Sexy Ftv Girls - How To Get Ftv Girls April For Under $100

by HildredY6952062710 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This all took place two or three years ago. I was living in a three-bedroom house with a couple roommates. It wasn't exactly a nice place, but it was a great location and cheap rent. After my roommate Tim moved out, I was put in charge of finding someone new to move in. Most of the people who had lived there were single dudes in their twenties and thirties, so it definitely had a bit of a bachelor pad vibe to it. We weren't filthy or anything, but cleaning was not our top priority. I didn't discriminate when I was renting out the place, but generally girls did not seem interested. There was one girl, however, who was interested right off the bat. She loved the location (near Barton Springs and Zilker Park, if you're familiar with Austin) and wanted to come check it out as soon as possible. I was working hectic schedule, so it was tricky to fit in times to show the room, but one night I told her I'd be home by ten, and she said she'd come over then. She was a petite little thing named Gabby. Latina, with long, dark, curly hair. Slim figure, full lips, pretty eyes. Not quite drop-dead gorgeous, but she was definitely cute. And I do have a weakness for Latinas. She mentions she had been out at a bar with her friends, and I did notice she was a bit tipsy. I gave her the standard house tour and tried to gauge how well she'd fit in if she lived there. (I remember deciding she wouldn't work out when she insisted I'd have to leave the toilet seat down in our shared bathroom.) But she was a lively, animated girl (no doubt somewhat due to her tipsiness) and I was definitely sneaking glances at her ass while she was walking around. The tour ended in the hallway, where we kept chatting for a bit. The hallway was dark, since the light bulb had burned out a while back and no one had bothered to replace it. "Would you be okay living with a girl?" she asked me. I told her I'd have no problem with that, as I was imagining her walking around in short-shorts and a tank top. Up until this point, I hadn't really had any thoughts of making a move on her. Just the normal casual lust that comes with any interaction with a cute girl. I had just got home from work and was giving the same house tour I'd given to plenty other people. But in that dark hallway, I started to pick up on some signals. Gabby was in "fun mode" ftv girl naked having had a couple drinks at the bar. She had a flirtatious gleam in her eye, and I started to get that confident smirk on my face that tends to happen when I know a girl finds me attractive. As the chatting died down, she sort of backed up towards the wall. Not in an I'm-backing-away-from-you way, but in an inviting I-have-nowhere-to-go-now way. I naturally leaned in towards her, moving into her personal space. Her smile and eye contact told me this was a-okay with her. I touched her sweater, told her I thought it was cute, and all of the sudden it's on. She offers up her lips to me, and I lean down to kiss them. Within a few seconds, we're making out furiously. My bedroom is directly behind us, so I drag her inside and shut the door. I push her down onto my bed and get on top of her. She is splayed out on my bed, legs apart, hands up by her head, so I grab her wrists, pinning them down while maria ftv we are kissing intensely. I am fully on top of her, trying to feel as much of her body as I can with mine. I make sure she can feel how hard I am. I'm practically trying to fuck her through both of our jeans. But it doesn't take long before this is not enough, so I let go of her wrists to start tearing off her clothes. She beats me to the punch though. Her hands go directly to my belt and she's fumbling around trying to get my pants off. So of course, I reciprocate. I'm unbuttoning her jeans as she's grabbing at my cock. I normally love to tease a girl, but this is no time for teasing. As soon as I get those tight jeans unbuttoned, I push my hand into her panties, my fingers moving through her cute little tuft of a bush, into her warm, wet pussy. And my god, she was wet. Her hand tightens around my cock as my fingers slide right in, and I hear her let out a long, low moan. Now she wants to get on top. She pushes me over (I could have held her down if I wanted to, but... I didn't want to) and pulls down my pants and boxers. She doesn't bother getting them all the way down, just enough to let my dick spring out. She get me in her mouth and starts to give me an amazing, sloppy, wet blowjob. She's clearly one of those girls that just craves having a cock in her mouth, and I was loving it. She was so aggressive and enthusiastic, it did not take me long at all to cum. I didn't bother giving her a formal warning – I'm sure she could tell from my moans and grunts that I was about to let loose in her mouth, and I could tell she would not mind. She swallowed up all my load and slowed down a bit, but kept sucking. Her lips were moving up and down my pulsing dick, getting out every last drop. She sat up with a satisfied smirk on her face after she was done. Lucky for me, I have a quick recovery time. And I definitely wanted more. It was about time to finally get all these clothes off, so I'm yanking off her sweater, tugging at her jeans, kicking my own shoes off, while she's doing the same to me. After some fumbling around, we're both naked, she's on her back again, and I'm on top of her. I'm playing with her dripping pussy again, and she's soaking my hand with her juices. I'm trying to do everything to her at once, kissing her lips, kissing her neck, squeezing her small tits. She's breathing heavy, she's moaning. She really loves it when I suck on her nipples. She's breathing quicker as I'm moving from one nipple to the other, slowly sliding my fingers from her clit to deep inside her. I bite her nipple a little bit, which she clearly loves. I'm upping the intensity, finger-fucking her quicker and harder, while I'm sucking and licking and biting those pretty nipples. She's getting closer and closer to cumming, and I use the heel of my hand to put some pressure on her clit while making a come-hither motion inside her pussy to stimulate her g-spot. Just as she's tensing up and getting quiet, I give her a hard bite on her nipple, as the wave of orgasm hits her. I can feel her pussy spasm around my fingers, and I slow down and hold her tight and try to draw out that sensation as long as possible. It takes Gabby a little while to recover. She's flustered and flush and breathing heavy. ftv tamara I'm not sure she could move if the house caught fire. I am hard as a rock at this point, waiting for her to catch her breath so I can fuck her senseless. After lots of kissing, she's ready for some more. She pulls me on top of her. I tease her wet pussy with my cock, then grab a condom. I'm fucking her slowly for a long time, just sliding my cock in and out in time with our breathing. I've got my hands on her arms, pinning her down again. Every now and then we share a deep and sloppy kiss. After a while of this, we change things up and she gets on top. She's riding me, more pushing back and forth than going up and down. I'm grabbing her tits, squeezing them. She's getting close to cumming again, and I move my hands to her hips, helping her move just how she needs it. I see her eyes roll back in her head as she starts ftv girls mobile to orgasm. She's very quiet as she cums, tensing up and sort of quivering. This one's not as intense as the first one, but still looks pretty powerful. She stays on my cock for a while as she recovers. Gabby asks me if I came, and I tell her no. But she's clearly up for some more, so I tell her to get on all fours. I line my cock up to fuck her from behind, taking a moment to admire her ass. For such a small girl, she has a very well-rounded ass. I'm digging my fingers into her hips as I start to pound her hard. I am fucking her as hard as I can, working up quite a sweat. I give her ass a couple good hard smacks. I can hear her moaning, but at this point I'm only concerned about myself. With my right hand, I grab a handful of that thick, curly hair and pull on it pretty hard. My left hand is holding her hips steady (and keeping myself upright) while I'm fucking her wet pussy with every bit of energy I have. A little bit of this, and I cum hard, letting loose some sort of animalistic grunt. We're both still, catching our breath for a little bit before I slowly pull out of her, hearing her gasp a little bit as I'm sliding out. I toss the condom in the trash and collapse next to her. We're both sweaty, disheveled messes. We lie there for a little while, laughing and talking. As we come to our senses, we both agreed that it'd be a bad idea to be roommates. (Whew! That could have been really awkward if she thought this meant she was definitely getting the room.) She got dressed and headed back home. We ended up getting together a few more times, but just had so little in common outside of fucking that it didn't last all that long. But it's still one of favorite memories, going so quickly from a normal situation to really intense sex. JonnySalaciousATX [1 comment]
