Porn Picture Galleries - Key Pieces Of Lsg Models

by ToniStreeter882532 posted Oct 17, 2015


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In an instant, Mark was on her, tearing into Kelly’s stockings and grinding his mouth against the soft skin of her thighs. Kelly gripped his scalp and guided him to her pussy, roughly pushing the thin fabric of her panties to one side so he could taste her. "Ahhhh" she gasped as his stubble scratched the sensitive skin on the inside of her left thigh, and she tried to hold him tight as he sucked on her flesh, marking her with a deep bruise. "Eat me!" she instructed, and Mark didn’t disappoint. He pushed her thighs together and hooked his thumbs into her panties, slipping them down her long legs and over her chunky stilettos. Finally free, Kelly spread her legs again gratefully for Mark, offering herself to him. He buried his face in her pussy and rolled his tongue deep inside her, tasting the deepest parts of her body where even she couldn’t reach. Kelly angled her hips so Mark could have full access to her mound, and he worked her like a professional, sucking her clit with a fearsome aggression. He placed his palms under her thighs and kept her spread wide, although that was hardly necessary. She screamed all of a sudden, as though enraptured by orgasm, which spurred Mark on even more. He was good, certainly, but that as good as that—she tried to bring her orgasm to the surface, to let it take her by force, but it remained far off. Nevertheless, she came for the camera as though Mark were some kind of genius. She shook her body and cried out in loud, arcing moans, hoping that Alex would have to the lower the playback volume or blow the speakers. Mark could hardly believe how skilled he had suddenly become, but he pushed the notion of faking to the back of his mind. Kelly’s pussy tasted too good and her movements and shrieks were making him feel like a master. She ran her fingers into his hair and screamed Mark’s name, finally revealing to Alex the name of this pussy-eating god. Kelly felt the mirage of an orgasm pass over her, but Mark wasn’t nearly skilled enough to bring her to climax in the face of such a performance. All the same, her juices flowed out of her and covered Mark’s greedy mouth.

"Oh God, make me cum baby!" Kelly cried, curling her ankles around Mark’s head as he grinded his rough chin against her clit. All the while, Kelly ignored the camera, as though lost to her passion, playing with Alex’s emotions. She wanted him to think she had been torn between two lovers, and that Mark was winning the battle. From the corner of her eye, she saw the red light and its constant reminder of Alex’s presence, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction that a wink or smile might offer. To Alex, Kelly was already long gone, in love with this new stud as he ravaged her dripping pussy, bringing her to the kind of orgasms that neither of them could have imagined. In truth, Kelly was turned on in equal parts by what Mark was doing to her and what she was doing to Alex. She strummed her clit and felt her orgasm begin to rise, and she closed her eyes and allowed herself to be taken there.

"Don’t stop! Don’t stop!" she screamed, but she had no reason to worry. Mark bore down on her clit and took charge of Kelly’s body, guiding her over the hump and sending her crashing down into her orgasm. When she recovered, Mark stood up, cock bouncing in the air once again and ready to fuck. Her juices glistened on his chin, which he wore proudly.

"Did you cum good baby?" he asked with a smile. Kelly looked up at his proud face—the face of a champion or gladiator, someone who had just conquered a titan or tamed a wild beast. He had no idea that Kelly brought herself off on her own, and that he had been nothing more than a pawing assistant.

Without responding, Kelly peeled herself off the couch and pulled Mark by the cock, leading him to the bedroom. They kissed deeply, Kelly stroking Mark’s cock with a steady rhythm the whole time, keeping him rock hard. She bites his lip gently, squeezing his cock hard. "Will you fuck me now?" she whispered, running her thumb over his engorged head; his balls looked tight and ready to cum.

Mark grabbed her ass and pulls her even closer, mashing her breasts against his chest, with only the maid’s costume separating their flesh. "I’m gonna fuck you" he growled, digging into her ass before they kiss once again. She squeezes his cock harder, pulling away. "Don’t cum yet, baby," she cooed, "we have all night. I want to take my time with you. And I want you to take your time with me." Mark’s dick was pressed between their bodies, rubbing against the velvety fabric of Kelly’s costume, and he felt how explosive his cum would be when she finally took it from him. He winced, working his orgasm back into his balls, trying hard to give her what she wanted.

Kelly bent over the mattress, arching her back yet again, thighs pressed together tight, and invited Mark to join her. "Come fuck me" she moaned, pursing her lips. Mark positioned himself behind her and rubbed his cock along her slit, loving the feeling of her juices dripping down and coating his shaft. He eased his head inside her and was stunned by her warmth and tightness. Kelly’s pussy welcomed him inside her, her body wanted him, and her walls clamped down on his shaft and held him captive. Mark was about to protest, to insist upon a condom, but part of him couldn’t believe free nude girls she would want him to fuck her bareback. He hesitated only for a brief moment, but it was far too long to muster any kind of resistance. He eased himself into her with his big, thick cock, allowing her pussy to stretch out around his girth, and her juices poured out all over his shaft, coating him in a thick coating of her cum.

"Ahhhh" Kelly hissed, loving how full Mark’s cock made her feel. She reminded herself to allow him only a few seconds before pulling out, but even these thoughts seemed to spill away with every deep thrust. To hell with Alex’s rules. Mark fucked her pussy slow and steady and they both loved the bare intimacy of doing it without a condom. For Kelly, Mark deserved this, and she wanted him to have her without any plastic sheath to come between them. She wanted him to feel all of her pussy, to give him the fuck he had always dreamed of, and there was no way a condom could get in the way of that desire. She arched her back even more, and Mark grasped her arm for leverage before he began hammering into her in long, deep strokes. Her maid’s costume was bunched around her middle, her breasts hanging out and jiggling with every thrust. Her stocking had begun to tear already, and she didn’t even care. Mark felt so big, and it hurt to stretch around him, but she tried her best to bear the pain without making any of it obvious. She wanted to love it, and she wanted Alex to see how she looked when she was fucked by a real man, a man who could take what he wants from her, that could make her his own. Kelly’s pussy was burning up, like a furnace. She felt herself getting ready to cum, and was startled by the realization that Mark had been fucking her for much longer than she had ever planned. He felt too good, and her pussy wanted him too much.

Kelly thought of Alex right then, imagining how her pussy had been claimed right out from under him, how he had allowed Mark to do this to her. She thought of when they might have children one day—how those babies would now have to emerge from a place that belonged, at least in part, to Mark; she knew that Mark had been deeper inside her womb that Alex ever had, and nothing could change that bit of history now. She looked into the camera again, this time with Mark’s cock sloshing deep inside her pussy, and she felt nothing but disgust for Alex. If this was what Alex wanted, this was what he would get.

Mark steadied himself, trying desperately not to fill Kelly’s pussy with his cum. He wanted to perform, to give her the whole night with his dick, but she felt so tight, so wet, and so warm, he could hardly believe it—he was also very grateful to fuck her without a condom, and he cursed her earlier reluctance. He wanted to fill her up, to give her every bit of his seed. Kelly had the kind of pussy that milked the cum out of you, that challenged you to knock her up, that dared you to try to pull out. In an instant, he immediately understood for the first time how these things happen—in the cold light of day, you tell yourself that you’ll always wear a condom– that it’s never worth the risk. With Kelly’s silky box creaming around him, he knew the truth—it would be worth it after all. Her juices were sluicing around his cock, and with each thrust she grunted and more juices leaked out.

Mark couldn’t take much more. He felt his cum bubbling up, out of his control. Kelly felt Mark stiffening up inside her, and she couldn’t let that happen. Not yet. She clenched her pussy around his cock, looked back over her shoulder, and licked her lips. She clenched her pussy around his cock and eyed Mark the sexiest look he had ever seen, and somehow he managed to hold his orgasm at bay, if only just so he could find out what was next.

"Silly boy," she said, trying to look as young and innocent as she could. "That feels really, really good… but I wanted you to stick it in my butt." She twisted on his cock, feel him stiffen up even more. "Is that okay?"

Mark couldn’t believe his ears. His cock swayed as it popped out of Kelly’s tight little grip, as though looking for more. He didn’t move.

"Fuck my ass baby" she whispered, surprising him again. "I want you deep in my ass…." Mark looked down at her, unsure that what he heard was real. He cocked an eyebrow. "You want?" he offered weakly, so Kelly made it abundantly clear.

"Fuck my ass. Please. Make me yours. Make me remember this night. Stretch me out baby." She bit her lip, and he knew she was serious. He gave his cock a quick stroke, and rubbed it against her pussy one more time for lube. Her pussy was wide open and totally exposed, dripping with her cum and swollen from their hard, heavy fuck, however brief it had been. Her ass remained slight and puckered, forbidden, but she offered herself to him anyway, and he accepted. Mark positioned himself over Kelly and eased his head past the rubbery muscles of her sphincter, allowing her body to adjust to his size, giving him the space he needed to penetrate her as deep as she wanted it. Kelly grit her teeth, not surprised by the pain, but surprised a little by the passions coursing through her body.

For the first moment, something felt different. It was as though the show had suddenly stopped, or that an intermission had begun. Alex was no longer part of this at all. Kelly looked into the camera as Mark waited patiently for her ass to stretch around him, and she wondered what Alex might think. At that moment, she was giving herself more to Mark than she ever had to Alex—despite all her love for Alex, Mark was touching a part of her that Alex could never access. Mark had claimed a small part of her for himself, and with every inch that he sank into her ass, it was as though more and more of her was ceded to her new lover. Kelly looked to the camera and tried to connect with Alex again, but she felt herself slipping away. She called to him—"oh baby, it’s so deep, I’m losing myself in this", and while Mark thought she was merely coaxing him on, she was really pleaded with Alex to save her from this, to bring her back to the way things were, to forget this whole experience and remain pure. But it was way too late for that.

Mark eased another inch into Kelly’s ass, and she shut her eyes in pain, catching her breath. He felt the muscles of her ass stretching out, rippling around his cock, and it made him want to sink even deeper. The head of his dick pushed down into her, and the slick flesh of her ass would catch on his shaft every so often, where she felt dry and raw, and the thin skin along his cock burned. Her ass was so much tighter than her pussy, even though her pussy already felt like a fist. Every inch he sank into her it felt like he was locking her up, as though she was becoming paralyzed by something, and he wondered if he would never be able to pull out. The thick spine under his cock stretched the bottom of her ass with a much deeper and more pronounced ridge, and he felt as though she would split in half if he forced it in too quickly. He punched through a little deeper, and he felt her entire ass ripple along his shaft, as though she were about to burst. She cried out, and it was clear that she was in agony, not pleasure.

"You okay babe?" Mark asked dumbly, and she could only nod, face contorted in abject pain. Her muscles contracted around his cock, and she thought she could feel every texture—the enormous spine of his dick, the thick veins that covered the shaft like lightning, the bulbous pop of his head. She ground her teeth and bit her wrist to keep from crying out, but it was no use. The pain was unbearable. Mark sank yet another inch into her—he was barely halfway inside her, but it was more than enough. Her asshole clenched tight, restricting any further access, so Mark began rolling his hips in circles to loosen her up.

Kelly felt little tears opening up deep in her ass, and she wondered how much she might bleed, but it was too late to worry about condoms now. She hissed, turning to the camera, and she locked eyes with the camera, imagining Alex’s jealous and uncertain face. She wanted to tell him to stop, to be gentle—but she couldn’t. The camera’s steady gaze prevented it. Instead, against her better judgment, as though speaking for Alex instead of herself, she finally answered Mark— "Please. Harder. Take it from me, baby. You won’t get another chance"

Mark grabbed her wrists and pulled her back into a deep arch, using her arms for leverage so he could pump into her pussy with steady strokes. Kelly was wailing uncontrollably, obviously in tremendous pain but doing her best to hide it, masking her involuntary shrieks of agony with weak and laboured pleas for more.

"Yes…. yes… yes…" she whimpered in between gasps of pain, not entirely convincingly. "Use me… take me…" she cried, more convincingly still. Mark kept her face turned to the camera, and she was grateful for that—at least Alex could see how willing she was to accept everything Mark could give her, even if her mind screamed in revolt. Kelly’s eyes were glazed over with the pain, everything a blur, and Mark sank in as deep as he could go, feeling her body quaking and her knees giving out. Her ass closed around his cock and he felt the blood flow cutting off, but somehow he remained erect. He leaned in closer, gripping the nape of Kelly’s neck in his strong fingers, pinning her to the mattress. Kelly tried to move, but could not. Her face remained locked with the camera, a prisoner.

Mark closed his eyes, savoring a feeling he’d never felt before. When he finally opened his eyes again, he saw Kelly had turned her face away, and was crying softly.

Very carefully, Mark eased his cock out of Kelly’s ass, and with each inch the intense pressure subsided a little more. He felt air entering her hole and making little pockets of friction that burned his sensitive skin. The head of his cock was like a cork, and he carefully massaged Kelly’s ass in slow spirals until her muscles relaxed and she released his cock with a pop. She looked up at him in awe and wonder, despite the pangs of pain that were still sending jolts through her pelvis. Kelly finally stood up and led Mark over to the futon, where she sat him down and spread his legs. She straddled him, careful not to touch his cock or balls, and leaned forward so Mark could fondle her breasts. She leaned back, straightening up, and adjusted her maid’s costume, fitting her breasts back into the cups and straightening out the pleated skirt. While she somehow had managed to keep her sexy stilettos on the entire time Mark had been pounding her ass, her stockings were already a lost cause, with deep runs splitting off into holes where Mark had grabbed hold with his fingers. She wiggled in his lap, smiling seductively, trying to forget the sharp pain that still throbbed inside her.

"How do I look?" she asked with a demure grin.

"Delicious" Mark groaned. Kelly slipped down further, gripping his cock in her fist and easing it back into her ass. This time, she could control the rhythm, and at least to start with she felt much less pain. She sank down deeper on his cock, girls nude pics feeling her ass stretching out again, grateful somehow that Mark had already done most of the hard work getting her body ready for this. The pain was still there, but muted for the moment.

"Mmmm baby your dick feels so good in my ass" she whimpered in his ear, and they kissed deeply in full view of the camera. Kelly imagined in the back of her mind that this might upset Alex most of all—the passionate kiss was harder to fake than any orgasm. She rolled her tongue in Mark’s mouth as his cock penetrated up into the deepest part of her ass, deeper than he had been moments ago, and Kelly threw her chin back and cried out again.

Kelly started to ride him with a steady rhythm, her breasts bouncing and barely contained by her tight maid’s top. She looked so absolutely sexy, Mark couldn’t do enough to possess her right there. First he held her by the ass, helping to guide her hips as she rolled in big circles on his cock, but as she bucked faster he switched to her breasts, cupping them in his hands as she gyrated back and forth. When she leaned in, he popped her breasts loose and kissed her nipples while she grinded on his cock, all the way up her ass balls deep, and she gasped and moaned like a whore. She leaned further down, kissing his mouth, tasting her own juices that lingered there. She felt another orgasm swelling through her, pushing the pain to the back of her mind—if only for a moment. Kelly looked into the camera and put her hands behind her neck, posing with her breasts pushed out, and screamed. Mark bucked up, giving her his full length for the first time, and she nearly passed out from the pain.

"Wow, Kelly, you love it in your ass don’t you?"

All Kelly could do was hum her approval as she managed her way through the pain.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Of course not," Kelly lied, forcing a smile before she collapsed against his chest. Her breasts pressed against him through the thin fabric of her uniform, and she took long, deep breaths.

"You love my cock, don’t you?" Mark asked, emboldened by his improved confidence. He imagined himself as a sex god at that moment. Even a gorgeous woman like Kelly, who obviously knew how to fuck and how to receive a cock— she was no match for his power. All she could do was rest against him, and beg him for me. That she was holding back tears of pain was lost on him.

"Ready for more?" he ventured, hoping she would live up to her promise to give him as much as he wanted.

Kelly flopped back, panting and overcome. Mark kissed her lips and she moaned into his mouth, still feeling his cock twitching inside her. She stood and turned around and placed her hands on Mark’s muscled thighs, steading herself. Reverse cowgirl—Mark had never done this before, but he knew Kelly would show him how. She slapped his cock head against her pussy before forcing her ass back down around him; it was a little easier this time, since she was finally loosening up. She started fucking him slow at first, with the same rhythm as before, but gradually picked up the pace until she was slamming down onto him with extreme force, his balls slapping against her sexy ass. Mark curled his fingers around her waist and he watched as she rolled into his pelvis with every thrust. She swung her hips in big circles, grinding against his cock and pushing him as deep as he could fit inside her. Kelly never felt so full in her life, so full of sex. She pounded her ass on his cock, Mark cupping her bouncing tits while he was crying out in pure bliss. Despite the pain, she smiled to herself. There was no question that Mark would remember this fuck for the rest of his life. She doubted Alex would ever forget it either.

Kelly finally slowed down, still rocking her hips in wide circles, the futon buckling under the pressure. "Mmmmm… Mark…. that feels sooooo good" she moaned, her voice trembling. Mark touched her shoulders and forced her down on him a little deeper, and she yelped in pure agony. Of course, by that point Mark couldn’t tell the difference between Kelly’s pleasure and Kelly’s pain. To him, it was all the same. He knew this was a special fuck, a glorious slut of a calibre that he’d never find again in his life. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be able to fuck a girl like that every single day. He imagined that if she were married, the husband wouldn’t be able to handle her. She needed a real man, like him. His confidence was through the roof, beyond anything he ever felt before, and all by her design.

Kelly’s legs began to go numb from their position, so she stood and asked Mark to carry her back into the living room. Still full of strength, Mark scooped her up into his arms like a gallant knight. He felt her pussy dripping down his arm, still warm, and he wondered how much more she could take. He carried her into the living room and placed her down on a chair, where she splayed out and spread wide for him again, as if instinct alone were driving her. Mark sank in low, bent his knees and entered her again, pushing all the way inside her loosening ass, aided by the lube of her pussy flowing into her ass crack. Kelly splayed her legs further apart as he pounded into her. She was wailing with pleasure, absolutely overcome with passion. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" she screamed, shocked by the pressure of Mark’s enormous dick crushing into her ass. Mark absolutely ravaged her, pounding her into submission, and when she cried out again he couldn’t tell whether she was cumming or crying. He finally flipped her ankles on his shoulders and pushed into her as deep as he could go, grinding the head of his cock into her bowels, and all she suddenly went silent. Her mouth remained wide open, but nothing came out. Her torso turned a deep red and she came again, convulsing in pleasure and spitting out his cock involuntarily from a depth she didn’t know existed.

When she finally came down, Mark was back at her breasts, sucking and licking her nipples while his cock rested against her inner thigh, looking for more. "Oh God, you fuck me so good" she whimpered, near tears, and he smiled. "I love fucking your ass" he replied, kissing her breasts again. He gently massaged her pussy with his palm, and tried to calm her still quivering body. "I don’t think you can take much more…" he ventured, but Kelly turned around on the chair, knees together, and arched her back once more. Mark stroked his cock, bringing circulation back, and slapped the head against the small of her back. Kelly hissed with each slap. He gently slipped his cock back inside her, feeling her sphincter relax this time, as though she were finally used to the way he fucked her. She took a deep breath, grit her teeth, and stared directly into the camera. Her face was angry, aggressive, and fearsome—she hoped Alex was listening.

"Fuck me ‘till you cum," Kelly begged. "I want you to cum for me… please cover me in your cum."

Mark grunted when he heard this, and felt his cock twitch inside her. He couldn’t handle a girl like this begging for his cum. He tried to put it out of his mind and to just enjoy her body, fucking her now in a slow, steady rhythm. But she knew better.

"Please cum," Kelly whimpered. "Please, please cum for me."

Mark slammed into her ass deeper still, his rhythm becoming more erratic and sudden. His grunts became louder and more aggressive. Kelly looked into the camera, clear-eyed, and felt Alex’s eyes on her. She wanted his jealousy to rage out of him—she wanted to feel his hatred of Mark, and to be shamed by regret. Turning to Mark, making eye contact with him instead, Kelly opened her mouth for him, her lips naturally plump and still red and sore from when he face-fucked her. Her tongue looked moist and inviting, and Mark felt the spasms driving him forward.

"Give it to me, baby," she sighed, her tongue out and slowly wagging for him. "I’ve earned it." She opened her mouth wide, and Mark nearly collapsed. He yanked his cock out of Kelly’s ass and began jerking it in front of her face, mesmerized. She tossed her hair back and smiled– grasping Mark’s shaft and brushing his hand aside, taking over. She stroked his big cock against her wet tongue, watching him with wide eyes, humming the entire time. Squeezing tighter as she stroked, she pursed her lips to give his head a quick kiss before opening wide again, licking her lips again before resting his bulging dick on her tongue.

Mark threw his head back and roared. Cum surged through his cock and exploded across Kelly’s mouth, coating her tongue in a thick spread of his sticky load. His dick twitched in her little fists as rope after rope pulsed out of him. She cramped her lips around the head and sucked hard, feeling him convulsing all around her, filling her up. Kelly’s biceps flexed as she tried to hold Mark’s cock as it emptied a heavy load all over her warm mouth. She sucked long and slow, easing him down from his climax, soothing him from the intense pleasure she’d given him, all the while careful not to swallow a single drop. She tasted his cum mixed in with the juices of her pussy and ass that coated his spasming dick—she didn’t care. As Mark softened in her mouth, Kelly released her hold on him, opening wide to show the enormous sticky gob that covered her tongue. She ran a finger across it, creating a long, silvery strand, before curling it back into her mouth.

"Mmmmmm" she moaned, and stared into the camera yet again. She didn’t have to perform for this moment—she loved Mark’s cum in her mouth. All she wanted then was to have Alex there so she could kiss him deep and share Mark’s load with him, once and for all. Instead, she swallowed, and gave Mark’s kiss a final kiss before bouncing up to her feet.

Mark stood there dumbly, wondering what would happen next, but Kelly walked past him to the bathroom, clicking the door behind her and turning on the shower. She tested the water with her still trembling fingers, and she felt the ache of her pussy and ass now throbbing through her body, no longer dulled by the pleasure of one of the best fucks of her life. She felt sticky and dirty, and even though the water was still too hot, she stepped into the shower and stood under the steady stream, relaxing and signing into the heat. She thought of Alex, and wondered whether he was thinking of her.

When she finally emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a white terry cloth robe, Mark was already gone. Apparently he had taken what he wanted. Kelly didn’t mind. Instead she wrapped a towel around her head, and grabbed her phone.

"All done" she texted to Alex, and she waited—watching the screen, but his reply never came.

So Kelly sat down on the couch, crossing her legs, feeling the ache all over, waiting for her cuckolded lover to return. They had footage to watch, and memories to recover. She hoped he would be home soon.

submitted by alexander_the_good [link] [comment]
