Czech Porn Pics - Five Effective Ways To Get More Out Of Www.casting Couch

by CliftonMcl25539450506 posted Oct 17, 2015


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The frustration kept building up…It was no longer due to nervousness or anxiety. Oh no…I had been interrupted while experiencing my very first orgasm. What I was feeling now, was full blown sexual frustration… I guess the frustration must’ve showed on my face, because my boyfriend kept asking if I’m alright. "I’m fine Josh." I tried to sound up-beat, as I answered his question for, what seemed like, the 100th time. I looked over to Simon, who was sitting on my left. He grinned at me and gave me a wink. Smug bastard I thought to myself. The conversation with Josh’s parents was, honestly going well. They were not nearly as bad as he made them out to be. His dad was funny, in an old guy kinda way. His mom, a little up-tight, but ultimately a kind lady. And as for his brother…well we all know how I feel about him. "So Thea…" Simon asked all of a sudden. "…how do you like my cooking?" He looked over me, smiling his smug, obnoxious smile. His eyes looked straight into mine, and for some reason I felt powerless. "It…it’s some of the best food I’ve ever eaten…" I said, quickly turning away from his gaze. "Oh…" Simon cackled. "I think you’re overblowing it." I felt his hand on my leg. He was gently caressing my knee and going up my thigh. I bit my lower lip, but made no attempt to stop him. I had no idea what had gotten into me. Under any circumstance, I would push the man away…Simon had a strange sort of power over me… "Simon has always been a great cook." Josh’s mom spoke up. "Ever since he was a young boy." There was a certain dose of pride in her voice. "Josh never told me about his brother’s amazing cooking ability." I joked, trying to concentrate on the conversation. "Yeah…" Simon said. "Joshie has always been a little jealous of my talents." There was a sort of devilish emphasis on the word "talents". His hand moved up, slipping inside of my jeans. I bit down my lip, as two of his fingers penetrated and found themselves inside me. "I’m not jealous…" Josh scoffed. "Just never came up, is all." I put my hand on my loving boyfriend’s shoulder, comforting him, while his brother was fingering me. Again, I felt the sensation from the couch. I knew what I was doing was wrong, yet it was amazingly arousing. I had no idea what was happening, but suddenly this looming danger of being caught was driving me insane. I was holding in my moans, as hard as I could. I tried to concentrate on the conversation with Josh’s parents. I tried biting my lip, to quench the pleasures. But eventually, Simon broke me and I let out a silent moan. "Excuse me…" I said, buttoning up my jeans and jumping off of my chair. "…I really need to go to the bathroom." Before anyone could say anything I ran out of the room, and into the bathroom. "Oh my God…" sitting alone on the toilet, I was attempting to understand what had happened to me. "…what’s going on…" There was a knock on the bathroom door, and then it swung open. Simon slowly entered the bathroom, in his boxers and an undershirt. "Hey sexy…" he said. "…you ready?"

I gasped, shocked. What the hell was he thinking. His parents, his brother (my boyfriend) were right there in the house. Anyone of them could stumble in and see us. He closed the door of the bathroom and locked it. "Let me give you the time of your life…" he smirked, and grabbed my shirt, pulling it off. I stood there, still too shocked to say anything. He pulled me off of the toilet and kissed me on the lip. His tongue slipped in my mouth. I returned the favor. The make-out session went on for a while, before Simon finally gave me some time to breathe. "This is so wrong." I said, even as he was slipping off my jeans. "Maybe it is…but then you’re still here." I liked it better when he was silently sticking his tongue down my neck. And I said as much. He obliged me. As we were making out, Simon undid my bra, throwing it aside. My breasts fell in his hands. At first he was gentle. He rubbed my nipples with his fingers, kissed and licked my chest. As he got hornier, though, he got rougher. He started pulling and biting. I tried to contain it, but moans just came out. I cried out, in pleasure, attempting to stifle myself. Simon tossed me down on the floor and ripped my panties off. I looked up at him, to see a devilish squint in his eye. "You want me to fuck you, bitch?" he scowled at me. "YES! YES! YES!" I said, entirely too quickly (and enthusiastically) for a woman in a committed relationship. He pulled his cock out of his pants and rubbed it against my pussy. "You want me to go in?" he asked again, mockingly. "YES!!" I spoke louder this time. "PLEASE!!!" Simon smiled. He grabbed my hair, pulling it towards himself, he shoved his cock inside me so fast and hard, I couldn’t help but release a yelp. He went harder and faster, the louder I moaned. "Oh! God! Oh yes!" I cried out. "Oh Simon…You’re amazing!" He said nothing. Only smiled and fucked me harder. All of a sudden he pulled me up and bent me over. He stood behind me and took me doggy style, stretching his hands across my body and roughly grabbing my breasts. The sex went on like that for a while. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before. Don’t get me wrong, Josh, is a good guy. But all my bed room time with him has been the safest thing possible…This was…different. This was amazing. My entire body was burning. Finally I was going to get it. I was climaxing. I had finally gotten my first orgasm. My entire body trembled and shivered. Pleasure filled, what seemed like every single cell of me. I cried out in pleasure, admittingly louder than I should have. But I lost control. This was the best sex of my life. "Oh baby, I’m cumming." I heard, Simon say as he blew his load, inside of me. His semen filled my womb, surprisingly adding to the pleasure I was already feeling. He pulled out and let go of my breasts. I picked myself up, as his seed dripped down my legs. "Need some help cleaning yourself up, sexy?" Simon asked. "No…no thank you." I answered, looking away. I cleaned myself up and dressed myself. "Oh God…I got real loud." "No worries sexy." Simon said, smacking my ass. "Josh went out to the garage and the folks are way too old to hear a thing anymore." "Oh…right." "Hey, wait." He grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards him, kissing me one last time. I couldn’t resist him, and at this point, I really didn’t want to. "See ya soon." He winked at me, smacked my ass one more time (gentler this time) and sent me on my way.

submitted by hajlender12 [link] [comment]
