Czech Porn Pics - Want To Have A More Appealing Backroom Casting Couch Porn? Read This!

by CliftonMcl25539450506 posted Oct 17, 2015


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I'm fairly new to Reddit and to honest I've been mainly using it to explore my sexual side. I've read a few gone wild stories and thought I might share one of my own. This is true but it's also a dream I had. I thought it might be relevant because it was the start of me exploring a side I didn't know I had. Also sharing that side with my wife and where that may be leading. Any way if this isn't the type of story I should share here I can take it down. I should start by saying this dream was easily the most vivid I've ever had and may have been a sort of lucid dream if I'm understanding them correctly. I haven't had a dream so vivid since and I don't know if I ever will again. Also I have always been and until this considered myself straight. This was the first time that I can think of having any type of sexual thought about another man that shook me at all. With that said my story is below. I'm sitting in my car in front of an apartment complex. The car is off and I feel jittery. I look at the clock maybe a dozen times before the minuet changes and I rush out of the car. A mix of nervous energy and adrenalin lead me up the steps to a door. It's dark, the light above door is on and I hesitate before knocking. I look back at the car and shove my keys in my pocket and knock. I hear foot steps and the door opens. I can't really see who answers. The apartment is dimly lit and the light above is only helping shade them more. A mans voice, "Come in. She said you would be early." I walk in wordlessly and turn around to see a man around my age wearing a t-shirt and jeans smiling as he shuts the door. He casually walks past me and asks if I'd like a drink. I mumble something and he continues walking. After a moment or two alone he comes back holding a small glass of liquor with ice. He takes a long sip and sets it on an end table as he walks towards me. I shift nervously until he's in front of me and says. "Not much for small talk I take it. Why don't you get down to your boxers." I start taking my clothes off until that's all I'm wearing. He looks me up and down and smiles, leans over and toss a pillow on the floor in front of me. He takes off his shirt and toss it in a chair. He steps up and says I can kneel there. I do as he says and look up at him. He smiles and says. "It's all you now." At this point something shifts and I'm no longer acting in the dream which already has this robotic feeling to it that I wasn't really me. I'm now looking at myself from third person view and the scene that's about to unfold. Panic rises up in me as I see my shaky hands reach for his belt and undo it. His button and fly are undone and his pants are around his ankles. I will myself to stop. Why is this happening? I see myself now eye level with an all to familiar sight of boxers lifting around a hardening object beneath them. I must have looked down and seen that every morning sense I was twelve but here now I watch those same shaky hands reach up and slide down the boxers freeing the dick trapped beneath it. I watch it bob up and down and see myself look up at its owner. He smiles and I hear "When ever you're ready." A hand reaches up and steadies the bobbing cock. I see myself take a deep breath and my eyes close. I'm torn away from what I was seeing it's dark and I'm feeling again. I feel my mouth open and the panic I was feeling just moments ago watching this strange scene unfold doubles as I realize what's happening. I protest to no one and feel as something warm press against my tongue. My mouth starts to close and I feel the same heat on my lips. The protesting continues as I feel more of this man enter my mouth. Air rushes out of my nose and I slide down further taking more of this hot fleshy object into my mouth. I stop and start breathing through my nose again. My eyes open and this time I'm still right there on my knees. I see the remaining inch or so of shaft that's not in my mouth and the trimmed remains of hair that lead up to his stomach. I've stopped protesting at this point realizing I'm just along for the ride as I watch myself suck this stranger. I feel myself moving back and then starting a slow rhythm up and down his dick. I hear a moan from above me and shift my eyes up to see the man attached to this dick looking up. I feel his hand move to the back of my head and I shift my eyes back down. My hands slide up his thighs and rest there as I move more steadily up and down his dick. I'm in disbelief as I see and feel this happening at the same time silently observing from within my own body. After a few more moments my gaze shifts back up to his face and he's smiling down at me. My face gets hot and I feel the same embarrassment the physical me is. His hand slides to my chin, "You're doing great. Do you want to try my balls?" With little hesitation I feel my self sliding his dick out of my mouth. Disbelief washes over me again as my hand moves to his shaft and raises it out the way exposing his balls. This first clear thing I can hear myself say since this started "Yes" and then I start in. My other hand gently raises his package and I begin licking. This doesn't last long before I hear "suck them." I take one in my mouth and gently roll it on my tongue. Where is this coming from? Why am I doing this? I hear another moan and glance up to see him looking up again. I switch balls and continue the same treatment. "That's it." A moment later I feel a hand gently push me off. His ball slips from my mouth. I feel warm saliva running down my chin. He tilts my head back a little and positions himself in front of my mouth again. My hands slide to his hips as I pull him into my mouth and my eyes close. This time I'm back outside watching from above. The shock of the sight well worn off from experiencing it first hand. All the apprehensions from before seem to be gone as I see myself sliding smoothly up and down this mans dick. Another few moments go by and I hear deeper moans coming from the man. I see his stomach tense up and notice his thighs clench and another familiar sight starts to unfold. The panic comes rushing back. I tell myself to pull off to no avail and I watch as both of the mans hands now rest on top of my head. I'm torn away again and find myself staring at the mans pelvis. Short quick thrusts are now moving between my lips and then I feel it as I hear a sharp moan from above. A strange heat hits my tongue. With each small jerky thrust I feel more spreading in my mouth. As I feel the thrusts slow and then stop his head resting on the tip of my tongue. I feel relived it's over and then I hear or rather feel myself moan. I'm taken by surprise but before I can react I feel him withdrawing from my mouth. He backs up "if you want to spit I'll show you to the sink." I feel my throat start to move before I can even protest though I know it's for nothing and feel myself swallow this mans cum. He smiles and helps me to my feet, "Pretty good for you're first time. You feel like trying again she has my number." He winks and walks back into his kitchen picking up his drink as he goes. My face hot from embarrassment I'm standing in the living of an apartment I've never seen wearing only my boxers. My mouth is tired and legs feel shaky. The last thing I remember before waking up is looking down and seeing my boxers pitched with my own very erect penis beneath them. Waking up was a whirl wind. I remember being almost startled awake. My mouth was sore, it tasted sour. My thighs felt sore. I was sweating. I looked around the room and my eyes were struggling in the dark. I got up and went to the bathroom. Rinsed my mouth out and remember seriously questioning if what I had just dreamed really happened. When I got back to bed my wife asked if I was ok. I felt embarrassed but had to confirm with her we had gone to bed together. I spent the rest of the night in an odd panic not sure what was happening with me. So that's really the start of this explorative path I'm on now. I don't really understand everything myself but things have been pretty positive. If people want to talk or hear more I would love to connect with some people. Blackbullet4
