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backstage casting pornDad pulled the boat along side of the only other boat out tonight. "You lookin’ to trade?" the man on the other boat yelled over to us. "Yeah. We’ve got my daughter, here." he said, bobbing his head in my general direction. "Those two yours?" he added. He pointed to two young women on the other boat. back room casting calls One was pretty tall and thin. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a really cute black bikini with big red flowers on it. She filled out the top great. The other was short with dark brown hair. It looked almost black against her tanned olive skin. Her hair was cut very short, shaved tight on the sides and the back. She was wearing tight white shorts with a brown-gray shirt. The shirt was pulled tight over her breasts. Clearly she was very perky. The shirt didn’t touch the girl’s skin anywhere between the tips of her nipples and where it was tucked into her shorts. "Yeah. My daughter and my brother’s daughter. Your’s looks pretty old." What an asshole. I wasn’t old. Certainly older than those girls, but 26 was hardly old. I wanted to yell out at him, but I knew I shouldn’t. "She’s great at what she does. You’ll see." Dad told him. "Yeah? Let me see her." I got up from my seat and approached the side of the boat. I climbed over our railing, and the man pulled open the gate of their boat. I walked into their boat and smiled at the girl with the shorter hair. She blushed and looked down. The man grabbed me firmly. He ran his hands down my sides and to my hips. He turned me sideways and slapped my ass. He watched it for a second. "Mmm." he let out. He set his hand back onto my ass. He ran it over my ass and slid it down between my legs. "She’s already wet. That’s a good sign." I could feel his fingers push aside my bikini bottoms. He slipped a finger in me up to his first knuckle. "She’s awfully wide though? How long she been doin’ this?" he yelled out at my father. My father shot his eyes over to my brother, who quickly looked away from him. "Since the week after she turned 18." he said looking at the man on the other boat. "She gets really tight deeper in. She’s in law school, so she’s not doing a lot of fucking around on the side." "Hmm. Yeah. Alright." He slapped my ass again. "It’s a deal. Take a seat, honey." he motioned to the back of the boat. "Which do you want?" he asked my father. "Which do you suggest?" "The shorter one’s my brother’s girl. She just turned 18 a couple months ago. She’s real good with her mouth, but is still working out the rest. Maybe you want to help her learn the ropes?" "What about the other?" my dad asked. "She’s been doing this for, what, two years now?" he looked at her for confirmation. She nodded. "A real natural, she fell right into it." My father looked at my mom and brother. They mouthed a few words back and forth. "Alright. We’ll take the blonde." She stood up. I watched her long legs step over the railing onto my parents boat. She walked over to my father, wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him. The man revved up his engine and started to pull away from my father’s boat. I saw the blonde girl take a seat next to my brother as my family drifted out of sight. "It’s just us, and my brother back at the house, tonight." He yelled out to me over the sound of the engine. "Get up." He said to the girl sitting across from me. "Get to know your new friend." The girl stood and walked over to me. "Hi," she said sheepishly, sitting down beside me. I turned my body towards her. "I’ve never played with a girl before. Just my dad, uncle, and a couple others." "It’s real nice." I put my hand on her thigh. "Let me show you." I put my left hand on her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her. Our lips touched just briefly before she turned away, blushing. "Sorry. I’m just…" I reached back to her cheek and turned her head back to face me. "It’s alright. We’ll go slow." I kissed her again. She still felt tense. I refused to let her out of the kiss. After a few seconds, I could feel the muscles in her leg ease. She slowly began to kiss me back, opening her mouth a little. I opened my mouth in response, but I held my tongue back, not wanting to rush her. I began to stroke her leg. She pressed into the kiss harder at my touch. She reached up and put her hand on my breast, which was covered by my yellow bikini. I gently licked her lip, causing her to open her mouth more and let my tongue into it. "Fast learner," the man shouted at us from the boat controls. She slipped her hand under my bikini. She pressed her palm, flat, against my breast and then slowly started to close her hand around my breast. I moaned into her mouth, letting her know she was doing well. The roar of the boat engine slowed. I broke our kiss and looked up. We were pulling into a dock. The dock was short, barely as long as the boat, and stuck out weirdly from a thick patch of trees. It didn’t look like there was any opening to a path or anything from the dock. "Help tie me off." The man yelled out to us. I jumped up. "Uh, yes, Mr. uh?" "Sir." he filled me in. "You’ll call us sir while you’re with us. Now, hop onto the dock." I climbed over the railing and onto the dock. I tied off the boat and he and the girl climbed off. He motioned for me to head up the dock. As I approached the tree line, I could see a dark gravel path leading away from it. I took a few steps into the trees and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. "Up there?" I asked after they both were into the trees. I pointed up to a log cabin up a steep hill from us. "Yeah, but hold on." I turned and he was standing right next to me. He reached behind my neck and pulled at the strings of my bikini. "Leave this here. You won’t need it." I could see the girl had already taken off her shorts. I hesitated a second to watch her take off her shirt. She lifted it over her head, showing me her breasts. They were as perky as they looked, shaped almost like pyramids as they poked out from her chest. They were capped with dark brown nipples. A few small, round birthmarks dotted her chest. I pulled the bikini top over my head and pushed down the bottoms. The man took them from me and gave me a little push me forward down the path. I slowed down as we got close to the cabin. Facing us, 5 or 6 feet off the ground, were 3 large windows, the two on the sides were angled out from the house, with the middle one parallel to the rest of the side. Inside, I could see a small living room with stone fireplace, a couch and some chairs. Beyond the living room, I could tell the house opened into what was probably a kitchen. Between the two rooms, it looked like there was a counter, where a tall, bearded man stood, facing away from the windows. The man from the boat passed me to unlock the door. The girl came up next to me and wrapped her arm around my waist. I looked at her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. The man from the boat looked back at us and motioned us inside. I walked inside to a very small landing, which led immediately to stairs up. The landing was certainly not large enough for all 3 of us, so I took a couple hesitant steps up the stairs. The girl followed me in the door, and walked up the stairs past me. I followed her swaying ass up the stairs. When we reached the top of the stairs, she took my hand, leading me into the living room. We took a seat on the couch. With the light from the kitchen behind us, I could see she must have spent a lot of time tanning nude. Her whole body was the same uniform dark olive color. She had a thin line of black public hair running vertically down her. Her legs were pressed together on the couch, so I couldn’t see much else. The man from the boat and the bearded man walked into the living room from the kitchen. They stood before us, hands on their hips. "Your family loaned you to us for tonight." the man from the boat said. "So you have to do anything your told. Understand?" He looked right at me. I nodded. "Good. Now suck me off." I dropped off the couch and crawled towards him. I sat back on my feet when I got to him. "You too." I heard the man with the beard say. His voice was very similar to the man from the boat. I looked back to see the girl moving towards the bearded man. I reached up and undid the belt of the man from the boat. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. I reached in, slipping my hand inside the opening of his boxers and fished my hand around for a second. I don’t know why I had to feel around, what I found was enormous. It was long and thick. It was probably as thick as my wrist, and maybe 8 inches long. The head was really fat, and a deep brown color. I paused and just looked at it once it was out. "You like that? A nice big dick for you." he told me. I looked up at him. "Thank you, sir." He smiled. "My brother’s is even bigger." he said, moving his eyes from me to the girl next to me. I looked over, and he was right. It wasn’t much longer, but it was thicker. The girl couldn’t get more than the head in her mouth, but was doing a good job at stroking it as she sucked. He put his hand on the top of my head and turned it back to face him. "You’ll get that later. Right now, deal with me." I didn’t know where to start with this beast. I pulled back his foreskin and licked around the head. I noted that he moaned when I let go of his foreskin, allowing it to slide back into place, over my tongue. I licked down the length of it, trying to get it as wet as possible. It was only way I was going to get it into my mouth. I stopped licking and tried to push it back into his boxers. He pushed down on my head a little, trying to correct me. I let his pulled on his pants, pulling them to the floor and reached up to the band of his boxers. I gave them a little tug, trying to hint to him. He seemed to get it, as he took his hand off my head and slipped his boxers down. When he put his hand back on my head, he gave casting couch tube it a gentle pat. I reapplied saliva to his dick, and then took one of his balls in my mouth. It was nice and hairy, which I prefer. Men should have hair on their junk. I sucked gently on a ball, pulling on his sack with my mouth. I took the other in my mouth and began to stroke his cock. After a few strokes, I bit the bullet and opened wide to tried to take him into my mouth. It wasn’t very successful. Like the girl with her dad, I couldn’t even get the whole head into my mouth. Which is too bad. I wanted to feel his dick pressing against the back of my throat. I sucked gently on the head, and reached a hand up to his balls. I cupped them in my hand and gave them a gentle squeeze as I sucked. I moved my head to the side of his dick and placed it in my mouth sideways. I tried to slide my mouth down the length of it, but wasn’t having much luck. I suddenly heard a loud grunt next to us. I pulled my head from his dick and turned it towards the girl. A thick load of cum shot out of the bearded man’s dick and onto his daughter’s chest. He stroked himself quickly while she leaned back from him. Another second shot hit her chin. The man from the boat turned my head back to him. I put his head back into my mouth. I strained my jaw to open a little wider. I could feel a few tears welling in the corner of my eyes. I reached my hands to his hips and pulled him towards me. I opened more and the head just popped into my mouth. From the little gap on the side of his dick, I let out a little successful cheer. With his head in my mouth, I could actually take him a little further into my mouth. I got maybe a few inches in before I could feel his head pressing against the roof of my mouth and the back of my tongue. He definitely wasn’t going in any further. I rubbed my tongue against the bottom of his dick and he let out moan. I shifted my weight so my legs were further apart. I took my left hand from his hip and ran it down the front of my body. I slid it between my legs, putting a couple of fingers on either side of my lips. I pressed them in and squeezed them together, putting as much pressure as I could on my swollen pussy. It felt so good. I pulled him from my mouth a little and pushed my tongue hard against the tip of his dick. I slipped it under his foreskin and pulled him back into my mouth, with his dick and foreskin sandwiching my tongue. I flexed my tongue and he groaned loudly. Suddenly, I felt a few thin fingers rubbing my pussy. I moaned, or tried to, softly at the touch. Her palm ran over my opening and her fingers laid over my front. Two of her fingers sat on either side of my clit. She pressed the tips of her fingers in and rubbed in small circles. I tried moaning again. "Hey!" the man from the boat shouted at me. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back from his dick. I looked up at him. "Focus on me. You’re here to please me." I gave a short nod and he pushed my head back to his dick. I worked to get his head back in my mouth. I flicked my tongue over his head fast. I put both hands around the base of his dick. I pumped and sucked, trying to get him off quickly so I could focus on myself for a few minutes, hopefully. I pushed my tongue under his foreskin and slid my tongue from side to side. That seemed to be the trick as quickly he growled and came into my mouth. He held my head in place and shot another. I tried to swallow, but, like his brother, his shots were thick and big. Another came quickly, and I could feel a little cum ooze out of the sides of my mouth. After a fourth, he pulled out of my mouth. "Share it." he ordered me. I looked around for the girl. She was sitting a little behind me. Her father sat on the couch watching. I crawled over to her, mouth full of cum, and kissed her. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and lapped at the pool of cum in it. She pushed her tongue down into the pool and pulled it back into her mouth, trying to scoop some out for herself. I helped her and tried to spit a little into her mouth. The pool was running out quick and I didn’t want to waste anymore. I swallowed hard and looked around for the brothers. They were both sitting on the couch watching us, slowly stroking their softening dicks. I opened my eyes wide and looked for direction. "Fuck my daughter" the bearded man told me. I smiled and pounced on her. I threw my weight onto her, pushing her over onto her back. We started laughing and she put her arms around my back. She rolled her body, pulling me off her to her side. With her arms still around me, I caught my breath and kissed her. I could still taste a little cum on her breath. She took her arm from on top of me, put it on my hip and pressed me back from her a little. She ran her hand from my hip, down the front of me and slid it between my legs. I moaned into her mouth. As I was on my side, I lifted my left leg to give her better access. She pushed her middle finger into my slit and pulled it up, sliding it along my pussy. It reached me clit and I let out a little yelp. She got the hint and flicked the tip of her finger against it. My breath was heavy now as I was begging to get to cum. I stopped kissing her. "Oh god. Keeping doing that." I told her. I put my lips around her shoulder blade and bit down slightly. "Yessss" i hissed out. "Stop!" I heard someone yell. She took her hand from my pussy immediately. She used that hand, wet with my juices, and pushed me further away from her by the hip. I was startled. Startled and frustrated. I looked over to the voice. "Eat her pussy." "Mmmm. Yes." I rolled onto my back and spread my legs wide. "No. You don’t get to cum. Eat her out" the man from the boat was pointing to the girl. I looked at him in shock. "Do it." he ordered. I looked back to the girl, and she mouthed "sorry" at me. I smiled back at her. I pulled myself up to my hands and knees and positioned myself over top of her. I leaned down and kissed her neck. Then her collarbone. I stopped for a short while at her breasts. I kissed and licked around them, with some difficulty as the girl wiggled around below me. I took the left dark brown nipple in my mouth and sucked. She grabbed the sides of my head and held it there. She rubbed the back of my head with her fingertips. I flicked my tongue over the tip of her nipple and the girl gasped a little. She eased back control of my head, and I kissed my way to the other nipple. I gave it soft nip with my teeth and began to kiss down her stomach. She took her hands off my head and I looked up at her. Above her, the man from the boat sat, cross legged. He held her wrists in his lap, her arms over her head. A shadow crossed over us. I looked behind me, and the bearded man was standing over us, his dick hard again. He moved behind me and took a seat on the floor at our feet. He reached forward and wrapped his hands around his daughter’s ankles, holding them in place. They were holding her in place so I could tongue fuck her. The girl had her knees bent and legs spread open for me. I put a hand on either knee, and pressed them down into the floor, spreading her legs further apart. Her pussy was lightly colored. Certainly not pink, but were a much lighter shade than her tanned skin. Her lips stuck out prominently, and were really fat. The area around her pussy had a soft red hue to it and looked to be well swollen. I kissed the inside of her left thigh. I ran my tongue up closer to her pussy. When I felt her skin get hot and start to puff out, I stopped my tongue. I traced it along the edge of where she was swollen. The girl’s legs fought my hands, pushing against them, trying to squeeze my head into her. With her father and uncle holding her arms and legs, and me holding her knees down, there wasn’t much she could do. She struggled against my arms for a minute, but then stopped when I glared up at her. She knew there was nothing she could do. I returned to teasing her – softly tracing the tip of my tongue around her pussy, keeping a far enough distance to excite her, but never pleasure her. I stopped all together, looked back up at her, and then shoved my face into her pussy as soon as she made eye contact with me. I ran my tongue along her swollen lips. I took a lip in my mouth, sucked and tugged on it with my teeth. She was just yelling out curses at each tug I gave her. I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked on it. She went silent. Only heavy breathing remained. I pulled at her clit with my lips and she gasped. I let go of it and licked down her slit. I let go of her knees. I put a hand on either side of her pussy and pulled outward, stretching her pussy wide. I moved a hand to hold her open, and put the other against her stomach, with my thumb pressing against her clit. I lowered my head and stuck out my tongue. I thrusted it into her, pressing it against the sides of her vagina. She yelled out another curse. I pulled my tongue out again and pushed it back into her. I continued to fuck her with my tongue while my thumb made circles around her clit. The girl switched to just repeating "fuck" as I pushed her closer to cumming. Her breathing got faster, so I picked up my speed. She began to press her hips off the floor and into my face. The change of position let me get my tongue into her deeper, running it along the inside of her. She continued to press against me, then suddenly took a big gasp of air and dropped her weight, pulling my fingers out of her. Her knees pressed forward, fighting against the hold of her father, and squeezing around my body. I pulled her pussy wide with my fingers and watched her muscles twitch and squirm and pulse with her orgasm. When they slowed down, her breathing below slow and deep. I looked up at her and she smiled back to me. Behind her, I could see the man from the boat moving. He scrambled up to his knees and moved closer to her head. From behind me, I could sense the bearded man also moving. A hand was on my hip. "I want you to eat my daughter’s pussy while I fuck you," I was told. I shifted my weight forward onto my elbows, raising my ass into the air. He moved behind me and began to rub my pussy. "uuuuuhhh" I moaned out. I turned my hands over and slid them under the upper thighs of the girl, so I cradled her pelvis in my hands. I looked up at her, and stared right into the asshold of the man from the boat. Between his legs, I could just barely see her licking his dick. A hand grabbed the back of my head and pushed it down into her pussy. I licked along her slit, but I wasn’t paying much attention to her. His hands left my head and one took a hold of either side of my hips. He slid his dick up and down my slit a few times. I couldn’t wait. I pulled my head up from the pussy just a little. "Please, sir, just fuck me." He pushed my head back down into the pussy. I continued to lick gently, still not focusing on anything but him. He waited for a long time, doing nothing but holding my hips. I took one of her lips in my mouth and sucked. It was thick with warmth and I rubbed my lips all over it. She moaned and I felt something press against my opening. I let go of her lip and took her clit between my lips. I flicked my tongue over it a few times. I circled my tongue around its edges, trying to pull another moan from her. I sucked in on it and her hips thrusted forward a little. With her thrust, I felt a push from behind me. A fat, hot cock pushed itself into me. I could feel my muscles ache around it. It’s a good thing my brother stretched me out a little bit earlier, or I don’t think I could have taken it. I’d never had anything like this inside me before. It was unbelievably warm. I could feel every vein bursting out of it. They massaged the inside of me as it slowly slid into me. I danced my weight around and spread my legs apart a little more. I pulled my hands from under her hips and moved them around behind me. I laid my palm on my ass and pulled it, stretching my pussy out further. I wanted it wider. More in me. He continued to press into me. I felt my stomach stretch out, as my organs shifted around to let this giant cock into me. He stopped. I took a second and started to lap at the pussy that was in front of me. I licked hard and fast, moving my head as much as I could. He needed to see I was doing my job, so he’d do his. He pulled his dick back out of me, pushing my hips away as he did. I felt so empty. I needed it back in me. I pushed my hips back against his hands. Please. He gave me a hard slap on the ass. The feeling shot around inside me like a pinball. I moaned and pressed back into him more. "Is this dick what you want?" he asked. I nodded. "Good." He squeezed his hands on my hips and violently pulled my hips back. His dick shot into me hard and fast. I yelled out in pain and pleasure. He pushed me away again, then pulled me back. Somehow it went deeper into me. Quickly, I felt an orgasm building. He pulled out and thrusted back into me, shifting angles to rub his dick along another wall, touching new places inside me. I felt the heat grow faster. He pushed in again. "Ooooh fuuuuck" I yelled out, getting warmer still. He pulled out and pressed in again. A few sparks shot from my pussy. They traced my veins to my feet and hands. "Uuuuuhnnnn". He pushed my hips away and let go of them. "Still not your time." I looked back at him as he climbed up off the floor. I took my hands from my ass and reached out to the man from the boat, wanting to pull him to me. When I touched him, the man with the beard yelled out. "No. Go over there" and he pointed to a fluffy looking chair. I kept looking at him, pleading him to come back and finish me off. "Go." he growled at me. I climbed off the floor, my legs a bit wobbly. I walked over to the chair and sat down. The bearded man approached me and smiled. He took a knee in front of me and winked. He placed his hand on my inner thigh and I leaned back in the chair, closing my eyes and smiling. He let go of my thigh and grabbed me around the ankle. He pulled my leg to the edge of the chair. I shot my eyes down to him, as he tied a rope around my right ankle. I opened my mouth to object, but he glared right at me. He took my other leg and a rope on the other side of the chair to it. He went behind the chair and pulled on the ropes. "That’s good" the man from the boat said, and the ropes stopped getting tighter. He left the room. My legs were spread open wide. The bearded man reached over the chair and grabbed one of my wrists. He tied a rope around the air of the chair and my arm, pinning it to the chair. He did the same with the other, while I sat horrified. I looked at the girl who moved onto the backstage casting couch videos, and she smiled at me. I opened my eyes wide and looked at her with panic and she kept smiling. The bearded man walked right in front of me and bent over, putting his face right to mine. "You’re going to watch us fuck." the bearded man said to me. "Maybe when we’re done, we’ll let you cum." The bearded man walked over the side of the couch. His daughter reached out and slid her hand around his dick. She stroked it a few times and then leaned over to lick it, turning her eyes to me. She licked around the head, and then down the shaft. "Mmmm. Your pussy tastes so good. I wish I could lick it for you." She took the head in her mouth and stroked the shaft. The man from the boat came back into the room with a beer bottle. He took a few sips and watched the girl suck and stroke his brother’s dick. He put the bottle down and sat down on the couch next to the girl. She reached her hand over and took his cock in her hand. She let her father’s dick out of her mouth, then leaned over to take her uncle’s in it. She moved the hand that she used to stroke the bearded man and put it on the other side of the man next to her. She leaned further forward and twisted her legs out from under her, climbing onto her knees. Her mouth was still wrapped around her uncle’s dick. The bearded man moved behind her and took hold of her hips. He placed his dick against her and waited. She let go of the dick in front of her and turned her head to me. "Is this what you want? To get fucked by these two strong, powerful men? It’s going to feel so good. I’m going to cum so hard." Her father pressed himself into her. "Ooooooooooh. Yeah. That feels so good." she moaned, never taking her eyes from me. He pulled out and pushed in again. "Ooooooh, fuck me daddy." She turned her head and took the man from the boat’s dick in her mouth again. She pushed it forward, taking a few inches of his dick in her mouth. The bearded man continued to thrust into her. I sat and watch them fuck in front of me, every second dreaming I was her. She got thrusted into from behind, and a dick slipped out of her mouth. Her dad pulled his cock out of her pussy, she dropped her mouth back around another one. In one side, out the other. Their rhythm picked up. She stopped sucking her uncle’s cock, but continued to stroke it. The bearded man was thrusting into her too rapidly for her to continue to suck. "Oh yeah. Fuck me. That feels so good. I’m so close" she panted heavily, looking right into my eyes again. Her breathing got heavier. "Oh god! Yes! Yes!" she yelled out suddenly and pushed back hard onto the dick inside her pussy. Her arms gave out and she fell forward onto the lap of her uncle. Her father stood still, holding his dick inside his daughter until she finished her orgasm. "Mmmmmmmm. That was so good" she said after about a minute. "Do you want to try this?" she asked me. I nodded. "Are you sure?" I nodded again. "Hmmmm. What do you guys think?" she looked at the two men. "I don’t think she’s earned it," the man from the boat said. "Yeah. She hasn’t even made me cum yet" the bearded man said. "I...I can." I begged them. "Hmmmm..." the girl said. "Both of them?" "Yes." I said weakly. "And where are they going to cum?" she asked me. "In-inside me?" I guessed at what she wanted. "That’s right." The two men moved over towards my chair, one standing on either side of it. "Now, what’s the magic word?" she asked. "Please." I told her. "Please what?" "Please," I turned my head to look at one man, then turned to the other, "sirs, fuck me and make me cum." The men untied my arms. I immediately reached down and started to rub my pussy. They untied my legs and grabbed the bottom of the chair. They flipped it forward, sending me sprawling onto the floor in front of the girl. "You’re welcome" she mocked me. I rolled onto my back. I pushed myself up onto my elbows, and spread my legs wide in front of me. I looked up at the men standing above me. They waited for me to pick. I reached up for the man from the amateur porn boat. He took my hand and got down on his knees in front of me. He spit into his hand and rubbed in on his dick. He moved in close to me and pressed his dick to my pussy. I leaned my head back closed my eyes in anticipation. Nothing happened. I started to lift my head and hit it on something soft. I opened my eyes to see the bearded man squatting over my head. I had headbutted his balls. I looked up and tilted my head back a little to see the girl sitting right on the edge of the couch above my head. The bearded man leaned forward and pressed his dick to her opening, inches above my nose. The man from the boat coughed and both began to push inward – the man from the boat into me, and the bearded man into his daughter. I closed my eyes again, taking in the feeling of the cock inside of me, and feeling the warmth of the body right over me. This dick wasn’t as big as his brother’s (it’s why I picked him first), but it still felt amazing. He pushed deep into me. I felt stretched and filled again. When he pulled back out, the only thing in the world I wanted was him back inside me. He pushed back room castings into me and I groaned. Back out and in and I could feel the heat starting to build inside me. His dick was curved different from the other one, and it hit a new spot that was begging to get itched. He pushed in again. "Please, sir, faster" I told him. He listened, pulling and pushing back into me faster. And deeper, I think. I grew warmer. He pulled out and pushed back in. My vision started to swirl and I was sweating from everywhere. Feeling was draining out of my limbs. It traveled down to the pit of my stomach, the feeling from each extremity mixing together. I could feel all this energy brew, boiling, building and ready to be set free. "Please, don’t stop" I begged him. The man from the boat, the man my father traded me away to have sex with, the man who used his niece to cuckold me, the man whose brother got me to the edge and quit, the same brother whose balls dangled in my face, the man who filled my mouth with cum, this man, my lover, didn’t stop. He pushed his dick back into me and I howled. It was all I could do. The balloon of energy building inside me burst and shot through me. Every muscle got tense. My fingers and toes clenched. My legs pressed together hard against my lover. My hips tried to lift off the ground, but his own weight held me pinned under him. My clit throbbed, pulsing with my heart, feeling as if were going to split open with each beat. I arched my back and pressed my chest forward, feeling my spine creek and crack. My neck stretched, pushing my head back towards the ground. My eyes opened wide and I stared, unblinking, into the front of the couch above me. After a few long, long seconds, I started to hear again, or rather I could hear more than just my heart beating in my ears again. I could hear the wet thud of a dick slamming into a pussy. As my muscles relaxed again, the man inside me began to pick up his rhythm again. He took quick, short thrusts, and I could hear him starting to grunt. I lifted my head and saw the bearded man’s balls dangling in my face. I stuck out my tongue and licked at them. The bearded man gasped and I saw his balls tighten. He let out a growl and came into his daughter. The man from the boat grunted too and I felt a thick jet shoot into me. The bearded man back up, pulled out of his daughter, and fired cum over my head. His brother thrusted back into me and shot another load deep into me. I moaned. The bearded man pointed his dick down and aimed at my face as he let out another jolt of cum. It landed on my nose and a little on my cheek. The man from the boat pulled out and pushed back into me again. I felt his dick jerk as it left another load in me. It pulsed again, and sent another wave of energy over me. I lost the balance of my elbows, falling back onto the ground. I could feel the man pull out of me. I immediately reach down for my clit and rubbed it hard. I continued to lay there, eyes closed, breathing heavily, rubbing my clit. After a few seconds, another orgasm hit me. It pinged down a leg, back up, then hit my chest hard, making my heart skip a few beats as it waved past. It reached my mouth and fell out of me as a string of "fuck"s. Everything was quiet for a minute. I opened my eyes. Above me, still sat the girl. I could just see her red, cum filled pussy just over me, her legs spread on either side of my head. I leaned forward and pushed myself up off the ground. The door to the kitchen was closed. I looked around quickly and couldn’t see either brother. I flopped down onto the couch next to the girl. "My dad didn’t get to cum in you," she said to me. "You’re going to pay for that." She got up off the couch and left the room. 1FE6g1m Sis_Story 1IKqSLV 1IKqSLV[1 comment]

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