Hairy Pussy Filmed - The Secret Of Black Hairy Pussies

by AlisaReinhardt0 posted Oct 17, 2015


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black hairy pussy picsI want to start off that I never believed any of that necromancy, devil worshipping, black magic stuff would work. The only reason I even had the literature is because I went on a torrenting binge and a few of the pieces were in bundles I grabbed. But you know what happens, curiosity gets the best of you and the next thing you know, you’ve polished off three books. I won’t lie, the spells and bindings did sound intriguing. Who wouldn’t want to read people’s minds or freeze time? But those things asked for the blood of a sickly mountain goat, the original sole of an Air Jordan II and ice from Sugarloaf Mountain. Pretty precise items that I, as a broke ass college graduate, did not have. I tried to levitate an egg; I failed. I tried to speak to my dog; I offended her. I even tried to make a voodoo doll; I ended up hurting myself more than anyone else. I was kind of burnt out from all the experimenting. Truth be told, I was no scientist. I took a Science Fiction lab in college just so I wouldn’t have to do actual science! But that’s beside the point. There was one more I wanted to try. I mean, it would fail. I knew that. The book knew that. My dog probably knew that. Basically, the gist of the spell (is that what they are? Spells? I’ve only seen the Will Ferrell version of Betwitched so my magic knowledge is subpar at best) is that I’ll "take control" of a person and be able to implant ideas (for lack of a better term) into their mind and hopefully that will alter their personality a little. The answer was obvious. I was going to use Karenina as my muse. We’ve been together for about…I don’t know, three years? Three years sounds right. We live together, we have the dog, and for the most part, everything is great. The one downside is that after the honeymoon phase, our sex life kind of just…died. There’s always an excuse and I won’t be the bad one here, I’ve made excuses too. Headaches, too late at night, that time pretty hairy pussy of the month, the dog is comfy, you name it and we’ve heard it. Anyways, this would be perfect. I’ll do a little mind reconstruction to Karenina, make her receptive to a few kinks and dalliances and we’ll be back to how we used to be! The concoction was easy. One bristle from their toothbrush, a feather from a bird that had landed on your property and dust from a hard to reach place in your abode. The hardest thing to get was a bristle. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to pull them out of a toothbrush on purpose but those things big hairy mexican pussy pussies were a son of a bitch. The instructions weren’t very clear what I was to do with the items once I had them. Grind them up? Eat them? Get a stew going? I kinda crushed them in my hands and held them tightly. It seemed like the thing to do. It was at this moment I realized that I probably should have waited for Karenina to return xxx hairy pussys pictures home. I was just standing in our kitchen with crushed up crap in my hands four hours before she was supposed to be home from work. Shit. I dropped the stuff on the counter and brushed my hands off. It was about five or so minutes before things started getting weird. There I was, sitting on the loveseat in the living room trying to catch up on the latest Hannibal when my vision became a tad blurry. I rubbed my eyes and stretched like I was a year old boy in a movie theater trying to make a move. I must have passed out instantly. What are those dreams where everything seems so real that you can’t distinguish between dreams and reality? Nocturnal emissions? I kid, lucid dreaming. My dream was ridiculous. I was Karenina! I didn’t have complete control over my movements (or did I?) but I could see everything. There I (she?) was at the bakery, standing guard between the counter and the back room. Pretty much checked out as it was a slow day. No one needs baked goods on a Tuesday unless someone forgot a birthday. This was not one of those days. I brushed my hair out of my face and paused, staring at the full sleeve tattoo covering my arm. I’ve never seen it from this vantage point. The shit is bonkers. I could smell the pastries baking in the back. The cool air from the open window blowing throughout the shop. The low hymn of music coming from Annie’s headphones as she sits at the register. My hands reach to my chest and I flatten the shirt across my busom and down across my taut stomach. Her taut stomach. Our taut stomach? I can feel the fabric press against my immaculate skin. I move towards Annie, subconsciously I guess. My hand reaches out and taps the college student on the shoulder. She perks up and slides an earbud from her ear. "Ann, it’s pretty much dead around here today. You can take the rest off if you want to study, grab lunch, or get high" I feel my eye wink. I didn’t know Annie got high. But who am I to judge. She smiles and says something before pretty much darting out the front door. I walk closely behind her and lock the front door, turning the lock and flipping the OPEN sign to CLOSED. I guess it’s lunch time. My right hand reaches into my tight jeans pocket and tries to retrieve my phone, but the snugness is putting up a fight. A slight wiggle of my hips and ass jars the phone loose. I don’t even get it free from its entrapment before two strong, celebrity hairy pussy hulk-like forearms cross my chest. My pulled forcibly back and feel a barrel chest pressed against my back. My mind reels. I am sending signals to kick, punch, scream but none of that is happening. In fact, after the slight shock, I feel warm all over. My neck, my chest, between my thighs feel like they’re on fire. I’m spun around forcibly, my black big tits and hairy pussy porn pics pussies hair obstructing my view until it settles. A chiseled specimen of David himself stands in front old hairy pussy pics of me. Golden locks, a strong jaw, a full masculine chest. His thick hands wrap around my biceps before he hoists me in the air like a trashbag in the wind. Within a second I’m on his shoulder, my ass inches from his face. I squeal, but not in pain or horror or even for help, but this came deep from within. This was a squeal of glee. Who is this man? Why can’t I resist him? Why won’t my body work? SMACK! Pain shoots through my ass and back as his lumbering hand falls onto my ass, the sound thick and heavy as it fills the small bakery. I burn red out of embarrassment, anyone could have seen that from the window. He pushes me through the door to the back kitchen, finally away from any doting eyes. The gargantuan sets me down on my feet but I drop to my knees. I feel the cold kitchen tile on my knees through my jeans. As soon as I look up, a hard, thick cock is pushed against my lips. Easily the size of my forearm, the head trails against my cheek before he lines up again. The man grabs my chin roughly. "Don’t be a bad girl Karenina. We don’t have time today." The authoritarian tone sends shivers throughout my body. I feel my panties soak between my legs. My pink lips open aggressively and I waste no time, swirling my tongue along his bulbous cockhead. I’m transfixed. My delicate hands reach up and start jacking his thick shaft as my tongue massages the head. I reach out and grab his balls and moan deeply around his cock, groaning as I feel how heavy they are. My tongue attacks the slit in his cock head as I feel his hands roughly take ahold of my hair. With no warning I feel his cock protruding into the back of my throat. His full balls are slapping my chin. I should be gagging, begging to throw up but I’m not. I can smell his dense, manly husk with each thrust, his cock glistening women with hairy pussy my saliva when it emerges. He pushes deep and holds my head tight, burying deep into my throat. Two strong fingers pinch my nose shut as I struggle to breath. Time seems to stop. My nipples arch out and ache. The heat radiating from my pussy is a familiar feel. I’m going to cum from having this stranger’s slab of meat in my mouth. (Character limit hit, continued below) JHJH comment
