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Part 2 Part 4 I commence moving my tongue in and out, rhythmically, as if I were fucking her with it. Then I move my attentions up and clamp my lips around her clit, sucking hard then nibbling on it. Anabelle cries out and violently twists her hips from side to side. "Oh, Hal! No, you mustn't. Stop, what are you doing?!" I do not pay mind to Anabelles pleading, I know Im not really hurting her–I would never truly hurt my precious Annie, she is just unaccustomed to feeling these sensations. She tastes so damned good, sweet and tangy and irresistible. I can not seem to get enough of her. I enthusiastically lap up the juices that leak from her pussy and thrust my tongue deeper inside of her until I feel her cherry. I wriggle my tongue against it and Anabelle whines pitifully, struggling so wildly that I have a hard time holding her hips down. My face is mashed against her crotch as I use my lips, my tongue, my teeth on her. My nose is filled with the pungent scent of her sex and I wonder that I don't go mad with lust. I bring one hand up and thrust it in and out of her sodden pussy, not far enough to breach her hymen but enough to get my finger thoroughly bathed in her secretion. I pull my mouth away from her soused flesh and look up into her face. I watch, breathing hard, as Anabelle's eyes widen with shock when my wet finger begins probing the supersensitive entrance to her ass. Neither one of us says anything; we just stare at each other as my finger starts to push relentlessly into her. Anabelle whimpers when my finger abruptly slips in past her sphincter and worms its way up her anus. I stare at her face as it becomes an exquisite mask of agonized humiliation. My finger is at the second knuckle when it stops, refusing to go in any farther. Anabelle is clenching her ass so tightly that I am unable to make any further progress. I lean in to kiss her mouth but she jerks away, her face screwed up in disgust at the smell of her cunt on my lips. I kiss her neck instead while I begin to gently work my finger in and out of her anus. "Oh, Annie, you feel so good. Yes, just like that, darling. Just like that, Annie..." I pop my finger out of her karups archives ass and she gasps; a light, helpless catching of her breath which serves to drive me over the edge. I playfully wiggle my finger against her twitching asshole, tickling it as I bend down to begin once again nursing at her breast. Anabelle squirms and writhes beneath my ministrations, trying vainly to escape but her hands remain securely bound to the headboard. When I slip my finger back inside of her ass she gives a desperate groan and sobs. "Please, Hal, dont do this." Anabelle beseeches me, her face red with the lust and mortification. Instead, I quicken the speed of my finger and I watch with rapt fascination as she groans and arches her back and lifts her hips, desperately trying to assuage the discomfort of having my finger so far inside of her. "Not there, its so so dirty. We shouldnt you have to stop!" With an appreciative sound, I nibble along her collar bone and carry on gently finger-fucking her throbbing passage. "Hush now, my dear," I whisper into her ear. "Its not as bad as all that now. You have just the loveliest little hole, so soft and tender. There's nothing dirty about it at all, I love everything you are." To prove this bold claim I draw my finger out of her ass and put it in my mouth. Anabelle stares at me with uncomprehending revulsion as I lovingly suck her taste off my finger. I return my finger to her ass and unceremoniously drive it back up into her. "This is what you want, is it not, my love?" I say, exploring the soft, tight channel which grips my finger deliciously whenever she tenses. I withdraw my finger, then, grinning up at her I slowly begin to work two karups hot digits into her. Anabelle gasps and flails, frantically bucking her hips but it's no good. I enter her and begin my relentless progress. I curl my fingers slightly and begin to rhythmically stroke her from the inside, causing her to shudder and arch her hips. "You were made for this," I said, playing her body as musician skilfully plays his beloved instrument. "You were made for love and passion. How responsive you are, my ardent Anabelle. Yes, let yourself go, just like that, my darling. Lose yourself in this wondrous delight!" Without warning I shove my fingers into her as far as they will go. Anabelle is not expecting it and my fingers slide all the way up her until they are fully lodged inside. My precious Annie moans and quakes in my arms, my head rests on her breast while I finger-fuck her ass with quick, short jabs. I hold her tight against me and, for the next five minutes, drive my finger into her with focused precision while Annie gasps and weeps and begs me to stop. With one final thrust, I hold my hand still, my palm cupping her ass cheeks and my fingers deep within her. Kissing her heaving chest, I rock her affectionately as I wait for her tremors to lesson. At length, I pull my hand out from Anabelle and sit up so I can gaze down at her. What an extraordinary creature, I think with wonder. Her smooth, lithe body lies draped over the pillows in youthful exhaustion. Her alabaster skin gleams with a sheer coat of sweat, and she almost seems to glow in the dimly lit room. Her hair is mussed from tossing her head back and forth and clings to her face. Her soft cheeks are flushed with fatigue and shame. Every line, every curve of her pubescent body brings forth a sharp ache in my chest which burns with desire. I know that I can spend an eternity despoiling hairy amateur tgp her pure body, find sweet satisfaction in her responses time and time again and never grow weary of her. My bewitching Annie. Every inch of her, every pore of her skin seems made with the single intent of arousing a voracious, mindless lust in a male. I bend down and trail a line of wet kisses along her inner thigh towards her cunt, feeling her tender flesh quiver then weakly submit to my insatiable lust. It is time to fully consummate our fateful relationship. If I'm not inside of her within the next few minutes I know I will expire from wanting. I reach up and impatiently undo the knots at Anabelles wrists. Making short work of them, I grab her by the waist and yank her down the bed so she lies flat on her back. I nudge her thighs with my knees and they part after a feeble protest. I pause, then, wondering if I should lube up before entering the tight confines of my virgin bride. However, when I slide a testing finger inside of Annie I feel a spurt of wetness, and the tiny muscles of her pussy grip my finger and pulse with willing eagerness. I position the head of my cock against her lips and nearly cum then and there when the bulbous tip slides easily into her slick heat. I urge my prick farther inside, forcing an opening. Annie's untried body tenses, then trembles as it fights the invading presence of my organ. I nudged the barrier of her virginity but when I push against it Anabelle cries out and her hands push against my chest, trying to displace me. "That hurts, please, you cant. Please stop," she begs, straining to push me off of her. "It's too big, it wont go in. It wont fit inside me." I bend my head and cover her mouth with mine to stop any further protestations. "Its alright, love, I assure her, covering her face with feather-light kisses. Itll only hurt for a moment," "Please," Anabelle implores me. "You're too big." I ignore her and, plunging my tongue into her mouth, I penetrate deeply into her with one swift thrust. Anabelles face goes white and she gives a sharp yelp as I deflower her. I look into Anabelles eyes and begin another deep kiss, my weigh pressing down on her. With the other hand I begin to fondle her right breast. Inch by relentless inch I impaled her struggling body onto my hard shaft. I begin to slowly move in and out of her pussy. When I glance down at where our bodies join, I see the evidence of her bodys defeat, a trace of blood, on her, on me. My rigid phallus drives into her fierce and implacable, disappearing between her red-smeared thighs. I work a hand beneath her and brace her ass on my palm, holding her steady for an even deeper penetration. I fuck Anabelle with languid precision; trying to stretch time, create it, that this moment of bliss might last forever. God, Anabelle, you are incredible. This is beyond anything. My mouth returns to hers once again for a longer, more lingering kiss. I taste the salt of tears on my tongue. This is my Anabelle; this is mon chaton with the sapphire eyes and the salty tears. The bed springs squeak as I move atop her, my hands stroke her legs, urging them to wrap around my waist, my weight crushes her down into the soft pillows. The smell of sex and sound of flesh smacking against flesh fills the room. Anabelle sighs and gasps and arches her hips to meet my downward thrusts. I knew she would love this, she is so full of passion, my Anabella. I bury my head in the sweet fragrance of her hair and fuck her harder, faster. "Oh Annie, my love," I pant. "Yes, just like that. Dieu, youre so tight, so wet and tight!" I am lost in her. The damp, yielding texture of her body pressed against mine, her hard-tipped nipples scoring my chest, my aching cock pulses with intolerable pleasure within her velvet heat. Anabelle moans, and squeals as I take her like a man possessed, heedless of the dark bruises forming on her flesh. I ram my cock deeper into hairy amateur tgp her until I nudge her young cervix and feel my balls nestle against her smooth ass. Her hips jerk spasmodically from the deeper penetration then her whole body shudders with helpless abandon. It is too much for her, I can see it in the lost look in her eyes, hear it in the breathless cries that tear from her mouth as I grind myself against her, but I am unable to stop "Annie, my sweet, sweet Annie," I cry out. "Oh, yes, here it comes. Im going to cum inside of you, ma belle. Im going to fill you with my seed!" My sweat-soaked body slides over hers, and the delicious friction of it fills me with unbearable pleasure. Her head is to the side and I scrape my teeth over the pulse at her neck, feel her shudder in response. My entire universe narrows down to the feeling of my cock sliding in and out of Anabelles cunt. "Here it comes! Oh god, Annie. OH GOD!" I rut into her like a feral animal, grunting savagely as I ram her with my cock. Annie screams as she cums and bits down on my shoulder hard enough to draw blood. I plunge my hips forward, my cock jerking as it shoots torrents of sperm deep into her belly, filling her with my essence. Seeing a cataclysmic burst of stars behind my tightly shut eyelids, I continue to rock my hips desperately into the writhing body beneath me, flooding Annies fertile young womb with hot cum. On and on it goes, our hips moving furiously against each other, my balls contract and squeeze out ever more cum as I bellow out in primal fury. After what seems like an eternity, I grunt and force the last drops of cum into her then collapse exhausted on her whimpering sexy amateur galleries body. I am completely spent; feel as if I would not be able to move for a year and a day. I do not know how long we lie here together, trying to catch our breaths, me on top of her, her soft breasts crushed beneath my broad chest, my cock so firmly lodged within her cunt as if it belongs in no other place in the world, which, of course it doesn't. With a quick kiss on the lips, I roll off of Anabelle and get up to look for the silk ties I'd tossed to the floor. I find them and return to the bed in order to retie Anabelle's wrists to the headboard. She lies prone on the bed with her eyes closed, too exhausted to offer up even a token struggle. I go to the dresser and pull out a high resolution digital camera and turn back to the figure lying sprawled on the bed. She looks perfect, bound and helpless like a pagan offering to a primitive god. From between her splayed thighs I could see the thick gobs of cum leaking from her cunt. I want to capture this moment, remember her like this forever. I raise the camera and snap off a few pictures. I do close ups, paying particular attention to her flushed face, her bruised breasts, and her dripping cunt. The harsh sound of the camera shutter filled the room as I immortalised the naked perfection of her body. When I finish capturing the memory, I look at the clock on the dresser. 6:17 I realise that I am starving. I decide to go pick up something quick from the McDonalds a couple blocks down the street and begin putting my clothes back on. Returning to the bed I leaned down and brushed the hair away from Anabelles face. I lightly kiss her parted lips. "Annie," I whisper against her mouth. "Annie, my love, you must wake up now." Gradually, Anabelles lashes flutter open and her azure eyes focus on me. She groans despairingly as consciousness returns and she realises the brutal reality of her situation. I kiss her again, firmly clamping my mouth over hers and thrusting my tongue into her mouth. I swallow the weary moan that passes from her mouth into mine. My tongue traces her gums, her teeth, then along her tongue. Then I lap up the excessive saliva that collects in her mouth. Several minutes later, I pull away gasping for air and stare into her clouded eyes with awe. "Annie, you undo me," I say hoarsely. Finally, I feel my heart rate slow and I slide a hand up to cup her breast in my palm. "Im going out to pick up something to eat," I explain, rolling the pink nipple between thumb and forefinger. "Would you like a cheese burger or something?" Anabelle weakly nods her head and I smile at her, giving her a quick kiss on her nose. "Alright," I say as I draw the blanket out from under her and tuck her snugly into it. "Ill only be a few minutes, so dont go anywhere." Chuckling, I leave the room and go out into the garage. I realise that Ive left the SUV door open this whole time but fortunately the battery has not died yet. I back out of my drive and head towards the highway. Ladyzprince

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