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by StephanyO1594837 posted Oct 17, 2015


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< Part 4 You know, its starting to get a bit chilly. How about we go back inside. Lady Jennifer led Marcia back inside, then over to the lounge were they were earlier. The sight of it made Marcia bring to the front of her mind the pain she still felt from what occurred on it. Sitting in the same positions as earlier, Lady Jennifer continued, What I have described so far applies to married women, except the part about what happens when you show your panties, that applies to both. So what will be required of you before then? she asked rhetorically, As far as men are concerned, you are off limits. No man can touch you until you say you are ready. Your status right now is as an initiate, and technically, youre still not a member of the kingdom. Your only participation of the kingdom will be through me. You will need to move to the next stage to be considered in the kingdom, at which time you will then be called a maiden. As a maiden you will only be permitted to perform the duties assigned to you, otherwise you must remain in your room. The only other reasons that you can be out of your room are to eat, and exercise. If you wish to go to the movies, or go to the mall and shop, or even go to the library, you will need a unmarried man as an escort. Marcia replied a little sarcastically, What? Mistress Jennifer, I thought this kingdom was built on trust. Dont you trust me to go out on my own? Replying as patiently as she could, Lady Marcia said, Of course I trust you, but trust has nothing to do with it. This is about you learning that it is OK to be dependent on men, something our society says is very wrong for you, but Im not ready to fully explain this at this time. You will understand the why of this kingdom a lot better once you know the what of it. Now be patient. She continued, If you decide that you want to go out, or even attend one of the many balls that my husband and I put on here, you will need to put your name on a list stating the what and when of your interest, then wait to select among the unmarried men who reply to be your escort. When the man shows up to take you out, you will at that time grant him the rights of a husband, except for the right of transferal. In other words, it is him, and only him, that has the right to do with you sexually as he pleases. Theres more involved here than I am explaining, but the basic point Im trying to get across here is that until you are married, you have a great deal of control over what men can have sex with you. And you can remain unmarried as long as you would like. There is no requirement to do so. If you dont mind sitting in your room watching television or reading a book, you dont even have to have sex with men at all. Marcia noticed something in what Lady Jennifer was saying. Mistress Jennifer, you keep mentioning the control I have over which men I have sex with until I am married, but it seems to me you are intentionally leaving out women. Well.... replied Lady Jennifer. I wasnt planning to get into this right now, but I suppose this is as good a time as any. You may also have noticed that I have not fully defined what sex a man can demand of you, because this is related to the issue of sex with women. A man cant tell you to do just anything. He is limited to sexual commands only. Basically, anything that turns him on that he has commanded of you, you must do. Now, youre a bright girl, Marcia. What do you suppose is the number one thing that turns a man on to watch? Marcias parents had done a pretty good job keeping their daughter innocent of many sexual things in our society, but this one was far too prevalent to avoid. Watching women have sex with each other, of course. Very good. And I can assure you, you will be regularly commanded by men to put on a show. Did you notice when I was talking about chaperones I said that I provide them to the couple, not just the man? Now going back to what I said earlier. I enjoy having sex with women all of the time, but I dont consider myself to be the slightest bit lesbian. I first started having sex with women because I knew it turned men on. It then turned me on knowing it turned them on. Eventually I saw the concept of lesbianism as something that was more about avoiding men, than it was about an attraction to women. Once I saw that, it allowed me to start enjoying sex with women, even though there were no men around to watch. How this all relates to you is that I have been commanded by my Queen to insure all the maidens in my care have their sexuality developed in a way that best prepares them for life in this kingdom. I do this by making sure they are comfortable with sex with women. The more comfortable you are with women, the more comfortable you will be with men. That doesnt work the other way around, by the way. So, getting back to your question. Plan on performing sex with women quite often. Lady Jennifer paused, stood up and stretched. She took a few steps away from the lounge, and as she did so she said, While there are a lot more things to discuss about the what of our kingdom, I think it is time I started filling in some of the why. perl10

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