me, and it is all that I can do to keep my tongue working away at pleasuring her. When she is done with me, she swings her leg over and addresses me again.

"Raise your legs up." I comply.

She squats between my legs, and removes the plug from my ass. It elicits a disappointed whimper from me, but its presence is not missed for long. The head of the powerful G-spot vibrator, bulbous and smooth and the size of an egg, is pressed firmly against me and I moan as I open to accept it. When it is in place she turns the knob on the base, and it roars to life, sending vibrations deeps inside me. My hands are freed, and I rub my sore wrists.

"Jerk yourself off." I comply.

I take my cock in my hand and begin working in a frenzy, spurred by the urging of the vibrator inside of me. My mouth is still hers to use, and she takes full advantage of it. A nipple, her toes, her spit, fingers sticky with her juices, her nipple again. The constant stimulus is too much for me, and my breathing hastens. She senses what is coming. I can't see her smile, but I am sure that I can feel it.

"Go faster. Harder." I dare not disobey.

I feel the rising sensation within me and manage to form the first words I have said since her arrival almost two hours ago.

"I'm so close! Please, mistress, may I?" "No. Keep going. Don't you DARE karups 150 slow down." Ten more seconds. My throat goes dry as I feel myself cross the threshold of no return. Desperately, I ask again. "Please, may I? I… I can't, I can't…" But she is silent. I come. Hard. A heavy load of cum shoots all over my belly and chest, one jet reaching as far as my shoulder. I don't know if I'm merely moaning or screaming, but my whole body shudders with the orgasm.

A hand reaches down between my legs and pulls the vibrator out of me.

"I DID NOT TELL YOU THAT YOU COULD COME, DID I?" "No, Mistress." The blindfold is free amatuer galleries removed. "GET OFF THE FUCKING BED, CUNT!" I comply, scrambling onto the floor. She grabs my hair and pulls me, half-staggering and half-crawling, into the bathroom. "KNEEL IN THE SHOWER YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

I'm on my hands and knees, shivering slightly in the cold evening air. Suddenly I gasp as the warm, heavy stream hits me, playing up and down my back and the rear of amateur porn database my head. My brain, still fuzzy from the orgasm and the shock of being manhandled doesn't register what is happening at first, until I see the yellow fluid spiralling down the plughole. I gasp again from the shock of what is happening to me, but kneel there obediently until she is done with me; finishing off by wiping her hand on the back of my hair.

"Now clean yourself up. I'm not done with you."

I turn on the shower taps and begin to scrub, hearing her footsteps disappear towards the bedroom. I clean myself in haste, not wishing to keep her waiting.

I have a long night ahead of me.

submitted by aussie_kitty33 [link] [comment]
