Hand Job In The Car - How To Slap Down A Having Sex In The Car

by AltonList89158581 posted Oct 17, 2015


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You make the most adorable noises. I remember the first time I heard them. The sounds of pleasure coming from upstairs barely penetrated the layers of wood and plaster between us. Separated only by a floor, your bedroom is directly above mine. Or, should I say ours. Most of the time, my wife and I sleep soundly below you and your boyfriend with the help of a fan providing noise. It works great for us, but I sometimes worry that you can hear the enthusiastic exclamations emanating from my wife of 10 years. Its one of the first things I fell in love with about her. The ways she laughs, sings, sighs and moans. it's always with every part of her. Her orgasms are explosions of joy. You sounded timid, shy, almost embarrassed to be feeling what you were feeling. Between the grunts and heavy breathing of your boyfriend, I could barely make out your softer, lighter sound even as it grew louder. Lying next to my sleeping wife, I reached down to rub myself as the sounds of your fucking made me hard. I've always been quite the voyeur. It's easy for me to pretend that the pleasure I'm perceiving is tied to me. My wife is a pretty light sleeper. Although you weren't likely to wake her, my slow rubbing of my cock through my underwear might. Risking it, I reached into my waist band and slowly pulled up, freeing just the tip. I could hear the steady sound now of the mattress giving way underneath your body as your boyfriend started thrusting more vigorously. I don't know what position y'all like to fuck handjob in the car, but in my mind the picture was quite clear: You had your legs spread and pulled up with your heels planted on the mattress. Your boyfriend's small ass was pumping faster and faster between your thighs, his hands placed on either side of your body. While a quite conventional missionary position, I imagined the feel of hot car sex, wet skin sliding together. Your bodies steadily tensing as you readied for release. I was rock hard and risked sliding my underwear down over my hips. As is always the case I could feel my precum building and flowing up my dick.I ran my index finger up the shaft. As a tiny pearlescent drop appeared, I used my index finger to slide it around the head of my dick. A guttaral groan formed in my throat. I sensed a stirring from my wife about the same time I heard your steady moans grow more ragged and intense. Half asleep, she noticed that I was awake. "Hey" She hadn't noticed as the sounds of sex had intensified and then quickly stopped. I heard the sounds of laughter,followed by footsteps making their way to your bathroom. "Good Morning." I said, slowly pulling up underwear over my softening cock. My wife slid her hand up over my stomach to my chest and rested it there letting out a contented sigh. I reached over to kiss her head as it nestled into the crook of my neck. Her hand slid slowly down my body coming to rest just above my underwear. Remaining there only for a moment, she slid it further down to my semi-hard dick. "Well, good morning to you," she said, and I sensed the smile on her lips as well as the thought in her head for us to greet the day with some sex. Then we heard the soft sound of our baby stirring in the next room. "We better make this quick", my wife said as she moved her head lower on my body. Simultaneously lowering the comforter and sliding her hand into my boxers, she took the head of my cock into her mouth. She must have felt as much as tasted the sticky precum still oozing from my tip. "Oooh, what has you so excited?" she asked. The sounds from the crib in the next room went from sporadic and quiet to quite insistent. "Damn, I'm sorry." Then, she rose from the bed. "Baby girl, you are such a cockblocker!" With the sounds of your pleasure still in my head, I got up to help my wife get ready for the day. A few weeks later, it was one of my days to watch our daughter. After my wife fed her and then left for work, I settled into the gentle rhythm of rocking, feeding, and changing the baby. After an hour or so, she was sleeping peacefully in her crib. I took this time to crawl back into bed with my computer to ease the aching need for release in my balls. The sights and sound of a young lady fingering herself was quickly bringing me back to full hardness. I heard your boyfriend head out for his day and then your footsteps in the bedroom. I quickly turned down the sound on my computer so that you wouldn't hear it, but kept on slowly stroking my cock as I felt my ass tighten and rise up from the bed. Your footsteps upstairs moved back and forth across the floor like you were getting ready for work yourself and then moved out of your bedroom to another part of the house. I've always been most turned on by the sounds of sex, so I turned the volume back up on my laptop to finish my session. I heard you coming down the back stairway and the door to the basement opening and closing. I paused for a minute, but then jerking off in a car realized that you were just headed downstairs to do some laundry. I resumed stroking my now throbbing cock as the sounds of you opening and closing the washer rose from below. As with most masturbation videos, the young lady in the one I was watching had been quietly rubbing her pussy and spreading the wetness around. I was doing the same, taking the now copious precum and sliding it around the head of my dick. The young lady on the video let out a moan , and I started stroking a little more insistently. The wet sounds of my hand sliding up and down my shaft grew in volume. At the same time, I noticed silence from the basement. I hadn't heard you walk back upstairs, but thought I must have missed it. I continued a more vigorous stroking of my cock with my hand now occasionally smacking my balls on the downstroke. That's when I heard that sweet sound again. You must have heard my stroking. I'm not sure how you were doing it, but in my mind, I saw you with one hand resting on top of the washer and the other slid down your pants. Your fingers dipping into your wet panties. When I'm so close to coming, my inhibitions fly out the window. I started exaggerating my breathing and spit on my hand to further lubricate my cock. The sounds must have been quite loud to you by this point as I started to hear you inhale and exhale in excitement. Your occasional soft moans joined mine as I soon reached the point of no return. I moved my hips up and down as I got closer to coming, making the bed creak in time to my motions. Simultaneously, I heard the young girl on the video,and you come. As I spurted a few jets of cum up my abdomen, I heard a whimper escape from your lips. I turned guy jerking off in car the video and basked in the afterglow of a great orgasm. You must have been trying to be quiet but slipped in your recovery as I heard you bumper cars sex knock into the washer. Your footsteps quickly ran up the stairs to your apartment. As I cleaned up my mess, I began to consider the fact that you were babysitting for me tomorrow. dizzydpp
