Viv Thomas Hd - Vivthomas Lesbian - Is It A Scam?

by JohnnyMcRae691533 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Finally, a whole weekend alone in a hotel. a hotel with out a name, in a town where no one knows her. Emily, was in paradise. the only down side to it all is the first night she wanted to take along walk on the beach. but the gods of weather seemed to have other plans in store for our girl. as a huge down poor covered her hideaway form reality. She opened the door and stood in the covered part of the porch as she gazed down toward the hill and viv thomas sisters over that the crash of the waves as the rain chattered on the mettle roof above her head. she took in a breath soo deep her buxom chest rose to almost twice its already good size. and she let out the most sultry sigh as if the ocean and the beach were her long lost lover only with in her grasp but unable to take him in side her quivering body. she dipped her head just slightly her, hair running down her shoulders to her waiting hands while she played with it slowly. well, perhaps a nice bath.. and a book? she grabs the door hang and places it on the knob abruptly. closing the door she heads right for her book. Emily, had a bit of a thing for Erotica.. you can't deny that you love it too. her favorite, could speak to her on a level to make her feel the heat threw every cell in her small frame. make her heart move slow and agile one moment and then the next beating soo hard it would frighten her. the bath water felt warm on her skin as she lowered into it. reaching over she took the book in her hand. it was worn and well read. she knew right what part to flip to. where the heroine finds her self trapped at the party with all her best friends lovers.. and seduces each one. very quickly she is engulfed in her fantasy.. becoming the woman in the book, her nature takes over as she slowly enters her self. biting her bottom lip with her top teeth, she pleasures deeper. the only noises her shallow breathing and the swish of the water around her. moving her fingers faster and faster.. she feels the orgasm rising in her bones, in her body it shakes her core as her imagination takes her breath away.. then a gasp wait, that wasn't me.. Emily thinks to her self. She turns her head to the door. standing about five and a half feet, maybe a bit shorter.. a statue of lust. her auburn locks frame her face, her emerald eyes pierce threw Emily's body as she stares her down.. her body almost sculpted by a master in to that perfectly fitting white tee shirt, low cut showing her perfectly shaped breasts. her shorts only covering her hips then letting out two long tan legs. her clothes still wet form the rain or was it just that her body was so desirable even her out fit wanted her and took her whole. I..I.. Sorry, SO sorry mam, the woman barely stutters out. Emily only tilts her head. I saw the sign and I.. At that moment Emily realizes she put the maid clean soon sign on her door, and not the do not disturb and then left it unlocked. for most people this point would be the embarrassment and the off the ook for the maid.. Emily, Like the girl in her book felt art should imitate life tonight. she stood up in the tub. making sure to rise like Venus form the ocean, as seductively as possible, moving her hips as she stood, sticking her chest out. this would be more then enough for her desire to tip her hand. as the Maid,let her sweet pink tongue move slowly between her lips and then her teeth closed on it. the maids eyes devouring Emily's body in her mind. Emily, normally a very shy girl had it melt all away here. On the edge of orgasm she found the bravery to stalk her pray. as the maid tried to back out the door, Emily put her arm on hers. Please, I m here all alone tonight, stay a moment? she moved in and put her bare leg between the legs of the maid. taking her free hand onto the small of the maid's back. Emily then stared right back into those Jade eyes only to be met by a deeper lust, locked so far behind the jade prison.. a girl, just like her screaming to get out. Like any good lioness she moved to block her pray's only exit. Emily would place her body between the maid and the small bathroom door, still close to her body. she could feel the maids heart beat pounding faster and harder on her rib cage. the sweet unsuspecting maid thought her heart would crash threw her body. The maid barely let out an breathy Ok.. as Emily put her hands on her stomach and then down holding tight on to the waistline of the maid's shorts, she leads her out into the other room. pulling her by her own shorts Emily starts to question her intruder, completely disregarding the rule to not play with ones food. she stops the Maid in front of the bed and contuses to walk moving her hips side to side her hair falling down around her still wet back. So, Emily starts, you don't have much of a maid's uniform. the still bashful maid lets out.. No mam very timidly still looking down at her feet. then abruptly the maids head flys up as she hears the locking of the door. only to see Emily, up agents the the sparks form that gaze as both know what is about to happen, they both want it. SIT. Emily commands. The maid obeys. Emily walks over in silence, the shadows dancing on her naked body. she slowly moves one leg to each side of the maid strattling her. and, slightly moves her hips back and forth. half grinning as she notices the maid staring right at her pussy. she takes one finger and moves her by chin, to look up at her face. Emily, still smiling leans down and presses her lips to the maid's running her hands threw her deep auburn hair. as she softly sucks on her lips. tasting he pray for the first time only makes her wetter. she pulls away and is now breathing so heavenly. her lust has completely take'n over. You like that, don't you baby Yes mam, the maid barely squeaks out. Emily almost tares the shirt off her as she pulls it up and off. still holing the maid's head she uses her free hand to Free the perfect tan breasts form there cage.. teasing with her long slender fingers along there round curves.. only makes her lil maid breathe faster. Emily takes a even deeper kiss. This time licking where she pleases along her neck, her lips. her shoulders. taking her hand down the maids right arm she holds a very trembling hand in hers. This.. is what you do to me Emily says passionately into her ear. as she pushes the maids fingers inside her pussy. Emily moves her hips on the fingers, Fuck me baby girl.. Emily demands. Feeling her dripping hot pussy on her fingers makes the maid only shake. but that was just the start Emily forces her hand right into those tight shorts, barely enough room but she finds away to squeeze a finger inside our sexy lil maid. Emily then pushes her own breasts in to the face of her pray. Suck them baby girl.. she lets out.. come on and suck my tits. she complies thankful to finally have a taste of her own desire. Emily's fingers move faster and faster inside her baby girl's pussy as the action is reciprocated. then the maid's pussy tightens up even more around Emily's fingers as she feels the woman scream on the breast she is sucking. Emily feels the wetness of the girls cum on her fingers. The pure rush of feeling that girl cum forces her hand, finger still wet up the bare torso of her baby girl and grabs her by her throat.. Very good cumming for me Emily says with a evil smile. then she throws the Maid farther on to the bed, jumping up and on to all fours over the maids frightened body. Emily had tasted cum, like a wolf who smelled blood she wanted more. getting the maid to cum this fast drove her to rip the shorts form her shaking body. then with her teeth pulling her still wet panties viv thomas clips form her pussy. You bad little cunt Emily said almost mean now. You came soo quick for me, she smiles and takes a deep lick of the cum covered pussy. you taste soo good.. you want a taste baby? The maid only nods a very fast yes. Emily moves her body up the maids pressing her warm skin to the maid swapping sweat. she kisses her, then pulls away the maids mouth still open her eyes closed and then Shoves the panties in. Emily's tongue like a snake moves down the maids body Finding a sweet hole to play in. Faster like a tornado Emily moves her toung on the sweetness that is her pray. Devouring her pussy whole she sucks down hard on every inch of flesh to only tease it once in her mouth. showing no mercy, fingers deep inside her own pussy. Loving every sweet bite of the maids pussy. Emily will take longing glances up to those Emerald eyes stareing back at her that bad girl free form her cage her muffled howls barely heard..OH mam yes yes mam. please more please more rebekah teasdale Her tan body convulses and raises up only to be slammed back into the bed by Emilys powerful handling of her most darkest desires. this orgasm will be stronger then the last. she feels her whole body tighten up, like every cell was preparing for something as the perfect state of zen overcomes and her body falls limp while screams filled with every dirty word she knows flow form her lips with such force the panties fly across the room. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK her body, takes one last hard slam to the bed. as it becomes like jello.. oh mam, oh oh mam she barely breathes out. then feels this wetness on her stomach as Emily slowly moves her pussy up, her baby girl's body. Did you think i was done you dirty lil cunt? Emily takes a breast, and rubs it on her very very wet pussy then.. slams it down On the maid's face. Eat me! she shouts, Eat my pussy you dirty lil cunt! Emily starts to fuck the maid's face as she feel's the maid's lips tasting her. oh yes lick me up, lick it all up you dirt cunt. Emily demands. rocking her hips on the mouth of her maid. she looks down to see the hunger in jade. they lock their stare. then she feels the sucking, the tongue moving fast and then, a deep.. low.. hummmmmmmmmmm Pent up inside her climax pushes her body down harder on the mouth of her naughty lil maid. her body tightens up just before she feels all her anamal lust leave her body with the force of a hurricane. she screams to the heavens. GGGUUHHHHAAAHHHHHHHHFAAAUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!! but then on top of that one is another almost as if she had been back holding the orgaums then cum one on top of the other (feel free to put in a few here). she hears the muffled screams of her maid below as she cums on her face, looking down to see her deep between her legs Emily, smiles at those perfect green eyes. and falls to her side, they face each other and Emily pulls her maid closer and kisses her lips. to taste her self on the woman that drove her to anmilistic desire now, once more all the noise that remained whats the rain on the roof, the deep longing breaths of each girl. they softly play with each other, fingers dancing on very part of the others body's as they just lay starring into each others eyes.. Emily thinks. I hope the rest of the vacation is this good. brj91
