Hot Mature Women - Picture Your Older Women Nude On Top. Read This And Make It So

by TeresitaHalstead8219 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Hey reddit, first-time poster here, thought it would be fun to share a little bit of the fun my boyfriend and I got up to over the long weekend [empty] while I while away the hours here at work. A little about me: I'm Emma, 26, and I live with my boyfriend (Mark, also 26) in a comfortable little two-bedroom apartment in Boston. I'm a tiny (5' exactly!) brunette with a small, compact body and he's an average-height (5'10") dark-haired dude with a firm, slim, totally hot bod, in my completely unbiased opinion. Annnnyway, this is just a little bit of what we got up to over the weekend (4-day weekend!), so I hope you enjoy! Tell me what you think. I wake up slowly, rolling onto my side and away from the sunlight streaming through our half-open blinds. Arching my back and straightening my toes, I stretch luxuriously before finally opening my eyes and taking in the familiar sights of our bedroom. Slipping my legs off the side of the bed, I sit up groggily, tossing the blanket aside before letting my toes touch the cool wood floors, yawning as I contemplate my next move. As my other senses start to kick in, I take note of two things first and foremost: the smell of fresh coffee, and the sound of the shower running. Standing up, I straighten my t-shirt and pajama pants so they're not all over 30 free twisted around my body, and I pad out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom. Pushing the door open, I'm immediately embraced by the steamy warmth of the running shower. Pausing in front of the mirror, I check to ensure that no mischievous pimples or blemishes have popped up overnight, before reaching down to tug at the waistband of my pajama pants and unceremoniously letting them drop to the floor, pooling around my ankles. "Good morning, Marky!" I call out in a sing-song voice as I continue my wake up routine in front of the mirror, splashing water on my face as I step out of my cast-off pajama pants. "Good morning, ba- Woah ..." Mark's response is interrupted as he peeks his head out from behind the shower curtain and take in my half-nakedness, and I note with pleasure as his eyes stay glued to my firm little bare butt. Letting out a soft giggle, I roll my eyes at him (while wiggling my bum for his viewing pleasure). "Oh please, nothing you haven't seen before." He pauses to consider that a moment (and, I suspect, to take his time checking me out some more) before replying, "Hmmm ... I don't think I've seen it enough reallll close up recently, amature milf post y'know? Get that little butt in this shower with me, young lady." I flash my eyes at him quickly, pausing as if to consider the proposition for a moment, before reaching down to grab the bottom of my t-shirt. "Okay, but I have to pee first ... and you have to let me have my turn under the water when I get in there!" Mark ducks back behind the shower curtain, but I can hear his eyes rolling in his tone alone. "Yes, dear." Grinning to myself, I pull my shirt up and over my head, tossing it on to the floor to join my pants, and I take the opportunity to check myself in the mirror before taking a seat on the toilet and answering the call of nature. That done, I tiptoe over to the shower and pull the curtain back, quickly stepping in and pulling the curtain shut behind me as I enter the heat and steam, my back to Mark as I let the shower spray my front first. Reaching up to run my fingers through my hair and pull out any tangles, I gasp in mock surprise as I feel Mark's hand come down on my bum, giving me a gentle swat as if to remind me that I'm not in here alone. I spin around, hands on my hip in indignation at his rude interruption, but before I can even tease him he's leaning down to kiss me, and I close my eyes as our lips press together. Wordlessly, his hands slide behind me, one slowly moving down my back, tracing it's way along my spine with his fingertips while he holds the back of my head with the other. For my part, I close the distance between us, and our bodies come together, my small breasts and quickly-stiffening pink little nipples pressing against his sternum while his swelling cock makes its presence known when I feel it press against my stomach. We break our kiss briefly, the warm water now spraying and cascading over both of our bodies, and Mark leans in to whisper to me. "God, you're so fucking sexy, you know that?" I can feel his grin against my ear, and then I giggle as I feel his lips and tongue next. "Mmmm," I moan softly as he leans down further, both his hands exploring my back now, his lips making their way along my jaw and down my neck, "Mmmm, so I've been told." He pauses, looking up at me with an eyebrow raised quizzically, before resuming his downward journey with his lips. "You're not so bad yourself!" I add helpfully before moaning again and closing my eyes as his journey takes him down the smooth, sensitive skin between my breasts. My hands run over and across his broad shoulders while he pulls me closer with his, then slips one around my side, up my stomach until he gently cups my breast, and I gasp as he takes one of my small, sensitive nipples between his lips at the same time. "Oh Mark ..." I whisper, leaning my head back into the spray of the water, letting it run in rivulets down my body as Mark continues his ministrations, one hand slipping down to firmly grip my butt while he gives my nipple one last pull with his lips, before continuing his journey downward. As the heat in the shower and in my body continues to build, I spread my legs instinctively mature women in porn anticipation, and my instincts soon pay off as Mark kisses his way down my stomach, past my belly-button and down further, further, until I gasp and moan with pleasure as his lips finally come in contact with mine. Growling low with pleasure and desire, I reach down, tangling my fingers in his short hair as his hands slip down to grip my thighs, and I cry out as his tongue slowly tastes my smooth little pussy, gliding across my slit and my oh-so-sensitive clit. "Mark!" I moan, gripping his head and his hair just a little tighter, spreading my legs just a little further, and I writhe and twist in ecstasy as his lips and tongue press against and then into my wet pussy, and I shiver with pleasure as his fingers dig more firmly into my bum. Mere seconds later, I'm surprised by the oncoming flood of sensation that signals an oncoming massive orgasm, and seconds after that I cry out, gasping and shaking as my orgasm ripples through my body, radiating outward from my pussy and Mark's talented, and very hard working, mouth. As I come down, I release my death grip on his hair and head, and Mark pauses to look up at me, a satisfied grin on his face. "Oh my god ..." I start, still catching my breath from my very sudden and very pleasurable orgasm. Mark grins again, then quickly kisses his way back up my body, across my flat stomach and between my breasts, rising and falling quickly as I breathe. He kisses up my neck and along my jaw, then slowly, firmly on the mouth. "Mmmm ..." He whispers, "Good morning, beautiful." I giggle softly and nuzzle my head against his shoulder, my hands up and touching his chest, "Gooood morning to you too!" He smiles, and we kiss again, moving more slowly this time, our hands exploring one another as our lips move together. Eventually, I let my right hand slide down his body, and wrap my slim fingers around his quickly-stiffening cock. "Don't take this the wrong way," Mark says as he breaks the kiss, "But it's not usually that easy to get you off." I roll my eyes, leaning in to playfully bite his shoulder, then kiss my way up his neck to his ear where I whisper, "Sexy dreams. I woke up SO horny, you have no idea." I hear him chuckle softly, and then our lips are together again, and we kiss as the warm spray covers us both, the water pouring down off of our bodies as we move together. Slowly, I start to stroke his cock in my hand, back and forth, My thumb passing over the swollen head and touching the slit where I know he's sensitive. It's Marks turn to moan as I continue to grip and stroke his cock firmly and slowly, until I eventually break our kiss and look up at him. "Wellll, naughty boy ..." I start, flashing my eyes at him mischievously as I continue to stroke him slowly, "Since you were SO good and made me cum SO quickly, now you have a choice to make." "Ungh." Mark grunts as I slip my thumb over the sensitive head again before looking back up at me. "Mmm ... what's that?" "Well, I can either return the favor and take this thing in my mouth and do a few other little tricks to see how fast I can make YOU cum ... or I can turn around and your can slide your big cock all the way in to my tight little pussy." I don't think he even responded. At least, not verbally. Before I could react, his hands were on my hips and helping me spin around, and I gasp and giggle as he manhandles me. Not needing any more guidance, I bend at the waist, placing my hands on either side of the tub and lifting my little bum up at him, wiggling it invitingly as I look back over my shoulder at him. I bite my lip as I watch him move behind me, the water pouring over my butt and back as he gives my ass a firm squeeze before settling between my legs, one hand on my hip and the other stroking his gorgeous cock. He gives my bum another slap, and I gasp as I look back at him, then gasp again as I feel the thick head of his cock pressing against my tight slit. Nodding emphatically back at him, I wiggle my hips for him again, then close my eyes and cry out as he presses forward, both hands on my hips as he steadily drives his cock into me. "Ohhhh!" I moan as he slides into me, and I move my hips again, up and down until I can adjust to the sensation of being stretched and filled. I plant my hands more firmly on the side of the tub, then press my ass back against him, gasping with pleasure as the last of his length presses deep inside me. "Mmm, Emma ..." Mark groans as he fills me up, his thick cock stretching me perfectly as he buries himself as deep as he can go. Slowly, he pulls back, my little pussy gripping every inch of him before he thrusts forward again, another long, slow stroke as he presses into me. I moan out loud with every slow thrust, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he moves in and out of my little pussy. Gradually, he picks up the pace as we find a rhythm to move together, and soon he's sliding back and forth inside me, half-thrusts as I squeeze his thick cock with my tight cunt, the warm water spraying over both of us. He grunts and groans as we move steadily faster, and I moan and gasp as his powerful thrusts trigger another set of pleasurable tingles throughout my body. I feel his cock throb inside me, and I bite my lip, wiggling my hips up and down again as he presses inside me, and he groans out loud at the unexpected movement and sensation. I giggle softly and look back over my shoulder at him, briefly doing my best to put on an innocent-looking face, before I press back against him firmly, letting every inch of him slide deep into my body. "Mark ... I want you to cum for me." I moan, pressing back against him again, before hanging my head down again, wiggling my butt invitingly with his whole length still deep inside me. "Please Mark, fuck me hard and fast and cum for me, please." He slaps my ass again, hard this time and I yelp, before crying out as he grips my hips and slams himself into my tight little pussy, nearly knocking me over with the force of this thrust. I groan as he pounds into me again and again, his thrusts long and powerful as he drives his thick cock deep into me. "Yes!" I nearly scream as I toss my head back, matching Mark on every thrust, driving my hips back at him as he buries himself in my tightness, "Yes Mark, fuck me! Cum for me Mark, cum for me!" With that, Mark lets out a long, low groan, and I can feel his cock swell and throb inside me, and then an explosion of warmth and pleasure inside me as he shoots his load into my pussy. "Emma, I'm cumming baby ..." Mark groans again, and I gasp and moan as he finishes with short, hurried thrusts, still gripping my hips tightly as he thrusts himself deep, so so deep inside me, one last time. Slowly I slide forward, and shiver with sensation as he slides out of me, leaving me empty aside from the warmth of his cum inside me. On shaky legs I turn around, and as I do he pulls me into an embrace, kissing and touching me all over before our mouths meet again, a slow, sensual kiss as we enjoy each other's touch – and I revel in the feeling his cum sliding down my leg, though it's quickly washed away by the spray of the shower. "Good morning." I say to him again, whispering it this time as we break our kiss, and he grins and squeezes me in his arms. Then, I squat down in front of him, one hand reaching out to grasp his quickly-deflating cock, while the other trails between my legs, gently stroking my sensitive little slit. I guide the head of his cock to my lips, then take him in my mouth, my tongue and lips exploring every inch of his softening cock, tasting our combined juices on his shaft as I make sure he's completely clean. That done, I kiss my way back up his body before hugging him tightly, grinning up at him. Eventually, we get to using the shower for it's intended purpose, helping each other make extra-sure that we are spotless and ready for the day. As we shut the water off and Mark pulls back the shower curtain, he takes the opportunity to run his eyes and his hands over my body one last time – and I do the same to him. Grinning at each other, we dry off and wrap our towels around ourselves, venturing out of the bathroom to see if the coffee is still any good. As I pass him in the kitchen, he slaps my butt through my towel. "Hey!" I exclaim, wiggling away from him as I try to finish making my coffee. "Sorry babe, I can't help myself ... I just love that little ass." I stick my tongue out at him as I head out into the living room, but I let my towel drop as I do, falling away and cascading onto the floor, leaving me completely free naked older women. Looking back at him, I wiggle my firm little bum for his viewing pleasure, then turn and disappear around the corner as he follows close behind with our drinks. Sooo, I hope you enjoyed my little story, I certainly enjoyed writing it! Let me know what you think, and if you're clamoring for more, well ... consider this part 1 of hopefully dozens of stories I can share – some from my past, some from more recently ... and hopefully many, many more created in the future! Thanks for reading. anemmame [1 comment]
