Sexy Petite Ass - A Simple Trick For Young Boobs Revealed

by GlennaCourtney0 posted Oct 17, 2015


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— 6 — There were many days of unease that followed. Mothers little girl and I fell back into our routine of once a week. Only this time, when my cock threatened to spout off, I would jack on it and have a great cum. It was rare that I actually spilled onto my mothers naked skin, but not for not wanting to. I had to respect my daughters wishes, and she really didnt like the nasty stuff hitting her. Still, her incredible body was the thing that turned me on the most, and the closer she was the more likely Id shoot. Sometimes I didnt have a chance to redirect my load. Mother, as an adult, never again acted like she had on my twelfth birthday. She reverted back to being strict and proper. I knew she wanted more than ever to eradicate the little girl who stole her Saturdays, especially since her son was now using the event for his personal sex fun. One day my daughter and I fell asleep on my bed, and the next morning, mother woke up beside me. The sound that jostled me out of slumber was her sobbing. We cant go on like this. She perceived young fuck party me rousing. Im going mad. I know I deserve to be punished, but why do you have to be dragged into the evil place with me? Why? She wailed. She hadnt looked at me. There was nothing I could say that would have solved anything, but her words struck me into thinking new thoughts. Id never thought much about evil. I called myself that because that is what my actions would have been called by my religious community, but as a child would, I simply ignored a word that didnt really mean much to a child. Now I was at that age were my moral compass would be magnetized, and I had to ask myself. Was I risking an eternity of hell? Had I danced with the devil in my mothers naked, and childlike state? What was the one thing I risked that meant so much to me? To a child, the answer is obvious, life. To me it was my mother. I knew my life wasnt in danger, and other than my mischievous sexual shenanigans, I was a good boy. Compared to the terrible life my father had given to naked teen girls pussy his devoted wife, I seemed damn near angelic. So the next, question had to be, why did my mother think she deserved to be punished? She was the most god fearing person on the planet, and her other personality was as innocent as any child. I was the only evil in my mothers life. Yeah, evil like a nun with a run in her stockings. After consulting my vast internal bookshelf of bible stories, I determined a crock of stinking shit had been shat therein. Essentially, I was just a horny kid doing whatever it took to get a taste of tit. There was something very wrong with my mothers behavior, and I decided then and there to find the problem and fix it, no matter how things turned out. After all, doesnt fixing it truly mean things will turn out for the better? Mom, Ill help you. I promise. I told her as earnestly as I could. She started crying harder, and then still harder as I undressed myself from her clothes and left to take my morning shower. She wasnt in my room when I returned. I was determined to make things right, but first I had to find out what really was wrong. I dressed myself in my sharpest white shirt and trousers. If only my father was here, maybe he could have helped me, but I surprised myself by dismissing the very idea. He was likely, still part of the problem. It was my first clue. I could smell bacon cooking. I marched into the kitchen. Mother, why did daddy cheat on you? I asked straight away. Thats none of your business. She didnt even turn from scrambling the eggs. No it isnt, but I dont want to grow up like father any more. I want to grow up like you. Occasionally, lightning can shoot out of a frying pan. Mother jumped up and nearly hurled the steaming skillet off of the stove. She didnt speak, but she did yelp. I remember how it was, when father was alive. He tried to make me into anything that wasnt what you wanted me to be. Mother, you have to tell me. What do you want me to be? There it was. Although I only knew it instinctually, my mother had never faced that question. Shed spent so much of her life trying to make me not be something, shed forgotten about the something I should have been trying to be. Do you want me to be your mommy? Of course not, you know I only play that game because I get off when youre naked. My mother simply couldnt respond to that. I was overwhelming her sanctity with crazy talk, the kind she desperately wished she could escape. It was my great fortune that day, that my mother was something more than my mother. I continued. I dont want to be your mommy. I want to be a daddy someday and have a real little girl. And I promise Ill never hurt her or cum on her or put her in a cage six days a week. What kind of mother or father is that? So tell me mom, what kind of person can I be? Mother began to sputter about doing right by God and keeping mind, spirit, and body clean, and working hard, and all the same old horseshit, but for the first time she realized that a lot of it was crap, just a pile of scratched and dusty records spinning in her head. Shed forgotten, she was the one whod set a needle to them long ago. And the reason she had had to play them was... Aaaahhh!! Mother screamed and threw her arms out at me. Youre a man! You dont understand!! God, why have I been cursed with them? I stepped back as my mother, apparently, began to throw a fit. She jumped up and down. She screamed at me and screamed at God. She spun around and began to tear at her clothes. Her face was red and fierce and she ripped the buttons right off her blouse and tore at her tough bra. I nearly jumped to stop her when she picked up an paring knive, but before I could react, she cut away the straps and flung the bra from her tits. Mother, naked from the waist up, sank to her knees and sobbed. She looked up at me. You can be anything you want to be, just dont be anything like my parents. I felt my own tears churning inside my chest. They threatened to cloud my vision and pound in my ears. I couldnt stop them. Poor mother had become a wreck, and it was my fault. After playing with her for so long, I finally broke her, except she wasnt toy, and I had become something of an adult. Tell me, please Mother, what happened? I watched her shoulders cringe and her faces sorrow turned into veiled rage. On her knees, she looked like she was ready to pray but with righteousness. One day, when I was eight years old, my father caught me playing in the closet with one of my girlfriends. We were playing doctor, but more than that I was pretending that my girlfriend was my mommy. I told her that she was a mommy doctor, and my girlfriend said okay, and she examined every part of me to make sure I was healthy. My daddy found me on my back with my legs spread open, the other girl was poking her fingers into my – my cunny, and I think I was having an orgasm. Father yelled at us and frightened my girlfriend away. Then he raped me. He raped me for almost two months before my mother found out and sent him to prison. Only my mother was sure that I had seduced him, and she abandoned me to a foster home. Later I heard that she had been arrested for prostitution. And after I grew out of foster care, I never looked for her. That wasnt my mommy. I wanted to believe my mommy loved her little girl. I told myself, I had the best mommy in the world until I was raped. I blamed myself. Calvin, I know why I do what I do. Im not sick. I dont lose control. I dont have multiple personalities. Sometimes I have to force myself to become your little girl. I do it to punish myself. But why mommy, why? My sniffles and whimpers continued. Maybe I still was just a boy. Because Im evil, and I hated you. I could have been shot with a gun. My tears abandoned me and I was suddenly, terribly concerned for my life. I stepped back. But youre my mommy. You have to love me. No Calvin, I dont. Not even the Bible says a mother has to love her son. She could see me backing away, but she didnt get up from her knees. Then, maybe youre not evil. I reached for a childs logic once more. I never wanted to hurt you Calvin, I wanted to ruin your life. I wanted to turn you into a sexually repressed, walking ghost of a man. Thats why I pretended to be your daughter. Thats why Id take off my clothes and later shame you for masturbating. I wanted to turn you into the kind of man I never had to fear. It isnt just you, Calvin. Youre just a boy. But boys turn into men, and the only thing I know about men is their sex hurts. Then why did you marry daddy? I asked, thoroughly horrified. I did it to punish myself. You see, there is another reason I fear and hate men, and I never admitted it to myself, but I now know, and accept the fact that the only loves in my life were women. That is my sin. God curse us all. She finished by picking up her ripped blouse and clutching it to her naked breasts. I had finally stumbled upon my mothers darkest secret. She was a lesbian, and she hated being a lesbian more than she hated and feared men. No wonder she never contradicted father. No wonder she never complained about his adulteries. That evil paled in comparison to Gods envy of the Moon. She was so ashamed of her sexuality, she felt she had to follow the mans lead just to ensure herself that she never crossed the line into immoral sexual perversion. Instead she transferred her hatred to her son, and promised to turn him into something she would never have to fear, a wimp. You were too strong. You believed in your father, too much. I couldnt make you hate him, that is not until today. But something changed for me, Calvin. You did the one thing I never expected. What? You were a better mother than my mother ever was. Again, my mother started to cry. Youre a God damned twelve year old, and you made me love you more than my mommy! With that outburst she stood up and held out her arms. I rushed to her and leaned down to hug her. She kissed me on my forehead. It was wonderful, but slowly my darker region asserted itself. Warm blood filled me, and my cock pumped itself full. Its desire erected me as well, tall above my mother. Am I still your mommy? I asked her. Yes, baby. She couldnt look me in the eyes, but I believed her. Are you going to keep trying to turn me into a wimp? I tried to sound angry. No... Mommy. Her voice fell quiet and meek. Then drop your blouse and let your mother see your tits. My mother did look into my eyes then, and with full knowledge of my lust, her clutches opened and the black, rumpled blouse fell to the kitchen floor. I think smoke began to rise from the skillet. I ignored the pungent fume of eggs starting to burn. I put my hands on my mothers breasts and fondled her nipples. They hardened under my fingertips. Take off your skirt for your mommy. I told her softly. My baby girl blushed anew and put her hands to the black shroud around her bodys altar. She pushed it down, white girdle revealed once more. The skirt fell to her feet. What is that? Thats my girdle, Mommy. Little young amateur webcam girls dont wear girdles. I dont want you to wear one ever again. I was really enjoying the feeling of my mothers firm breasts. My cock was already eager to be employed in their disgracing. My daughter sniffed and nodded in wordless agreement. Like a caterpillar, she wriggled her way slowly out of her white cocoon. A hairy butterfly emerged, and I found myself suddenly fascinated by the re-appearance of this place on her. It was the place in me that caused all my desire and delight. What effects did its dark clefts and ridges cause for her? I wondered. My cock seemed to know the answer, for it took over my thinking. I released one of her tits and reached into my mothers loins to feel the difference. Her hips turned to shield her thatch, and then she bit her lip. You must obey me, now, or God will know your weakness. I need to teach you. I told her. I am the only woman you can love that He will forgive. I was confident that in my tyrannical religion, giving tit to a son was a far lesser sin than lesbianism. Eight years of bible school hadnt been totally wasted. Yes, Mommy. I love you, Mommy. My mother squared her hips and brushed her cunt hair across my fingers. I dived slowly into her thicket. Mother hrunched involuntarily at my touch, but she did not deny me. I parted her tight curls and fed my middle finger until it tasted slick flesh. What is this place, child? I asked. I-Its my cunny, Mommy. I use it to go pee-pee and... Her voiced failed. And what? I looked at her closer. Three of my fingers had found her moist ridges. I did not guess what else could be there. The peeing concept didnt actually thrill me. Its for babies. She whispered. What do babies use your pee place for? I asked, suddenly grossed out. I knew very well, what babies did with their mommys titties, but piss is hardly milk... – to come out of. My daughters voice increased. My boner slackened from disappointment. I knew what the size of my pee hole was. Dang, babies must be teensy-weeny when theyre born! Without realizing it, I had lost my initiative due to this apparently disgusting thing between my mothers legs. But how do they get in there? How did I get in there, was my real question. My fingers seemed to sink a little further into her nest. Wetness coated them to my middle knuckles. Eewww! My mothers voice turned sour then. She wrinkled her face up real hard and nearly spit out her answer. Cocks put them in there. That is when I realized how long my mother had borne her hatred of my sex. I backpedaled from my original course. Uh, you gotta remember, I promised my cock wouldnt hurt you. Do you remember? I was testing treacherous ground. My fingers ceased their reaching. I was more than a little worried about the origin of the wetness Id found. It didnt feel like pee. Are you going to put your cock in me? Mother asked me in her tiniest voice yet. I dont know how to. I admitted. Really? Delight hinted at the edges of her surprise. Then she turned her sour, worried expression back on. Are you sure? What about these fingers? They seem to know something. Her knees glued to the kitchen linoleum, she looked down between them. Honestly, I nearly quailed, falling back into passiveness, I-I was just l-looking. I pulled them away from her. Oh. She quieted. Her face lifted to mine and assumed a mere puzzled expression. Nothing more seemed to be said, so I simply reached for my cock and began to pull on it. My naked daughter proved she would always be capable of surprising me. You want to cum on my tits, dont you! And then without any prompting, she reached for her own breasts and held them up for me. I jerked on my cock more rapidly. My daughter leaned closer, her tits aimed right at my pee hole. She kissed me delicately on my elbow. Does Mommy love me? I love you very much, Daughter. I want to cum on you and prove that I would never hurt you with my cock. My cum isnt hurtful cum. Its loving cum. Youll feel the difference, I promise. Even at twelve, I was a pretty good, impromptu horseshitter. Oh goody, Mommy. I dont want nasty cum. I want your cum. It was more than I could take and abruptly, I unloaded shot after shot of hot sperm over my mothers awaiting milk bottles. Youre right, Mommy, it is good cum! It feels so warm and soothing, like lotion on my skin. Mother squealed with apparent, new found joy. I ran to fetch a cloth and dampened it with warm water. I also turned off the stove and left the black mess of eggs alone. Returning and helping her off the floor, I sat her at the table. My daughter watched me tend to her needs. I was very college teen sex lesbians licking pussy familiar with cum and thought she might change her mind as it began to congeal. I wiped it all away with the cloth. That meant touching and pressing my hands into her tits while I cleaned up my daughter. My cock began twitching, first at the base, but enough blood filled it so that the twitch became all too obvious. Gosh, Mommy, you really like to play with my tits! Um, yeah. I think I blushed. If only you didnt have a cock, then maybe we could play with other things. My darling daughters hands were pressed deep into her cunt. The innocent cherub had been frigging herself while I washed her boobies. Well, I did have a cock, and I wasnt planning on transforming it for any of my next lifetimes, let alone this one, but my cock seemed especially eager to find out about the other things my mother/daughter had mentioned. Gosh honey, I wish I could make my cock as loving as my cum, but I dont know how. The little girl, her full figured tits and cunt thatch foremost in my sight, dragged my attention to her eyes by simply waiting. They once again had transitioned from darling innocence to knowing adulthood. Calvin, love comes from the heart, not the cock. Then her eyes returned to eden. I wish your mommy was as smart as my mommy I told her. You are, Mommy, much smarter. We waited a long time in silence. I was trying to understand what it was about love that could make a hard cock, loving. Unfortunately, my cock didnt stay all that hard while we puzzled over each others thoughts. With a childs curiosity, my mother just reached out and took my cock in her hand. She cradled my balls and lightly squeezed sack and shaft. I grew instantly hard. Thats when I remembered what love was all about. Honey, your mommy wants to give you her cock. Then you can show her how to make it loving. Mother looked up at me – her eyes glistened like pools of sunshine. Now you understand everything, Calvin. My mother had returned. She stood up and hugged me, without releasing the bulging flesh in her hand. I will take good care of it. I promise. It was my mother who leaned down and kissed the tip of my cock. When she gobbled it into her mouth, I was sent straight to heaven, floating there with wings flapping to the rhythm of my mothers sucking. My balls jingled like bells, and choirs of angels sang. I was engulfed in clouds as white as the boiling cum she worked to near release. She left me floating, pulling her face off of my hard-on. Honey, your mommy wants to give your her cunt. Then you can become my mommy for real. She pulled me from my chair, sinking her back to the floor. I followed her deep into her loins and sucked in the hot juices of her cunny. She writhed and rolled beneath me. Mommy, oh, Mommy! Her hands drew me in tighter against her hairy pubic mound. Im going to cum, Mommy. Im going to cum! But before she could, she crunched upward and clawed her hands along my back. Spinning on her ass, she climbed down my belly and found my cock, hard and ready to spew. Her mouth imitated mine and we sucked two orgasms out of our minds. Our bodies welded from heat and light. I felt her swallowing before I notices the jolts bursting from my own center. Her cunt was like a lens to her erotic soul, and it focused me into her own climax, my own orgasm, that exploded our unity and ripped our souls free. We met disembodied, bodies shattered, and we rebuilt our sexualities from the pieces. Forever after, my cock was no longer a part of me. It had become a part of my mother which she tended like a shepherd. Her cunt became a part of me. Time passed, and mother and I reached a new understanding. We no longer played any games. We openly confronted each other with our desires. I eventually became her woman, and she, in time, became my slut. This way she could answer to God, that she had never become a lesbian, and I got myself the best piece of ass a church going, social reject would ever get. One day, I wore her clothes for the rest of my life. My obsession with needing my mothers love was complete, and in every respect she became my little girl. That is until she began giving birth to our children. Then, her moral obligations turned her into a completely different mommy, but fortunately it was a mommy who could accept her son as the woman in her life. Many years later, I asked my mother my last stupid question. How are we going to explain us to our kids? Dont worry, Calvina. Well just tell them youre their aunt. The End DiscipleN [1 comment]
