Lesbian Hairy Pussy - Why Ignoring Very Hairy Pussy Will Cost You Sales

by AlisaReinhardt0 posted Oct 17, 2015


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When I was in high school, I went over to Shanghai as part of an exchange program. I wasn't a virgin at the time, but had slept mainly with girls my own age. However, in Shanghai, I grew to appreciate older women, more specifically older married Asian women. There's something so arousing about knowing that the conservative married woman was deep down a slut and with you around willing to be that slut. There are no games, just hot needy sex, whenever and wherever the opportunity arises. The Chen's my host family consisted of Su Wen a year old housewife who prior to getting married worked as a translator for a Chinese firm, her husband Hai Yee who was a wealthy businessman, and their three year old son. They had agreed to host me ostensibly to I could help Su Wen practice her English as well as help her teach her son English. But I think it was mainly because Su Wen was lonely. Mr. Chen like all wealthy Chinese businessmen was a hardworking, hard drinking man. During my time there, I could go several days without seeing him, or when I did it was because he stumbled in very inebriated at in the morning smelling of alcohol and maybe cheap perfume. One of the things that I learned later was that a lot of business relations in China are conducted in houses of ill repute, primarily so both parties have some dirt on the other. This was their way of enforcing contracts when the courts were ineffectual. Su Wen my host mother was a linguist and actually quite helpful in terms of teaching me the ins and outs of the Chinese language. She'd explain the origins of the characters. Though I hated having to do etymology of words when I was in school in America, I found the evolution of Chinese characters fascinating. Knowing both the traditional as well as the simplified scripts used in China, it was neat to see how some concepts developed. For instance, the word for ocean had a root that stood for water, logical, but also the root for mother, which she taught me to remember by turning it sideways and showing me that the secondary root represents a woman's breasts. Physically, she was gorgeous. She was five six, and had a killer figure, though chubbier than the average Chinese woman. However, when I use the term chubby, I'm talking about the fat that Kate Upton might be considered chubby compared to some of the runway models that we see in fashion shows. She wore contacts most of the time, though right before bed she did wear her glasses which made her look unfairly innocent. In any case, going to high school was a bit difficult since while I had some Chinese education back home, the pace of the schools in Shanghai were brutal, and not being completely fluent in Chinese didn't help matters either. So when I came home, Su Wen would help me out quite a bit. Our ritual settled on me coming home from work. Teaching their son the ABC's, or singing English songs to him while she cooked dinner. Having dinner, working on my math homework (in which I had an equivalent English edition of hairy pussy creampie the book to help me through). Once their son was asleep, she'd shower, and we'd work on my Chinese lessons. After which we'd just talk. After which I'd shower, and usually masturbate before heading off to bed. However, a month into my stay I was caught masturbating. After my shower, Su Wen said to me, "Eric, there's a strange smell coming from the bathroom when you're done with it." I blushed and was surprised that someone who seemed so conservative would blurt out something like that. She had a devilish smile on her face as she said it. She didn't say anything more, but that night I couldn't sleep spinning in my mind all of the things that could have been implicit that I was too dumb to understand. The next day things went on as usual, and I buried the thought hoping that things would go back to normal. However, around the time when she took a shower, she didn't bother closing the door. While the Chen's are wealthy both by Chinese standards as well as American standards, their flat was still relatively small given the insane property prices in Shanghai. I couldn't help but look as she soaped up her body, washed her hair. I could tell that she knew that I was looking because of the exaggerated amount of time she spent soaping her tits and washing her pussy. When she was done, she wrapped herself in a towel and walked out. Having caught me red handed, she was intent on torturing me a bit. Rather than changing, she stayed in her towel. At this point, I lost it, when she walked out, I couldn't control myself. If she called rape, I probably would have been sent on the first plane out of China if I was lucky, executed if I was less lucky, and if I were downright unlucky, Mr. Chen probably would have hired thugs to prolong my suffering and beaten me to death over the course of a semester. I pushed her against the wall and my hands went straight into her crotch. She was incredibly wet and as I played with her clit, I started to kiss her, which she reciprocated, her tongue dancing in my mouth. It didn't take long before I felt her body tense up, and with two of my fingers in her cunt, I could feel the rhythmic pulsing of an orgasm. Seeing her face as she enjoyed her orgasm was a sign to behold, her eyes lightly closed, her mouth slightly open, I watched as she breathed in short gasps as she enjoyed what I just did to her. I picked her up and carried her to the guest room where I was staying. Putting her gently on the bed, I began to lick her pussy. I wanted desperately to fuck her, but I couldn't work up the confidence to do it right now. Mr. Chen despite his flaws had treated me really well. He was a barrel chested extrovert who had offered to take me out drinking with his friends. I had declined since I saw him polish off a bottle of whiskey on a weekend with it barely affecting him, whereas I was still a bit of a lightweight. I didn't know if I could take the next step and fuck his wife. I tried to rationalize that I was just pleasuring his wife as a favor, much in the same way Bill Clinton said that oral sex wasn't really blonde hairy pussy sex. It was delusional, but I was desperate. I kept eating her out. It's amazing how much it does for your sexual confidence when you see a woman really enjoying your efforts. Su Wen had her hands over her mouth to muffle her screams so as to not wake her son, and seeing her suffer like that I redoubled my efforts. My cock was liberally leaking precum by now and I could feel my boxers getting wet. Despite being much smaller than me Su wen was surprisingly strong as she pulled me by my hair away from her crotch. She lay in my bed just enjoying herself. When her orgasm had subsided, she looked up at me and said, 'Let me.' I sat on the edge of the bed and watched her as she pulled my boxers off. My cock was achingly hard. The second thing that does wonders for your confidence is when a women tells you how big you are. I was bigger than average, but Su Wen made me feel like I had a inch cock. Seeing her small hands on my cock, how long it took her to lick my entire shaft made me feel huge. When she put the head of my cock in her mouth she gasped for air and said, "I can't take it all in. I'm sorry." However, she did give me the best blow job in my life. Unlike my girlfriend who wasn't really into it, Su Wen was really into sucking my cock, licking the tip, taking it into her mouth, playing with it in many different ways. What made her more amazing was that she knew just when to stop. With her hands on my balls she'd back off every time she knew I was coming. She'd stop with a giggle and wait before continuing. Whereas I had gone full bore, to get her to cum, she brought me to the edge and back again and again and again until I couldn't take it anymore. Unable to take her teasing anymore, it was my time to be rough. I grabbed her by her wrists and nearly slammed her onto the bed. With her ass hairy granny pussy in the air, I shoved my cock into her incredibly tight cunt. It took several tries and her screams before I could penetrate her. As I started to pump my cock into her, I grabbed her long hair as a handle and fucked her like a rag doll. It felt amazing how tight she was, and with each thrust of my hips she let out a cry of pleasure that was almost inhumane. She buried her head into the pillow and I could make out her screaming, "Fuck me with your big white dick," in Chinese. Being a teenager, I came quickly and shot the biggest wad of my life deep into her. It was only when I pulled out when I realized that I didn't have a condom on. When I pulled out Su Wen turned over and free hairy pussy video with her eyes closed said, "That was amazing..." in her thickly accented English. I guess that she didn't care much either. As we settled down, I played with her amazing tits and her hair. My cum started to leak out of her. On a lark, I scooped up the cum and her juices and fed them to her, which she gladly accepted. At this point I grew soft, though I wanted to stay hard so I could fuck her again. wouldgoagain comment
