Pink Velvet Viv Thomas - New Article Reveals The Low Down On Viv Thomas Lesbian And Why You Must Take Action Today

by MableClement5441618 posted Oct 17, 2015


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viv thomasOk so I'm always getting ideas and some are more like just quick scenes i would like to do while others are more hashed out. I'm currently working on two and plan to post them soonish along with the next rebirth of krypton chapter when ever i get to it ( imagine Powergirl, Supergirl, and lots of pleasantly shaped crystals) Any ways i thought i would write out some of my ideas and get feed back on them or get them out there so someone can see it and maby get inspired. Also it seems like it takes me forever to write, like it takes an hour to get 1500 or 2000 words out when i try to write a fanfic or litfic. 1: Number 1 is my favorite and it could either go serious and deal with some true issues or go kind of more pure smut and gloss over some things. Any ways two people who have been in a commited relationship for a while both have the same fetish (i hate that word), they both love master/slave roll play and they both find the color contrast between their parterns skin and their own a turn on. The problem? The man is white and the woman is black. The woman goes home everyday before her boyfriend and watches master/slave vids with white men and black women and likes to put herself and her boyfriend in their places. She usually waits on him to gets home and greets him pretending to be playacting as one of the slaves in the movies, like calling him My love because she slips up and about calls him master. Any way one night after being really horny because her BF has been gone for a week due to work he comes home and she eventually slips up and calls him master while they are making out on the couch. The BF confonts her about this and have a heartfelt talk where they come to the realization that the only peoples who opinions matter inside the house are their own. Then the guy takes her into the room and forces her to show him the videos she watches while he teases her. Then he ties her to the wall and spanks her with the belt before taking her on the bed. So lite bondage and lots of dirty talk. 2 Number two is kind of a fantasy one where a guy gets trapped on a island with a bunch of amazons (Wonder Woman type amazons just because im a SM/WW fan) and the girl finds him coming out of a temple she had been sent to by a seer. The two get into a fight before coming ot a truce. Then they go on their way back to the town but get side tracked and have a short little adventure. The two get to know each other and have fun around town while hte queen and the council decide what to do with each him. ITs a slow build up for the romance and at one point there would be a scene of their first kiss basically caused by a really smart horse pushing the main guy into the girl causing them to bump into each other. Any ways the two grow close and the Queen tells them that even though he has helped the princess they are going to follow tradition and he will have to fight challengers in the arena. The queen says if he looses he will be taken as a slave and used to breed before being killed. He asks what would happen if he wins and the queen just laughs it off. Later that night he sneaks into the princesses chambers and they talk about not wanting to fight and being worried about what could happen. eventually the talking turns to kissing which turns to sex and they end up sleeping together through the night and being found that way the next day. During the fight the main guy wants to forfeit right away instead of fighting the girl but she conveniences him to fight before surrendering her self revealing what happens if he wins. The main guy gets upset at her because since he won she is not technically his slave for 12 years (one for each labor). Then either have him have to claim her infront of everyone in the stadium or have it be in private in the room and from there on im not sure. 3 Number three is a fantasy/romance between a knight and a succubus set in a modern day paris (got the idea from Dresden files) So a knight is sent from the church to track down a serial killer that is terrorizing the city. While there he meets and befriends a beautiful woman who works at a bar/pub he goes to. The two keep talking night after night and over the talks the woman can notice how much the case is wearing the knight out and hurting him. Eventually he comes clean and tells her about the supernatual connection to the murders to try and convince her to leave the city since he is afraid the monster will kill agiain before he can find it. Instead of leaving the city the woman decided to go hunt it herself since she is worried that what ever the monster is will kill the knight since he is so tired. She finds the monster outside the church and confronts viv thomas sex it revealing herself as a Succubus. She ends up having to take her true form and kills the monster, only problem is its a wraith/deamon/not sure yet and was possessing a normal vanilla mortal. So it escapes and she is left standing in all her glory over a dead human corpse just as the knight arrives. The woman breaks out in tears at him seeing her like that before passing out from blood loss. She wakes up in a bed really weak after the fight and finds out the knight was taking care of her. He askes her why she didn't tell him and she replies because she lesbian viv thomas was one of the monsters he was sworn to kill. She tells him that her body is to weak to repair its self if she dosen't feed and that she had only ever previously fed enough just to sate her hunger pains but not to kill a human. And that she would need so much from this feeding that she would proably end up killing whoever she fed on. The guy then stips and has sex with her even though she tries to dissuade him at first. But he says its because he loves her and would rather her survive. After sexscene she wakes up withouth him in bed but with everything healed and worries that she might have killed him last night. she goes in to the mirror to look at herself and notices all the scars are gone viv thomas and when she looks at her full form her batlike wings and tail are replaced by white angelic wings. The guy comes in and sees this and after a impassioned embrace at seeing him alive she explains about how one scribe along time ago willingly did the same for another ancestor and that the succubbuss prayed for his life to be returned since she had fed to much and a angel granted the prayer and said that while her children would all be succubus if they could find someone who would do the same for them then the would be freed of the curse. Those are all of the major ones that i have thought out. The rest are just little scenes, short fics, or bare bones idea i came up with. a: a master punishes his slave by tieing her up and fucking her daughter infront of her. though at the end its just play acting and the slave and daughter are more than willing participants. b: a woman takes a boy/man and teaches him to be a dom then he either ends up making her his sub or getting other girls. Like i was thinking something like a guy helps a woman out and it turns out she is a domamatrix, and in return for his help she slowly teaches him to be more confidant and forward when it comes to people and girls. And soon starts to teach him. Then later he ends up with just her or with her and some other girls. c: Island like amazons again where a male gets stranded and finds out that the women bring men there to fight and dominate them. He ends up relucantly or not so possibly dominating the first woman he meets then more untill getting to the queen. D: Kind of like above but the guy meets one girl and instead of taking her he refuses saying that he only wants to sleep with someone if he loves them. That leads them to having to fight again every morning and him having to beat her in battle every time or else she will conqure him and end up making him a slave. This goes on and the two become attached as they make their way to the town and the woman soon begs him to take her since if he beats her then he will be same from the other women trying to claim him. Then one night she comes into sleeping roll on her own will (which had been what he had been waiting for) and the two make out before curling up adn going to sleep. Then the next moring she says they don't have to fight but he insists they do and he finally takes her after the fight and thats as far as i got in that one. E: Man and woman read diary about one of the guys ancestors while cleaning up an old house to sell. Turns out to be about a slave who lived alone with her master and the two fell in love. The girl at the end says something about him and his ancestor having similar tastes as its revealed that she is black just like the woman in the journal (the guy is mostly white and their races would have been hinted at but never mentioned before this) F: Guy taken by female barbarians and fights them in arena. fucks them in the arena infront of the crowds...thats all i got. G: This one is cliche but the queen on one country gets tricked into going to war with a empire that is supposedly going to invade them. After they loose and their city is taken she decided to give herself over to the general in exchange for the safety of her city. It turns out that the leader is actually a childhood friend she had played with whose father had been the imperial ambassador to her city. She askes him if he is going to take her as his prize and he says that he wants her as his queen instead, sex ensues and she is taken back to the empire to be the empress. H: Business man flies to meet with his assistants family in japan. the guy and assistant are in love with each other but haven't made a move yet. so while over there the assistant decided to put on her own little geisha show that eventually leads to sexy times. Also size would be a thing in this one since im picturing like a 6 foot something viking like guy (sans beard) and a short but cute 5 nothing japaneese woman. erokage37
