Free Mobile Porn Video Hd - The Pain Of Free Hi Def Mobile Porn

by KayleeSeddon415729 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This all happened around 2years ago when i was 20years old. I used to work with this girl named emma. She was a few years older than me, but in no way did she look it. She had long brown hair down too her to the top of her bum, dark, lusty brown eyes and was about 5'7 in height. She had nice perky boobs about a c cup in size. I used to work with her 3 nights a week and she was so hot. She'd walk around wearing skin tight hot pants and a tank top showing off her curves and her tight ass. It goes without saying that i wanted to have her, at least once. Anyway she moved away to South America and i never saw her again. Her brother tom and mother elizabeth worked in the main office of the company i work for and every now and then I'd find some way of bringing her up in conversation. One day, i was speaking to tom about emma, and he said that she would be back for the reunion. Elizabeth also confirmed it when inasked her. Elizabeth was nearly an splitting image of emma. You would never be able to tell that she was her mother. She looked not a day over 35 although she was only in her 40's. She also had brown hair but only down to her shoulders, and also had dark brown eyes. She wore glasses and looked amazing in them too. If i thought i had a chance with her i think i would of at least tried my luck. She always wore short dresses that exposed her clevage. She had huge tits- At least double D's. A few nights later it was the work reunion. I'd looked foward to this night for a very long time. A chance to finally get between emmas legs and make her scream- At least that's what i had hoped for. I arrived at the pub to see emma at the bar with another guy. I said my hellos to all of my colleagues and got myself a drink. I sat at the bar and elizabeth came over in a dark red dress that only just covered her bum, she looked gorgeous. I asked her if she wanted a drink and we got chatting. 'Who's that guy?' I asked pointing at the guy with emma. 'That's rick, her new partner, they got engaged last week.' There was a few seconds of silence whilst I realised I wasn't going to grt the night of my life. 'Did nobody tell you?' Elizabeth said breaking the silence. 'No' i said trying to sound as if it Didn't bother me. 'Don't worry, i doubt his cocks as big as yours' elizabeth said. The shock of what she said nearly chucked me off of my stool. 'Sorry-?' I replied looking dumbfounded. 'Oh come on. Emmas told me how you used to stare at her ass with a huge boner pointing out your trousers.' She half laughed and looked me up and down as instood there with my mouth wide open. Then I suddenly thought, if i ever had an opportunity to get into her pants nows the time. I tried to think of something to say but the words just wouldn't come out. 'Umm- Thanks i guess?' That's all i could say. I felt so stupid. 'Why're you thanking me? I've not seen it, so i can only guess at how big it is'. This is when i knew that she was hitting on me. I smiled and finished my drink. She looked at me as if she was waiting for a response. 'For god sake.' She sighed and grabbed my hand, before leading me into the toilets. I'd never been into a ladies toielt before, it was much cleaner and smelled ten times better than any of the mens. She pulled me into a cubicle and locked the door behind us. 'Well? Let's see?' I felt so nervous i just stood there staring at her. I'm not normally like this but i found her experience and beauty very intimidating. Needless to say my cock was as hard as ever though. I could feel my shaft pressed up against my zip. 'Fine. I'll get it out.' She bent down onto her knees looking me in the eyes as she un zipped my jeans. She yanked my jeans down to ankles and slowly pulled my boxers down until my cock bounced out. 'Wow, pretty impressive jack, i can see what she was talking about.' My cock throbbed as if it had gained her approval. She stuck her tounge out at full stretch and gave my bellend the tiniest little lick. A sensation flew through my cock and right down to my balls. She then stood up and unlocked the door and walked out, leaving me to quickly pull up my trousers. 'Wait!' I yelled, 'where are you going?' 'Did you really think we were going to fuck in a toilet?' I knew it was too good to be true. 'Umm- Well-' I really didn't know what to say. She then giggled at me before saying 'come on, we're going to mine.' I've never been more relieved in my life. After a short while and a taxi journey to elizabeths, we were finally together in her house. She poured me a drink and one for herself too. She told me to go get comfortable on the sofa and she'd be in in a minute. I walked through the hallway and into the front room. I sat on the sofa and waited for what could only be described as the beat night of my life. I didn't know if i should lose my clothes or not, so i went with my gut feeling and decided to take all of my clothes off. A bold statement i know, but it'd turn out to be the right decision soon enough. I sat back on sofa, my semi hard 7.5inch cock laying on my leg. I heard elizabeth coming so i pulled back my foreskin and let my bellend out on full display. Elizabeth walked into room wearing only matching red bra and thong. Her body was just as good as i had imagined. You'd never be able to tell she has two kids. Her bra looked too small for her boobs as they were busting out the middle a little bit. The expression on her face suggested that she was pleasantly suprised of my fowardness. 'Well somebody is keen' she said looking down at my now rock solid cock. My cock starting throbbing as she slowly approached me. 'You can never tell anyone this happened' she grined as she spoke. ' this is between just you and me.' I was hardly going to disagree. In fact, I'd say anything to make her come and sit on my cock quicker. I nodded in agreement and lie there waiting for her to come closer. I spread my legs open so she could come and kneel down between them. She stood between my legs and looked down at my cock. She slowly brushed her hand up my leg and across my abs before grabbing my cock- 'Wow, you're hard aren't you?' She giggled before pulling my foreskin all the back- This is where the fun began. She pulled my foreskin as far back as it could go, she knelt down between my legs without letting go of my cock and slowly started to like under my bell end like it was an ice cream. It felt so good, i started to groan a little as she licked up and down and side to side. Soon enough she put my tip on her mouth and began sucking. Her head going up and down just on my bellend. I put my hand on her head and started to push down, soon enough she gave in and whole cock slipped into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged a little but kept going as my groans got louder. She spat my cock out and grabbed it with her hand and started tossing me off quite ferociously. She licked my balls whilst working my shaft and i felt myself ready to cum. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her up on top if me. Luckily I didn't cum- I didn't want to miss the main event. She was now sat on top of me grinding her pussy, still covered by her thong, up against my dick. She stuck her tounge in my mouth, snd mine in hers. I put my arms around her and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and i lay her down on the edge of the sofa. She took her tongue out of my mouth and whispered 'what're you doing?' 'Your turn' I whispered back with a grin on my face. I knelt down on the floor and slowly pulled her thong down to her ankles, and then dropped them on the floor. I spread her legs and put them up onto my shoulders. Her pussy already wet from all the excitement. She literally had the perfect pussy. Like an 18 year old virgin. She was completely shaved and everything was all compact and tidy. I started to gently kiss around her pussy. Eash kiss let out a gentle moan from elizabeth. I delicately licked from the very bottom to the very top of her pussy. She loudly moaned and grabbed my hair. I used my fingers to seperate her pussy lips and started to lick, faster, harder, with each and every lick. 'More, more!' She screamed as i inserted two fingers into her tight pussy and started licking her clit. I could feel her feet clench up against my back as she let out a huge groan as she came all over my tongue. She tasted great, far better than any other girl I'd ever been with. She oulled me by my hair until i was on top of her. Her tongue straight bavk into my mouth before demanding that i fuck her. 'Fuck me, fuck me now.' I grabbed my now throbbing cock and pushed hard to get it into her tight pussy. We both let out big moans as my cock thrusted inside of her. I grabbed onto the too of the sofa and began sliding my cock in and out of her pussy. She grabbed onto my ass and pulled me right into her pussy. She moaned again as i thrust harder and deeper into her. I grabbed her legs and put her ankles up onto my shoulders. My cock still inside her, i began pounded back and thorth, harder and harder. She let out a long lustfilled groan and i felt her cum wrap around my cock. I pulled out and sat down onto the sofa, she looked at me and giggled before crawling over and sitting on my cock. She put her tounge back in my mouth and i un did her bra. She threw it onto the floor and sat up right on my dick, allowing it to go deeper. Her boobs still perky out of the bra, started bouncing up and down as she started ride my cock. I led my head back on the sofa, panting with joy as I listened to her moaning. My cock began to throb again and i could feel my warm cum about to come out. I grabbed her ass preventing her from carrying on i lifted her off of my cock and back onto the sofa. 'On all fours' i said staring at gorgeous body. 'Well okay' she replied. And without hesitating she was in the doggy position with her ass just inches from my cock. I grabbed my cock and brushed my tip up against her pussy. She let out a moan or two as i carry on teasing her. I then tried my luck and rubbed my cock up against her asshole. To my surprise she groaned louder. I slowly pushed my cock into her ass. She groaned like never before. 'All in' she squealed at me. I grabbed her hips with both hands as i pulled her back towards me in one sudden movement. We both again let out huge moans, she then started moaning 'fuck me' under her breath. I thrust my cock into her nice warm ass as she mosned and whimpered. I then slide two fingers into her pussy as well. She started screaming 'more more more' i slipped a third finger in whilst pounding her ass with my cock. Her feet clenched up again as she screamed 'I'm coming' several times before finally coming all over my hand. She pushed me away with her foot before spinning round and pulling me by my cock back onto the sofa. She leaped down between my legs again and started tossing me off. This time faster and rougher than before. I moaned as i knew this was near the end. She wrapped her tongue around my cock and slid up and down before putting it into her mouth. She stuck my cock down her throat and began gurgling on it. She pulled ny cock out of her mouth and started to slowly to pull my foreskin all the way down, and then all the way back up, whilst saying 'cum for me jack, cum for me'.' I just couldn't hold it any longer. My cock started throbbing and a sensation ran through my balls and then pulsed through my cock, and all over her open mouth, her tits and face. She licked my cock clean getting every last little bit like a pro. She even used her finger to get the rest of her boobs and into her mouth. I ended up staying over because it was quite late after we had finsihed. I even got another blowjob before we went to bed. But the best thing about the renuion is still to come, you'll just have to wait and find out Brooksy18
