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This is part 3 in a 3 part series. Each part ramps up in intensity, so if you like some written "foreplay" before your stories I suggest you check outpart 1 andpart 2.
About two months after part 2, I was finally moving back to the town Jessica lived in. I was making a brief stop not too far from Jessica's house for some work related stuff, so I asked her if she wanted to get dinner. We hung out for a bit at her place before getting some tacos and spending a few hours with some mutual friends. She wanted to watch TV and play video games, but it was already pretty late and I had a two hour drive to get back home (I was staying with some friends until I was ready to move in).
"You know, you could always spend the night here. I've got an extra toothbrush." She giggled and put her hand on minee.
"I don't know," I said with fake reluctance. "I need a good night's sleep for tomorrow, and I don't think I'll get that with the couch." My mind quickly flashed back to all the nights I had spent sleeping on Jessica's couch, to the time I slept on that couch just an hour after she told me she fucked her boyfriend the night before in her bedroom upstairs. Somehow, those memories still stung.
"Guess we'll have to figure out alternate sleeping arrangements, won't we?" She grinned, and took me upstairs to her room. While I was brushing her teeth, she changed in her sleeping clothes.
"Mike!" She called. "What do you think of this new underwear I bought?" I walked out of the bathroom to see Jessica in a t-shirt and a pair of tight red panties that hugged her ass and pussy.
I walked up to her and put my hands on her waist. "I think I'll need to get a full 360 degree view." I spun her around and squeezed her ass as I whispered in her ear, "They look amazing."
She put on a pair of loose school girl porn pics athletic shorts and I changed into shorts and a t-shirt and hopped into bed. She got in next to me and before I had a chance to say anything she pushed me on my back and forcefully started making out with me. I pulled her on top of me, and we continued making out as one of my hands squeezed that incredible, firm ass while I slowly slid the other hand up her back, eventually resting it on her head while we kissed. I gently bit her lower lip and kissed her jaw and neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent.
She had already said she was too tired for anything tonight, and I was pretty tired too, so there was no pressure. I just wanted to kiss her and enjoy her body and her company before going to sleep. We turned the lights off and cuddled and I was content to just hold her. I remembered the countless nights we would hang out, just the two of us, and when it got late she would leave to go home to her boyfriend and I would just feel empty inside. I wasn't a hideous looking guy. There were other girls interested in me, and if I put myself out there surely I could've found someone. But I didn't want anyone else. Every day I spent with her made me feel like shit, and yet I couldn't stay away. When I moved away I was glad to be away from her, because I was tired of feeling like the chump she could never be attracted to. It wasn't just a physical thing...I was in love with her. I had had passing crushes before, but I'd never met anyone like her.
And now, here she was, the girl of my dreams was in my arms. I wish I could've told myself a year earlier that it would be okay, that she wants you too, that you are good enough for her. I squeezed her tightly and could feel her breathe lightly on my neck. I arched my fingers around her jaw, tilting her up slightly so I could kiss her. The minutes passed by and we continued kissing. Neither of us said anything; there was no need for words. We were young and in love, and we had each other. She rotated on top of me and we continued to kiss in the dark, and as I moved my hand under her shirt to stroke her back she started giving me light, soft kisses on my neck.
My other hand moved under her shorts and panties and squeezed and groped her ass, conspicuously avoiding touching her pussy or rimming her asshole. I wasn't trying to have sex; neither was she. We were enjoying and exploring each other's bodies in the dark, and we would go wherever that would take us. My kisses were tender, my touches soft and fleeting. I wanted every kiss, every touch to show her how much I loved her, how I had never wanted anyone but her.
We continued like this for at least an hour, rolling around, hugging, kissing, touching, all in the dark, all with no words. She was back on top of me, and I rested my hand on the arch in the lower back, gently stroking her. My other hand cupped her head as I nibbled her neck. And then I felt it. The now familiar pulsating as her body gently rocked on mine. The heat emanating from her body. As we continued, her kisses became more frantic, as did mine. I squeezed her ass as hard as I could naked girl photos and she gasped. As we kissed I licked her lips and gently bit her lower lip. My hands traveled further and further up her back, my fingernails digging into her upper back. One of my hands continued sliding up and down her back while the other slid around her side and onto her right tit, squeezing and fondling it while her body's pulses quickened and she began grinding on my dick through my shorts.
I nibbled on her collarbone and kissed my way up her face, pausing to blow hot breath into her ear before biting it. She reached over and turned on her small lamp by her night stand, illuminating the room with a dim, ruddy light. But it was enough for me to see her face and her body, and I stopped and just gazed at Jessica for a few seconds. I was overcome by her beauty.
"Jessica, you're so beautiful." I whispered between kisses and nibble on her ear. "Inside and out." She sat up and pulled off her shirt, revealing those beautiful, perky tits with bright pink nipples just begging to be sucked. She was now leaning over me, and I grabbed her left breast and started licking, sucking, and biting her nipple. She immediately stiffened and her breathing became heavy, and I used my free hand to start massaging her other breast and squeezing her other nipple between my thumb and forefinger. "Your tits are fucking incredible." I said before burying my head in her tits and sucking and licking them at an increasingly frenzied pace.
"I love watching you do that." She moaned, as I felt her nipples stiffen in my mouth. She rubber her hands along my back before pulling off my shirt.
I moved back up to her face. We continued to make out while I moved my hands under her shorts. I first squeezed her ass through her panties, before slipping my hand underneath it and reaching around to her pussy. I teased her, slowly sliding my fingers around her pussy lips and getting closer and closer to her clit without touching it. I flipped her on her back and alternating between kissing her lips, nibbling on her nose, neck, and ears, and sucking naked girls gallery on her gorgeous tits. My left hand was under her back, holding her firmly, as if to tell her that I'd never let her go. We were now on our left sides, and I squeezed her right tit before sliding my right hand down her side onto her ass, which I quickly squeezed before moving it to her drenched pussy.
"Mike, I'm so wet right now." she moaned as I circles her clit but never touched it and rubbed her pussy lips. I pushed her back onto her back and kissed the center of her chest, between her tits, before using both my hands to grab her tits and squeeze them toward my mouth. I roughly shoved my tongue onto her nipples, vigorously biting and sucking them while she gasped and moaned in pleasure.
I kissed my way up to her ear and whispered, "Ever since we first became friends on that trip to Portland three years ago I've wanted you." I bit her neck and grabbed her hands, forcing them behind her head as my lips slid across her jaw. "I wanted you for years. I wanted you every single day since then."
"Every single day?" She whispered.
"Every single day, Jessica. I only wanted you."
I flipped her onto her stomach and began kissing massaging her back, interspersing kneading, compressing, and stretching her taut muscles and soft skin with my lips pressed against her neck and back. I pulled her up on all fours and squeezed and groped her tits from behind as I kissed my way down her smooth back. She stiffened as I pinched her nipples and slip my hands down her stomach. I pulled off her shorts, revealing those tight red panties she had shown me just a few hours ago, and teased and rubbed her pussy through her panties. I then pulled them off and start biting and massaging her ass while I continued to play with her tits. I moved my head a few inches lower and licked her pussy, and she moaned once again.
After a few more minutes of teasing, I flipped her on to her back. At this point, I had only eaten her out 3 or 4 times, all of them during the LA trip. While she had enjoyed it, I knew I could do better so I did some "research." (google "How to eat pussy like a champ" fellas!). As I sucked her tits and slowly made my way down her body, I mentally reviewed what I had studied. I mounted her thighs on my shoulders, and Jessica shuddered in anticipation.
I counted my blessings to be inches away from Jessica's beautiful pink pussy. She whispered, "I shaved today just for you. God, I'm so wet, Mike." before closing her eyes. She was indeed perfectly smooth. I started by kissing and licking her inner thighs. I slowly kissed down her mound and guided my tongue around her clit, instead licking around her pussy lips. I brushed her softly with my lips, making sure I held my head high enough so my lips just barely touched her pussy. She would struggle and keep thrusting her pussy at my mound, but I would only lick her clit for a second before pulling away and repeating the same thing again. I turned my head sideways and gently rubbed my beard stubble into her pussy, and was rewarded with more groans and spasms from her body.
I would kiss in and around her pussy, every so often giving her clit a quick suck which would elicit a moan, each one louder than the previous. But I was cruel, and when I could sense she her orgasm building I would tear myself away from her pussy and kiss her inner thighs or play with her tits instead.
But her breathing had gotten heavier and I could tell she had taken all the teasing she could, so I took pity on her and worked my way up to her clit. I spread her legs further apart and got to work. I placed my mouth over her clit and began sucking, rhythmically interrupting the sucking with upward strokes of my tongue. Her breathing became more rapid as I gently pushed down on her lower stomach with one hand and penetrated her with one finger on the other hand. She's normally pretty quiet when I eat her out, but this time she started moaning audibly (glad her roommate was out partying) and pulling my hair as I inserted a second finger, which was a bit difficult because she was so tight. I began finger-fucking her with the "come hither" motion while eating her pussy, and she moaned again and squeezed my head tightly with her thighs (also a first). I then pushed my fingers down against the bottom of her pussy while continuing to suck her clit.
"How did you get so good so fast?" she gasped, but I only gave her a naughty smile and went back to work (seriously, check out that video I mentioned earlier. That plus reading some stuff on/r/sex really helped my technique).
"Oh my god, oh my god, Mike, that feel so good." she moaned. She moved her hands on top of mine and interlaced our fingers together. "Yes, right there, right there, oh god yes right there!"
But being the cruel person that I am, right when she was about to orgasm I pulled away and pulled myself up to her face.
"I don't want to finish you off just yet." I whispered. "Tonight, I want to fuck you." She nodded and then I added, "I'm not hard enough yet. Can you get me there?"
She pushed me onto my back and kissed me. "Your lips taste like pussy." she said.
"Good thing you taste amazing." I smirked, before flipping her on top of me. We made out some more while I played with her tits, then she kissed my chest and began tugging at my shorts.
"That was incredible. So much better than last time." She whispered. She pulled down my shorts and started furiously dry humping me through my boxers.
She pulled down my boxers, unleashing my hardening cock. She positioned my cock with her hand and began licking and sucking it, and used her other hand to massage my balls. Then she sucked my balls, taking each one in her mouth and slowly running her tongue over each of them. I reached down to play with her tits before pulling my hands back and playing with her hair. The view was incredible. This beautiful, sexy blonde girl of my dreams was now sucking my cock, and I soaked in the image of her bright blonde hair bobbing up and down over my dick.
"I need you right now." she moaned. "Get hard for me Mike."
There is no greater sight than the woman of your dreams in heat begging for you to fuck her. Soon enough I was sufficiently hard, and earlier she had told me that she had started taking birth control since our trip to LA so we didn't worry about condoms. I tried putting my dick inside of her but struggled a bit, so we went into the missionary position and she whispered, "let me guide you in".
The first thing I noticed was how warm it was, and how snug and tight her pussy was around my cock.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
"I'm so wet. I'm ready."
I then began thrusting, and each thrust was rewarded with a small moan.
"Slow down," she said. "Start slowly and gradually speed up."
I kissed her and began slowly, savoring every point of contact between her pussy and my cock. This would be the part where a good story teller would talk about how we found in amazing rhythm, did a few kinky positions, and came at the same time. But alas, being a virgin, I thrusted rather erratically and came in a few minutes.
"I guess I came too quickly." I chuckled.
"It's okay, it was still pretty good." she said. "If you improve even half as much as you did with eating me out, we'll be golden."
"Time for me to finish you off." I whispered, and quickly threw her legs over my shoulders. I once again started slow, licking in and around her clit but never directly on it. But soon my tongue was buried deep into her pussy and I was rhythmically tongue-fucked her. But I wasn't going to be so cruel to her this time, so I stopped teasing her and licked my way up to her clit, where I swirled my tongue before I began gently sucking on it.
"Oh my god, yes!" She moaned. "Right there, suck it right there." I continued licking and sucking her pussy while looking up, an was greeted with the sight of my beautiful girlfriend on her back, eyes closed, moaning, and her two beautiful tits and her swollen, puffy nipples obscuring my view of her face.
"Oh my god, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" she moaned, and her entire body started convulsing when she she came and I continue eating her out furiously while she thrusted her pussy in my face and squeezed my head tightly with her legs. With one final moan her orgasm finished, and I slowly licked her pussy before kissing my way back up to her face.
"Do you remember the first night we hooked up in San Diego?" she asked.
"I'll never forget it, Jessica."
"I wanted you to touch me so bad. When we were sleeping I kept pushing my ass into you hoping you would touch me. I wanted you so bad, Mike."
We checked the time; over two hours had elapsed since we first got into bed. I pulled free hot pics her close to me and whispered, "What's the difference between me and olive oil?" She gave me a confused look and then I continued, "I'm no longer extra virgin."
She laughed and playfully hit me on the chest. "How was your first time?"
I pulled her into my chest, kissed her on the forehead and closed my eyes. "I'm so glad it was with you."


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