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free amatuer galleries(Hey, just found this buried in a thread. The brief video at the end was taken down shortly after, but I transcribed it for this post. Thought you guys might enjoy.)
User_PrincessNat: I’m going to try to tell you everything that he did to me. I think it might help me start to accept what’s happened to me.
It all started with Han, the worst asshole I knew. He was Asian, ripped, rich, and, unfortunately, hung like a horse (you won’t believe how I found that out). That thing about Asian guys and small dicks? Not true. And he was always working out at the gym. I was always too afraid to go–having to negotiate with all those guys for bench privileges seemed too nerve-wracking and awkward to bear. I ran instead, and I would do the occasional squats and crunches at home, for the sake of my knees and core. Han had a way more impressive physique than me. I was more lean, although I had pretty thick...upper legs...from the running. We all don’t realize how much brute physical force still counts in this world, and Han had it over me. We were rivals, and in raw power I was completely outdone. But by the time I realized it, he...I’m sorry, I don’t quite know where to start. I think, maybe, I need to go a little farther back.
We both went to this big state university, and were both in the biotechnology and genetic engineering program. We immediately butted heads–in academics, mostly. We would always race neck and neck through exams to see who would finish first, and best. And we were always snooping and comparing grades. But he also had started hitting on the girl I liked: Abbie Lochinvar. She was smart, intimidating, athletically gifted, and a brilliant doctoral student. And she was tall and blonde and gorgeous.
So, I kind of hated the guy. And then very early one morning, out on my run, I found Han limping along one of the hilly, wooded trails around campus, and I was glad for an opportunity. I was wearing a tee shirt, short blue running shorts, and a tight red jock-strap underneath them. He was wearing his workout clothes. "You okay?" I asked.
"Hurt my ankle," he said.
I paused a good while, then said, "Come on, let me help you." It wasn't out of goodness. I wanted something to hold over him. I lived off campus in my step parents' basement–that's right: my father moved away and had to beg to move in with his ex-wife and her new husband because my parents were dirtbags and I was dirt poor. Han lived in a large apartment on campus. Most people were away for winter break, and the campus was deserted as we wandered through it. I don't remember what we talked about–idle things. The guy was endearing when he tried; I thought maybe we were starting taking the first steps to letting the animosity go.
When we reached his door I paused awkwardly, feeling like I should say more and cement this possible change in our relationship.
And then...and then I don’t know what happened–his fingers darted out skillfully and hooked my shorts, tugging them up from the bottom to give me the worst wedgy I’d ever had, and completely exposing my fat bottom. He’d hooked underneath my underwear, too. It's still hard for me to tell this part, so I'm just going to do it, plain and simple. He tugged me into the apartment like that (scrambling on my arms and legs since he was yanking my shorts up so hard). I don't know why I didn't yell for help. I guess I didn't really feel threatened at first–just annoyed at some stupid "prank" he was playing. I was kicking and punching at him, and cursing like crazy. He threw me into the center of the living room. "What the fuck?!" I said, but he just walked over and, as I tried to punch him, grabbed my wrists and twisted them behind me. He kept them there with one hand, hardly straining. Then he forced me down to the floor and knelt on me. This is how strong he is: he didn't even have to pull my shorts down. He ripped a seem straight down them, snapped the jockstrap, and then just tugged them both off. It felt like I was being raped. And I was.
He shredded my shirt off me easily. I kept trying to struggle and kick at him. He subdued me and forced two things onto me very fast: very tight, hot pink panties–practically a g-string–and a tight, small, strapless black bra. I don't know how he snapped those panties over my legs and onto my butt so fast. Now I started to yell very loud for help. I didn't know what he was doing and was incredibly embarrassed that I'd let myself be put in girls' clothes. He flipped me over onto my back, knelt on my arms, and clamped a hand over my neck and another over my mouth. His hands were very big and very muscular.
"Shut the fuck up, or I'll just clamp your mouth again," he commanded. He stepped off and let me stand up. I ran at him and swung. It did nothing to him. He hit my in the stomach, hard, then backhanded me into the floor. He knelt back down and spanked me hard three times, leaving red hand marks on my ass. This cycle repeated itself a half dozen times. Me yelling and fighting, him gagging me and knocking the shit out of me. I ended up a sobbing pile on the floor. I was always good with pain. I was sobbing because of the humiliation. He'd tricked me and then somehow in the span of five minutes stripped me, pantie'd me, and beat me down. Once I was in the apartment he could've blackmailed and coerced me a dozen different ways. He wanted it to be like this: brute force. His manly strength against mine; two beasts in the wild.
He leaned his knee into my soft adbdomen. "I can just keep doing this. You're not going to do anything, and you're not going to get out. You're mine now, Nat. Do you understand?" (I was "Nathanial", which he shortened to "Nat", to make fun of me in the laboratory, and sometimes even "Natalie Portman" when he really wanted to suggest I was a girl)
I nodded yes. I didn't know what else to do. Going up against his body was like getting hit by a wave.
"There's cream and seven pink razors lined up in the bathroom. You're going to shave yourself now. Completely. Your long runner’s legs–those plump thighs, your fat ass–God you must do a million squats"–he twisted my pelvis around and slapped my butt a few more times from the side–"leave a little landing strip right above your cock though, okay? And your armpits of course. Everything. And I want you to leave those panties on the whole time–just pull them out of the way when you need to. I want you to remember who you belong to now, Okay?"
I should’ve let him beat me and just kept yelling. I was almost so embarrassed at this point that I didn't want anyone to find us and see. I nodded. He grabbed silver bracelets from his table, cuffed my hands in front of me, sent me to the bathroom with a spank, tossed a pair of white tube socks after me (to put on after I shaved), and closed the door behind me. I was alone, but I couldn't escape. Cream and warm water. Razor after razor scraping over my skin. It felt incredibly good. I slipped on my tube socks when I was done with my legs: they came up to just below my butt. I finished almost everything. I know it seems ridiculous, but I was actually embarrassed at this next part, and I asked him apologetically: "Um, Han, I can't reach my...butt...with the cuffs on." Now that we had made this (forced) deal, I was habituated to act cordially and uphold my end of it.
He opened the door and pulled me out. "It's fine," he said, and he wasn't mad. He moved me to the couch, had me kneel on it, and bent my stomach over the back. It was a position that popped my hometown girls nude butt out nicely.
"It's, it's just the part...it's just right around my anus," I muttered. He pulled my panties way to the side, exposing my anus and cock, then tugged one cheek out with a meaty, firm hand. First he shaved my taint, which I’d struggled to get at, then the warm water and blade slid right over my anus.
"I know it is baby, I got it," he said. He tossed the razor away. In the span of forty minutes, I went from being a normal man out on a run, to being trapped in Han's apartment, shaved completely smooth, and dressed in the type of underwear female porn stars would wear. My butt was hanging out of the panties completely. They didn't cover anything. I was in shock. I was mortified with shame. My body still throbbed from the beatdown, and tingled from the shave. I didn't know what to do. Tears were running down my cheeks and I kept sniffling and...and, well, letting out little sobs. He turned me over with his hands and laid me on the couch, my bottom hanging out and off of it. He pushed my legs way up–my knees up to my head. I was pretty flexible from stretching for runs. "God, you're as flexible as a girl. And your butt is huge. How many fucking squats do you do every day, dude?" He pulled my bra down and began to tweak my nipples.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I said, and my voice broke. I felt so strange, and was acting so strangely. I didn't know why I was going along with him, but I was overwhelmed by it all–you see if you do better if you're in the same situation! It wasn’t real. It was a violent dream nightmare-fantasy land. It was some type of Ur-Wonderland.
"I have photos of you now, Nat, and video. There's you: in the bathroom, alone, shaving your legs and bottom like a woman. You like that pink thong, don't you? Did you go up on tip-toes to admire yourself in the bathroom mirror? Were you just too fucking curious what that butt would look like? I can edit the video however I want. I don't have to ever appear. You'd have no proof I was here. But everyone on campus, including the girl you love, and everyone you know–all your friends and family: they would all see you and what you've just done in that girly, slutty outfit. Do you want them to see that and try to explain it?"
A protest rose in my throat, and he lifted his cellphone from the table by the couch and showed me the two video feeds: one from the living room, and one in the bathroom. I didn't think I could blush any deeper. "What do you want? What do you want me to do?"
"You're going to do what I tell you, and I'm going to do whatever I want," and he bent his head down and started sucking on my nipples, hard. I...I was being molested. but...but I was a virgin, completely, and I'd never had something like that on my nipples–strong, forceful lips. He suctioned my skin up into his mouth, and I was moaning as I tried to speak. It’s shocking, moaning and trying to stop, and being unable to. Moaning uncontrollably because your body and your psyche are out of your control.
"And...ooooh...and if I do this, you'll...ooooh...destroy the...ooooh...the video? And I'm do–ooooh–ne, I'm done?" My cock was hard.
He didn't answer until he was finished with my nipples. "Fuck no. But if you don't do everything I say from now on I'll send it all out immediately, Nat." And as he said that he rubbed his hand up across my spread anus, grasped my cock, and popped it out of my panties. He ripped his shirt off so he didn't have to take his eyes off me, then easily slipped off his shorts. His body was covered in sweat, just like mine. His abs were ridiculous. They were huge–his muscles were bursting out of his body. I'd never gotten to see him without his shirt on, and his physique was incredible. I couldn't take my eyes off his abs. karups videos Well, I couldn’t until his cock popped out at least.
"Turned on?" he said, and lay his over mine. It was heavy, and crushed mine under it's weight. I've told girls once or twice that my cock was just short of six inches. It's actually exactly five. His was ten inches long. He actually had double my dick length. And it was nearly twice as thick, too. It was humongous, like some type of torpedo. He mastrubated them together, showing me how small mine was in comparison. It was the most humiliating thing possible for my manhood. I couldn't keep from moaning. My stomach and chest rising and falling roughly. He slapped my stomach and butt and thighs as he gave me this rough, double dick mastrubation. My mind was wrecked. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. I was sweating profusely. I felt feverish and like I was in some twisted nightmare.
Next I felt a rubbery thing press against my anus, then warm liquid was flowing into me. He'd put an enema plug into me. He filled me with two bags, until I was begging to expel because I was losing control and terrified of being incontinent. He carried me to the toilet, then did the whole thing three more times. I sat on it each time like a girl peeing, except the water came out of my butt. After the last enema he looped the handcuff chain over a hook in the ceiling, pushed my legs apart, and pulled my butt way out. It was ridiculously popped, and my back was deeply curved from how he arranged me.
And then...um...then his erect cock went into my naked and exposed bottom. I mean, it went into my anus, penetrating me, and went all the way up my butt for ten inches. This is how it happened: I was too broken now to even protest. I couldn't believe what I was letting him do to me. He poured oil over my butt, so it was really wet and shiny. He spanked me some. Then he pulled my panties even farther aside. He fingered me for a while. Neither of us said anything. His fingers were thick, and they felt good. Kind of like taking a big poop.
I don’t know how to describe what I was feeling. Do you know how, sometimes, you're on a date, and you’re incredibly nervous about talking to the girl, and about what's going to come next? Like, so nervous you're almost shaking uncontrollably? Well, I was ten times as nervous as that. But strangely it almost felt like the same feeling. And my body was shaking: violently and completely uncontrollably. He made it up to three finger in me. He stroked up and down my body as he did it. He pulled them out, I was gaping just a little bit, and then I felt his cock head press against my weak sphincter. He worked in very slowly, but very firmly. I hung there on that hook, balancing on my tiptoes, bottom out, for maybe twenty minutes. I was absolutely drenched in sweat; there was a puddle around me on the floor. His hard cock against my soft anus was overwhelming. It was brutal how much I my virgin booty was being stretched. I had no words. We were both still silent, but it was a deeper and more profound silence. I was no longer his rival. It was over. I was no longer a man. I was a young woman now. I'd let him do this too me. It's like when you fail a test.
His cock bottomed out in me. His spiky, short-shaved pubic hair tickled my fat butt. I felt his hard pubis and abs against my soft booty and back. His balls knocked into mine. I started crying more consistently than I had the whole time. Then he started hitting my spot. I had his cock ten inches up my colon. He started moving in and out. He could feel me twitch when he got the angle right. He spanked me and held me as he fucked me. He fondled my nipples, nibbled at my neck. My cock had never been that hard before. It hung out of the panties and just bounced up and down as he fucked me. He wasn't touching, and I couldn't, and I was too proud to beg. I wanted to masturbate so badly. I needed release. And then it started to build. The feeling. The pressure inside of me. It was like blue balls. I wanted it so bad it was almost painful. And then he paused for just a moment. He was bottomed out in me. It was the first time he called me Natalie. Just Natalie.
"Do you want me to keep going? Do you want a kiss, sweetie Natalie?"
I thought it was going to hurt my body if I didn't get release. I didn't know what was happening. "Yes," I said. "Yes." His warm, strong mouth sealed my moaning lips. His hard, muscular body pressed into my soft, ravished one. His abs and pecs were against my back. His steel arms wrapping around my stomach and titties. His golden Asian skin was on my pale, white flesh, both of us shining with sweat. He kept his mouth over mine, kissing me as I moaned and sobbed, and then–it all only took a second–he was pounding me again. I exploded. I spurted and spurted. Cum flew into my legs and stomach as my cock bounced. Enema fluid ran down my thighs. My young, nubile body writhed in his arms. I didn't even realize but I was hopping on my tiptoes, bouncing up and down on his cock, forcing my plush booty to it's base again and again. I lost track of how much longer he fucked me. His stamina was incredible. I don't know why...I don't know why I had such a short refractory period but I...I came again. Maybe because I was orgasming from my butt. I came with my cock half erect. He held me. Called me a slutty, gorgeous girl. Made out with me as his cock made out with my anus–as his cock made love to my anus. I'd completely lost track of time. I felt it swelling even larger and then he bottomed again and exploded in me, gripping my body tightly.
I'd been out fought by a man. I'd been shaved. I'd been dressed in a skimpy little bra, tube socks, and hot pink panties (I could feel them stretching very tightly across the side of my butt). I'd been put into bondage by my rival, defeated. He'd called me Natalie; called me his girl. And then I'd come, twice, from nothing but this: a man's cock penetrating my anus, slowly moving ten inches up my colon, bottoming out, and then plunging my booty until it was wrecked. He'd made me into his woman. I'd been filled with another man's come. He'd turned my bottom into his personal pussy. Nothing more.
User_Abbie_Loch: That's how it started, hmmm?
User_PrincessNat: You already know it. Why are you making me tell it again, and to all these people on the internet?
User_Abbie_Loch: Switch to Voice Chat; I’m at your apartment now.
User_PrincessNat: "Um, okay, can you hear me?"
User_Abbie_Loch: "Yes, everyone can hear us, sweetie. How are your titties feeling?"
User_PrincessNat: "Ow, please be gentle! They're...they're really, really tender."
User_Abbie_Loch: "Wow, they’re really plumping up nicely. And you're still putting fat onto your butt and thighs, I see. That's good. Han's told me to discipline you while he's gone at the conference. You have your maid outfit on already, that's very good; those stockings and heels are very cute on you. Each day of course I'm going to start out giving you a buttfucking and a spanking, and then we're going to work on the girly-girl things that you should know. Now, are you ready? Is your anus cleaned out and lubed? "
User_PrincessNat: "Yes."
User_Abbie_Loch: "Is it embarrassing being raped and dominated by the girl you love? Is it embarrassing that she's your master's girlfriend?"
User_PrincessNat: "Yes."
User_Abbie_Loch: "Good girl, being truthful. Now, I'm just going to ease this into you, because it's really big. Ooooh, what a good girl!"
User_PrincessNat: "Ooooooh!"
User_Abbie_Loch: "Now, however did you get to here? As I buttfuck you I want you to tell me what happened next, okay sweet Natalie?"
User_PrincessNat: "Yes–oooooh!–Yes, Miss Abbie–oooooh!–he..."


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