Facial Cum Pics - Five Tips To Start Building A Perfect Sex Video You Always Wanted

by RandiLavarack2104381 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex. Chapter 1: Marcias Introduction Marcia Quillis nude girl photo was looking as nervous as she was feeling. She was filled with a great deal of doubt and dread about the decision she had made to join the Kingdom of John. Her mother was a member, and since she greatly respected her, she was willing to try this out, but the stories she had heard about what the women of the kingdom were expected to do, and endure, were nothing less than horrifying. At 18 years of age, Marcia was wonderful to look at. Being the captain of her high school volleyball team, she had a healthy and athletic quality to her natural beauty. Those of her parents generation thought she looked like a young Katherine Ross. She was tall, with sandy brunette hair, and a bosom in full bloom; just the kind of young woman that anyone – at least by appearance – would want to be around. Her dress this afternoon was not formal, but nice. She had on a pale blue shirt and pleated, navy blue skirt. Not Catholic school girlish, but more like an office secretary. Here she was in the manor of Lord Jacob, in the spacious and resplendent bedroom of Lady Jennifer, sitting on a lounge waiting for the Lady to appear. Yes, she was having doubts about this decision, mainly because her mother would not discuss the stories she had heard with her. All her mother would say was that she did not raise a coward, and that Marcia should show enough faith in her mother, and wait for Lady Jennifer to explain everything to her when she chose to begin the initiation into the kingdom. Marcia did have a volleyball college scholarship to USC, so if joining this kingdom did not turn out to be something she liked, she knew she had other options. Yet joining this kingdom was something she very much wanted, even though she did not know what it was really all about. All she knew for sure was that every man and woman she met through her parents that were members of the kingdom were strong, confident and intelligent people. Every single person she met was someone she admired. And the children of these people that she grew up with were always happy and healthy, and encouraged to try new things. She never saw one get yelled at, or abused in anyway. They were all good friends who also wanted to join the kingdom when they became an adult, even though they too, were never told specifically what it meant to be a member of the kingdom. Just as Marcia was getting her nerve back; just as she decided that regardless of what she would have to endure — she was going to trust the obvious results of what it meant to be in the Kingdom of John — in walked Lady Jennifer. This lady was quite a sight. The only description needed for her was Viking nude girls sex goddess. Marcia had known Lady Jennifer her entire life, and she always acted in the regal manner her title would expect. She knew she had to be in her fifties, yet she did not look any older than her mother. smoking porn pics She was dressed in a long white gown that appeared to cling to her like a second skin, yet moved freely as she approached Marcia. Good morning Marcia, the Lady said as she extended her hand. Im am so glad you decided to begin your initiation into our kingdom, and particularly pleased that your parents chose my husband and I to guide you. Marcia immediately rose, and likewise extended her hand to shake Lady Jennifers. The ladys grip was firm, and Marcia returned that same firm grip, just as her mother had taught her. With that shake she felt something pass between them that seemed to be an anticipation of profound things to come. Please, sit down Marcia. We have much to talk about, and many things to accomplish before this day is out. Both women sat down on the lounge, with Lady Jennifer to the left of Marcia. They sat turned slightly towards each other with their knees just barely touching. Once they were settled Lady Jennifer began, I know you have a million questions to ask, and I hope by the end of the day Ill have them all answered, yet at the same time you must show some patience in what you will learn. I have assisted in the initiation of hundreds of women into our kingdom, and they all seem to want to — metaphorically speaking — build the roof of the house before the walls are up. At times Ill appear to be evasive in some of my answers, but it is all because I know you need to learn other things first. While some of it will take months, if not years to learn, you should see by the end of the day that there are no more secrets for you about anything concerning this kingdom. Now, it is always a bit difficult to get these initiations started, because every girl has different issues, or heard naked girl massage different stories about this kingdom, so I like to begin with seeing what questions you may have that I can answer up front to guide the direction I will take this talk cum on asses with you. Do you have any? Marcia thought for a few moments, then asked Just the idea of having secrets bothers me. Why have secrets at all? When I ask my mother about any panties porn pics other topic she is always open and honest, but not about the kingdom. Why is that? I think this secrecy leads to all of these horrible stories that I have heard about what happens to women of the kingdom. I know they cant be true, so wouldnt it be better to get the truth out to prevent them? Hmmm... There are some very good questions there that are going to lead us right to where we need to be. First of all, one of the many things that will take years for you to learn is that getting the truth out rarely prevents horrible stories from being told about you. No matter what you do to get the truth out, people will always believe what they want to believe, and you cant control that. We humans have a very serious and fatal flaw in that we prefer to see the world around us in ways that re-enforce what we already believe, rather than to seek to challenge those beliefs. The truth of the matter is, we want there to be horrible stories about us. It helps scare off the weak minded from even considering joining us. Not only are there more men and women who want to join our kingdom than we could possibly process, but even if there werent so many, the only people we are interested in joining are people who can look past their prejudices and babe pics fears in order to judge for themselves that we are the decent people we believe we are. Before I continue, I would like to ask you a question. Why are you so sure that these stories cant be true? This caught Marcia quite by surprise, and the expression on her handjob galleries face confirmed it. Are you kidding? The things I have heard like the spankings women must free perfect girls endure, and the forced sex with any man. They just cant be true. Not only do none of the people Ive met act like social degenerates, but I know my mother quite well, and she would never consent to this. She said the last part of that with the false bravado of someone who is more hoping that what she is saying is true, rather than really believing it to be so. Well.... to put it bluntly, said Lady Jennifer said, probably most of what you heard is true. As for your mother, I have had her over my lap for a spanking many times. The forced sex with any man is a little exaggerated, but she has had sex with quite a few men ... women too. Marcia was stunned not only by the direct admission of her worst fears, but also how it did not connect with how she understood her parents to be. With the room starting to spin, and her breath starting to shorten, all she could manage to say was But Why? ... How can this be true? The why and how of it is going to take a lot to explain. Im going to have to wait til later to get into that. Part 2 perl10
