Free Hot Porn - How To Choose Nasty Pussy Pics

by VaniaBruner0433 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Gisele woke up in a warm, cozy bed. It felt like she had been asleep for days. At first her arousal made it hard to relax, but her Masters comforting presence made her forget all about it. She turned to her right to embrace him. But he wasn't there. She sat up and looked around, but found evidence of his existance. Gisele got out of bed, put on a pair of pink panties and opened the bedroom door. She walked down the stairs into the hall, still no sign of her Master. The preparations for the day were complete, all he had to do was to wait for Gisele to wake up. John took a sip of coffee before looking at his wristwatch. Ten to nine, still early. He took another sip of coffee. Suddenly he could hear the sound of light steps against floorboards coming from the stairs. A final sip of coffee left the mug empty. Perfect timing. Standing in the hall, Gisele looked left into the kitchen, but it was empty. So she turned right and walked into the livingroom. The first thing she saw was two wooden chairs facing eachother in the middle of the room. Then she saw him, sitting in the couch, looking at her with his firm gaze. A sudden feeling of relief filled her. Soon after a feeling of arousal replaced the relief. All the excitment from last night came flooding back. "Come over here." John called out. Gisele felt her legs moving toward him without her concious effort. She stood before him, her knees touching his, her breasts at the height of his face. "Sleep well?" he looked up at her. "Yes Master. Very well." she responded. John raised his right hand and let it run down the right side of her stomach. Caressing her, he could feel her shiver. "I want you to take your panties off." Gisele put her legs together, grabbed her panties with both hands and started pulling them down. When the panties reached her knees, she stepped out of them. Not sure what to do with the panties, she held them forth, offering them to her Master. John took the panties. For a moment he sat there and admired her wonderful body. He stood up, close to her, and looked her deep in the eyes. "Open your mouth." She obeyed without hesitation. John took the panties and inserted them into her mouth. He made sure not to leave any part of the panties sticking out. In the bedroom, Giseles phone vibrated furiously, demanding to be heard. But to no avail. The vibrating stopped and was replaced by a message. "3 missed call(s)" Gisele felt the soft cotton rubbing against every wall of her mouth. She bit down on the panties, securing them in place. "Have a seat on one of the chairs." John continued. Gisele walked over to the middle of the room and sat down on the chair facing into the room. She saw a hitachi wand lying on the floor, something she hadn't noticed before. John sat down on the chair opposite to her. "Spread your legs." John picked up the the hitachi wand. As Gisele obeyed, he placed the wand firmly between her legs, pressed against her pussy. Even on the lowest setting it made her squirm. "I'm going to go through my rules." John leaned back in his chair. "I expect you to know them by heart, so pay attention. Understood?" Gisele nodded. "Oh, and you better not cum until I'm done." John added. The expression of surprise and frustration on her face was enough to let him know that she understood. "Rule #1: I am your Master and you are my slave. We will be faithful to nobody else." John waited for a response, but got none. "Nod if you understand." he added. Gisele started nodding excessivly, trying to make up for her mistake. "Good girl." John leaned forward and turned up the speed setting on the wand. Gisele reacted immediately, but tried to maintain control. "Rule #2: I am your Master and you will adress me as such unless told otherwise. Failure to address me by title will result in punishment." Gisele nodded quickly, egged on by the vibrations between her legs. Once again John leaned forward and turned the speed setting up. In response Gisele let out a small whining noise. It was getting harder to concentrate. "Rule #3: You are not allowed to masturbate without my permission." Gisele nodded and braced herself. Just as she expected, John turned the speed up once again. She closed her eyes as she began to lose control. "Rule #4: You are not allowed to cum without my permission." Gisele nodded before he had even finished the sentence, trying to hurry him up. "You sure?" he teased her. As he looked at her, he found her pleading gaze. He smiled to himself and once again turned the speed up. "Rule #5: As my slave you will behave politely and respectfully." Gisele nodded. As John put his hand on the hitachi wand, she started shaking her head in protest. But to her surprise, instead of turning the speed up, he turned the wand off completly. In solitude Giseles phone was once again vibrating violently. Forgotten and forsaken, it was unable to relay it's information. "5 missed call(s)" "Are you ready to continue?" John asked in a firm tone, with his hand on the wand. Gisele, having calmed down, just nodded. John put the speed setting of the wand to the same speed it had been before. Then increased it by one. Gisele could barely remain stil. "Rule #6: As my slave you will always tell the truth." Gisele nodded. "Rule #7: As my slave you will follow my every command, within you limits." Gisele nodded. "Rule #8: If you ever want to slow down you will say 'mercy', if you want to stop completly you will say 'mandarin'" Gisele nodded. For the third time in quick succession, John increased the speed of the wand. It was getting unbearable for her. She couldn't concentrate on his words at the same time as she tried not to cum. "Rule #9: If you want to say something or ask something, you must first present yourself. You do this by saying 'May I say something sir?' or 'May I ask something sir?'" Gisele barely understood what he was saying, but she nodded anyway, hoping she would be able to hold out until he was done. John leaned forward and increased the speed once more. Gisele started shaking and squirming. "Rule #10: If at any point you break a rule, you will let me know immediately and I will administer a suitable punishment." He couldn't tell her shaking from her nodding. John leaned forward and turned the wand off. As he removed the wand from her pussy, she was still shaking, trying to control herself. The seat of the chair was shining with pussy juice. John removed the panties from Giseles mouth, leaving her a panting mess. He stood up and removed his belt, then sat back down. "Lay across the chair. On your stomach." he ordered her. Gisele looked up at him, confused. "Go on." She got down on her knees, turned around and leaned forward. Her legs pressed against the legs of the chair and her stomach pressed against the moist seat. "Keep your palms pressed against the floor until I tell you otherwise." "Yes sir." Gisele remained confused. John moved his chair closer to her. "What is rule #1?" he enquired. "Um... You are my Master and I am your slave. We will be faithful to nobody else." "Good girl." John caressed her left buttcheek. A sense of glee filled Gisele, mixed with the arousal and turned into euphoria. "What about rule #3?" Gisele swallowed, unsure of the answer. "I am not allowed to cum without your permission, Master." "No, that's #4." John corrected her. He raised the belt over her butt and let it strike down onto her right cheek. Gisele cried out in a mix of pain and surprise. "Again, rule #3?" "I am not allowed to masturbate without your permission, Master." "Good girl." once again John caressed her buttcheeks gently. "Lets try something harder. Repeat rule #8." Gisele panicked. "Master... I'm sorry...I..." she began. John's belt striked her left buttcheek, then her right one. Gisele cried out in pain. She felt stupid for not having payed more attention. "Rule #8 is very important. If you want to slow down you say...?" John raised the belt. "Mercy, Master?" "...and if you want to stop completly, you say...?" "Er... mango, Master?" The belt left three new red marks on her butt. "MANDARIN, IT'S MANDARIN MASTER" Gisele yelled out. The pain had jolted her memory. Three miles away Natalie tried her phone for the seventh time. "Come on sis. Pickup. Your promised me." she said to herself. After eight tones she hang up. "Damn it!" "I want you to repeat every rule, in order." John explained. "Everytime you get it wrong you will get 3 strikes with the belt. Fair?" "Yes Master." Gisele tries to focus every ounce of willpower on the task before her. "Rule #1: You are my Master and I am your slave. We are faithful to nobody else." "Rule #2: You are my Master and I will address you as such." Furious and betrayed, Natalie put her phone away. She couldn't believe it. When she needed her sister the most, she wasn't there for her. She grabbed her purse and got in her car. "Rule #5: As your slave I will behave politely and respectfully." "Rule #6: As your slave I well never lie." "Wrong!" John exclaimed. The belt struck three time and Gisele cried out in pain. Her eyes were watering. "Rule #6: As your slave I will always tell the truth." "Rule #7: As your slave I will obey your commands." "Almost." John corrected her. A tear ran down Giseles right cheek as the belt struck her ass. Natalie was going way above the speedlimit. She was determined to get some answers from her sister, or in worst case revenge. She turned right onto the boulevard, then left at the intersection. "Rule #9: If I want to ask something or say something, I must present myself." "And how do you do that?" "I say 'May I ask something Master'" "Good girl. Only one rule left." "Rule #10: If I break any of the rules, I will let you know immediately." "That's tight. I'm impressed." John gently caressed her red ass. "Stand up." he added. Gisele slowly stood up, trying her best not to think of her sore ass. John stood close to her, looked her in the eyes and asked: "Are you alright?" She smiled and replied: "Yes Master." John opened up his arms and embraced her. Her sore butt was soon forgotten when Gisele found herself in his arms. Natalie ran one redlight after another, gaining time she didn't need. For every yard she got closer, she felt her desire for revenge growing stronger. She could see her sisters apartment. "How are you feeling? Do you want to touch yourself?" John asked. "Yes Master. Please! I can't help myself." "Oh really?" John smiled. "Then these will come in handy." He held up a pair of handcuffs. "Hands behind your back." "Please Master." "Hands behind your back!" Gisele obeyed. John walked up to her, spun her around and put the handcuffs on. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed down, making her kneel. Then he walked around her and stood infront of her. Suddenly the frontdoor opened. "SIS? ARE YOU HOME? GISELE?" Natalie shouted from the hall. free porn girls She took her jacket and shoes off and threw them on the floor. Then she half ran through the hall to the livingroom. "Ah! Here you are! You fucking asshole!" Natalie cried out as she walked over to Gisele. Gisele was both afraid and embaressed. "Is this what you've been doing? Is this worth more than helping your sister?" Natalie pushed Gisele onto her back. The steel handcuffs felt cold as they pressed against Giseles back. "Is this so fucking good that you're happy to betray me?" Natalie continued. "Is this good huh?" She let her right hand travel down between Giseles legs. Without any warning, she pushed three fingers into Giseles wet pussy. Gisele started moaning as her own sister fingered her. "No... sis... stop it!" she tried. John hesitated. But then just said: "You know the safeword." "Fuck your safeword." Natalie contested. "I want my revenge." Gisele moaned louder and louder for every minute that went by. "You suck fuck. Are you enjoying this, bitch?" Natalie demanded. "Master... please." Gisele pleaded to John. "Go on. Tell her the truth." he replied. "Yes sis, I enjoy it. I enjoy you fingering my wet pussy." Shocked and disgusted, Natalie pulled her hand away. Looking for other ways to get back on Gisele, she had and idea. Natalie got up, walked over to John and grabbed his hand. She lead him over to Giseles face. Then she kneeled down on the other side of her face. Natalie leaned forward and unzipped Johns jeans. He helped her get his dick out. "How about this? Do you like it when your sister sucks your Masters dick?" Gisele kept quiet. Natalie took that as a no, opened her mouth and embraced Johns dick with it. "Remeber rule #6, always tell the truth." John reminded her. A driplet of saliva fell from Natalies mouth onto Giseles face. "No! No I don't like it." Gisele cried it. She startes squirming, trying to get free. It was no use. Natalie let Johns dick go and bent over, leaning close to Giseles face. "Oh you don't like it? Well there's nothing you can do about it." she teased. "His dick tastes great, don't you think?" Natalie pressed her lips against Giseles, letting her taste Johns dick nude sexy girls by proxy. After kissing her, Natalie pamela spice pulled her head back and spit in Giseles face. "You disgusting bitch. Watch me suck his dick." Natalie took Johns dick deep down her throat. John grabbed Natalie by the hair on the back of her head and pushed her onto his dick. After gagging a few times and letting saliva drip down onto Giseles, Natalie stood up with help from John. She leaned forward and kissed John deeply. "Help me out of these clothes." she whispered to him. As she lifted her arms up, he grabbed both sides of her tank top and started pulling it over her head. Natalie unzipped her jeans and stepped out of them. John grabbed them and threw them onto the couch. Finally she took her panties off and threw them onto the floor. Natalie kneeled down onto the floor again, placing her knees on either side of Giseles head, facing Giseles pussy. Her pussy were only inches away from Giseles face. "Wanna see your sister get fucked?" Natalie teased nude girls free her. Gisele was quiet for a moment, then she replied: "Yes. I want to see you get fucked sis!" "Good girl!" Natalie encouraged her. "But please fuck me too!" Gisele added. John kneeled down behind Natalie. She looked back at him. "What do you think? Should I lick her pussy?" "Only if she returns the favor." she replied. "Did you hear that? Do you promise to lick my pussy clean after your Master has filled it with cum?" John put his dick against Natalies pussylips. "Yes I promise! I'll do anything sis, just lick my pussy please!" Gisele pleaded. Natalie leaned forward and placed her head between Giseles legs. She reached her tounge out and pressed it against Giseles clit. As Gisele let out a loud gasp, John thrusted his dick into Natalies pussy. Halfway in Gisele let out another gasp, then a moan. When Johns entire dick was inside Natalie, Giseles was moaning like never before. At first John went slowly, thrusting back and forth. Then he picked up some speed. Finally the sound of his balls slapping against Natalies crotch was in sync with Giseles moans. Fucking Giseles sister, ontop of her, was just too good to be true. John could hardly believe it. Hearing Giseles moan made it even better. He was getting close. Suddenly Gisele cries out: "Master!... May... May I... cum Master?" John grabbed Natalie by the hair and pulled her head back, stopping her from licking Giseles pussy. "No! Master! Master please! Please let me cum Master!" Gisele started to shake with frustration. Her desperate pleading was too much for John. He felt the intense tingeling feeling building up deep inside him. "Please Master. Sis! Please let me cum!" With a final thrust, John burried his dick deep in Natalies pussy. Then he began shooting his load. String after string of cum left his dick in quick succession. Natalie felt the warm load filling her up and started moaning louder. When John pulled his dick out, a few drops of cum dripped out of Natalies pussy onto the floor. Inspired, John got up and grabbed the hitachi wand. "Do you want to cum sis?" Natalie asked. "Yes please! Please let me cum!" she replied. "Then do as you promised and lick my pussy free from cum." Natalie spread her legs wider, pressing her pussy onto Giseles face. John kneeled down between Giseles legs and pressed the wand against her pussy. He turned the speed to max. A muffled shreek barely escaped Giseles mouth. Natalie started moaning louder as Gisele eagerly licked her pussy. "Mmm that's good sis. Just like that." John leaned forward and kissed Natalie deep and hard. Pussy juice was dripping out between Giseles legs at a constant rate. Natalie lifted her pussy a few inches from Giseles face. "Your Master is great. I might just keep him for myself." she teased her and sat back down on her face. Despite this threat, Gisele seemed just as eager to please as ever, judging by Natalies moaning. Maybe it was the wand between her legs that rendered her helpless, or maybe the idea of being at her sisters mercy excited her. Natalie jiggled her butt, smearing the cum all over Giseles face. Her moaning was intensifying. "Oh yes. Oh yes! Fuck yes!" she cried out. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensation. "Just like that sis! Lick my pussy like a good little whore." she continued. Gisele tried to press her pelvis against the wand, grinding it. "I'm gonna cum, sis!" Natalie cried out. "You wanna cum with me?" An unintelligible noise escaped Giseles mouth. "Mmm that's good. Cum with me sis. Cum for your Master." Natalie encouraged. Gisele pressed her legs hard together, forcing the wand tightly onto her pussy. Natalie started shaking. Without looking she located Giseles nipples with both her hands. She pinched them and pulled on them while she cried out. "OOOOOOOHHH MYYYYYY GOOOOOOOD" She let go of Giseles nipples. "IIMMM CUMMMMIIIINNG" Natalie started spasming before eventually collapsing onto her sister. Gisele was still holding her legs together, but now they were shaking. She had days worth of arousal to release. As her sister collapsed onto her, the pressure was too much. She felt her body shaking uncontrollably. But she didn't care. She close her eyes and let it happen. Her mind drifted away to a far away place. A place she knew she had John to thank for, a place were she felt safe. When she came to, Natalie had gotten off her and was sitting to her right. John was standing on her left looking down on her. Gisele felt the warm sensation of sticky cum all over her face and in her hair. "Let's call that even." Natalie said, leaned forward and kissed Gisele. Johns cum mixed between the two sisters. Gisele closed her eyes again, exhausted. Natalie got up and grabbed her jeans and tank top. John tried to help by handing her the panties. "You can keep those." Natalie said with a wink. "It'll make her think of me." She pointed toward her blissfully unaware sister. Natalie stepped into her jeans, zipped them and the put her top on. "I better get going." she said, already walking to the hall. John followed her to the door. "I hope you enjoyed yourself." he said, helping her with her jacket. Natalie just laughed as she opened the door. "Bye." "Goodbye." Still naked, John walked back into the livingroom. He stood there for a moment and admired his new companion. Breathing heavy, eyes closed and legs crossed. "Master?" she called out. "Yes slave?" he replied. "May I say something?" she asked. A feeling of pride and triumph shot through him, knowing that she was taking the rules seriously. "Go ahead." "I have broken a rule Master." "Go on." "I just had an orgasm without your permission, Master. Natalie made me cum, but you never said I could." Gisele was breathing heavy, awaiting the consequences. John grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. He stood close to her, their noses almost touching. "Then why did you cum?" "I was so horny Master. I haven't had an orgasm in a long time." "Well, is that unreasonable of me to ask of you?" Johns voice was light, playful. "Is it unreasonable of me to tease you for days and still expect you to follow my rules?" Gisele bowed her head in shame. She realized that she hadn't let him down as much as she had let herself down. "No Master, it's not." "So, what do you think would be a reasonable punishment?" She looked up at him again, lost. "No cumming, Master?" "Mmhmm. For how many days? Go on, impress me." Gisele started shivering at the prospect of being denied an orgasm for days. "Um..." she swallowed and could taste his cum. "Five days, Master?" "Five days huh? I wouls have given you three, but hey, five days it is." John could see the cogs turning in her mind as she tried to figure out if she had made a mistake or not. He put his arms around her, held her close and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry. Five days will go by quick. Now let's get you cleaned up." MrGurken [1 comment]
