Viv Thomas Lesbian - Five Rules About Viv Thomas Most Subscribed Meant To Be Broken

by PorfirioSpeed058 posted Oct 17, 2015


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viv thomas trailerDancing Lessons. Your feet hurt, the heat in the room made your feet swell and the new shoes were not broken in yet. The last dance partner had two left feet which spent most of their time stepping on yours. You sit down, glad of the cool drink at the table. You turn as the door opens and a tall blonde man blusters into the room. The dance teacher walks over and he apologises for being late. The next dance is announced, you decide to sit this one out, but you feel the presence of someone standing behind you, "excuse me, may I?" you smile and accept the hand offered. He pulls you up and onto the dance floor, his blonde hair slightly ruffled, his face still flushed from his late entrance. Your hand rests on his back, firm and strong, his hand on the small of your back. Your hand is dwarfed by his, his grip is firm yet delicate. You smell his aftershave, mixed with the perfume from one of the more highly painted ladies that were parading themselves around the floor like peacocks. "Hi" he whispers, "thanks for accepting my offer" his voice was deep and a little dark. "that's fine" you reply, your voice catching a little in your throat. His movements are firm and assured as he guides you round the floor "you are good" you whisper back, "no, you just take instruction well" he replies. You look into his eyes, slightly puzzled by the last comment and you see something, a hint of darkness, like a promise of something taboo. Your feet have stopped protesting and you begin to get into the dance, the feel of his warm, firm hand on your back, his muscles gliding smoothly under your hand, the firmness of his hold and the confidence of his moves. It takes you a few seconds to realise that the dance is finished. He leads you back to the table, you sit and adjust the flower print dress that you are wearing. Your new underwear clings to your body like a silk second skin. He goes to the bar and gets you a drink, your eyes follow him, noting the nice tight bum and his confident stride. You smile a little as he returns, he flashes a brilliant smile at you, his eyes twinkling, erasing the memory of that dark something that occupied them before. You drink and chat, big eyes and finger twirling hair. he moves a little closer, yo notice the top few buttons of his shirt are undone and glimpse a well defined chest. Your eyes dilate even more, you lean forward, captivated by his presence. The music starts again and before you know it you are on the dance floor and in his arms again. as he holds you close you can feel his body against yours, warm and firm. You can feel your nipples pressing against his chest. A warm tingle starts to spread between your legs. The dance is a blur of colours,lights,touching bodies and effortless movements. Soon the lesson is over and he is walking you home, the night is cool and your wrap is soon supplemented by his jacket. You reach home and invite him in for a coffee. You dash to the bathroom, checking your make-up and hair, heart pounding. You emerge as he pours the coffee, the steam curling around him like a serpent. He has put some music on, slow and sensuous. You both sit down on the sofa, as you do your legs brush each other, but neither of you pulls away. You chat and smile as you drink, eyes flashing. He puts his cup down and moves towards you "I am going to kiss you" he says in that dark, commanding tone. Your eyes widen for a moment as his lips meet yours, soft and gentle at first, but becoming more urgent. He moves away from you, his lips glistening with your lipstick, you take a second to come back to your senses. "Dance for me" he commands. "what?" you reply "Dance for ME!" he retorts, his eyes flashing that dark power. Something inside you screams "get him out of here" but you are mesmerised by his eyes, they hold a promise of untold pleasure. You get up and start to move to the music playing on the background. His eyes move up and down your body, you can even feel where they are looking. He looks at you, eyes burning "Show me how much you want me" You stop. Your mind is screaming, but you cannot break away from his stare. You realise you are moving again, your hips gyrating, viv thomas blog your hands starting to move up and down your body. "what are you doing?" your mind is protesting. Your fingertips are electric, sending shocks wherever they touch your body, hips, tummy, nipples, thighs, bum. The music seems to get louder, the room disappearing, it's only you, him and the music. "Undress" the command comes. You obey, slowly unbuttoning the dress, gyrating to the music. As the dress slips down your body small static shocks prick your skin setting it ablaze with pleasure. Your fingertips trace small rivers of pleasure, your nipples erupt as you brush them through the lace of your bra. You remove it, his eyes burning into your breasts. You slide your lace panties down, every inch setting your skin alight. You put your hands above your head and gyrate, swinging your hips, feeling your breasts moving, opening your thighs to let the cool air try to dampen your burning pussy. You want so much to touch it, to stroke it, to slide a finger into it, but something in his eyes tells you not to, that will be his pleasure. You close your eyes, but you can still feel where he is looking, your undulating breasts, hips, pussy, mouth. You are so wet, you can feel a trickle running down your leg, you want to touch your pussy so much, but no, he commands you without saying a word. Your heart is pounding, sweat is beading on your body, you can't stop dancing. Every gyration is bringing you closer to orgasm, the music tempo increases, closer now "DANCE" comes the command, faster now, eyes closed, pulse racing, heart bursting from your chest. God you are going to cum. "STOP" You freeze, eyes snapping open meeting his, you are trembling, every ounce of you wants to keep going, to cum, but his stare stops you, that terrible dark stare. "COME HERE". Your legs move you towards him. He sits up, close, you can feel his hot breath on your body, sending shivers down to your pussy. His hand comes up, touches the side of your viv thomas dvd face, where it makes contact your skin tingles and burns, he traces a finer down your chest, you can feel the trace of his touch. "oooohhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" you moan as he touches a nipple, barely touching, yet it burns with hot pleasure. Down and down the finger goes, your tummy quivering at the touch, you move your legs apart. "MMMMMmmmmmmm" you moan as the finger traces your hip, so close now, your pussy is quivering, just one touch would send you over the edge, just one touch. Closer, the finger brushes your mound. Your knees buckle a little, so close, god please just a touch. He looks into your eyes, the dark fire burning "UNDRESS ME" comes the command. You have no choice. Hands undo buttons, belts and ties. Everything is laid in a neat pile on the floor. You slide his shirt off, your eyes dance across his firm chest. You know not to touch, not yet, the eyes commanded it. You release his trousers and pull down his boxers. Your eyes fall into his huge erect penis and you are transfixed, your pussy quivers in anticipation. His is shaved, and perfect, long and thick. You just want to taste it, lick it and suck it, but no, not yet. "BED" comes the command, it's as viv thomas butterfly if the voice is in your head, you walk to the bedroom. He stands in front of you, eyes taking in your body. He places one hand either side of your face, his electric touch sending a shiver down your spine. He kisses you, your knees buckle, he pulls you close, your skin erupts with cold fire. You feel his cock pressing against you, you open your legs and it slips between your thighs, rubbing against your pussy. Oh my god, you are going to cum and he hasn't even entered you yet. He pulls away. "ON THE BED" you lie down. "CLOSE YOUR EYES" You feel his hands on your wrists, his body sliding up yours, spasms of pleasure erupt at his contact. You spread your legs, pussy screaming to be filled. Burning kisses up your tummy, a nipple explodes in pleasure as he kisses it, almost making you cum. You feel the head of his cock unfaithful viv thomas pressing against your pussy, hot and electric. He looks deep into your eyes, you cannot move, cannot blink, the fire consumes you as he thrusts into you, you cum on his first thrust, your pussy exploding with electric fire. One orgasm follows another, like lightning strikes all over your body. Every part the touches, licks or kisses explodes with pleasure giving you another orgasm. you lose a sense of time, a sense of being, you are floating on waves of pleasure above your body. you feel something building, something bigger than before, his thrusts get harder and faster, you are flying higher and higher, faster and higher. Then you start falling, faster and faster towards your body. You close your eyes as you hit, everything goes white, every nerve is screaming with pleasure, every muscle is taught, you scream but your throat won't work. An explosion of colours, a rushing sound, your body releases and spasms, a hot jet erupts into you, your pussy contracts and your feel fluid gushing out of you. Your nipples are blazing, your back is arched, noises come out of your throat, inhuman noises. You thump back down into the bed, body trembling, tears running down your cheeks, your fingernails digging into his back. his cock still pumping his white hot cum into your throbbing pussy. You are crying, not with pain, with white hot pleasure. Your body trembles for some time, you hold him tight, his weight holding you down as if he was stopping you from floating away forever. After a while he looks you in the eyes, his face beaded with sweat, his eyes sparkling, the dark thing gone. You wonder when and if it will return. After you shower together you make love slowly and tenderly, he leaves, you wonder if you will ever see him again, he never left a note, number anything. The next few days a a blur, the empty feeling inside you clawing away. You dream of those eyes, his touch, his command over you. You are lost on the fog of thought, planning meals and checking the myriad of lists kept in your head, when you feelsomething. You turn and there he is. Standing there. In the supermarket. Your knees buckle a little at the sight of him, a flush of pleasure blossoms in your groin. The dark flames flicker in his eyes, and are reflected in yours. "BED NOW" comes the command. You cannot refuse. The only thing to mark your presence in the supermarket is the almost full basket of shopping, dropped where you stood. psychicscot


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