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Like Ive said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. Im generally considered a really good-looking guy (used to model, 6’3", dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give. Leah and I met while I was waiting tables. I waited on her and a few of her friends one night and she left her number on the back of the check. She made note that she was the blonde with the black shirt on. Her other two friends were blonde as well and since it was a busy night I couldn’t really recall the color of each of their shirts. I could have sworn that two of them had on black shirts. It made me chuckle, because if this were the case it would be a very stereotypical blonde thing to do. Once I concluded that I did not know which one Leah was I thought back to each of them. I realized that I found them all decently attractive, so no matter what I should contact the number. I waited until the next day to send Leah a text. I said, "so, which one were you again?" She responded, "haha I probably should have been more detailed. I was nervous." We went back and forth a bit and my memory of whom she was began to become clear. I still couldn’t remember exactly what she looked like, but I figured it was worth finding out. I asked if she wanted to go to dinner later that week. She said she would love to. Thursday comes around and head to the restaurant. I met up with her just outside the front door. When I saw her everything came rushing back to me. I felt like an idiot for not remembering her. I now remembered catching her staring at me a couple of times the night I waited on her. I should have known it was her. She was pretty attractive, but not totally my type. She was about 5’7" blonde hair, green eyes, not thin but overall not what I would call thick. She probably could have stood to lose about 15 pounds, but it was not to the point of being unattractive at all. She had B/C cup tits and a nice thick ass. She kind of reminded me of Leelee Sobieski in the face. Again, like I said, not totally my type, but I diverge from my standard here and there. We sat down for dinner and began the typical first date getting to know each other conversation. She seemed like a very genuine person. It was easy to talk to her and she had a great smile. She told me about how she is in nursing school and hardly gets the chance to date. We drank throughout the meal and by the time the check came we were both feeling the effects of the alcohol that had entered our bodies. We had a late dinner, because she wasn’t free until 9 due to school. It was around 11pm, so I asked if she just wanted to go to my place to have one last drink before we called it a night. She said she was up for it, so we head to my place. We walked in and she started browsing around at pictures and paintings I had on my wall. I headed to the kitchen to make a couple of drinks, vodka for her and whiskey for myself. Eventually, she settles on the couch and I walk over with her drink. I sit beside her and we continue to talk. A lull in the conversation occurs and our eyes lock in. My hand rose and pushed her hair on the left side of her face back behind her ear. I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. We kissed softly and slowly for a few moments before returning to our conversation. I could tell the brief moments of kissing had our hormones raging. I noticed as she adjusted and fidgeted in her seat. My cock was raging hard, but still concealed by my pants and a pillow that sat between us. After attempting to have a normal conversation after kissing. The conversation turned very sexual. We flirted back and forth. I told her how I couldn’t stop staring at her ass as we walked up the stairs to my place. She told me I shouldn’t say that, because it was turning her on even more. She told me she hadn’t had sex in six months. She said she is just too busy all the time with school and work. I asked if she plays with herself a lot since she doesn’t have sex often. She blushed heavily. I pushed her to talk about it and not be shy. She said, "you have no idea" and laughed. I pushed her to tell me more. She said she plays with herself every day, sometimes multiple times. She said, "I’m kind of a freak." Hearing her talk about all of this has my cock to where it is about to explode out of my pants. I could tell she was feeling similarly, well not the cock part, but the equivalent for a female. I lunged in and we began kissing more, but this time it wasn’t slow. We were kissing hard and fast. We both immediately reached down for the other’s crotch. I began rubbing her pussy from outside of her pants. I could tell she was soaking wet even through her layers of clothing. She grabbed onto my cock and squeezed lightly up and down the length of it. I moved my attention to her tits. She had on a loose short that enabled me to reach under and inside her bra pretty easily. Soon I was caressing her nipples, making them rock hard. I lifted her shirt over her head and before I could even go for it she had her bra unclasped. She tossed it to the side and her beautiful perky tits were inches from my face. I dove in and began kissing up and down her neck. Then, down even further to her nipples. I played with and teased her as she moaned and cursed. She chimed in around this time with some pretty terrible news. She said, "you are going to fucking hate me, but I want to let you know right now I am on my period." I had that sinking feeling that every guy has felt. That feeling of being moments away from some amazing sex and then having it ripped from your hands. I didn’t know exactly what to say. At that point, it is her move to decide how far she wants things to go and what she wants to do. She quickly chimed in and said, "don’t worry, you’ll be fine." As she said this she began unbuckling my belt and pulling down my pants. She got down on the floor on her knees between my legs. She pulled my pants and underwear completely down and off. I slid my shirt off over my head. She began stroking my cock with her hand as she licked and sucked my balls. After paying careful attention to that area for a while she licked up the length of my cock to the head. She placed her mouth over the top and slowly slid her mouth down over my cock. I felt the head hit back of her throat with a couple of inches to go. She pressed down slightly attempting to take more in, but gagged slightly. She began moving her lips up and down at a steady pace on my cock. She began fidgeting with her pants as she continued to suck my cock. She got her pants loose and slid them down. She began rubbing her clit from outside her panties. She began sucking harder and faster as she rubbed her clit. She began getting sloppier and sloppier, drooling up and down my cock. She would occasionally take my cock out of her mouth and rub it up and down the length of her face then move down and lick and suck my balls more. Each time she would moan as my cock rubbed against her skin. She was rubbing her clit furiously and began shaking as she orgasmed. As this happened, she just held my cock still in her mouth. Once the orgasm subsided she focused her attention back on blowing me. She continued to lightly rub herself as she slowly sucked up and down. I could see her panties were soaked and her hand glistened with wetness. She pulled my cock from her mouth again and this time I helped guide my cock as she rubbed it against her face. Eventually she removed her hand and let me rub it all over her face. This drove her crazy. She was moaning wildly. I’ve never been with a girl who was so turned on by this. I’ve known girls that kind of liked it, but she was truly freaking out over it. She would flick her tongue out and lick it as it passed by her mouth in between moans. During this I noticed her hand move to her ass. She pulled her panties to the side and began rubbing her asshole. She continued moaning and her finger pushed and easily slid into her ass from the wetness of her pussy. She slowly fingered her ass as my cock rubbed up and down the length of her face. She quickly took my cock back in her mouth and sucked furiously. I was extremely turned on watching her fuck her ass with her fingers. I wasn’t sure if this was a sign she wanted me to fuck her ass or not. I didn’t want to be presumptuous, so I waited for a clearer sign. After a couple of minutes she stood up and pulled her panties down. She got on the couch beside me on her knees and leaned over to continue suck my cock. She said, "do it for me." I thought she wanted me to fuck her ass, so I started to stand up. She said, "I really want that, but I’m not used to it and you are too big. Just do it with your hand." I was a little disappointed, but sat back down. She slid her mouth back down onto my cock and arched her back poking her ass into the air. I began fingering her tight ass as she sucked me. I eventually got two fingers in, which caused her to moan loudly as her mouth was full of cock. About this time I felt I was getting close. I told her I was about to cum and she didn’t flinch. She just kept sucking and moments later I began shooting cum hard against the back of her throat. She swallowed my cum and sat back on the couch wiping a couple of drips from her bottom lip. We gathered ourselves and talked for another ten minutes or so. She left after that and I didn’t hangout with her until about six months later. I tried to hangout a couple of times and so did she, but our scheduled didn’t really click. Honestly, she wasn’t someone I could see truly dating anyways, so I wasn’t sweating it. Like I said, six months later we did hangout again. We hadn’t talked in about four months when I got a text from her. She asked what I was doing that night. She said her and a couple of friends were going to a new bar and asked me to come. I thought it was a little strange, but figured she probably just finally had a free night wanted to hookup at the end of the night. I met up with her and her friends at the bar that night. Both of her friends were cute, but one really caught my attention. She was about 5’4" thin, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, B cup tits, and a very bubbly perky ass. She had kind of a Gwen Stefani vibe to her face and appearance. She wore heavy eyeliner and generally exuded the kind of vibe I am attracted to. I didn’t want to be a dick, so I wasn’t flirtatious with her at all that night at the bar. We all hungout and had a good time, too good of a time. We were all three plastered by the end of the night. We got into a stupid thing where we were taking shots at an obscene rate. Truly, no one remembers how this happened, but we all ended up asleep at my place. I woke up the next morning fully clothed with Leah passed out on one side of me (also fully clothed) and Amy (the hot girl) passed out on the other side of me (also fully clothed). There was a love seat in my bedroom and Melissa (the third girl) was asleep on it with only panties on. I was so fucking confused and had a raging headache. I was also a little disappointed in myself for obviously having the opportunity for something to happen that didn’t seem to. I tried to fall back to sleep, but my headache was too overwhelming. I got up and grabbed three ibuprofen and a glass of water. As I walked by I got a good look at Melissa’s tits, which were huge. She was the least attractive of the three, but was definitely not someone you would kick out of bed. She sort of had a Kirsten Dunst thing going on. She was lying on her side and the haphazardly placed blanket only covered her midsection. I got a good view of her ass as I passed by as well. Even in my extremely hungover state I felt my cock perk up and begin to harden. I chugged the glass of water and stripped down to my underwear and got back in bed. I wanted to fall back to sleep and hopefully wake up renewed. I was also hoping to remember what happened after about midnight the night before. Everyone was still fast asleep. As I was dozing off I felt Amy cuddle up next to me. She did this in her sleep though. It was not a conscious move to try to cuddle with me. Her head was against my shoulder and her leg hiked up over mine. I fell back to sleep and woke about an hour later. My headache had subsided substantially. When I woke, Leah was is in the bathroom. Melissa and Amy were still asleep. Leah came out of the bathroom and looked like death. She was holding her head and said, "what the fuck happened last night." I responded, "I have no idea." Leah woke Melissa up and said, "you are fucking topless Melissa. Wake up." Melissa woke up looking confused and then slightly embarrassed once she realized she slept the whole night topless with me in the room. She sat up and put her bra over her huge tits. The rest of her clothes were in the bathroom. She walked in to the bathroom and got dressed. Leah and Melissa walked into the kitchen to get water and ibuprofen. While they were in the kitchen Amy woke up. It was just the two of us in the room, so she said, "holy shit, did we have sex?" I laughed and told her we didn’t that I can remember. She realized she was fully clothed and agreed we probably didn’t. I was feeling better and really wanted to have sex with her right then though. Given the situation, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. She laid her head down on my shoulder and seemed to be dozing off again. Leah walks in right then with a slightly irritated look, probably because her friend was lying in bed with me with her head on my shoulder, and told Amy they needed to leave. Amy begrudgingly gives in and stands up. They all thanked me for letting them crash and went on their way. I couldn’t stop thinking about Amy after that night. I was so sexually attracted to her it wasn’t funny and I felt she had some of the same feelings. I found her on Facebook through Leah’s page a couple of weeks later. I was nervous about messaging her, because I didn’t want to piss Leah off. Although, Leah and I only saw each other twice in six months, so really who cares. I contacted Amy and asked if she wanted a redo on our morning waking up together. I know I went really bold, but from the vibe I caught from her I felt like she would be receptive to it. She wrote back and said, "Well it took you long enough. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to be the one to track you down. Sounds fun, let’s hangout this week." We made plans and were supposed to go out that Thursday night. Something came up at the last minute with work, so she had to cancel part of our plans. She said she still wanted to hangout, but would have to let me know when she was free that night. I felt like I was getting ditched, but she finally sent me a text at 9:30pm apologizing and saying she was free now. She said I could just come to her place and hangout, because she was beat and didn’t feel like getting out anymore. I head over to her place and she was already lounging. She had on athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Even dressed down she looked really sexy. She apologized profusely for the change of plans. She kept going on and on about how glad she was that I contacted her. She said she had thought about mea lot since that night. She was immediately very comfortable around me. She walked right up and kissed me. The vibe was very sexual. She poured us glasses of wine and we sat on the couch. She sat indian style sideways to talk to me and I could almost peek in and see between her legs. We tried to have a real conversation, but we were both just gazing at each other the entire time with underlying intent. Eventually I leaned in and we started kissing intensely. She quickly straddled me. I wasted no time and slid her shirt over her head, revealing her bare chest. She stood up and dropped her shorts. She had no panties on and was standing in front of me completely naked. I stood and we both worked to remove my clothes. Soon, I was naked as well. I stood in front of her and she sat on the couch. She took my cock in her mouth and began sucking deep and hard. We quickly tired of this and we got in a 69 position on the couch. She was taking me deep in her throat as I licked and played with her clit as her beautiful ass was right in front of me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood her up and bent her over. Her knees were on the edge of the couch cushion and she grabbed onto the back of the couch. I slid my cock in her pussy and began pounding her from behind. She screamed out, "harder! Harder!" I began thrusting as hard as I possibly could. My hips were slamming against her ass to the point where I thought I might come away with a bruises. She was screaming out loudly with pleasure. We kept up this hectic pace for another 7 or 8 minutes before I lost control. I pulled out of her and shot my cum up her back and all over her ass. We continued to fuck here and there throughout the night. We continued to have these kinds of nights about once a week for the next year or so. I guess it was the true definition of a fuck buddy. We never really went anywhere. I would just come to her place and fuck her all night and leave the next day. Leah never knew about us. I never really talked to her again anyway. Also, if you are a female and live near me you should send me a message. Might be a longshot, but would be cool/interesting to have sex with someone that enjoys my stories and then becomes a story haha ironman2000

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