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EDIT: I was not aware that there is another set of stories for sale on Amazon called "Flogging Scarlet" This story is original and in no way has any connection to any stories by the same name. Chapter 1 Waking up next to her husband was depressing. Waking up next to her husband in this hotel was worse. Scarlet’s first thought was to go to the window, looking out over the skyline sounded nice. But a thick layer of fog made sightseeing all but impossible. She looked back over towards the bed, and saw Lawrence there, one leg hanging off the side of the bed while his belly rose and fell. She didn’t love him anymore, actually, she hadn’t loved him for a while. She bit her lip. She tiptoed past Lawrence, careful not to waken him. If he woke up now, he might want a morning kiss. The thought of savoring his garlicky breath from last night’s fettucini dinner made her shudder in disgust. Looking in the bathroom mirror made her ache. "I hate this," she murmured. As she got undressed, her breasts bounced a bit, her light pink nipples barely visible through the shroud of thick red hair. In the shower, she tried to scrub off that pesky scent Lawrence left last night twistys girls as he mindlessly thrusted into her in what was perhaps the least memorable attempt of all time. As the hot water beaded off her face, her thoughts drifted back to where they always do at this time of day: George. Just last week, she saw George. After Lawrence left for work in Santa Monica, Scarlet was in the kitchen. She had just started unloading the dishwasher when she heard that familiar tri-tone chirp of her phone in the other room. With a certain giddiness, she continued to place plates, forks, and knives back into their respective nooks and crannies. Was it George? She wondered. With the last bowl placed, she made her way to the phone she was deflated to find what was waiting for her was not an invitation from George, but instead an automated message from ATand T reminding her that 10% of her monthly data usage was left. "Must be all those pictures I’ve been sending," she thought, and remembered maybe now was a perfect time to send another. The living room was her carnal studio. With the phone set to snap a picture on a 10-second timer, she kneeled herself on the couch. She faced the wall and pulled down her pajama bottoms. Within moments, the camera flashed, glinting a reflection off of her wetness that had been collecting over the last several minutes. She took another photo, this time she spread herself wide open, still facing the wall while biting the leather couch. Her tight openings in full display as another flash cascaded off of her delicate, porcelain skin. She sent the pictures over to nude girls pic George, and was surprised to almost immediately see the familiar "…" This was how every meeting with George began, but, as she’d soon find out, this time would be very, very different… Chapter 2 Scarlet didn’t even bother pulling up her pajama bottoms as she read the texts from George. He wanted to meet within the hour: most meetings were at a hotel in Marina Del Ray, but this time he was coming to get her at her house. What did he have planned for her? Whatever it was, the feeling of wrapping her lips around George’s penis made her shiver with excitement. She reached down and touched her clitoris; it was dripping with wetness at the thought of the fulfillment that only George could provide. She dashed to the bathroom, she hadn’t even showered. George was particular and Scarlet knew she had to be pristine. As the water gushed over her, she was taken back to the first time she saw George. It was at a company party for her husband’s work. His sleek jet black hair and brilliant white smile charmed her from a distance. He popped an olive from his martini into his mouth. She took notice at the way his gray shirt fell down along his back, a perfect cascade. There was just something about him that compelled her to get closer, maybe it was the shadow of his wireframe glasses on his dark five-o-clock shadow, or maybe it was that stylish white leather watch against his olive skin. "Hey good morning, honey!" She snapped back to the dim reality of St. Louis as she heard his raspy voice outside the bathroom door. Lawrence was awake. Her thoughts were racing, she needed George, she needed him now. Why was she here? Why wasn’t he here? She sat on the shower floor, and with her eyes closed, slipped a single finger inside herself. Then another. Then a third. It could hardly compare to George’s fullness. "I’m hungry!" Scarlet voiced, her fingers still inside her. "Well I’m going to get a bloody mary down at the hotel bar, meet me down there!" Lawrence blurted into the crack of the locked bathroom door. And within a moment, he was gone. Scarlet heard the hotel room door close, and she softly moaned, the echo reverberating in the shower as the warm water continued to pelt her soft skin. She closed her eyes, and bit her lip: "Now, where was I?" she asked herself… and remembered. At 9:30am, Scarlet was dressed in a Amour Angels white ribbed tank top and black leggings standing on the curb in front of her Sherman Oaks house on Royal Oaks Drive. She always liked this pair of leggings, and so did her husband: he once told her it made her ass "look taut." Little did her husband know that taut ass was about to be used today in more ways than one, by his ex-coworker George no less. A black Audi turned the corner: George had arrived. Scarlet, in her excitement, could practically smell him even through the dark tinted windows. As she opened the door, George smiled. Scarlet sat down and closed the door. George put his muscular hand on her warm thigh, the sudden coldness sent a shiver down her spine. She inhaled deeply to the aromas of fine leather, cedarwood, and lavender. Scarlet always commented that George’s car smelled good, but maybe it was just because she was always thinking about the taste of George’s warm semen that was soon to shoot into the back of her throat. For busty sex galleries Scarlet, it honestly couldn’t arrive soon enough. Sensing her passions, George grasped the back of her head, twirled her red hair around his forefingers, and forced her into his lap. Within seconds, George’s penis was firmly fixed in Scarlet’s mouth. As he thrust, Scarlet was powerless to prevent drooling down around the sides of his firmness. She tried to scoop up some of the escaping saliva with her hand, which she used to grip and tug on the base of his penis, all the while tickling the tip of George’s cock with the back of her tongue. As she sucked, he slipped a hand down the back of her underwear and his hips began to loosen and buck in his seat, a sign of immediate release to which Scarlet was quite well accustomed. Scarlet could hear George’s breathing intensify, she made a muffled moan as his cock began to shiver with rigid tempo and intensity. George squirmed as shot after shot after shot of cum began to continuously fill the back of Scarlet’s mouth faster than she could swallow. With a few more suppressed moans she managed to muster up every last drop, and left George’s cock quivering and glistening with saliva. "It’s nice to see you Scarlet," George said smugly as he zipped up, "Let’s go, our day is just getting started." Chapter 3 The first stop was the hardware store. "I thought we’d do some arts and crafts today," George said with a grin, "Go look around see if you find something creative." Scarlet browsed mindlessly through the aisles, occasionally sifting through a tray of screws or running her finger along the rubber handle of a saw. George, however, seemed to know exactly what he needed. He tossed a package of nails and heavy-duty staples into his basket and in the next aisle over he found a hot sex girls glue gun that seemed to meet his specifications. Over in the lumber department, he picked up a few planks that appeared to once be part of a white picket fence. Meanwhile, Scarlet had picked out a stencil kit and some gold and silver cans of spray paint. "Are you ready?" George asked as he came up behind Scarlet and put his hand on her thigh. She leaned her head back against his chest. The feeling of her hair against his skin, the smell of fresh conditioner, gave him an instant hard-on. He kissed her gently on the lips, finishing with a playful bite. Scarlet turned around and gave him a teasingly disapproving look, "I felt that George! Silly old me thought you were only carrying two pieces of wood!" she chortled while pointing to the two painted boards in his left hand. "Nice stencils," said George, eyes widening, "You want to make me a sign or something?" "Yeah right! Make your own sign!" Scarlet retorted, "Oh oops, almost forgot" George grabbed a yellow polypropylene rope from the shelf and dropped it into his basket, "Let’s get out of here babe. You hungry?" Chapter 4 It was four-o-clock. Her husband would be home soon. That was the least of her concerns. George was sitting in a ladder-back chair, naked, looking down at his hands. In one hand his thin, wireframe glasses, in the other, the glue gun. Scarlet had learned a lot of things about George today, but she had learned even more about herself. "Again?" George asked in a deep voice. "I’d do anything for more, Sir." Scarlet replied. "Good girl." George stood up and placed his glasses on the workbench. Scarlet lay naked and motionless on her stomach on the cold wooden floor, her shaved pussy spread slightly and her delicate breasts compressed against her own weight. Scarlet inhaled deeply to the smell of spray paint and the taste of boot leather. Strewn along the floor was her tattered white tank top, various packaging items, amour angels and cans of paint. George had stapled strips of rope around her wrists and ankles and fastened them firmly to the planks of wood, which he simply nailed into into the floor of his design studio as a permanent new fixture. "Get wet." George barked as he reached for his phone next to his glasses. "I need to make a call." The soft sound of touch tones could be heard as George dialed a number, meanwhile the glue gun made a hissing sound, sending a drop of hot glue silently oozing onto the benchtop. "Hey, Larry! It’s George. Hey, I’ve been doing some work here on the computer and it looks like the models for the Dragonbay expansion need to be resynced. Will you resync that for us here? Sorry, I know you’re leaving work soon but it’s really important we get this out by Tuesday for the St. Louis conference." George paused, presumably waiting for a response, "Thanks a lot Larry, keep up the good work!" "I thought you don’t work there anymore?" murmured Scarlet, a sliver of her pink labia visibly moist, enhanced by the thought of George ordering her husband around just as he had done to her. "You don’t talk. You don’t fucking talk. You think you can eavesdrop on my personal work calls, and there will be no consequences, do you Scarlet? Or wait, that’s not your name anymore is it?" George pointed to the metallic shimmer on her back. In gold paint, in perfect stencil form read the words, "FUCK WHORE #1." "Want to know what it says?" asked George. "Yes sir," whimpered Scarlet. "You’ll find out when you look in the mirror. Now get ready for more. I’ve just bought us some more time." George knelt down and reached up to the workbench, gripping his new creation, finally dry and ready for use. It was a homemade flogging whip, made from 1-foot long pieces of that yellow rope, glued together at the base with generous globs of hot glue. He fashioned a makeshift handle for his crop using an old leather shoe, giving him plenty of torque for spanking Scarlet’s taut ass. He gently lifted her hair, exposing her neck. He gifted her here with sweet kisses, but shortly began to admonish her with whispers to her ear: "You’re a cheating little whore, aren’t you?" "Mmhm" Scarlet moaned "You like getting fucked again and again in my studio, don’t you?" "Yes, sir." Scarlet whispered back "Your husband tried to get me fired, did you know that? Now I’ve got you wet." George ran his flogging whip down to her blushed ass, and with one solid motion gave her a mighty spank. Scarlet squealed. George again reached back spanked her ass, this time sending a mist of sweet wetness from Scarlet’s vagina into the still air. "Please fuck me. Come in me. Please!" Scarlet pleaded. Without warning, all 7 inches of George disappeared into Scarlet’s spread vagina. She moaned with pure rawness, and with a mighty thrust George felt Scarlet’s already tight pussy constrict around his shaft like a welcome hug. The sound of lapping moisture with each movement could be heard clearly across the 2000 square foot studio. At first, he pumped nice and slow, his size alone dwarfed anything she’d ever had inside her before, a pure fullness. Her vagina felt stretched, tight, and happy. And just as she felt the apex of each trust, like the start of a grand sneeze, George would flog her mercilessly with his whip. Within seconds, she felt a powerful climax building. With each thrust, she was edged closer and closer, she could feel every curve of George’s dick sliding in and out of her. As his tapered tip pushed deeper and deeper, she felt a pinch give way unto a tickle, and she started involuntarily shaking. Her openings twitched and shuddered, she quivered and the walls of her vagina collapsed, biting down on George’s cock in a powerful contraction. Still, George showed no sign of stopping. He flogged faster and harder. He fucked her vagina relentlessly. Faster and faster. He drew a finger over her moistened asshole, and there was no need to ask: he was inside her pink little asshole with one, then two fingers. Scarlet moaned, squealed, and begged for more. With one hand gripping her impossibly tight asshole like a bowling ball, he flogged her back. As he fucked her tight openings, his large balls, now wet from her moisture, spanked her clitoris with each pump. Scarlet so badly wanted to reach back and grab his balls and rub them into her, but she remained tightly fastened to the floor. Suddenly, George dropped his flogging whip and put a curved hand around the back of her neck. With another knock at her clitoral door from George’s big balls, Scarlet could take no more, she began to shake into another orgasm, her asshole rhythmically gripping George’s finger. At the same time, George also passed the point-of-no-return. He moaned, and locked his cock into Scarlet at the very deepest he could go. After a moment of absolute stillness, he drained the entire contents of his swollen balls into Scarlet, blasting her womb with a deluge of warm and sticky cum. As George withdrew, the tip of his engorged dick brushed against her swollen G-spot. Scarlet screamed in a final display of pleasure before collapsing completely flat. Now free from the constraints of Scarlet’s wet, tight vagina, George’s cock twitched wildly, each twitch hot nude sexy girls sex releasing another little dribble of cum that fell onto Scarlet’s inner thighs. "I love you sir" said Scarlet. "I love you too my Number 1" replied George, a source of exhaustion clearly visible in his voice, "Let’s get you washed up." Epilogue Scarlet looked down at her hands, now pruny and shriveled from the St. Louis shower. She would have that memory forever, like how to ride a bike. George was part of her reflexes now. Her muscle memory was trained to his allure. Drying off, she looked at her back in the mirror. She could almost still make out the words, though they had long washed away. "FUCK WHORE #1" She said to herself, smiling. "I’m his number one and he’s mine. And that’s all that matters." Scarlet got dressed and made her way down to join Lawrence for brunch, counting the hours till her return to LA the next day. Meanwhile, at an ACE Hardware store in Sherman Oaks, a skinny blonde girl pushes a red plastic shopping cart. A man with wireframe glasses and a white leather watch walks behind, laughing. The man presses a button, and a Black Audi’s trunk pops open. End of Part 1 byedrive202

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