A Brief History Of Disney Couture Jewellery

by JennieMurry53160196 posted Oct 17, 2015


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asesoria kueto sestaoA Brief History Of Disney Couture Jewellery

The US brand Disney Couture, is both laid back and glamorous and influenced by some of the most iconic films in history – Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Cinderella and Peter Pan. Though relatively young as a designer brand, it has already a huge following in the US and celebrity fans including Nicole Richie. Disney Couture's popularity is now quickly expanding to Europe and Australasia. Disney Couture designer jewellery is both trend conscious and aspirational, appealing to the young and the young at heart. Everyone can find something to relate to within the huge and appealing range.

Mickey Mouse amongst others all play muse to Disney Couture, with guest appearances from some of your favourite characters such as Lumiere, Belle, Mrs Potts, Cinderella and Snow White- pure jewellery confectionery for your eyes. Also adorable as Disney Couture's "word" necklaces – Believe, Dreams Come True, Dreamer, Princess – find a sentiment to suit your personality.

The Disney Couture line takes the classic characters we all grew up with, and spins them into modern, stylized pieces of quality fashion jewellery that are a perfect marriage of fashion ad fun. Disney calls to the inner child within us all!

The most popular character of all for the Disney Couture jewellery range is Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell or just "Tink" was described by J M Barrie in his book, Peter Pan, as a fairy who mended pots and kettles, like an actual tinker. Her dialogue consists of the sounds of a tinkling bell, which is understandable only to those familiar with the language of the fairies. Fairies enable others to fly by sprinkling them with fairy dust (sometimes called "pixie dust" by Disney), in conjunction with thinking happy thoughts.

Celebrities who love Disney Couture include Paris Hilton, Denise Richards, Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson, Amy Smart and Rihanna – its huge young Hollywood following has enhanced the popularity of the Disney Couture brand. With its affordable retail pricing, it also has appeal for the pocket money crowd, collectors and young fashionistas.
From 2007 onwards, Disney Couture has collaborated with Kidada Jones, the daughter of Peggy Lipton and Quincy Jones and sister of Rashida Jones. Her appealing and often limited edition jewellery designs have been immensely popular and Kidada can be regarded as being the driving force behind Disney Couture. Her key designs include the pumpkin carriage necklace, the "Fairest of them All" poison apple range, the Magic Castle and Mirror necklaces and some fabulous leather charm wraps influenced by Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella. All lovingly designed, beautifully made and luxuriously presented in branded Disney Couture jewellery packaging.

Fashion jewellery is not just about accessorizing, it is also about making a statement about your personal style or conveying a cherished message. Disney Couture's range epitomizes many elements including youth, nostalgia, fun, fashion and style. Great for gift-giving or simply wearing, with gorgeous pieces in silver, platinum-plated, 14kt gold-plated, Swarovski crystal encrusted or enamel finished, there is something for everyone in the Disney Couture jewellery range.
