Karupsdb - What Are Amateur Porn Pictures Gallery?

by MollieNunes757696 posted Oct 17, 2015


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amateur sex galleryHello dearest GoneWildStories! Many a night have you warmed my heart with your tales of naughty delights and I thought it time to give back to this most carnal of communities. I do go on a bit though so if you're after just the smut then scroll down to the double lines. So a few years ago I had lined up a date with a young lady called Mina. We had known each other for a while but had never 'bumped into' each other so to speak, but I had always been very eager to change this. She was a girl from college but since moving away we had fallen out of contact. Recently I learned along the grapevine she was in town for a few days so I suggested we catch up, have a few drinks etc. So here I was, driving to here house wearing jeans and a blazer, looking for all the world like someone trying far, far too hard to pull a chick. Like really you could smell it on me a mile away, I sometimes wonder how the night went so well. But anyway I rock up to her house and knock on the door, and out comes Mina. I'm not one for putting the pussy on a pedestal but goddam, I still struggle to relate this... Imagine yourself a tall, blonde girl in her early twenties. Breasts a respectable C-cup, and a fairly curvy ass to match up. Straight hair reaching to just above her chest like a road marker to the best parts of her cleavage. She had the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen – I swear you could see them in pitch darkness (This is important for later). But what made her that night is the dress – she was wearing a bright blue, backless affair what was not short at all but still screamed of sex. It was so delicate that I couldn't tell whether it was see through or not – Sometimes I thought I caught a hint of something lacy underneath but just as fast it was gone... I knew Mina as a fairly atttractive, but Nerdy chick so when she opened the door I was fairly (and pleasantly) suprised. My mind screamed "Oh shit playa say something smooth" and my mouth immediately followed with meaningless gibberish (nailed it). I would later learn she found it funny how reacted so I guess that's okay? Skip ahead a car drive and we arrive at what I feel is a swanky, hip bar on the water's edge. Feeling good about myself I pull out my wallet to pay for some drinks and a bunch of condoms come out with it. Like a large amount. She notices of course (and so does the barman who thinks it is hilarious by the way) and I'm sitting there trying to explain it but xxx amateur pics again she laughs it off. Keep in mind she's told me she's having an early night and in no way have I gotten any indication she is keen. Well fuck. Off to a bad start. Anyway we spend the night talking shit, remembering good times from college, what we're doing now blah blah blah. We both have a few and I'm feeling nicely buzzed when she suggests a walk along the beach. Now I'm not an old-style romantic but I get the impression chicks dig that shit so I eagerly agree. Maybe too eagerly (seriously how did this night work out for me). So we're there walking along the beach and it's kind of nice in a chilled out sort of way. We links arms and I begin to get the impression she is actually keen – y'know how you can spend a comfortable silence with someone? it was like that but you both want in each other's pants. Yeah. When we free amateur sexy naked amateurs picture do get back to my car I ask if she wants to be taken home (watch out it's 9:45). She says in a bit there's this really cool karups models place she wants to show me...I follow her directions and we're in the middle of an empty car park...Cool? HERE BE SMUT I'm getting the idea are this point as she's sitting across from me saying nothing but staring at me with an almost hungry look in her eyes. Fuck it, why not? I make the first move by grabbing the back of her hair and pulling her in close for a good snog. While my tongue is busy I start running my hand down her sides and it feels as good as it looks, her as somehow manages to be invitingly soft but firm, like sexy mutton. Not sure if you've ever done it in a car but the front seat is not the place so we quickly move to the back. While I'm sitting in the middle she quickly straddles me and we instantly start kissing again. While I run my hands down her back and over her ass she starts quietly moaning, and each time I run my fingers up her spine she shudders. She pulls back and tell me she wants me to suck her tits. That doesn't really do it justice – she asks me in that voice chicks get when they've ALMOST lost control, and while she does this she pulls down the top of her dress exposing her C-cup tits. They don't even move as the dress comes away and I cant help but lunge forward and taste them. I run my tongue in circles around each nipple and she buries her fingers in the back of my head. With each circle she makes her quiet moaning noise and buddy, if I wasn't hard before I sure was now. At this point my hands are firmly on her ass, squeezing hard and she's grinding her pelvis into me at a steady rate We're beyond words at this point and she pushes me back while fumbling at my belt. (It did take her a while to get it undone with a bit of help from me. Seriously chicks complain about us not getting bras undone but it seems like in the heat of the moment y'all look at a belt buckle and see a rubix cube). She figures it out and immediately grabs at my dick and BURIES it in her mouth. I completely lose sight of it. Her cocksucking skills were amazing, I had heard this from the grapevine but it was my pleasure to confirm it in person. She would take it out and lick up the sides, stroke it and then deep throat me again and again. All the while she was staring directly at me with that cock hungry look in her eyes again. I may have mentioned she had the brightest blue eye you have ever seen? www karup Imagine looking down as seeing such a thing moving up and down on your dick. Glorious. At this point I'm getting close but she takes it out of her mouth and asks "Are you ready to fuck me yet?" and without waiting for an answer continues sucking. I can barely manage words so I just nod. Now at this point the tempo changes completely. She slowly takes my cock out of her mouth and raises herself up over me, facing me, with a patience I haven't seen since. Keep in mind I'm not even inside her yet. She does this thing where she lifts up the front of her dress showing me her panties. "Push them aside and put your cock in me". But then, If she can tease me like that I can do the same right? I do move her panties aside but then start rubbing her clit slowly, in circles. It's not what she wanted but she loves it and starts thrusting against my fingers and then over my cock. Neither of us can take it any more so I move myself into her. There's a moment where I'm struggling to push into her (she may be tall but I'm much taller) but then the slight resistance gives way and I thrust into her to the hilt. We both groan audibly and I pull her close. Keep in mind this is still going fairly slowly. She has her hands on the back of the seat while I am squeezing her ass and we slowly, but very firmly, grind against one another. It's intense. During this I'm biting her neck and sucking on her tits while she just moans (I don't really mind). She begins moving faster and I begin pushing her down more and more and we start to fuck each other in earnest and her moans turn into something more animal like... Don't know about you but while cowgirl is good doggy is far superior. I push her off me onto all fours and immediately thrust into her again. This is no longer slow sex as I start really punishing her from behind. It seems doggystyle is her dig as well as she is now well and truly screaming her pleasure in the backseat of my car. As I ram into her again and again She buries her head into a seat to muffle her screams but I have none of that. I grab the back of her hair and pull her head back so she can't hide the sounds. So listening to this and pounding her hard = almost finished, and I tell her I'm about to cum. She immediately pulled herself off of me and turns around with her mouth wide open and begins massaging squeezing her tits in front of me. Needing no more invitation I jack off into her mouth and then she sat there cleaning me off with her tongue. She spent the next 10 minutes showing me how she liked to finish herself off (as it turned out this girl liked getting freaky in front of people. Was only too happy to oblige) We both just sit there for a while recovering. After cleaning up we got dressed and I drove her home. It was 11:45 lol. There's more but that's all there is for now... Blood_Puffin
