Young Bare Pussy - Best Eight Tips For Hot Latina Teen

by JanetteHolt96422 posted Oct 17, 2015


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nude petite girlsGirl 1 (19M/18F): Girl 2 (20M/18F): I come back from a party to find all these people sitting around in the dark in my dorm's common room. I'm wasted but they're all sober, and I provide them a lot of entertainment as a drunk exchange student. Eventually, and I'm not sure how it happened, the light went off they all started cuddling. This is all non sexual (nobody was kissing), and of course they're all sober. I sit down with this one chubby brunette with large boobs I'd talked to once or twice and start cuddling. They might have barely eighteen been non sexual, but I wasn't. I went down to her jeans and started rubbing where I thought her clitoris was (very bad behavior in hindsight). She said "no not quite there, go left" and I did and started secretly getting her off, under the pretense of "relaxing". Anyway everyone left eventually including me. However the girl contacted me on facebook wanting to "relax" and she came to my dorm room. She loved what I was doing with my fingers, and spent a lot of time on top. I was keen for more so I asked every day, which of course is desperate. Also I was trying to act "alpha" around her when she was with friends which was actually me being a giant douche for no reason. She got a boyfriend 2 weeks later, and would later avoid me, her friend describing the initial thing (which was more obvious than I thought) as "molestation". All kind of awkward. 3 (20M/18F): Another drunk party and I come home and I decide to see what the stoners are up to in this "secret garden" type area near the dorm. This one hilarious girl I I see around when I'm doing a late night studying who looks kind of like a caveman (stocky build, curly blonde hair) leans on me and puts her hand on my dick. Anyway the group all goes back to our rooms and we're the last people in the elevator and I say goodbye and she says "is that all?" and we start making out. We go to the common room from the previous story (because my roommate is asleep in my room) and have sex. She had 3 orgasms (started convulsing), which was good for her, but not for me as her pussy tasted like stale bread. The other thing I remember is after the sex she had an extraordinarily difficult time getting her twisted panties and shorts back on from around her ankles. Eventually I had to cover her as she shuffled to the bathroom, and that's where I left it. I think she dropped out soon after. 4 (21M/23F): 6 months later and I'm travelling around the USA. I did some open mic comedy, with an online friend who brought two of his friends. One of those friends liked me and offered to show me around the city (which was a sun belt car dominated city, so an offer I needed to really see anything). When we met up there was just this amazing chemistry and we made out, and we checked out an abandoned house her parents owned. We had sex there which wasn't great especially since the girl wasn't very physically attractive but did an amazing job covering it up with her clothing choices and had a cute face. We had a lot more fun playing original duets on the old piano and just talking about various nothings. We still went around the town that day making out at every traffic light. Real chemistry. But I was going from town to town and had already booked my bus for the next morning, so I was a goner. I kept her on facebook and she has a boyfriend now but at one point she was very angry at me for making her feel so good then vanishing. 5 (22M/28F): 1 year and 4 months after that previous experience, and I'm on okcupid talking to a 28 year old mother of 2 who, like me, has aspergers. We exchange a few nude photos and decide to meet up for casual sex. I meet her at the train station and we briefly talk on the train before walking to my house. On the walk there I see the best rainbow I've ever seen in my life. Despite being pretty average looking especially with her post pregnancy belly, the sex was a lot of fun and I found myself not caring about how she looked and more about how it all felt. She claimed to have orgasmed from doggy although I'm not sure if she was for real. The after sex banter was great because we both got increasingly energetic with aspergers style chat. It went far south however when I found out that she'd dropped out of school, and was homeschooling her 2 children, and I found out she was feeding her children terrible food because "that's all they'd eat". It became apparent that terrible things were happening and I couldn't deal with it. I never saw her again; no replies to any texts I've sent since. I hope she, her "boyfriend" (or whatever they are now), and her kids are ok... 6 (22M/30F): For the first time ever a girl messages me first on OkCupid. She's 30 and I'm 22, but that's no real issue given the last encounter. She's extremely quirky and has short hair. We meet up at a bar where there's stand up comedy and get on quite well. She's wearing this baggy knitted jumper with a my little petite and busty pony (old style, not friendship is magic) on it. As we walk up the stairs to where the comedy is, she looks back and we start kissing. We're holding hands throughout the whole set. After the gig, more kissing, then we walk back to her van (I ask her for a lift to where I parked my bike because it's quite dark). It's this decorated, scooby doo style van. Inside it's got all these fake buttons and pastel colours and other cool things. It was like a dream, and soon to be a wet one. There was a fully made double mattress in the back and we started making out. She takes off her jumper to reveal her tight body. For the first time ever there were no breaks or feedback dialogue, and I felt fully in control. Also afterwards I fall asleep during cuddling and for the first time ever I wake up next to a naked girl; what a unique and warm feeling. She drives me home. Coolest girl I've ever met. I never see her again because she's a complete introvert and got her solitary lifestyle figured out (apparently). 7 (22M/21F): 6 months after that encounter, I meet up with a film school graduate off OkCupid. We walk up and down a very long street talking. She's cute but kind of frumpy. I think it's a fairly meh date, but we're sitting on a park bench, hairy ebony teen pussy I mention something related to kissing, and we then kiss. I never really felt that much from this girl, but it was going in the right direction and we walked back to her place. It felt like a succession of manually deciding to take it up a notch (ok I'll take my top off, ok take your dick out, ok let's have sex). Pretty average sex, but she gave the most amazing blow job. I thought that my dick was being pulled apart – it almost felt too good. It's my friends birthday that night and I manually remembered "bros before hos"/"don't be a shit friend", so I left after a bit of cuddling. I contacted her too often afterwards and she says I'm a bit annoying. She has a boyfriend now. 8 (23M/26F) 5 months after that, an okcupid girl agrees to come over to watch some weird foreign films (she writes a blog). Genuinely, it was just going to be movies. When she comes over I show her the terrible short films I've made in my life, and the only tv in my apartment is over my bed. We're sitting on the bed watching the movie and sitting so close we start making out, etc. etc. Probably a bit "entrapment" like, but we played the whole thing for laughs and I offered chairs etc. for the movie. I've been in similar situations before that were completely non sexual. Anyway, she had an enormous clitoris which was kind of odd at first but ended up being lots of fun, and she was 5'0'' to my 6'2'' so some interesting configurations. We're in touch but she said she wasn't interested in anything more than that once off, and her clinical depression makes sex not particularly enjoyable, which is why she said she didn't get off when we had sex. Anyway that's all the sex I've ever had in my life. I have never had any girlfriend, or sex with the same girl more than twice. There's a few other interesting stories that relate to sexual encounters that didn't end in penetrative sex; maybe another time. throwawaydrugster
