Viv Thomas Porn - Warning: What Can You Do About Viv Thomas Most Subscribed Right Now

by Donald42C72696967704 posted Oct 17, 2015


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I had only known Norah for a couple of weeks and our relationship was brand new. Which is to say we had free viv thomas fucked for the first time the night before. And after we managed to get over the first initial awkward sex session, we were both really eager to do it again. The night after our first fuck, her older sister was throwing a party at her place. We were twenty-one, she was twenty-three, so not much older. Likewise, her friends were all about our age. She had a ton of friends so the place was packed. We were drinking and dancing and just generally having a good time. We kissed and made out lots. It was late summer and the weather was beginning to get cooler but Norah was still wearing short summer dresses. My hands kept going up her thighs to her ass whenever we were making out. Her sister shared an apartment with a roommate. The place was big but it still felt cramped and finding some privacy was difficult. The bedrooms were officially off limit but we got so horny we didn't care. We slipped in Norah's sister's room when she wasn't looking. Immediately we were on the bed making out. My hands were up her skirt and down her panties, and she was pulling my shirt up and pulling me against her. I hadn't initially planned on actually having sex in her sister's bed, I just wanted a quiet place to make out, but you know how it is. Once you get going, you can't keep doing the same thing forever. Either you take things further or you stop, and we were both too horny and drunk to stop. I pushed her dress up and pulled her panties off. She pulled me to her and we started kissing again. I slid into position between her open legs. Problem was, I hadn't brought a condom, but Norah pointed me to her sister's stash in top drawer of her dresser.There was big box of Trojans in there and a small bottle of lube. I grabbed both. I got back on the bed and we started fucking. We went slow at first, with lots of kissing. She still had her dress on, and I still had my pants, mostly, and this should have been just a quickie on top of the sheets. We got into it though, and it must have lasted longer than we thought. I was pounding her hard when the suddenly the door opened and her sister was coming in. She yelled "Norah!" and we went fuck, fuck, fuck and I quickly got off of her and zipped myself up. While Norah was getting up and getting scolded (lightly) by her big sister, I grabbed my shirt and put it back on. I also grabbed Norah's panties while I was at it, and kicked the box of condoms under the bed. I stuffed a couple, and the lube, in my pocket, and with that we went back to the party. Norah didn't want her panties back so I chucked them in a closet and we went back to the dance floor. Knowing that she didn't have anything on under her skirt and that she was still wet from our little fuck session was getting me revved up like crazy. Her too probably, because we were making out like bunnies/ My hands were all over the thin fabric covering her ass. Just feeling the cotton glide over her skin and not feeling a pantyline underneath was getting me hard. That, and the way she kept pressing herself against my crotch. We were even hornier than before but we could only go so far in the middle of a crowded room, so we went searching for a quieter spot. Next to the bathroom was a small storage room. You actually had to go through the bathroom to reach it and the door didn't lock, but it was the only private, quiet spot in the apartment. Norah's sister and her roommate kept all kinds of stuff there, including the litter box for their cat. The room was messy, the floor was pretty disgusting, but it at least it offered some privacy. Anyway we didn't care about the mess. We closed the door and we were making out again. My hands were going up her skirt and between her legs, and then up even higher, pushing even her bra up and releasing her small tits. She took the dress off, and the bra, and now we were making out with her completely naked in my arms. I was hard as fuck. Getting down on this filthy floor was out of the question so we tried it with her turned around. All the walls were covered with shelves and other junk, but the door to the fire escape was in the storage room, a big metal door, cool from the chilly temperature outside. It felt pretty nice actually because the apartment was getting hot and stuffy from all the people inside. She braced herself with her hands on the door and I tried sliding in but the angle was no good. We had only started fucking each other twenty-four hours earlier mind you, so we didn't have the mechanics of it down exactly. After a couple of failed attempts that only ended in frustration, we slowed things down a bit, and I pushed her against the door to press myself against her. I kissed her neck and the top of her back between her shoulders, and my hands squeezed between her body and the door to pinch and squeeze her tiny tits. She was moaning softly, so I kissed and squeezed and caressed some more. You can only squeeze and caress so much though before the urge to take things further overcomes you again. I was still hard, and even though her pussy seemed inaccessible, my cock was lined up pretty much perfectly with her ass. I leaned back a bit glided it between her cheeks until I found her puckered asshole. "Not in my ass" she said. It was a disappointment, but it's not like I expected her to let me stick it in. Actually I don't know what I was expecting by this point. I was just turned on and horny and wanting sex like crazy. I took my shirt off and leaned against her so we could at least feel each other's skin against one viv thomas in the family another. My hands went up and down her body caressing each and every inch of her, and then my mouth did the same. I kissed her from top to bottom, lingering over her ass and then going back up again. On the way back up I slid my cock between her legs. I could feel her wet all the way to the top of her thighs, but again, her pussy was out of reach. I slid my now-wet cock between her ass cheeks. "No, that's not going to work" she said, but as she said it she was pushing her bum up and toward eve angel and lisa me. I grabbed the lube from my pocket and squeezed a good dollop on my fingers. I reached in between her ass cheeks and started massaging her asshole. She was flat against the metal door, but she was still moaning quietly and whenever my fingers retreated she pushed her bum out toward me a little bit more. I squeezed out some more of the lube and gave my cock a good coat and I lined it up to her ass. She basically pushed it in herself. I only inserted the tip and slowly she pushed her ass out until it was halfway in. I stepped forward and leaned into her and against the door to push it in all the way. We went slowly, really slowly, and I alternated between caressing her ass and her tits. Every once in a while we could hear someone going to use the bathroom. We would stop for a moment, but I wouldn't pull out and we never stopped for long. I would pinch her nipples and she would wiggle her ass and it was all I could do not to bust a nut right then and there. The bathroom was pretty busy. Maybe a dozen people came and went while we were fucking in the next room. The last one was some girl I didn't know. She was talking on her cell with her boyfriend, and she started saying how much she wanted him, and how she'd suck his cock and how she wanted him to fuck her later tonight. That got us pretty pumped up and I started thrusting harder while listening to that girl in the next room, and Norah fingered herself while I spread her cheeks wide and watched my cock slide in and out of her ass. As soon as I felt her coming I released too, and I shot loads and loads of cum inside her ass. Norah was moaning pretty loudly by then, and the girl in the bathroom might have heard something because she suddenly stopped talking, so I covered Norah's mouth with my hand. The last couple of waves of her orgasms had her pushing her ass out against my cock and her face forward against my hand and against the door. Once we recovered we got dressed and cleaned up. We'd had enough of the party. I put the lube back where I had found it, fetched Norah's panties from the closet and we headed back to my place. We were still so horny, by the time we got there we were ready to fucked all over again. james8501 [1 comment]
