Nude Teenage - Five Questions You Need To Ask About Pregnant Teen Tits

by ClaudioFrias0892131 posted Oct 17, 2015


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petite latina pornstarsOkay, standard "longtime lurker, first time poster" situation. I had to share what's been unfolding over the past month and a half at work. A little background first; I work as a cashier and service manager at a local grocery store. A friend from high school dated this girl, "Riley", who happened to ride the same bus as I did. Riley and her family shop at my store, so I've seen them a bit in the years since school. Riley's mom, Sam, did most of the shopping for their family, so I saw her most. Sam is the perfect chic nerdy mom. Wears glasses, loves comics/sci fi, etc. But she also has a phenomenal body (I find out later that she used to be a gymnast). She also had her children quite young. She had just had her 37th birthday, and I only knew this because I sold her daughter, Riley, the cake. Enough background, time for the good stuff. So Riley and Sam come in one day last month a few days before Valentine's petite shemale Day, or as Sam called it, Single Mom's Day. When they came in, I said hello and talked for a bit in passing before my manager asked me to help out on register for a while. Before they left, Riley asked if I could help them get a few plastic lawn chairs into their car. I brought the chairs out to their car, and as I loaded them into their minivan, Sam walked up behind me and commented on my tattoos which were exposed from my sleeves riding up my arms. "These are so gorgeous! Who's your artist?" I give her the name of my artist, and we talk about how she hasn't had a tattoo done since Riley was in high school. I invite her to come get some ink done on the 13th, seeing as my artist was doing a special all day. She happily accepted and gave me her number, before leaving with Riley in tow. I texted her when I got off to give her my number, and she initiated a conversation, asking about my tattoos and how many I had. I asked her about hers as well, and she said some were in placed she didn't know if she could say. I pried, thinking this could go somewhere, and she just said they were in places her children wouldn't see unless she dressed like Riley did at the beach. I told her how attractive that sounded, and she began casually flirting with me, to which I happily reciprocated. Over the next few days we talked a bit, and she let on that she wasn't doing anything for Valentine's Day, seeing as how she was single, so horny teenagers she was having a movie night at her place and let Riley have the car to go out with her boyfriend. She invited me over, enticing me with the promises of free wine and all of the Star Wars I could watch. The day before was, of course, the 13th, so we meet up at the tattoo shop, and she ends up getting a small star wars rebel insignia on her ankle, and I have my artist work on my sleeve a bit. After we finish up and pay, she asks if I'd like to grab some lunch, saying she knew a great Thai restaurant down the block. As we're walking, we accidentally brush hands, and she looks up and quickly says "Oh, sorry, that's probably awkward" and I smile, laughing as I say, "Not at all, I don't mind". She blushes a bit and we enjoy the kick ass Thai food. After we eat, I walk her to her car and she gives me a hug, letting me feel the soft warmth of her ample chest push against my tank top, smelling the mix of her perfume and the lotion from the tattoo shop. She says she'll text me when she gets home, and I get in my car to leave. The next night, I shower and get ready, deciding on an old Star Wars Rebel Scum shirt I have and a pair of jeans. I drive down the road to her house, and I had some trouble finding it, because there was only one car in the driveway. When she answers the door, I'm greeted to the blaring opening credits from her home theater and the smell of popcorn. She grabs me in one of those hugs I've come to love and pulls me inside. We sit down as the movie starts, and I ask where everyone else is. "Oh, they'll be here by the time we start the original trilogy. I love Attack of the Clones, so we'll watch this first". I sat down with enough room for movement and close enough to not make contact impossible, and as the movie goes on, she's brushing my arm or hand constantly on her way for popcorn. I figure I should make a move right as Obi-Wan is fighting Jango Fett on Kamino. Raising my arm up, I scoot up and put it around her, to which she smiles and leans into my shoulder. I'm breathing her perfume again, and she sits up suddenly and says,"Your heart is beating REALLY fast, are you alright?" "Yeah," I reply sheepishly, "I just get excited around girls like you." She smiles again, and says "What do you mean, like me?" "Oh, it's not bad. I mean, you're really cool, you like stuff that most girls your age don't, and you're absolutely gorgeous, so yeah, I'm a bit excited" She smiles and says, "I'm just teasing. And thank you, you're extremely handsome, and mature for a guy your age." and lays down on my shoulder again, this time pulling her legs up onto teen amateur sex the couch. She keeps tracing the tattoo on my upper arm as she sinks her head lower into my lap, eventually resting her head on my legs, inches away from a growing hard on. At one young college pussy point, she looks up at me and says, "I need a favor. You can either say you'll help me, no matter what, or say no and I won't ask." I look at her and I assume I know what she's going for, and say, "Of course, what's up?" "I haven't had any action since I left Riley's dad two years ago, and frankly my vibrator isn't cutting it. From what I've felt tonight (pointing at the erection I thought I had adjusted), you feel the same attraction. We've got about an hour before the others will be here, you wanna make the most of it?" If this gets enough attention, I'll write out the rest. I appreciate comments, as this is my first post ever on gwstories, and if I keep this going, I'll be sure to update as things progress. theluckycashier [3
