Viv Thomas Peaches - Seven Tips For Using Jo Viv Thomas To Leave Your Competition In The Dust

by PorfirioSpeed058 posted Oct 17, 2015


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viv thomas modelsThere’s a building on campus at the university I went to that seems like every entering freshman aims to somehow find themselves on the roof of before they graduate. The Cathedral of Learning is a 42-story gothic style building that towers over pretty much everything in the vicinity, and you’re almost guaranteed to have a class there once in your four years of attendance. Even if you don’t though the cathedral is a great place to study, at least in my opinion—it was always my favorite. The first floor is spacious and open and the pointed limestone arches that sculpt the vast ceiling reach four stories high, really giving it the feel of an old world cathedral. You can even look out on the whole of the open commons from the arched stone windows, complete with sculpted balustrades, that line the perimeter of the second and third floors where classrooms can be found. Spread throughout the large echo-y first floor are old round wooden tables and chairs, or longer rectangular ones with benches on either side, all worn by time and the study habits of the thousands of students that have passed through over the years. Even better though are the not-so-private nooks that are built in just a few steps up from the main floor and are slightly more secluded but still open to the room, only separated by waist-high decoratively patterned rod iron railings. Unlike the aspirations of most students concerning the cathedral, it was my goal to somehow find a way to get busy in one of these pseudo-nooks before I graduated. I managed to accomplish it my junior year with the help of my then boyfriend who’d heard me joke about it a time or two. I remember it was supposed to be a pretty warm day for the beginning of October and I’d worn a skirt which was probably the catalyst for why I finally succeeded in accomplishing my goal, among other things. My first class of the day was at 10 but I made a habit of going to the Cathedral to study and usually got there around 8. Paul, my boyfriend, was a student athlete and had early morning conditioning three days a week and would come meet me afterwards to do the same, sometimes alone and sometimes with teammates. He lived off campus in a house with 6 of his teammates and friends and shared a room with one of them. His roommate Vince and I got along well and he didn’t seem to care that I slept over more often than not and tended to get out of bed without any clothes on. He never appeared to have a problem with me and whenever he brought girls home who showed evidence of being shy, Paul and I would retreat to the downstairs couch and pay it forward to give him space. Even so, I do have some fond memories of watching him and randoms fuck in the bed across from us while I was getting worked myself. Anyways, I think it goes unsaid that I’d gotten pretty comfortable with having sex in front of people at this point, mostly thanks to dorm room situations during prior relationships. In fact, I’d kind of come to enjoy an audience if my partner didn’t mind it. I’m pretty sure everyone in that house saw me and Paul going at it at least once if not numerous times. Hell, I even gave him a blowjob in front of four of them while they were watching Pitt football one time. He seemed to like flaunting my slutiness in front of them, and he was the first guy I’d met to do so, though he made it clear to me and them it was a look and don’t touch type thing. When he showed up to meet me that morning with three friends in tow I really didn’t think anything of it as I was immersed in work. When it became apparent that they weren’t similarly absorbed and were succeeding in distracting me, I started to recognize my luck in wearing a skirt and how having all of them there was the prefect buffer and smokescreen if I want to achieve my goal. Thinking I wouldn’t have another opportunity like it any time soon, I happily reached down and started to trail my hand down Paul’s leg and wrap my fingers around to trace and tickle patterns onto his inner thigh. Thanks to the sweatpants he was wearing I could feel his cock respond almost immediately, twitching in anticipation of my attentions. He got the gist of what I intended instantly and looked at me and laughed before scoping out the area to see how many people were around. Given it was just past 8 there weren’t that many yet, and with Paul and I sitting with our backs against the wall and his three teammates across from us and hiding us from view through the rod iron railing, it wasn’t likely anyone would catch a glimpse without really trying. Probably the most suspicious thing about the whole thing was the fact that there were so many people at one table so early. Still, even that wasn’t unheard of and I certainly wasn’t going to let that stop me. When Paul dragged me closer and pretty obviously worked his hand under my skirt, his friends all shared a look and a smirk, though with slight of shaking of heads. I sort of chuckled as I manueverd myself into better position to feet Paul’s fingers rubbing up and down my lips, closing my eyes and biting my lip to collect myself as he informed his friends that I was a dirty little slut who’d always wanted to get fucked in the Cathedral. I interrupted to add that with them there it would be less likely we’d get caught since they were essentially acting as a shield. They were all slightly slack jawed, though not in complete disbelief I think considering what else they’d been privy to, and it quickly became apparent when no one left that they were game to help us out, Nick even going so far as to readily get up and come sit next to Paul when asked. It’d been suggested that he’d be blocking the view more effectively in case someone else decided to occupy the table next to us in the nook. After that I realized how game they were, and even more so after Eric too casually and with a lopsided grin informed me that if I wanted to blow Paul now I could probably get away with it without concern. I shot him vivthomas password a slightly pursed lipped look that he shrugged at, telling me it was just a simple suggestion, but still I found myself tugging at Paul’s sweatpants and withdrawing his cock from the opening in his boxers only to bend over and let the warmth of my mouth descend down the length of him. It was hardly an exceptional blowjob from the cramped position I was in while cornered into the stone wall and restricted by the table, but I worked him as best I could. My skill suffered from the need to be quiet since I was afraid my normal shameless slurping and sucking would draw too much attention, but I still got my hand in there to massage his balls and worked his shaft in tandem with my mouth, deep throating him every once in awhile though careful to try not to choke myself. Paul didn’t seem to mind the difference from my usual technique and neither did his friends who were all sort of holding back laughs and telling each other to shut the fuck up and keep it down because its always so quiet in the Cathedral. It wasn't until I felt hands on the back of my head holding me down that I sputtered at all, but then I was being pulled up by my hair as Paul hurriedly moved me into his lap, fussing hastily as he pushed the fabric of my skirt and panties aside to work his way inside me with a stifled groan. Feeling him slide into me I had to bit my lip and hold back my own moan, and I unconsciously closed my eyes only to open them back up to the shit eating grins of his friends who proceeded to gibingly ask me if I felt good. I couldn’t help but sort of snort and laugh at the obvious question but then smiled and nodded as I wiggled my hips and shimmied my body playfully and began to move up and down as his hands came up to my waist and he leaned back, probably uncomfortably against the bumpy wall. I moved slowly and leisurely, squeezing myself around his dick as I came up off him, afraid to go any faster less my bouncing be spotted. He coped with what was essentially teasing for a good amount of time as I relished the feeling of cock filling me up perfectly. He was breathing hard and holding himself back as I worked at my own pace, that is until he pulled me back by the hair to recline against him as he instructed me to prop myself up with my hands back on the stone chair railing that’d been sculpted and protruded from the limestone wall. Just as I saw someone walk into our nook and occupy the table next to us Paul grabbed ahold of my hips and started thrusting up into me, slowly at first and then fast, careful not to let skin clap against skin too loudly. Even though I could tell he was being cautious I was still concerned about the guy next to us, so when Eric pantomimed to inform me he was wearing headphones I felt like the universe might actually want me to get fuck in the Cathedral and just gave way to sensation. It was thrilling. My face was twisted in what I thought was an unattractive way as I enjoyed and took the pounding eagerly, and yet glancing around the table at the ravenous eyes drinking me in, I realize I maybe mistaken and that I didn’t look as unsightly as I always believed. When I let one of my hands stray to my belly and move up my stomach, I saw eyes flicker to take in the small strip of skin I’d exposed and I felt drunk with excitement. Without thinking I moved one of Paul’s hands to my stomach and immediately felt him snake his way up and pull down one cup of my bra to grope at my breast. Watching as the three other men there eagerly lapped up the sight of me tousled and exposed I smiled noticing that their attempts to get a good look had caused them to huddle around us more and block the view as effectively as could be hoped. When Paul moved his hand back to my hips he didn’t bother to right my shirt and neither did I. Instead I moved a hand down my belly and into my skirt to play with my clit. It was only after I’d started playing that I locked eyes with Vince, Paul’s roommate, and strangely found I couldn’t and didn’t want to look away. I was only comforted in the fact that he didn’t shy away from my gaze and seemed to want to keep my attention as well. I don’t know if I’d say I’m ashamed but I’m definitely not all that proud to admit that, though this was the first time, it wasn't the last time I stared down Vince while getting fucked by my then boyfriend. What I do know is that watching him watching me made my orgasms come on alot faster and gave me added opportunity to possibly have multiple. Who isn’t a glutton for pleasure, really though? As I rubbed and pinched my clit and felt the heat of eyes taking all of me in while holding Vince’s intense and what felt like enraptured gaze, I bit my lip with the feeling of my oncoming orgasm. Open-mouthed and brows furrowed, I came hard and clenched around the cock inside of me, forcing Paul to slow his thrusting as I shuddered above him grabbing at my breast with one hand before slumping forward to catch my breath and hold myself up with both hands and the help of the tables edge. Somehow I maintained eye contact with Vince all the while. Watching him sort of tense as his adam’s apple bobbed sent a shiver through me that I couldn’t hide and I smiled faintly just as Paul picked back up, this time relentless. Feeling over sensitive after cumming really hard and feeling him drive into me harder than before, I gritted my teeth to try and stop my moans while concentrated on Vince as well as the satisfying bit of pain I received as I became worked up again. I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut to better cope with remaining silent, but I was too enthralled with the excitement that I felt with Vince’s eyes on my own as I was railed by Paul’s familiar and delicious cock, always feeling gratified and anticipating the moment I’d earned the feel his cum anywhere on or in me. He came not long after I had, maybe a minute or two later and with a few quick hard thrusts that weren’t very mindful of the sound of skin on skin. Then he was looping an arm around my waist to pull me fully back into his lap and giving little jerks of his hips to drain himself completely as he nuzzled and kissed my neck. The whole thing lasted no more than 15 to 20 minutes, and as I righted my self and felt him slide out of me as I took a seat next to him, I turned and kissed him and thanked him before offering words of appreciation to everyone else at the table. Looking back on it though, most of those words were probably reserved for Vince. Edit: grammar chemE_bitch
