Viv Porn - Top Viv Thomas Sirens Choices

by ManuelFollett67 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This is my first attempt at posting. I would REALLY appreciate any input/suggestions. Feel free to PM or comment on this. I know the end is open. If you hate it, let me know. If you fapped to it, love to hear that too. I hope you enjoy. I couldnt believe it. I was standing outside her hotel room with all the gear she asked me to bring. It had been a couple of weeks since she called and asked for my help Things werent working out sexually at home so she decided to just give up waiting for something to happen and was going to put an ad on one of those discreet intimate encounters websites and decided that she needed some current pictures. She explained to me that she was looking for a variety of different pictures even a few racy ones and that I was the only one she trusted not only to get good pictures but that she felt comfortable with me. How could I possibly say no? I set down one of my gear bags listen to my heart beat in my chest and just knocked. She opened the door and smiled that gigantic grin that I havent seen in years. I couldnt help but smile myself. Suddenly I felt a little awkward. I didnt know if I should drop all my gear right there, or step inside. I didnt know. She could see I had a little bit of confusion and just jumped forward and gave me a hug. It was the oddest feeling; like time had never passed. I could remember the smell of her hair. She let go and stepped back so I could grab my things and step inside. It took me a moment to take it all in but the suite she had reserved was gorgeous! If she wanted some beautiful background for her shots she found it. I figured that since she emphasized how much trust she had in me I better try to act as professional as possible so I asked her if she brought any outfits that she wanted to use. She said no, she was hoping that we could go shopping and find something together which was okay by me so I suggested that we get going because the late afternoon light was fading and I wanted to get some outside shots in natural light which we did on the way to grab a little dinner over salad and a bottle of wine she explained to me a little bit more about how frustrating it had been going without sex and what she just wanted was to find exactly what those websites offered: discreet intimate encounters. Thats why she needed a variety of pictures. Depending upon where shes at in the selection process and how much she wants to reveal. I could tell the wine was relaxing us both so I suggested we go shopping. There were a couple of high quality lingerie stores nearby. On the way back to the hotel, I stopped and grabbed another bottle of wine. I needed to settle my nerves a little more. I couldnt believe what I was about to have the opportunity to do The Sun was setting, so I suggested we get some balcony shots. I poured us a glass of wine and we stepped out on the balcony to take some casual shots there was a light wind which was helpful giving her hair a little motion and everything felt easy She looked over at me and asked are you ready to take some racier shots? I felt my throat gulp. What could I say but, you bet. lets go I went about setting up a few lights and she trotted off to the bathroom to change. I heard her footsteps on the carpet and I looked up, my eyes must have gotten big because she laughed at me. How could I not have a reaction she was standing there in a thin tshirt. I could see her bra through and nothing but lacy panties. I had to shift to hide my excitement and try to remain somewhat professional. Something told me that was going to get more difficult she moved about the room as I was taking pictures in various locations and poses all of them mostly innocent except for her being half naked. After a few more shots she pranced off to the bathroom to change into another outfit. When she came out of the bathroom dressed in her next outfit my jaw nearly hit the floor. I knew the red corset we bought would look great against her pale white skin and red hair but the white silky thong panties and the opaque red thigh high tights contrast it was amazing. She could tell by the look on my face. Well if you wanted sexy pictures youre definitely going to get them At first I had her put her palms on the desk and face away while looking over her shoulder to really show off her ass and legs. There was a couch for her to sit on and recline slightly with her legs crossed She looked so amazing I decided tonot even bother hiding how hard it made me but I kept snapping pictures. She went over to her suitcase and hold out a small 4 inch vibrator she asked if it was okay if she used that in some of the pictures. I told her I was okay with whatever she wanted. She flashed a devilish grin and propped some pillows up against the headboard. She sat down on the bed with one knee bent and one leg on the floor as she reclined back against the pillows she began to use the vibrator on the outside of her panties. I could see the moment when she twisted it on. Thre expression on her face changed. I stepped back at first to get some full body shots and then closer to do some of her face as she was obviously experiencing some extreme pleasure. I didnt want to pull my eye away from the camera so I shifted my focus to her hand that was moving the vibrator obviously around where her clit was. I could see her body beginning to tense up so I focused back on her face since I wanted to see what she looked like when she came. I wasnt disappointed because her mouth open slightly at first she held her breath and then as she released her breath while shuttering her eyes almost rolling back into her head her left hand moved up and grabbed my dick through my shorts. I dont know if she was checking to see how hard I was, or what her plan was but after her orgasm she let go and dropped her head back to relax for a minute. Her first words were, that was fun. you think theyll like those pictures? How could they not? I sure did... She asked if I could get some close ups of the vibrator on her naked clit next, so I had her lay down with her butt on the edge of the bed and her feet on the floor at first she pulled her panties to the side but we realized that was too much work so she just took them off. You have no idea how difficult it was to be that close and keep the camera in front of my face. Suddenly she sat up and told me she wanted some pictures of her giving someone head. I knew instantly who she meant so I sat down and rested the camera on my chest as she pulled my shorts down and began to lick the precum off the end of my dick. I had to remember to keep taking pictures. I was in heaven I could tell it just like with the vibrator she wasnt posing. She reached down to cup my balls. She could tell by the way my legs were shaking that I was about to cum. She pulled her mouth off my dick to give it a few strokes and to ask if I wanted to cum in her mouth. All I could manage was a nod. I almost dropped the camera as both of my hands weaved in her hair after her mouth dropped completely over my dick moments later, I grabbed a fistful of her hair as my hips bucked forward she slowed down to make sure she didnt lose a drop. To my surprise, she looked up and gave me that award winning smile and said Ive still got one more outfit and I want more pictures! At this point I decided I needed another glass of wine and I couldnt help but stare at her as she vivthomas trailers tiptoed off to the bathroom to change and straighten up I figured it would be awkward taking the last set of shots naked so I put my shorts back on and sat down to relax and let my mind trying to figure out what just happened. I must have slipped into a daze because I was startled when she pranced out revealing a black crotchless body stocking. It had minimal texture and I can see her nipples from across the room. She went back to the bed where the pillows were propped up and resumed her pose with one leg on the bed and one foot on the floor. At first the pictures were full body her hands draped over her pussy and the other one covering her nipples. I decided this was no time to be demure. I reached down and moved her hand away from her chest. I told her, pinch one of your nipples. I set the camera down to move the fabric aside to fully expose her breasts. As my hands move them out, I glance of thumb over one of her hard nipples see her reaction. I got a twitch and a smile. It was my turn to take over. This was my photo shoot now. I began to give her commands, which she responded to and seem to enjo. It was like I was directing my own porno shoot when I told her to run her hands down your stomach. I told her to rub her clit. I had her get up on her knees facing away from me so I could get a shot of her from behind. I was so turned on by how vulgar we were being. Next I scooted her to the edge of the bed with her feet up on it so her legs were spread and rebekah teasdale I told her to show me her clit. She reached down and really pulled herself open. It was then that I set the camera down and dove face first onto her clit. Her hands moved to the back of my head as I used mine to explore her body and eventually insert a couple of fingers inside her while locking and sucking on her clit. She began to shudder again as she pulled my head in so hard I was worried she would break my jaw. I could feel her pussy tighten around my fingers as she came so hard it almost pushed me out. As I slowed down and moved away a little to give her some recovery time. I could hear her breathing was shallow. I asked her if she was okay and all she could muster was one word, more... I have been so focused on how wonderful she tasted and how much fun I was having getting her off. I had barely recognized that I was hard again to so I pulled on my belt and let my shorts drop to the floor. It was about this time she stood up and pressed her body against mine. I looked down into her eyes as our lips met time seemed to stand still and I couldnt decide who was trying to devour the other more. I had noticed earlier she liked when I took control. So I moved my hands from the small of her back up the back of her neck and grabbed a fist full of hair. I pulled my mouth off hers and began to nibble and bite at her neck and ear. I whispered in her ear, tell me what you want she replied in a breathy tone, I want you to use me. With my right hand still clenched in her hair I let my left hand trace down the curve of her body, enjoying an open palm caress that moved her hard nipples around that were pressing firmly against the body suit which had been readjusted over her. As I traced the line down the middle of her stomach I whispered in her ear, spread your legs. As she did I could feel her wetness had multiplied. I continued to nibble on her neck as I used her fluids to lubricate aher still swollen clit. I could feel her legs begin to buckle. There seemed to be a sense of urgency but I didnt want to waste this moment so I moved both hands to her waista nd stepped behind her. I wanted to run my hands over her entire body and experience the smell of her skin. This moment was intoxicating. She could feel my erection pressed up against her ass so she reached back and guided it in between her legs so that her pussy lips could ride back and forth on it while I continued to run my hands all over her body. I could feel the heat and wetness on my dick as she slid back and forth it was driving me crazy I walked her forward to the large armchair and lifted one of her legs up on the arm as she grabbed the back of the chair. I asked her if she was ready she just said, please. I grabbed her by the hips. I sank myself full on it to her. Time stood still because I couldnt tell you how long we fucked in that position. Eventually I pulled out and laid back on the bed. She straddled me and began to work it the way she likes it. At some point I looked up at her and told her I was going to cum. She just quickened her pace. I could tell she wanted to feel me explode inside her. .... poly_art
