Hd Porn Casting - Get Better Casting Tube Results By Following Five Simple Steps

by MatildaDonley31 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This happened yesterday, and I've finally collected myself enough to record it on this lovely sub for all you wonderful pervs.

So at 26, I found myself still a virgin, not for any religious or ideological reasons, but rather because I've never really craved sex or intimacy. My experience so far was limited to receiving mediocre oral sex, giving (probably mediocre) handjobs and mediocre make-outs.

Until recently. I don't know if it's the sultry hot, summer days or boredom, but I tasked http://shorl.com/ myself with creating a to-do list of sexual activities I want to participate in before summer's end. One of those fantasies was stranger sex. Being a novice, I also thought this would be an awesome way to have my first extensive sexual experience. So I headed off to the shady site that is Craigslist and posted a salacious ad for nsa sex. Within minutes I had a ton of responses to sort through, mostly trash. However, one stood out as interesting. He had written a really descriptive and earnest message, he was 30 and his pictures weren't bad either – I was intrigued. So I wrote back and we chatted for the whole afternoon, and ultimately set a date to meet at my place the next day.

Now at this point I was still unsure about whether I actually had the guts to go through with this. I was seriously questioning my sanity – I mean, how insane is it to give a complete stranger your address and to invite him over for sex? And one of the reasons I was so inexperienced at 26 is because I'm so guarded, so this was completely out of character for me. At the same time, the thrill of exchanging raunchy, and frank messages about sexual tastes, and of sending naked pictures to him – that was driving me nuts, and it was driving me further and further into the situation. The fact that we were going to keep this completely anonymous and not even exchange names only intensified the excitement.

The day of I was questioning my decision again, but these thoughts were replaced by overriding lust as we texted back room casting couch porn and forth, him sending me messages detailing what I should be wearing when he gets to my place, asking me to send him some of my favorite hd porn casting clips to use as viewing material as he made his way over. To say I was excited is an understatement.

I heard him pull up in my driveway and although he'd asked me to be on my fours facing the big comfy couch cast entrance when he got there (we'd both discussed how I'm more inclined to be submissive), nerves got the best of me, so I awkwardly walked over and shook his hand (whyyy) My first impression of him was that he was even better looking than his pictures showed, a bit too much cologne but whatever.

He was also more intense and serious, compared to my silly, almost giddy energy. I told him I was nervous as hell, and he responded by pulling me into him, my back against his chest. He murmured reassurances and massaged my neck, his hands roamed all over my body and I felt one creeping up the over-sized sweater I had on, lightly grazing my pussy as it traveled to my navel and stomach. After this he asked me to lead me to my room. Once we got there, he lad me down on my bed and lifted my sweater up. He ran his hands all over my body, my legs, my thighs, my stomach…he was literally just inspecting my body and gently maneuvering it, and complimenting me. There's no other way of saying it, but I felt really well taken care of and almost owned? Anyways, I was still nervous, so he had me lie back and covered my eyes with a scarf I had in my room because I didn't have anything similar to a blindfold. He gently parted my legs and began planting a trail of the softest kisses up and down my legs and thighs. He had a slight stubble, which was pretty ticklish, and I could help but giggle a bit. Anyways, the scarf over my eyes really helped me relax and I was getting into it. I'll fast forward this part, but this thorough inspection of my body and kissing lasted for about 10 mins, so by the time he got to my pussy, it was ready for attention. This next part is a bit of a blur, but I will say that his mouth did amazing things to my pussy. Oh my god. And it sounds shallow, but having someone worship your pussy while saying shit like, 'You have the perfect pussy' or 'I want to stay down here forever' is just otherworldly. The only blooper that occurred was when he tried to finger me and couldn't get even a finger inside me. This is a recurring problem for me, being too tight, and I'd hoped that being turned on and sufficiently wet would make it easier. But not yet it seemed. So we gave this a break.

After this, he had me sit up and he stood at the bedside. He commanded me to undo his belt, which i did with eager, fumbling hands. I was surprised to see how anxious I was to get to his cock, it's like I'd been taken over by something else. For the sake of brevity, I'll just say that I might have not known what I was doing, but I was all over his cock as soon as it sprang out of his briefs. Holy shit. I soon discovered that he particularly enjoyed pushing it as far back into my throat as it could go, and I gamely attempted this, I retched and tears ran down my face but nothing gave me as much satisfaction as when I felt him groaning in pleasure and telling me 'good girl'. So safe to safe to say, deep-throating became an instant favorite. At one point, he put his finger at the base of his penis and asked me to touch my nose to his finger, with his cock in my mouth. I held on as long as I could, sputtering spit and choking but his reaction was incredible. At this point my mouth was feeling dry, so I excused myself to get water. When I left the kitchen I found he'd moved to the couch in the living room and he said something like, 'Let's play in this room now'. I bounded over to him and he had me kneel in front of him and suck his cock, but soon re-positioned me on the couch, lying down and sucking. For some reason, my teeth kept getting in the way in this position so he lifted me up, and carried me caveman style in the direction of my room. Halfways there, he paused in the hallway, got me on my knees in a corner and proceeded to facefuck me with more urgency than ever before. He gripped the sides of my head and just fucked my mouth so hard. I couldn't breath at some point, and I kept trying to steal glances of myself in the mirror that's nearby but couldn't even really turn my head. Breathlessly, he asked me where he should cum, and I told him in my mouth, so he gave one final thrust into my mouth and I felt his cum trickle down my throat. Abruptly, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back into my room.

This story is pretty long. So I'll stop here from now, and will continue it in a second post

submitted by sluttyexvirgin [link] [comment]
