All Over 30 Models - How Green Is Your Busty Older Women?

by TeresitaHalstead8219 posted Oct 17, 2015


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mature nude womanI've been trying to get around to writing part 2 since seeing how well the first part was received, but it's hard between juggling three jobs and a new hookup. Part one is here. To refresh, we met on /r/troll4troll after I responded to her post. Here's what we look like: She's way hotter than I am, though she vehemently disagrees. She's 5'7 with a great, curvy body. One of those big asses that looks great in tight jeans (which she was wearing) and a pair of breasts (36 C) perfectly proportionate to her body. Her hair, though buzz-cut on the sides and the back, is otherwise silvery blue and 4 or 5 inches long. She says its called a line bob. She sent me this picture the next day, and agreed to let me share it with you folks. I'm 5'10, about 170 lbs with an olive sort of complexion and lots of chest hair. Upon seeing my initial picture (not shown above because it has my face) she was immediately enamored with my tattoos (of which I have 10). Short brown hair, brown eyes, etc. She claims I looked like David Krumholtz when I had long hair, but I've hear Shia LaBoeuf and Italian John Cusack far more often. So, without further ado... After our first meeting the night before, we texted all day about how hot that night was and how neither of us could wait for another chance to spend some more time together. She sent me the above picture while I was at work, which had me immensely excited as soon as I got out. Even though the toll road only expedited my travel time by 5 minutes, I gladly paid the $3 to take it instead of the beltway. I arrived a little early and was too distracted to even take off my work shirt by the time I knocked on her door. She opened it almost instantly, as if she was waiting on her feet for my arrival, and we immediately began kissing and moaning into each other's mouths. I distinctly remember her asking, "Is it even possible to miss someone after only one day?" (For the record, it is.) She was wearing this sexy green silk dress with a pair of lavender panties on beneath it, the latter of which I was pleased to find were soaked when I first slipped my hand over them. I was in a t-shirt and leather jacket with a pair of dockers on. We only parted lips for brief moments to remove my jacket and my shirt, and she had my dick in her mouth before my pants were even fully off. Though the night before, she sized up my dick and examined it carefully, taking it between her lips almost reverently, this time was the complete opposite. She was hungry. Expressing her enthusiasm with quick head-bobbing and eager deep throating, she was utterly ravenous. Gagging, couching, drool running down her chin. It was an amazing sight. But being equally desperate myself, I had to push her away only for a few seconds so I could finish taking my pants off and my boots while she undressed completely. I'm pretty sure this was the first time that night that we got a good look at each other's faces. I laid back on the bed and swung her hips onto my chest so I could return the favor, but mostly so I could be greedy and do one of the few things I enjoy even more than getting head, which is giving it. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pushed my head between them, attacking her delicious lady parts with my tongue and lips. Frenzied licks and nibbles and suckling found her swollen lips already dripping with anticipation. I quickly lubed a finger with my mouth and her juices and eased it into her ass while she continued deep throating me. She had told me earlier that one of the few regrets she had had from the night before was not tasting my cum, so she was on a mission. But I was on a mission, too, because I hate starting off the night with an orgasm before my partner's. Luckily, she didn't last long and I could hear her moaning on my engorged cock as her hips bucked and she struggled to give her sensitive clit a brief reprieve. I granted it to her and relaxed, letting her finish me off hardly a minute later. I moaned her name and my legs spasmed wildly as she took every last drop of my sticky cum down her throat and swallowed it like a champ. We rested like that for a few moments before changing positions so we could lay side by side. She told me how great I tasted and I returned the compliment, though I'm certain she tastes better than me. All that sweet tea she drinks has to be good for something, right? Anyway, talking turned into kissing and kissing turned into petting, and soon enough, I had her straddling me. The night before, I sort of stole the thunder of this position and immobilized her while I pounded away, so I made sure to let her take the reins this time. She had her little Lelo vibrator on her clit between our two pubic bones and we were both close to climax again in no time. Looking right into each other's eyes, we came simultaneously– a first for either of us with any partner, not just with each other. She collapsed onto me and we caught our breath and talked about how awesome that was. I was still hard somehow (thanks, little buddy) and still lodged deep in her pussy, and each time I flexed my cock, I derailed her train of thought in favor of a soft moan. "How?... How are you doing this to me?" She kept asking, as dumbfounded as I was at my seemingly super-human ability to stay hard when I probably should be suffering through a refractory period. I blame her attractiveness, but that's besides the point. I gripped a fistful of her hair and began rocking back and forth. Kissing her neck and holding her body tightly, I fucked her until I came again, whispering her name into her ear and damn near speaking in tongues. After another cuddle session under the blanket and some much-needed water, we started kissing again. This time, I had her bent over in front of me on her hands and knees so I could spank her and tell her what a dirty girl she was. She began begging me to fuck her in the ass, which would only be my second time doing so. In case some of you don't believe the realism of all of this (I'm having a hard time believing it myself), we hit our first hiccup worth mentioning. After I properly lubed up my cock and slipped it inside of her, I eased it in all the way. She told me to really give it to her, and so I complied. Problem is, I guess I complied a little too eagerly, because it was hurting her and we had to stop. I felt awful and gave her lots of kisses to compensate, including a soothing tongue around her anus. We eventually got into the shower together and washed ourselves and each other before she began getting frisky and stroking my cock. She got to her knees and began deepthroating me some more– she's such a show off. Her tonsils clamped around my head and it felt so good, but I was too spent to cum again. She wasn't, however. She was taking her time enjoying every inch of me and she began moaning intensely. I wasn't even touching her, but she was on the edge of another orgasm. The situation, the hot water beating down on us, the memories of our two nights together, it all came together as a potent aphrodisiac. By the time I bent down to put my hand between her legs and give her clit a few rubs from side to side, her thighs tensed up and clamped my hand still as she came again. I've never such a thing but for in a couple of porn videos, and along with a lot of the things I've done with this girl, it's pretty high on the list of best sexual experiences I've ever had. She was too weak to get up afterwards, but I began drying off and I helped her to her feet after a few minutes. With her distracting me and pleading for me to stay, it took me a while to get dressed, but I did, much to her disappointment, I left later than I meant to once again, but it was worth it. Tomorrow night, I plan on finally spending the whole night with her and we even plan on getting pedicures together the next morning, on her dime and suggestion. I'll likely update sometime early next week with a third and, depending on how quickly my dick sets on fire due to over-use, maybe even a fourth part. She says she plans on letting me take some pictures, so you folks might get lucky. Thanks for reading! kinky_camera_guy [2
