4 Tips To Make Your Move Easier

by JeannaSmart523773 posted Oct 17, 2015


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4 Tips To Make Your Move Easier

Moving--whether across town or across the country--isn't easy. It takes time and can be physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing. However, there are a few things you can do that can make your move a little bit easier. The key here is to be organized; from the minute you start packing until the last box comes through the door of your new home, you need to be organized and efficient. Here are a few moving tips that will help you stay organized during the move and make it just a bit easier.

Color Code Boxes

When you move into your new home, you'll probably hear the question, "Where does this go?" more often than you'd like. This seems to happen whether you have friends help you or hire a South Dakota moving company. Rather than answering this question over and over again, take preemptive steps to help everyone know where things go. Purchase colored labels or colored duct tape; get a different color for each room of your house.
Create a color key and assign each color to a different room--blue for the kitchen, yellow for the master bedroom, etc. Mark each box with an appropriately colored label or strip of duct tape. When you move into your new house, put the color key on the front door, then mark each room with the correct color label or duct tape. Now, everyone bringing boxes into your house can put the boxes in the correct room without asking, "Where does this go?"

Number Boxes

In addition to color coding, consider numbering your boxes. You can do this by room, or for the entire house. Keep a detailed list of the contents in each numbered box. This way, you can easily find the items you are looking for without opening every box.

This method will also answer the question that virtually everyone ends up asking after a move: "Am I missing a box?" If you feel like something's missing, you can go through your list and figure out if there really is a missing box, or you're just suffering from post-move stress disorder.

Bag Your Closet

When most people move, they take all of their clothes off their hangers and fold them up in a box. Then, they find yet another box for all the hangers. With this method, when you get to your new house, you have to spend the time unpacking and rehanging all of your clothes.

Consider this method instead: Push all of your hanging clothing as close together as possible. Take a large trash bag and slide it up over your clothing; fit it around as many items as you can. Slide the bag all the way up and tie it off just under the hanger hooks. You've just packed your closet in half the time you normally would! Even better, when you move into your new house, unpacking is as simple as hanging up your clothes and slipping off the trash bag.

Keep Drawers Intact

Most people are tempted to unpack every drawer of their dresser when they move. While it may be necessary to take some items out to make the furniture easier to move, it's not really necessary to completely empty the drawers. Drawers are like built-in moving boxes, and you should utilize them when you pack.

Keep whatever you can in the drawer, then use plastic wrap over the top of the drawer to keep things from falling out or moving around too much. You can also use plastic wrap (or stretch wrap, which is stronger) to wrap around the dresser and keep the drawers from sliding open during the move.

Follow these tips and your move will be a little bit more organized and a lot less stressful. If you don't want to deal with any of the stresses of moving, consider hiring a South Dakota moving company to do it for you.
